Xcode 6: Making ipa without iTunes connect credentials - xcode6

Like in Xcode 5, can I make an ipa using Xcode 6 when I am not having credentials of iTunes connect to logon.
For certificates, I have exported certificate in p12 and I also have a provisioning profile. So provisioning is not an issue.
I just need an adhoc ipa exported from xcode.

Wrote a simple shell script for personal use....
Usage: CreateBuild.sh
Hope it will help :)


How do you check if your signing identity is installed on another Mac? (Error: Your Account already has a valid iOS Distribution Certificate)

I have an error when trying to upload an app to TestFlight. It says I have a valid iOS certificate on developer website but that it is not installed locally
I did get a new MacBook recently and I think this might be causing my issue. How do I check if my singing identity is installed on another Mac and if so, how to I install it locally on my new MacBook?
Really lost here at the mo.
Here are the Steps for solving this issue :
Go to Xcode Prefrence and Remove all developer account
Clean And Build ( in Simulator ) and Restart Xcode .
Go To Apple Developer Account ( developer.apple.com)
Download Certificate , provisioning profile already created
After Downloading , click each one to add in Keychain
Now Again Go To XCode Preference -> Account and Add Apple Account
After Adding Apple Account , There is a button to Check View
Go To view Details and just make sure everything is correct
Now Go to XCode and Set Automatically Managing Signing
10.And Run app on Device , if successful then Archive and Enjoy.
This way recently i solved one my friend issue and Hope it works for you also.
Feel free to comment . Thanks

ipa installation failure through iTunes

I had an old ipa file which i used to install via iTunes in an iPad. But now i am not able to install the same ipa file . The image looks something like below which is beside music. What could be the issue?
Seems like certificate used is expired. Try to revoke the certificate and build the IPA again. iOS checks the current device date with certificate expiration date. If certificate is expired, IPA wont install. Try to set device date with some older date.

Signing a "info.plist" on Mac OS X 10.9

I changed the info.plist file in Boot Camp package to make it support making USB installing drives on my Mac, but on Mac OS X Mavericks the app crashed before I signed the new file. I use the following code in terminal to sign it.
sudo codesign -fs - /Applications/Utilities/Boot\ Camp\ Assistant.app
After signing the code, the app ran successfully. The whole tutorial is here: Enable Bootcamp to install from usb for OSX 10.9
BUT I am wondering why I can sign the code so easily, without any formal certificate. I think code signature is a security feature. Only developers with certificates can sign their codes and distribute them, and Apple only allow these signed programs to run: About Code Signing I am a beginner on this topic; can someone explain the process a little bit? Does this means that hackers can sign whatever codes they want (maybe malicious ones) and run them AS LONG AS they get the password for root account?
Then I changed back to the original info.plist and wanted to remove the signature for the file that I created. How do I do this?
The reason is because you are signing the package with a local certificate. When Apple sign the package, it will run on any Mac, as their root certificate is trusted in the base OS.
If you transferred your locally signed package to another mac, you would find that it crashes, because it was signed with a certificate from another machine.
Hope this clears it up.

"Invalid Provisioning Profile... [Missing code-signing certificate.]" for brand new, Vanilla Mac App in OS X Mavericks

In OS X Maverick's XCode, I created a brand new Mac > "Cocoa Application", with Core Data and Spotlight Importerl; about as vanilla a Cocoa application I could muster.
Under Preferences > Accounts, I signed in to my Mac Developer Account.
In Targets > Identity, I set Signing to "Mac App Store", and was able to select my Mac Developer Account for "Team".
I then went to Product > Clean, and then Product > Build for... > Running, and then Produt > Archive.
In the Organizer, I select the resulting .app and click "Validate", and hit the Mac App Store radio, and hit "Next", and it's able to log into my Mac Developer Account.
I select my Provisioning Profile in the dropdown, and click "Validate".
It comes back with several errors:
1 - "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle {BUNDLENAME} [{BUNDLENAME}.app] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate.] For more information, visit the Mac OS Developer Portal."
2 - "The bundle identifier cannot be changed from the current value, '{DIFFERENT-BUNDLE-FROM-OTHER-PROJECT}'. If you want to change your bundle identifier, you will need to create a new application in iTunes Connect.
3 - Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. The entitlements in your app bundle signature do not match the ones that are contained in the provision profile. The bundle contains a key that is not included in the provisioning profile: 'com.apple.applications-identifier' in '{BUNDLENAME}.app/Contents/MacOS/{BUNDLENAME}'
I was able to do the same process before, for a vanilla app, before Mavericks. I'm not sure if this is a Mavericks error, or a fact that now I have multiple app projects. Particularly odd is that DIFFERENT-BUNDLE-FROM-OTHER-PROJECT in error (2) is not the same bundle name as the current project's bundle.
Would love any help you can provide! Thank you!
Seems like this was a secret key missing or corruption issue. I ended up revoking the existing certificates and profiles I had in XCode > Preferences > Accounts, and issuing new ones.
You may need to set a provisional profile in the Build Settings section.
See here: Xcode 5: Code signing entitlement errors
and here: Weird code-signing error
Go to Apple Developer Portal, recreate the provisioning profile (distribution profile in your case) and download it again. Make sure that the Distribution certificate is installed in your Keychain Access in order to sign apps submitted for the App Store. and Recheck ur Bundule Id as well
You should try setting up a WildCard Provisioning Profile and go from there.

Why I don't have any provisioning profiles in Devices menu of Xcode? How to fix this?

I'm in the process of learning iOS development and app submission process. Before trying to archive my application I only tested and debug it on iOS 6 simulator and now I want to deploy this application on real device. And during this I encountered with some problems.So, what steps I must implement in order to successfully archive my application and get an .app and then an .ipa file of it. How to setup provisioning profiles and solve code signing error?
You need to go to the provisioning portal at http://developer.apple.com and generate provisioning profiles for your applications there.
If you have not paid your developer license fee you will not be able to install your apps on real devices.
You will need to get a Developer and or Distribution certificate including their respective Private keys. You will also need a Team Provisioning Profile, or a Provisioning Profile specifically made for the app. You can either make all these yourself through the provisioning portal at http://developer.apple.com Or if you are working for someone else who has a developer program license, they could possibly provide you with all these.
The provisioning profile describes all the steps you need to take to implement the certificates and provisioning profiles so you can build and deploy / distribute your app.