SQL-Get and replace minimum value of a query's field - sql

I have the following query in Postgresql :
SELECT mq.nombre,sa.nombre,COUNT(DISTINCT(ae.numero_serie)),SUM(im.fin-im.inicio),MIN(pz.fecha_inicio)
FROM item_metraje AS im LEFT JOIN articulo_especificado AS ae ON (im.id_articulo_especificado = ae.id)
LEFT JOIN articulo AS a ON (ae.id_articulo = a.id)
LEFT JOIN serie_articulo AS sa ON (a.id_serie_articulo = sa.id)
LEFT JOIN reporte_perforacion AS rp ON (rp.id = im.id_reporte_perforacion)
LEFT JOIN pozo AS pz ON (pz.id=rp.id_pozo) LEFT JOIN proyecto AS p ON (p.id=pz.id_proyecto)
LEFT JOIN maquina_perforacion AS mq ON (mq.id = pz.id_maquina)
WHERE p.id = 2 GROUP BY mq.nombre,sa.nombre
and the result is :
However I want to put the minimum date for the rows that have the same value of the field 'nombre', for example for the value 'JM04' the three rows must have the date 2015-01-25 because it is the minimum value of the three rows.
Excuse me for my English and thanks for all.

You can use Window functions for this purpose. MIN(pz.fecha_inicio) over (partition by mq.nombre).
Therefore the final query is,
SELECT z.nombre1,z.nombre2,z.count,z.sum ,MIN(z.date) over (partition by z.nombre1) from
(SELECT mq.nombre as nombre1 ,sa.nombre as nombre2,COUNT(DISTINCT(ae.numero_serie)) as count,SUM(im.fin-im.inicio) as sum ,pz.fecha_inicio as date
FROM item_metraje AS im LEFT JOIN articulo_especificado AS ae ON (im.id_articulo_especificado = ae.id)
LEFT JOIN articulo AS a ON (ae.id_articulo = a.id)
LEFT JOIN serie_articulo AS sa ON (a.id_serie_articulo = sa.id)
LEFT JOIN reporte_perforacion AS rp ON (rp.id = im.id_reporte_perforacion)
LEFT JOIN pozo AS pz ON (pz.id=rp.id_pozo) LEFT JOIN proyecto AS p ON (p.id=pz.id_proyecto)
LEFT JOIN maquina_perforacion AS mq ON (mq.id = pz.id_maquina)
WHERE p.id = 2 GROUP BY mq.nombre,sa.nombre)z
You can modify this with the help of order by or having clauses inside window function as you want. I tried this with my own data set. Hope this helps.


