VB. NET: LINQ to SQL equivalent to Count - group by query - vb.net

I'am trying to convert this query (already working):
Select building.Name, Count(people.ID) as NumberOfUser
From tblBuilding as building left outer join tblPeople as people on building.ID = people.buildingID
Group by building.Name
which gave the result like this:
Name | NumberOfUser
WestBuilding 50
EastBuilding 70
SouthBuilding 0
NorthBuilding 2
To Linq to SQL. Look at my trying:
Dim db As New MyDatabaseDataContext
Dim query = From building In db.tblBuilding
From people In db.tblPeople.Where(Function(x) building.ID = x.buildingID).DefaultIfEmpty
Group building, people By building.ID, building.Name Into grp
Select ID, Name, grp.Count
Return query.ToList
It appeared to work at first. But when I checked a building that contained no people, the Count column said there is 1. Like this:
Name | NumberOfUser
WestBuilding 50
EastBuilding 70
SouthBuilding 1
NorthBuilding 2
Because although that building had no people, it did appeared once in the result query so it counted as 1. In another word, the Count statement actually count how many time each building appear in result table instead of how many people in each building, thus making the result wrong for no people building.
Any work around ?

You are correct, to solve it you need to test whether there are people, like you did with count(people.Id)
Dim db As New MyDatabaseDataContext
Dim query = From building In db.tblBuilding
From people In db.tblPeople.Where(Function(x) building.ID = x.buildingID).DefaultIfEmpty
Group building, people By building.ID, building.Name Into Group, Count(Not IsNothing(people))
'Select ID, Name, grp.Count
Return query.ToList


Having SQL Server choose and show one record over other

Ok, hopefully I can explain this accurately. I work in SQL Server, and I am trying to get one row from a table that will show multiple rows for the same person for various reasons.
There is a column called college_attend which will show either New or Cont for each student.
My issue: my initial query narrows down the rows I'm pulling by Academic Year, which consists of two semesters: Fall of one year, and Spring of the following to create an academic year. This is why there are two rows returned for some students.
Basically, I need to generate an accurate count of those that are "New" and those that are "Cont", but I don't want both records for the same student counted. They will have two records because they will have one for spring and one for fall (usually). So if a student is "New" in fall, they will have a "Cont" record for spring. I want the query to show ONLY the "New" record if they have both a "New' and "Cont" record, and count it (which I will do in Report Builder). The other students will basically have two records that are "Cont": one for fall, and one "Cont" for spring, and so those would be considered the continuing ones or "Cont".
Here is the basic query I have so far:
academic.college_attend AS NewORCont,
people ON people.people_id = academic.people_id
academiccalendar acc ON acc.academic_year = academic.academic_year
AND acc.academic_term = academic.academic_term
AND acc.true_academic_year = #Academic_year
I'm not sure if this can be done with a CASE statement? I thought of a GROUP BY, but then SQL Server will want me to add all of my columns to the GROUP BY clause, and that ends up negating the purpose of the grouping in the first place.
Just a sample of what I work with for each student:
People ID
Hopefully this sheds some light on the duplicate record issue I mentioned.
Without sample data its awkward to visualize the problem, and without the expected results specified it's also unclear what you want as the outcome. Perhaps this will assist, it will limit the results to only those who have both 'New' and 'Cont' in a single "true academic year" but the count seems redundant as this (I imagine) will always be 2 (being 1 New term and 1 Cont term)
, people.last_name
, people.first_name
, acc.true_academic_year
, count(*) AS count_of
FROM academic
INNER JOIN people ON people.people_id = academic.people_id
INNER JOIN academiccalendar acc ON acc.academic_year = academic.academic_year
AND acc.academic_term = academic.academic_term
AND acc.true_academic_year = #Academic_year
, people.last_name
, people.first_name
, acc.true_academic_year
HAVING MAX(academic.college_attend) = 'New'
AND MIN(academic.college_attend) = 'Cont'

Oracle sql group function issues

Find Melbourne VIP level 4 customers’ first name, last name who have hired the vehicle model as “Ranger ” at least 2 times in database. You write three different queries: one is using operator EXISTS and the other one is using operator IN. The third query with the main filter criteria in FROM clause of the main query or filter criteria in the sub-query. Find one with the better performance.
I Have tried this query;
SELECT c_fname, c_fname FROM rental WHERE
EXISTS(SELECT c_id FROM customer WHERE c_city = 'Melbourne' AND customer.vip_level = '4')
AND EXISTS (SELECT vehicle_reg FROM vehicle WHERE v_model = 'Ranger')
HAVING COUNT(c_id)>=2 GROUP BY c_lname, c_fname;
I am getting error: SQL Error: ORA-00934: group function is not allowed here
00934. 00000 - "group function is not allowed here"
can anyone help me with this question. really struggled to get this done?
You are selecting from the wrong subject table as Rental does not have c_fname or c_lname columns.
You want to "Find Melbourne VIP level 4 customers’ first name, last name" which would be in the customer table:
SELECT c_fname,
FROM customer
WHERE c_city = 'Melbourne'
AND vip_level = 4;
Then you want to add an additional filter "who have hired the vehicle model as “Ranger ” at least 2 times in database". That requires you to use EXISTS (for the answer for the first query) and you need to correlate between the outer-query and the sub-query; once you have done that then you do not need a GROUP BY clause and you are aggregating over the entire result set of the sub-query and can just use a HAVING clause.
SELECT c_fname,
FROM customer c
WHERE c_city = 'Melbourne'
AND vip_level = 4
FROM rental r
INNER JOIN vehicle v
ON (r.vehicle_reg = v.vehicle_reg)
WHERE c.c_id = r.c_id
AND v.v_model = 'Ranger'
Then you need to write the same query using IN instead of EXISTS and the same query a third time using JOIN conditions instead of IN or EXISTS and, finally, you need to compare the performance of all three queries.

