Avoiding NULL records on this LEFT JOIN - sql

The query below works - EXCEPT - it is returning NULL values for vehicle_id. I do not want any records that have NULL for vehicle_id.
Since vehicle_id is tied to fund_series, this is complicated to me.
When I had the vehicle_id conditions underneath the WHERE, the query was not working. Any SQL geniuses that can help?
I put the MIN() aggregate functions in there just so I could get the GROUP BY to work.
FROM Media_Live ml
JOIN Media_Type mt
ON mt.media_type_id = ml.media_type_id
JOIN Media_Rule mr
ON mr.rule_id = ml.rule_id
JOIN Media_Line_Of_Business mlob
ON mlob.line_of_business_id = ml.line_of_business_id
LEFT JOIN Fund_Class_Media fcm
ON fcm.media_id=ml.media_id
LEFT JOIN Fund_Class_Live fc
ON fc.fund_class_id = fcm.fund_class_id
LEFT JOIN Fund_Series fs
ON fs.fund_series_id = fc.fund_series_id
LEFT JOIN Vehicle AS v
ON v.vehicle_id=fs.vehicle_id AND /*THIS IS WHERE IM GETTING NULLS*/
v.vehicle_id = 1
OR v.vehicle_id = 2
OR v.vehicle_id = 5
LEFT JOIN Media_Media_Tag AS mmt ON mmt.media_id=ml.media_id
LEFT JOIN Media_Tag AS mtag ON mtag.tag_id=mmt.tag_id
(/*people can search with terms for fc*/
--fc.fund_class_id LIKE '%'+replace(?,' ','%')+'%'
mt.media_type_id = 33
OR mt.media_type_id = 1
OR mt.media_type_id = 12
mr.rule_id = 3
OR mr.rule_id = 9
mtag.tag_name != 'exclude_web_lit_center'
GROUP BY ml.filename

This is what a left join does, allow nulls. Just take out the left join part making it an inner join.
JOIN Vehicle AS v ON v.vehicle_id=fs.vehicle_id AND v.vehicle_id IN (1,2,5)
You cold also do this, but I don't see why you would:
LEFT JOIN Vehicle AS v ON v.vehicle_id=fs.vehicle_id AND ISNULL(v.vehicle_id,0) IN (1,2,5)

In the WHERE clause, add:
That should do it.


Select statement where joins causing records to be excluded

I have the below query with multiple joins.The last 3 joins are required to get the g.fin_id value. This works fine (see results) BUT because some records in the ACCUM_ISS_CHAR_HIST table have e.char9_nme values of NULL, it excludes the records in the results altogether. So it seems as when the e.char9_nme value has a record then it will produce a result, but as soon as it has a Null value then it is excluded. I would still like to see the records even though the g.fin_id for those will then be blank because they have a e.char9_nme value of Null. How can I change the query to accomplish this?
from position_dg as a
inner join
infoportal..issue_dg as b on b.INSTR_ID = a.INSTR_ID
inner join
InfoPortal..IVW_ACCT as c on a.acct_id = c.acct_id
inner join
InfoPortal..DW_AcctCharDG as d on a.acct_id = d.acctid
inner join
ACCUM_ISS_CHAR_HIST as e on a.instr_id = e.instr_id
inner join
MD_FINANCIAL_ENTITY as f on e.char9_nme = f.fin_enty_name
f.fin_enty_id = g.fin_enty_id
and b.MAT_EXP_DTE > getdate()
and b.issue_cls1_nme = 'Derivatives'
and a.as_of_tms >= getdate()-1
and b.iss_typ in ('FFX','IRS','EQF')
and d.AcctChrSetId = 'DerivativeRpt'
and d.EndTms IS NULL
and a.acct_id = 'FOGEMBLCR'
and g.id_ctxt_typ = 'LEGAL_ENTITY_IDENTIFIER'
and e.as_of_dte = (
select MAX (as_of_dte)-1
from accum_iss_char_hist
I expect the results to show fin_id records for some ond blank fin_id records for some, but at the moment only the ones with a fin_id record is hown and the rest is excluded from the results.
You are looking for a left join.
Join all those tables (last 3 as you said) as left join. For better clarity I have moved conditions of every tables in their ON clause and for base table a made a where clause.
from position_dg as a
inner join
infoportal..issue_dg as b on b.INSTR_ID = a.INSTR_ID
and b.MAT_EXP_DTE > getdate()
and b.issue_cls1_nme = 'Derivatives'
and b.iss_typ in ('FFX','IRS','EQF')
inner join
InfoPortal..IVW_ACCT as c on a.acct_id = c.acct_id
inner join
InfoPortal..DW_AcctCharDG as d on a.acct_id = d.acctid
and d.AcctChrSetId = 'DerivativeRpt'
and d.EndTms IS NULL
left join
ACCUM_ISS_CHAR_HIST as e on a.instr_id = e.instr_id
and e.as_of_dte = (
select MAX (as_of_dte)-1
from accum_iss_char_hist
left join
MD_FINANCIAL_ENTITY as f on e.char9_nme = f.fin_enty_name
left join
md_FINANCIAL_ENTITY_ALTERNATE_IDENTIFIER as g on f.fin_enty_id = g.fin_enty_id
and g.id_ctxt_typ = 'LEGAL_ENTITY_IDENTIFIER'
Where a.as_of_tms >= getdate()-1
and a.acct_id = 'FOGEMBLCR'