SQL Selects combine - Second select to be in Where clause

I have 2 selects. The first one:
select purs.t_orno as purchased
from ttisfc001201 sls
inner join twhinr110201 sfc on sfc.t_orno = sls.t_pdno
inner join twhltc100201 purs on purs.t_clot=sfc.t_clot
left join twhltc220201 items on items.t_clot = sfc.t_clot
left join twhltc210201 cert_num on cert_num.t_item = items.t_item
left join twhltc200201 cert on cert.t_ltft = cert_num.t_ltft
where sls.t_cprj = 'SLS004336' and purs.t_orno like N'PUR%'
and sfc.t_koor = 1 and sfc.t_kost = 5
Is giving me these results:
So basically these are results I must use in the second select in where clause. A field from table in second select must be equal to one of them. To understand me better it should look like this:
select distinct fac.t_isup
from ttfacp200201 fac
inner join ttfacp250201 mid on mid.t_ityp = fac.t_ttyp and mid.t_idoc=fac.t_ninv
where mid.t_orno ='PUR010400' or mid.t_orno='PUR009912'or mid.t_orno='PUR009913'or mid.t_orno='PUR010465'or mid.t_orno='PUR008544'or mid.t_orno='PUR008963'or mid.t_orno='PUR009048'or mid.t_orno='PUR010110'or mid.t_orno='PUR007833'or mid.t_orno='PUR009304'or mid.t_orno='PUR009611'or mid.t_orno='PUR010664'or mid.t_orno='PUR010006'or mid.t_orno='PUR010539'or mid.t_orno='PUR008698'or mid.t_orno='PUR010667'
All these ORs are results from the first select. How I can combine them (the first select to go in second select where clause) so I can get results at once?
You can use the IN clause for your second query
select distinct fac.t_isup
from ttfacp200201 fac
inner join ttfacp250201 mid on mid.t_ityp = fac.t_ttyp and mid.t_idoc=fac.t_ninv
where mid.t_orno IN (
select purs.t_orno
from ttisfc001201 sls
inner join twhinr110201 sfc on sfc.t_orno = sls.t_pdno
inner join twhltc100201 purs on purs.t_clot=sfc.t_clot
left join twhltc220201 items on items.t_clot = sfc.t_clot
left join twhltc210201 cert_num on cert_num.t_item = items.t_item
left join twhltc200201 cert on cert.t_ltft = cert_num.t_ltft
where sls.t_cprj = 'SLS004336' and purs.t_orno like N'PUR%'
and sfc.t_koor = 1 and sfc.t_kost = 5
Something like this
;with first_query_cte(purchased) as (
select purs.t_orno
from ttisfc001201 sls
inner join twhinr110201 sfc on sfc.t_orno = sls.t_pdno
inner join twhltc100201 purs on purs.t_clot=sfc.t_clot
left join twhltc220201 items on items.t_clot = sfc.t_clot
left join twhltc210201 cert_num on cert_num.t_item = items.t_item
left join twhltc200201 cert on cert.t_ltft = cert_num.t_ltft
where sls.t_cprj = 'SLS004336' and purs.t_orno like N'PUR%'
and sfc.t_koor = 1 and sfc.t_kost = 5)
select distinct fac.t_isup
from ttfacp200201 fac
inner join ttfacp250201 mid on mid.t_ityp = fac.t_ttyp and mid.t_idoc=fac.t_ninv
inner join first_query_cte fqc on mid.t_orno=fqc.purchased;

Left join not returning record with null

Here's the structure of my database (used to collect info from a survey):
| ^
V |
where A->B means A has the PK of B
So, I want to get the responses of a particular user; let's say that his submission pk is 1. I had written the query
select question_responses.answer_text
from submissions join question_responses on (question_responses.submission_pk = submission.pk)
join answer_choices on (question_responses.answer_choices_pk = answer_choices.pk)
join subquestions on (answer_choices.subquestions_pk = subquestions.pk)
right join questions on (subquestions.questions_pk = questions.pk)
where submissions.pk = 1
order by questions.order
It is possible to not answer questions. In such a case, there is no question_responses.pk recorded. I would still like to be able to account for skipping, so I need this record to be returned, even if there is no response. I thought that the right join would have accounted for this record, but apparently not.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Because you have submissions.pk = 1 in the where clause this effectively turns your outer join into an inner join, since any missing submission will have a pk of null. and null = 1 is not true.
You could rewrite your query using a LEFT JOIN, and selecting from questions:
select question_responses.answer_text
from questions
left join (subquestions
inner join answer_choices
on answer_choices.subquestions_pk = subquestions.pk
inner join question_responses
on question_responses.answer_choices_pk = answer_choices.pk
inner join submissions
on question_responses.submission_pk = submission.pk)
on subquestions.questions_pk = questions.pk
and submissions.pk = 1
order by questions.order;
This is similar to doing something like:
select subquery.answer_text
from questions
left join
( select question_responses.answer_text, subquestions.questions_pk
from subquestions
inner join answer_choices
on answer_choices.subquestions_pk = subquestions.pk
inner join question_responses
on question_responses.answer_choices_pk = answer_choices.pk
inner join submissions
on question_responses.submission_pk = submission.pk
where submissions.pk = 1
) subquery
on subquery.questions_pk = questions.pk
order by questions.order;
but depending on your dbms the former may perform better as it has no derived tables.
Check out this, does it help?
SELECT question_responses.answer_text
FROM questions LEFT JOIN subquestions on (subquestions.questions_pk = questions.pk)
LEFT JOIN answer_choices on (answer_choices.subquestions_pk = subquestions.pk)
LEFT JOIN question_responses on (question_responses.answer_choices_pk = answer_choices.pk)
LEFT JOIN submissions on (question_responses.submission_pk = submission.pk)
WHERE submissions.pk = 1
ORDER BY questions.order

