Run Excel macro automatically upon excel file opening - vba

I have a personal workbook macro written in excel vba... I want that macro run automatically as soon as a particular named excel file is opened by any user. And that it should not run if it is already been run on that excel file earlier..

Open excel vba editor: Shift+F11. In MsExcelObjects doubleclick on "This Workbook".On the right side write this code and adapt it to your needs:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
If SheetX.cells(x,y) = 0 then 'adapt SheetX and cell(x,y) to your needs.
'execute your code here
SheetX.cells(x,y)=1 'placeing an indicator if program runs, so it wont run another time it starts.
end if
end sub


VBA Ribbon Bar Integration

I have an Excel macro that performs a few functions on a document (Creates as form, and a few emails) all from MS-Word documents. If the macro is executed from the main spreadsheet (where the macro is), everything works normally. I want to place this macro on the ribbon allowing a user to launch it without having (or knowing where the main excel document is located or having it open). I created a sub to check to see if the spreadsheet was open and modified the ribbon to include an icon for the macro.
Which works. However, when launched from the ribbon while the main Excel spreadsheet is not open, it opens the workbook and runs the macro in entirety (Without executing the open workbook line of the macro). I assume the spreadsheet is being open because the macro that is being called resides with it (makes sense). Since the macro is dependent on the data contains in the spreadsheet, I need to allow the users to modify it and then re-running the macros from the ribbon again.
Does anyone have a recommended approach or best practices? Thank you in advance.
Sub MainForm()
Dim WorkingFolder As String
Dim File01 As String 'Main Excel Data File, where all data is
Dim File02 As String 'Preliminary Email to send to user
Dim File03 As String 'Final Email to Send to user when production is complete
Dim wb As Workbook
WorkingFolder = "C:\Temp\"
File01 = "01-MainData.xlsm"
File02 = "02-PreProductionEmail.docx"
File03 = "03-FinalProductionEmail.docx"
If wbIsOpen(File01) = True Then
MsgBox "Workbook Is Open"
Run ("'C:\Users\Guest\Nextcloud\Documents\Excel Forms\02-TEST-Production Request-Data.xlsm'!CreateProductionForm")
MsgBox "The Main Datafile is not open, verify the last row before re-runing", vbOKOnly, "Not Open"
Set wk = Workbooks.Open(WorkingFolder & DataFile)
End If
End Sub
The Guide mentioned by Ricardo was not quite what I needed but it was helpful and did put me on the right track. Thank you again Ricardo. To get this working, I needed to do the following.
1 - Make the procedure above its own separate *.xlam file (saved as an add-in).
2 - Add the add-in to start automatically via the developers tab
3 - Add the Macro to the Ribbon.
I have modified the sample above to included the open statement along with the statement that executes a macros from another workbook.
Appreciate the guidance.

Shared Excel Document

I've got a Excel documents with macros with input and update forms for information, the document is used as a monthly database where you can run reports from as well.
The issue is that when using the document sometimes the input and update options are used at the same time causing information loss. Both the input and output save at the end of the macro to minimise the losses, but I was wondering if there is anyway of checking at runtime if there is a macro being use by another user and if so delay the next macro run until the other user is finished?
There is one way I can think of. Logically it should work. However I have not tested it.
Create a temp sheet and hide it
When anyone runs a macro, check if cell A1 of that sheet is empty or not
If it is empty then run the macro
Before running the macro, write to that cell and once the macro is run, clear the contents of the other cell
Sandwich your macro code as mentioned below
Sub Sample()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("HiddenSheetName")
If Len(Trim(ws.Range("A1").Value)) = 0 Then
ws.Range("A1").Value = "Macro Starts"
'~~> Rest of your code goes here
MsgBox "Please try after some time. There is a macro running... Blah Blah"
End If
End Sub
CAUTION: Once the code runs, you cannot undo the changes since the code save the file programatically. The changes are permanent. In a file which is not shared, you can undo by closing the file without saving and re-opening it.