multiplie outputs with different wheres

What do I have to change to get different results from different names.The table should give me the debts of each of them, this is calculated by the amount and the price of the drink. Now it should show all the names with the corresponding invoice that happens after the select
%sql select name, sum(getraenk.preis*schulden.menge) schulden from schulden \
join person on (fk_person = person.id)\
join getraenk on (fk_getraenk = getraenk.id)\
where name like ("dani")
Edit: it should spend all the names with their debts, that is:
dani = 8.5
michael = 12.5
Just in case your problem is very simple, you should be able to see all names and values with an SQL that looks like this:
select name, getraenk.preis*schulden.menge schulden
from schulden
join person on (fk_person = person.id)
join getraenk on (fk_getraenk = getraenk.id)
Note that I removed the where clause... this was the part that limited it to one name.
You also don't need the sum clause here unless you are doing a group by
Have you considered simply using GROUP BY name at the end of this query?
This will give you the sum of total debt for all names in your table which sounds like the result you are looking for.
You're missing
in the query.

SQL - Getting a column from another table to join this query

I've got the code below which displays the location_id and total number of antisocial crimes but I would like to get the location_name from a different table called location_dim be output as well. I tried to find a way to UNION it but couldn't get it to work. Any ideas?
SELECT fk5_location_id , COUNT(fk3_crime_id) as TOTAL_ANTISOCIAL_CRIMES
WHERE fk1_time_id = 3 AND fk3_crime_id = 1
GROUP BY fk5_location_id;
You want to use join to lookup the location name. The query would probably look like this:
SELECT ld.location_name, COUNT(cf.fk3_crime_id) as TOTAL_ANTISOCIAL_CRIMES
from CRIME_FACT cf join
on cf.fk5_location_id = ld.location_id
WHERE cf.fk1_time_id = 3 AND cf.fk3_crime_id = 1
GROUP BY ld.location_name;
You need to put in the right column names for ld.location_name and ld.location_id.
you need to find a relationship between the two tables to link a location to crime. that way you could use a "join" and select the fields from each table you are interested in.
I suggest taking a step back and reading up on the fundamentals of relational databases. There are many good books out there which is the perfect place to start.

SQL to query by date dependencies

I have a table of patients which has the following columns: patient_id, obs_id, obs_date. Obs_id is the ID of a clinical observation (such as weight reading, blood pressure reading....etc), and obs_date is when that observation was taken. Each patient could have several readings on different dates...etc. Currently I have a query to get all patients that had obs_id = 1 and insert them into a temporary table (has two columns, patient_id, and flag which I set to 0 here):
insert into temp_table (select patient_id, 0 from patients_table
where obs_id = 1 group by patient_id having count(*) >= 1)
I also execute an update statement to set the flag to 1 for all patients that also had obs_id = 5:
UPDATE temp_table SET flag = 1 WHERE EXISTS (
SELECT patient_id FROM patients_table WHERE obs_id = 5 group by patient_id having count(*) >=1
) v WHERE temp_table.patient_id = v.patient_id
Here's my question: How do I modify both queries (without combining them or removing the group by statement) such that I can answer the following question:
"get all patients who had obs_id = 5 after obs_id = 1". If I add a min(obs_date) or max(obs_date) to the select of each query and then add "AND v.obs_date > temp_table.obs_date" to the second one, is that correct??
The reason why I need not remove the group by statement or combine is because these queries are generated by a code generator (from a web app), and i'd like to do that modification without messing up the code generator or re-writing it.
Many thanks in advance,
The advantage of SQL is that it works with sets. You don't need to create temporary tables or get all procedural.
As you describe the problem (find all patients who have obs_id 5 after obs_id 1), I'd start with something like this
select distinct p1.patient_id
from patients_table p1, patients_table p2
p1.obs_id = 1 and
p2.obs_id = 5 and
p2.patient_id = p1.patient_id and
p2.obs_date > p1.obs_date
Of course, that doesn't help you deal with your code generator. Sometimes, tools that make things easier can also get in the way.