Avoiding NULL records on this LEFT JOIN

The query below works - EXCEPT - it is returning NULL values for vehicle_id. I do not want any records that have NULL for vehicle_id.
Since vehicle_id is tied to fund_series, this is complicated to me.
When I had the vehicle_id conditions underneath the WHERE, the query was not working. Any SQL geniuses that can help?
I put the MIN() aggregate functions in there just so I could get the GROUP BY to work.
FROM Media_Live ml
JOIN Media_Type mt
ON mt.media_type_id = ml.media_type_id
JOIN Media_Rule mr
ON mr.rule_id = ml.rule_id
JOIN Media_Line_Of_Business mlob
ON mlob.line_of_business_id = ml.line_of_business_id
LEFT JOIN Fund_Class_Media fcm
ON fcm.media_id=ml.media_id
LEFT JOIN Fund_Class_Live fc
ON fc.fund_class_id = fcm.fund_class_id
LEFT JOIN Fund_Series fs
ON fs.fund_series_id = fc.fund_series_id
LEFT JOIN Vehicle AS v
ON v.vehicle_id=fs.vehicle_id AND /*THIS IS WHERE IM GETTING NULLS*/
v.vehicle_id = 1
OR v.vehicle_id = 2
OR v.vehicle_id = 5
LEFT JOIN Media_Media_Tag AS mmt ON mmt.media_id=ml.media_id
LEFT JOIN Media_Tag AS mtag ON mtag.tag_id=mmt.tag_id
(/*people can search with terms for fc*/
--fc.fund_class_id LIKE '%'+replace(?,' ','%')+'%'
mt.media_type_id = 33
OR mt.media_type_id = 1
OR mt.media_type_id = 12
mr.rule_id = 3
OR mr.rule_id = 9
mtag.tag_name != 'exclude_web_lit_center'
GROUP BY ml.filename
This is what a left join does, allow nulls. Just take out the left join part making it an inner join.
JOIN Vehicle AS v ON v.vehicle_id=fs.vehicle_id AND v.vehicle_id IN (1,2,5)
You cold also do this, but I don't see why you would:
LEFT JOIN Vehicle AS v ON v.vehicle_id=fs.vehicle_id AND ISNULL(v.vehicle_id,0) IN (1,2,5)
In the WHERE clause, add:
That should do it.

SQL Server update with joins

I am trying to update a date in a table, based off of a MAX(date) in another table. To get the correct data to link up, I have to do 2 inner joins and 2 left outer joins.
I can select the correct data, it returns a Guid (PersonId) and the Date.
I have to use this information to update my original table. I am having trouble getting this to work, I still getting syntax errors.
update tblqualityassignments as assign
inner join tblrequirementteams as team on assign.guidmemberid = team.guidmemberid
set assign.dtmQAPCLed = dtmTaken
select reg.guidpersonid, max(certs.dtmTaken) as dtmTaken from tblqualityassignments as assign
inner join tblrequirementteams as team on assign.guidmemberid = team.guidmemberid
inner join tblregisteredusercerts as reg on team.guidpersonid = reg.guidpersonid
left outer join tblcerttaken as certs on certs.guidcertid = reg.guidcertid
left outer join tblCodesCertType as types on types.intcerttypeid = certs.intcerttypeid
where types.intcerttypeid = 1
and assign.guidmemberid = team.guidmemberid
group by reg.guidpersonid as data
where data.guidpersonid = team.guidpersonid
Assuming you are using SQL Server for this, then this should work:
SET A.dtmQAPCLed = dtmTaken
FROM tblqualityassignments AS A
INNER JOIN tblrequirementteams as T
ON A.guidmemberid = T.guidmemberid
INNER JOIN (select reg.guidpersonid, max(certs.dtmTaken) as dtmTaken
from tblqualityassignments as assign
inner join tblrequirementteams as team
on assign.guidmemberid = team.guidmemberid
inner join tblregisteredusercerts as reg
on team.guidpersonid = reg.guidpersonid
left outer join tblcerttaken as certs
on certs.guidcertid = reg.guidcertid
left outer join tblCodesCertType as [types]
on [types].intcerttypeid = certs.intcerttypeid
where [types].intcerttypeid = 1
and assign.guidmemberid = team.guidmemberid
group by reg.guidpersonid) data
ON T.guidpersonid = data.guidpersonid

