Which template should I use for theos nic.pl - objective-c

I am trying to make a tweak that allows a myo to interface with my iDevice.
[1.] iphone/application
[2.] iphone/library
[3.] iphone/preference_bundle
[4.] iphone/tool
[5.] iphone/tweak
I originally picked the 'tweak' option but I am starting to think it might be better to try something else? Ideally, i'd like to write the code that translates the myo data into tangible swipes that will inject the movement into other apps. This is my first attempt at Jailbroken development so any advice would be appreciated!

You want option 5, tweak. I suggest you look at the wiki for some help.

If you want your project to be injected into other applications, then you want a tweak.
Each project type has a specific purpose:
application: A standard application, like you'd install from the App Store, launched from the home screen (but not sandboxed by default)
library: A library which contains some reusable functionality for use in other projects
preference_bundle: A settings bundle which will be loaded into Settings.app
tool: A program run from the command line
tweak: A library to be injected into other software by Substrate


How can I make the program ready in LabVIEW?

I made a simple program and now I want to make it ready for the user, I always open it in simulation but how can I turn this thing into a program for others?
You have to create a Project.
Develop your application taking care of paths, make them relative to Application directory preferably.
In Build Specificacionts you can create an Application (EXE) end installers. I recomend you that compile every mayor change and test the functionality is the same as the code.
You will need application builder license or professional LabVIEW.
There is a lot of help and info in https://forums.ni.com/

How can I use a UWP Class Library for scripting?

I have a UWP Class Library project (written in C#) with some useful utility classes and functions. I want to create a script that uses these classes and functions and runs a few times a day automatically. What is the best way to achieve this?
Should I create an app? If so how can I make it run a few times a day?
Should I create a classic console exe program and run it using a script? If yes, can console apps use UWP class libraries?
Should I create a Windows Runtime Component with background task?
Or some other solution?
Assuming that you're definition of "scripting" can be stretched to mean "run an app" there's lots you can do. If you want something that will be seen as a more traditional script then the best you can do is compile the code in a standard .Net class library (not a UWP one) and then call it from a PowerShell script. If you can run apps then there are a few options and the most appropriate will probably depend on the device they're running on, how often you want them to run, and what they actually do.
As you're talking about a UWP app we should allow for it running on different "device families". The easiest way to run on different devices (desktop & phone, etc.) is to have a periodic background task. At time intervals defined by you it will try and run. Subject to connectivity, power, etc.
Because you said a console app was an option then you're probably really only interested in a desktop/PC environment. That's where there's the most options.
Firstly, if your code uses UWP/Win10 specific APIs then compiling into a console app probably isn't possible without changing the code. I do many things like you describe in the question and use console apps for this as I find them the simplest to work with.
If you're going to change code, consider moving to using Portable Class Libraries as you'll then be able to link to that code from many different types of app--including traditional desktop and UWP apps.
I'd avoid creating a runtime component unless you really need to as there are lots of potential gotchas.
You can run any app from the Task Scheduler but launching UWP apps is tricky.
You can launch a regular app or script by setting the action of the task to be the exe. (or the exe and passing the script file as a parameter.)
Apps from the store don't have an EXE you can just launch so you need to do a bit more. They can only be launched by the Windows Shell. But, fortunately, there's a way to do this. Have your task start explorer.exe (You'll find it in C:\Windows) and then add the argument shell:AppsFolder\[app-PFN]!App.
Where [app-PFN] is the Product Family Name of the app. You can find the values of all the installed apps on your machine by looking at "C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Packages\"
So, you can use this to launch the store app.

Is it possible to make a DLL plugin for EditPlus to extend the editor like in EditPlug or Notepad++?

Is it possible to make a DLL plugin for the programming editor called EditPlus?
I wish to extend the editor like in EditPlug text editor or Notepad++ where you create a DLL which allows you to talk to the editor. Or another example is Total Commander where you create a DLL to talk to the program from your own code in delphi or visual c++, or any program that can create a windows DLL.
Or is there NO way to make a plugin in Editplus because they have not implemented a plugin system?
I do not see any kind of plugin architecture mentioned in EditPlus's feature list. If it does not expose a plugin API, then you cannot write a plugin for it. All you can do is create a DLL that is injected into EditPlus's address space by an external process and then uses OS API calls to directly manipulate EditPlus's UI and raw memory as needed.
EditPlus does not have a plugin system, so you cannot extend in any way.
EditPlus has no plugin system!
In EditPlus, You can only use Text Filter to do something like plugins do.
Text Filter can execute script file or executable file.
You can use perl, java, python, vbscript, javascript or command line application which support standard input and standard output to write and run as a text filter.
Text Filter only can change the text content in the editor area.
I'll be very glad if a real plugin system come with EditPlus.
See also:
Writing a text filter for EditPlus
Some Text Filters for EditPlus
yes it is possible. it's hard (..not so very hard..but still)
i explain in here the possibility to extend Editplus with php
i see this cause i lookin' for other simplest methods than mine.(just by curiosity and fun) .. i wrote the fastest php framework in the world and I will glad to make it "talk" with editplus
There is possible to compile servers in PUREBASIC.com to interact with applications Android in b4a=open source now (b4x.com) that suppose to interact with google speech recognition so yes is possible to talk from your phone to the server dll or exe to interact with editplus,total commander,and many other stuff.
I did it myself cause i was curious if had delay.
EditPlus hasn't the direct possibility , Notepad++ does and on https://www.purebasic.fr/english/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=65680&hilit=notepad+plugin with the same purebasic i use on that notepad++ version work that pugin can be modiffied how you like to be .On actual version of notepad++ i tryed myself doesn't work : the plugin is obsolete and is rejected so witch method you choose is hard to implement the system you need int this dynamic expansion of open source / or developing.

Determining mininium files required for dojo widget

First off, I'm brand new to Dojo.
I'm integrating it into our existing web app.
We initially only need the Calendar widget functionality.
I'm looking to keep the number and size of files as small as possible.
I don't believe downloading just the base code file will be sufficent?
Additionally, the Dojo toolkit download is a huge zip (Even if I was to only use compressed files)
Am I left with downloading the toolkit and manually removing everything I don't need?
Is there no custom download builder like jquery ui?
Well, the dojo library is much larger than jquery ui and I don't know of an equivalent to the download builder. If you are just interested in using dojo for a single widget, you might consider exploring a different library.
To use dojox/Calendar, you are still going to need the many dependencies it has on other dojo modules. You can do this manually, but it will be tedious.
One thing you can do is run dojo's build system to package dojox/Calendar and all of its dependencies into a single file. This isn't a trivial task and requires a good understanding of dojo's AMD loader and package system.
If you want to go down this route, I would clone the dojo-boilerplate project on github. It contains everything you need to do this out of the box. Then follow the build system tutorial to understand how you set this up. From there you can have your app depend on dojox/Calendar to produce the file you include on your page to consume it.
I suggest that you put the whole thing (yes, it's a lot of tiny files) to your server.
Dojo 1.9 is written so that when users visit, their computers will only download the individual pieces on an as-needed basis. This is possible because every piece (AMD modules) is explicit about what it needs.
Once you have something that works, you can choose speed-up loading times by using the build system. Basically, this involves going: "If the user wants this thing, they'll probably want all this other stuff, so create a big minified lump and give it to them whenever they start asking." Best of all, it doesn't have to be perfect: If you miss including something, the users browser will still request it a la carte.
At work we're using the Dojo Boilerplate starting application which helps give some initial organization to the build process.

Manage files on iDevices

Does anyone know how programs like iPhoneExplorer manage to list/add/remove files on an iDevice?
I would like to do something similar (but more basic) in a Cocoa Touch application.
It's technically not an Apple-approved™ method, so don't plan on putting this in the App Store. But it is possible. First, import the MobileDevice framework from /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks. Then use the reverse-engineered header for the MobileDevice framework:
It includes all the methods necessary to communicate with an attached iOS device.
There's also a C++ wrapper for it that's a bit easier to use, especially for detecting the device in the first place. It also includes methods specifically for jailbreaking, but they're not required.