SQL Query with counts only returning equivalent counts

I have a query that consists of 1 table and 2 sub queries. The table being a listing of all customers, 1 sub query is a listing all of the quotes given over a period of time for customers and the other sub query is a listing of all of the orders booked for a customer over the same period of time. What I am trying to do is return a result set that is a customer, the number of quotes given, and the number of orders booked over a given period of time. However what I am returning is only a listening of customers over the period of time that have an equivalent quote and order count. I feel like I am missing something obvious within the context of the query but I am unable to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Result Set should look like this
Customer-------Quotes-------Orders Placed
[Customer2].[Name] as [Customer2_Name],
(count( Quotes.UD03_Key3 )) as [Calculated_CustomerQuotes],
(count( Customer_Bookings.OrderHed_OrderNum )) as [Calculated_CustomerBookings]
from Erp.Customer as Customer2
left join (select
[UD03].[Key3] as [UD03_Key3],
[UD03].[Key4] as [UD03_Key4],
[UD03].[Key1] as [UD03_Key1],
[UD03].[Date02] as [UD03_Date02]
from Ice.UD03 as UD03
inner join Ice.UD02 as UD02 on
UD03.Company = UD02.Company
CAST(CAST(UD03.Number09 AS INT) AS VARCHAR(30)) = UD02.Key1
left outer join Erp.Customer as Customer on
UD03.Company = Customer.Company
UD03.Key1 = Customer.Name
left outer join Erp.SalesTer as SalesTer on
Customer.Company = SalesTer.Company
Customer.TerritoryID = SalesTer.TerritoryID
left outer join Erp.CustGrup as CustGrup on
Customer.Company = CustGrup.Company
Customer.GroupCode = CustGrup.GroupCode
where (UD03.Key3 <> '0')) as Quotes on
Customer2.Name = Quotes.UD03_Key1
left join (select
[Customer1].[Name] as [Customer1_Name],
[OrderHed].[OrderNum] as [OrderHed_OrderNum],
[OrderDtl].[OrderLine] as [OrderDtl_OrderLine],
[OrderHed].[OrderDate] as [OrderHed_OrderDate]
from Erp.OrderHed as OrderHed
inner join Erp.Customer as Customer1 on
OrderHed.Company = Customer1.Company
OrderHed.BTCustNum = Customer1.CustNum
inner join Erp.OrderDtl as OrderDtl on
OrderHed.Company = OrderDtl.Company
OrderHed.OrderNum = OrderDtl.OrderNum) as Customer_Bookings on
Customer2.Name = Customer_Bookings.Customer1_Name
where Quotes.UD03_Date02 >= '5/15/2018' and Quotes.UD03_Date02 <= '5/15/2018' and Customer_Bookings.OrderHed_OrderDate >='5/15/2018' and Customer_Bookings.OrderHed_OrderDate <= '5/15/2018'
group by [Customer2].[Name]