Run Macro from Desktop Shortcut

I wrote a macro that does some calculations based on a particular type of excel sheet. Im trying to distribute this to my coworkers but the addition of a macro to a workbook and then running the macro is something foreign to them. I'd like to have a "shortcut" or some VBS program to open a specific workbook (specified by the user), run the macro, and display the results.
Your help is appreciated!
I wrote a macro in VBA. I exported the file to my desktop. Its simply called "Macro1". We have a standard form of excel sheet our company uses. Its literally the same sheet with different numbers. The macro I designed works on these kinds of sheets and does calculations. My coworkers aren't good with macros, so I want some sort of "code" that will prompt one of my coworkers for an excel file, then execute the macro on the file. Hopefully this clarifies any questions.
You need to make it a excel add-in.
Then in the add-in make it run on workbook open with Sub App_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) in thisworkbook.
In the macro you can then have it only activate on certain workbook name or workbook type by:
If range("A1").value = "something" ' something that makes the workbook type special.
' Maybe you need B1 value and so on too.
Do you need a way to self-install the add in just let me know and I have a code for that too.
Self install:
' if add-in is not installed and the workbook is a add-in (workbookcount =0)
' Also take note that this code will only run if the add-in is not installed
If Dir(Application.UserLibraryPath & "YourWorkbookName.xlam") = "" And Workbooks.Count = 0 Then
'optional ask user if he wants to install or not. Code not included.
' copy file from current position to add-ins folder.
Result = apiCopyFile(ThisWorkbook.FullName, Application.UserLibraryPath & "YourWorkbookName.xlam", False)
' activate the add-in
AddIns("YourAdd-inName").Installed = True
msgbox("add-in installed")
' Close Excel since add-ins does not work without restart of Excel
On Error Resume Next
Application.Interactive = False
AppActivate "Microsoft Excel"
Exit Sub
End If
Note that the file must be saved as a add-in. (xlam) this means there is no sheets, the workbook is VBA code only.
Normally, that does not mean the code needs to be written in a special way.
Usually Range("XX").value works, but some commands may need to point towards the correct workbook. (you have two workbooks open with add-ins, the add-in with the code and the workbook with the sheets and numbers)
Hope this helps

Turn On Automatic Calculations

I am using Excel 2013 and we are coming across random Excel files set to manual calculations and they do not seem to go away after resetting to automatic.
Those files seem to stay as automatic, but on a random day a different Excel file or the same Excel reverts back to manual. I want to auto execute a macro when loading any Excel file or just the program to set Excel to automatic calculations.
I tried the following macro:
Private Sub Auto_Open()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
I received the following error message upon loading Excel:
"Run-time error '1004': Method 'Calculation' of object'_Application'failed
An Auto_Open macro runs before any other workbooks open. Therefore, if you record actions that you want Excel to perform on the default Book1 workbook or on a workbook that is loaded from the XLStart folder, the Auto_Open macro will fail when you restart Excel, because the macro runs before the default and startup workbooks open.
If you encounter these limitations, instead of recording an Auto_Open macro, you must create a VBA procedure for the Open event as described in the next section of this article.
Question: is there a way to create a macro to reset any Excel file back to Automatic? I stored the macro in my personal workbook as I am hoping that the macro will execute on any Excel file I load.
I tried what you wrote and it works.
Just in case, here is my code :)
Private Sub auto_open()
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
End Sub

Macro from on open event for worksheet

I have a macro that I want to run as part of open event. I recorded the macro to copy and paste some columns on a worksheet. This macro will only work when I am on that worksheet.
Since I want to run this macro as one of many applications when workbook is open and it doesn't always open on this specific worksheet I would like the code to target the worksheet and run the macro.
Here is my code but for some reason it doesn't work :
Application.Run "'Workbook.xlsb'!Sheet5.Copy_Paste2"
If I'm understanding you, you need to call Copy_Paste2 from ThisWorkbook Open event.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub