I know how to add smart art to the slide, but it always fills the slide. My customer wants to place the smart art automatically in certain places on the slide. I can't see how to trap the insert smartart dialog to get the smartart and place it myself on the slide. Does anyone have nay suggestions on how I might accomplish this? BTW, How to I find the mso code that I can put on my ribbon to invoke the insert smartart dialog?
One way would be to add an event handler, then trap the selection change event. When the selection changes, determine whether the current selection is a smart art shape. If so, look at the smart art shape's .Tags collection to see if it's been tagged. If so, leave it alone. If not, tag it and resize it.
Try SmartArtInsert (generally you can figure out the names if you go into PPT's Customize Ribbon dialog and hover the mouse pointer over the control you're interested in)
Is there an event to detect when the user duplicate a slide in PowerPoint?
PowerPoint doesn't fire a specific event when a slide is duplicated; there's just the event it fires when a new slide is added. If you can figure out a way to distinguish a duplicated slide from a newly added (or inserted) slide, that might help.
Since the duplicate will be directly after the original slide, you could compare, say, the number of shapes, type and position of each shape on the duplicate to the immediately preceding slide and if there's a match, it's a fair bet that it's a duplicate.
If you need to trap the event when a user Ctrl+Drags a slide to copy it to another location in a show, things get a bit more complex.
Chirag Dalal has a very useful page listing all of the events that PowerPoint supports and in which version of PPT they're supported:
To avoid an XY problem, here's what I'm trying to accomplish: when a shape is selected, I want detail text about that shape to appear on the screen.
I first tried using Shape Data, but it supports only single-line name=value pairs. My detail information is an arbitrary, multiline text blob.
My next thought was to used the shape's ScreenTip (aka tooltip) to hold the text data, then write some VBA code to handle the _SelectionChanged event. When a shape is selected I want to copy it's ScreenTip text into the text of another object (my details panel).
I got the _SelectionChange event-handling working, but poking around the Selection object in the debugger I can't find any property of the selected object that exposes the ScreenTip information.
Is Visio's programming API too anemic to support his kind of thing? Is there another way I might be able to do this? Is there another tool that might be better for this (preferably free)?
Visio's API is capable of doing this, handily.
It seems you're not aware of Visio's shapesheet, which is where the screen tip text is stored, along with pretty much anything you'd want to know about a shape.
To access the screen tip text you simply read the Comment cell from the selected shape's shapesheet:
This code will return the comment text.
You're on the right track using the SelectionChange event, though of course you're checking that the selection count = 1, or at least >0.
I'm looking for an event that's raised when a user selects text in the preview pane of an email. E.g. you're viewing an email in the preview pane and select some text. I didn't see anything in the object reference to this effect, but the namespace is so large, it seems like there's always some object somewhere that does exactly what I need, which I'm not aware of.
Overall, what I'd like to do is see if the selected text matches a pattern and if so, insert a sub-menu in the right click menu (the one that says Copy, Who Is, Synonyms, Translate..). Help with this would be appreciated too. I believe the CommandBar is "text", but I'm unsure how to go about accessing this via name.
The Outlook object model doesn't provide anything for that.
I have a few different userforms in Excel 2007 right now and was wondering if I could add a "?" button next to the close symbol in the userform.
Alternatively, is there a way to display some text when I hover over a specific label
The form property "WhatsThisButton" displays the question mark icon next to the close button, but this does nothing without creating an actual help file and assigning it to your form, this is not an easy thing to do. Far easier is to display text as you have described, each control has a "controlTipText" property that will display whatever text you enter in there, when your user hovers their mouse over the control
Needing some help attaching an Excel/VBA button on an Excel sheet. I need it to stay in the same position on the screen regardless of how I scroll or zoom. Preferably, I need this on the bottom left or right of the screen.
I have tried adding a button. Then, I right clicked on the button. Clicked on Format Controls -> Properties -> selected Don't Move or Size With Cells. Am I missing something that's making this not work?
I know this post is old, but here's to anyone it could be useful. The VisibleRange property of ActiveWindow can solve this problem. Use something like this:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("MY_BUTTON'S_NAME")
.Top = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Top + ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Height - 5
.Left = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Left + ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Width - .Width - 5
End With
End Sub
Here is the idea that I put across the comment earlier today :) Typically we can get a Floating User Form by setting the Modal property of the form to be 0 which is indeed a Modeless state.
Basic Points to consider:
Look & Feel of the form to make it look like a Button (Not show title bar/Not Resizable/
Hidden Close Button etc)
Setting the position of the Button
Which Event should trigger the form-button (WorkBook Open)
What would you do with Form Initialize Event
Whcih Events should keep it stick to the same position alive
Further Points to consider:
You might only want to keep this button vissible for the workbook you are working, and if you open another instance of a workbook, do you still want to keep the button
If you minimize the Excel Window instance, how do you plan to manage the state of the button and keep it visible
Post about keep displaying a form even the workbook is minimized.
One other great reference I happend to see, (little bit technical) but worth the shot - at least to get to know the certain properties/methods that you could make use: Extending VBA User Form Control.
The article include the following info, and please note the last line as well :)
They give you access to capabilities that are not available from VBA or from the objects (UserForms, Workbooks, etc.,) that make up a VBA Project. When you call an API, you are bypassing VBA and calling directly upon Windows. This means that you do not get the safety mechanisms such as type checking that VBA normally provides. If you pass an invalid value to an API or (a very common mistake) use a ByRef parameter instead of a ByVal parameter, you will most likely completely and immediately crash Excel and you will lose all your unsaved work. I recommend that until you are confident that your API calls are solid you save your work before calling an API function.
Add new Row on the beginning of your WorkSheet and set your button on it, then:
Freeze Top Row
Right click → properties → placement → change to 3.