You have several problems going on here. The first problem is your code is so poorly formatted it is user hostile to look at. Then you have left joins being logically treated an inner joins because of the where clause. You also have date literal strings in language specific format. This should always be the ANSI format YYYYMMDD. But in your case your two predicates are contradicting each other. You have where UD03_Date02 is simultaneously greater than and less than the same date. Thankfully you have =. But if your column is a datetime you have prevented any rows from being returned again (the first being your where clause). You have this same incorrect date logic and join in the second subquery as well.
Here is what your query might look like with some formatting so you can see what is going on. Please note I fixed the logical join issue. You still have the date problems because I don't know what you are trying to accomplish there.
[Customer2].[Name] as [Customer2_Name],
count(Quotes.UD03_Key3) as [Calculated_CustomerQuotes],
count(Customer_Bookings.OrderHed_OrderNum) as [Calculated_CustomerBookings]
from Erp.Customer as Customer2
left join
[UD03].[Key3] as [UD03_Key3],
[UD03].[Key4] as [UD03_Key4],
[UD03].[Key1] as [UD03_Key1],
[UD03].[Date02] as [UD03_Date02]
from Ice.UD03 as UD03
inner join Ice.UD02 as UD02 on UD03.Company = UD02.Company
And CAST(CAST(UD03.Number09 AS INT) AS VARCHAR(30)) = UD02.Key1
left outer join Erp.Customer as Customer on UD03.Company = Customer.Company
And UD03.Key1 = Customer.Name
left outer join Erp.SalesTer as SalesTer on Customer.Company = SalesTer.Company
And Customer.TerritoryID = SalesTer.TerritoryID
left outer join Erp.CustGrup as CustGrup on Customer.Company = CustGrup.Company
And Customer.GroupCode = CustGrup.GroupCode
where UD03.Key3 <> '0'
) as Quotes on Customer2.Name = Quotes.UD03_Key1
and Quotes.UD03_Date02 >= '20180515'
and Quotes.UD03_Date02 <= '20180515'
left join
[Customer1].[Name] as [Customer1_Name],
[OrderHed].[OrderNum] as [OrderHed_OrderNum],
[OrderDtl].[OrderLine] as [OrderDtl_OrderLine],
[OrderHed].[OrderDate] as [OrderHed_OrderDate]
from Erp.OrderHed as OrderHed
inner join Erp.Customer as Customer1 on OrderHed.Company = Customer1.Company
And OrderHed.BTCustNum = Customer1.CustNum
inner join Erp.OrderDtl as OrderDtl on OrderHed.Company = OrderDtl.Company
And OrderHed.OrderNum = OrderDtl.OrderNum
) as Customer_Bookings on Customer2.Name = Customer_Bookings.Customer1_Name
and Customer_Bookings.OrderHed_OrderDate >= '20180515'
and Customer_Bookings.OrderHed_OrderDate <= '20180515'
group by [Customer2].[Name]
COUNT() will just give you the number of records. You'd expect this two result columns to be equal. Try structuring it like this:
SUM(CASE WHEN Customer_Bookings.Customer1_Name IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS custBookingCount