Sql Outer Join: Extracting values from multible tables

I am extracting data from multiple tables. mt query is as follows:
SELECT p.Record_Num as RecordNum
,p.Project_Desc as ProjectDesc
,p.Proponent_Name as ProponentName
,st.Station_Name as StationName
,p.OpCentre as OpCentre
,s.Sector_Name as SectorName
,p.PLZone as PLZone
,f.Feeder_Desc as FeederDesc
,d.DxTx_Desc as DxTx
,op.Op_Control_Desc as OpControl
,t.Type_Desc as Type
,c.Conn_Desc as ConnectionKV
,ss.Status_Desc as Status
,p.MW as MW
,p.Subject as Subject
,p.Ip_Num as IpNum
,p.H1N_ID as H1NID
,p.NOMS_Slip_Num as NomsSlipNum
,p.NMS_Updated as NmsUpdated
,p.Received_Date as ReceivedDate
,p.Actual_IS_Date as ActualISDate
,p.Scheduled_IS_Date as ScheduledIsDate
,stst.Station_Name as UpStation
,ff.Feeder_Desc as UpFeeder
,p.HV_Circuit as HVCircuit
,p.SIA_Required as SIAReqd
FROM Project_Detail p,
Station st, Sector s, Feeder f, DxTx d, Operational_Control op, Type t,
Connection_Kv c, Status ss, Station stst, Feeder ff
p.Station_ID = st.Station_ID and
p.Sector_ID = s.Sector_ID and
p.Feeder = f.Feeder_ID and
p.DxTx_ID = d.DxTx_ID and
p.OpControl_ID = op.Op_Control_ID and
p.Type_ID= t.Type_ID and
p.ConnKV_ID = c.Conn_ID and
p.Status_ID = ss.Status_ID and
p.UP_Station_ID = stst.Station_ID and
p.UP_Feeder_ID = ff.Feeder_ID
The problem with this query is if it doesnot find an associated value in the second table, it doesnot show the row.
for example : every project has feeders. so if a project_detail table has a feederid which doesnot have an association in the feeder table, then it wont show the row. also, there are times when the feeders are not assigned to a project.
i think i have to use outer joins to get the values. but i cannot figure out how to do that.
please help.
FROM Project_Detail p
Station st
ON p.Station_ID = st.Station_ID
Sector s
ON p.Sector_ID = s.Sector_ID
You need LEFT OR FULL OUTER JOINS instead of the inner joins you are now using with your where clause.
SELECT p.Record_Num as RecordNum
,p.Project_Desc as ProjectDesc
,p.Proponent_Name as ProponentName
,st.Station_Name as StationName
,p.OpCentre as OpCentre
,s.Sector_Name as SectorName
,p.PLZone as PLZone
,f.Feeder_Desc as FeederDesc
,d.DxTx_Desc as DxTx
,op.Op_Control_Desc as OpControl
,t.Type_Desc as Type
,c.Conn_Desc as ConnectionKV
,ss.Status_Desc as Status
,p.MW as MW
,p.Subject as Subject
,p.Ip_Num as IpNum
,p.H1N_ID as H1NID
,p.NOMS_Slip_Num as NomsSlipNum
,p.NMS_Updated as NmsUpdated
,p.Received_Date as ReceivedDate
,p.Actual_IS_Date as ActualISDate
,p.Scheduled_IS_Date as ScheduledIsDate
,stst.Station_Name as UpStation
,ff.Feeder_Desc as UpFeeder
,p.HV_Circuit as HVCircuit
,p.SIA_Required as SIAReqd
FROM Project_Detail p
LEFT OUTER JOIN Station st ON p.Station_ID = st.Station_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Sector s ON p.Sector_ID = s.Sector_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Feeder f ON p.Feeder = f.Feeder_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Operational_Control op ON p.OpControl_ID = op.Op_Control_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Type t ON p.Type_ID= t.Type_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Connection_Kv c ON p.ConnKV_ID = c.Conn_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Status ss ON p.Status_ID = ss.Status_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Station stst ON p.UP_Station_ID = stst.Station_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Feeder ff ON p.UP_Feeder_ID = ff.Feeder_ID