SQL-Get and replace minimum value of a query's field

I have the following query in Postgresql :
SELECT mq.nombre,sa.nombre,COUNT(DISTINCT(ae.numero_serie)),SUM(im.fin-im.inicio),MIN(pz.fecha_inicio)
FROM item_metraje AS im LEFT JOIN articulo_especificado AS ae ON (im.id_articulo_especificado = ae.id)
LEFT JOIN articulo AS a ON (ae.id_articulo = a.id)
LEFT JOIN serie_articulo AS sa ON (a.id_serie_articulo = sa.id)
LEFT JOIN reporte_perforacion AS rp ON (rp.id = im.id_reporte_perforacion)
LEFT JOIN pozo AS pz ON (pz.id=rp.id_pozo) LEFT JOIN proyecto AS p ON (p.id=pz.id_proyecto)
LEFT JOIN maquina_perforacion AS mq ON (mq.id = pz.id_maquina)
WHERE p.id = 2 GROUP BY mq.nombre,sa.nombre
and the result is :
However I want to put the minimum date for the rows that have the same value of the field 'nombre', for example for the value 'JM04' the three rows must have the date 2015-01-25 because it is the minimum value of the three rows.
Excuse me for my English and thanks for all.
You can use Window functions for this purpose. MIN(pz.fecha_inicio) over (partition by mq.nombre).
Therefore the final query is,
SELECT z.nombre1,z.nombre2,z.count,z.sum ,MIN(z.date) over (partition by z.nombre1) from
(SELECT mq.nombre as nombre1 ,sa.nombre as nombre2,COUNT(DISTINCT(ae.numero_serie)) as count,SUM(im.fin-im.inicio) as sum ,pz.fecha_inicio as date
FROM item_metraje AS im LEFT JOIN articulo_especificado AS ae ON (im.id_articulo_especificado = ae.id)
LEFT JOIN articulo AS a ON (ae.id_articulo = a.id)
LEFT JOIN serie_articulo AS sa ON (a.id_serie_articulo = sa.id)
LEFT JOIN reporte_perforacion AS rp ON (rp.id = im.id_reporte_perforacion)
LEFT JOIN pozo AS pz ON (pz.id=rp.id_pozo) LEFT JOIN proyecto AS p ON (p.id=pz.id_proyecto)
LEFT JOIN maquina_perforacion AS mq ON (mq.id = pz.id_maquina)
WHERE p.id = 2 GROUP BY mq.nombre,sa.nombre)z
You can modify this with the help of order by or having clauses inside window function as you want. I tried this with my own data set. Hope this helps.

select query in subquery giving Column is invalid in the select list because it is not contained error

I have following query which i want to get sum counts for my data
TI.[text] as zone,
YEAR (ER.Inserted) as [Year],
FROM dbo.EW_Reports ER1
INNER JOIN dbo.EW_Report_InformationManagement ERI ON ER1.ReportID = ERI.ReportID
INNER JOIN EW_Report_Country ERC1 ON ER1.ReportID = ERC1.ReportID
INNER JOIN ApplicationDB.dbo.Country C1 ON ERC1.CountryID = C1.countryId
INNER JOIN ApplicationDB.dbo.Region R1 ON C1.regionId = R1.regionId
INNER JOIN ApplicationDB.dbo.Zone Z1 ON R1.zoneId = Z1.zoneId
AND (YEAR ( ER1.Inserted) = YEAR ( ER.Inserted))
AND Z1.zoneId = Z.zoneId
) as emergencyAppeals
FROM EW_Reports ER
INNER JOIN EW_DisasterResponseTools DRT ON ER.ReportID = DRT.ReportID
INNER JOIN EW_Report_Country ERC ON ER.ReportID = ERC.ReportID
INNER JOIN ApplicationDB.dbo.Country C ON ERC.CountryID = c.countryId
INNER JOIN ApplicationDB.dbo.Region R ON c.regionId = R.regionId
INNER JOIN ApplicationDB.dbo.Zone Z ON R.zoneId = Z.zoneId
INNER JOIN ApplicationDB.dbo.Translation T ON Z.translationId = T.translationId
INNER JOIN ApplicationDB.dbo.TranslationItem TI ON T.translationId = TI.translationId
INNER JOIN EW_lofDisasterTypes D ON ER.DisasterTypeID = D.TranslationID AND D.LanguageID = 1 AND TI.languageID = 1
WHERE (YEAR ( ER.Inserted) IN (2011,2012))
GROUP BY TI.[text], YEAR (ER.Inserted)
But its giving following error
Column 'ApplicationDB.dbo.Zone.zoneId' is invalid in the select list
because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the
GROUP BY clause.
Please assist me how to resolve this error .
there are too many ApplicationDB.dbo.Zone.zoneId records in your table already
simple add ApplicationDB.dbo.Zone.zoneId in group by then problem will solved
Select ....
GROUP BY TI.[text], YEAR (ER.Inserted) ,ApplicationDB.dbo.Zone.zoneId
For your question why u need to add ApplicationDB.dbo.Zone.zoneId in my group as i am using that in ur subquery, this is because u perform a outer condition in your subquery
INNER JOIN ApplicationDB.dbo.Zone Z1 ON R1.zoneId = Z1.zoneId
AND Z1.zoneId = Z.zoneId
INNER JOIN ApplicationDB.dbo.Zone Z ON R.zoneId = Z.zoneId
WHERE (YEAR ( ER.Inserted) IN (2011,2012))
note that you have a condition in different years
so your data flow may like this
ZoneID Years Record
1 2011 1000
1 2012 1000
same zone id contain different years, without proper grouping, sql got no way to group years column
it is showing the error because you have used this in sub query where condition
you need toadd ApplicationDB.dbo.Zone.zoneId in group by

SQL joins "going up" two tables

I'm trying to create a moderately complex query with joins:
SELECT `history`.`id`,
FROM `history_actions`, `history`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `parts` ON `parts`.`id` = `history`.`part_id`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `serialized_parts` ON `serialized_parts`.`parts_id` = `history`.`part_id`
WHERE `history_actions`.`id` = `history`.`action_id`
AND `history`.`unit_id` = '1'
ORDER BY `history`.`id` DESC
I'd like to replace `parts`.`type_id` in the SELECT statement with `part_list`.`name` where the relationship I need to enforce between the two tables is `part_list`.`id` = `parts`.`type_id`. Also I have to use joins because in some cases `history`.`part_id` may be NULL which obviously isn't a valid part id. How would I modify the query to do this?
Here is some sample date as requested:
history table:
(source: ianburris.com)
serialized_parts table:
(source: ianburris.com)
parts table:
(source: ianburris.com)
part_list table:
(source: ianburris.com)
And what I want to see is:
id name serial action date_added
4 Battery 567 added 2010-05-19 10:42:51
3 Antenna Board 345 added 2010-05-19 10:42:51
2 Main Board 123 added 2010-05-19 10:42:51
1 NULL NULL created 2010-05-19 10:42:51
This would at least be on the right track...
If you're looking to NOT show any parts with an invalid ID, simply change the LEFT JOINs to INNER JOINs (they will restrict NULL values)
SELECT `history`.`id`
, `parts`.`type_id`
, `part_list`.`name`
, `serialized_parts`.`serial`
, `history_actions`.`action`
, `history`.`date_added`
FROM `history_actions`
INNER JOIN `history` ON `history`.`action_id` = `history_actions`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `parts` ON `parts`.`id` = `history`.`part_id`
LEFT JOIN `serialized_parts` ON `serialized_parts`.`parts_id` = `history`.`part_id`
LEFT JOIN `part_list` ON `part_list`.`id` = `parts`.`type_id`
WHERE `history`.`unit_id` = '1'
ORDER BY `history`.`id` DESC
Boy, these backticks make my eyes hurt.
history h
INNER JOIN history_actions ha ON ha.id = h.action_id
LEFT JOIN parts p ON p.id = h.part_id
LEFT JOIN serialized_parts sp ON sp.parts_id = h.part_id
LEFT JOIN part_list pl ON pl.id = p.type_id
h.unit_id = '1'
history.id DESC