How do you add a help button to Excel userform - vba

I have a few different userforms in Excel 2007 right now and was wondering if I could add a "?" button next to the close symbol in the userform.
Alternatively, is there a way to display some text when I hover over a specific label

The form property "WhatsThisButton" displays the question mark icon next to the close button, but this does nothing without creating an actual help file and assigning it to your form, this is not an easy thing to do. Far easier is to display text as you have described, each control has a "controlTipText" property that will display whatever text you enter in there, when your user hovers their mouse over the control


How to make refresh function in VBA

I am using Access Database to make a program.
Here is the problem:
After I enter the data in textbox, which is in a blue boxes, and click 'Add Data' button, data move to the ListBox, which is marked with orange box. But I should press 'F5' button(refresh) to see the data. I want to see the data immediately after I click 'Add Data' button. Is there any way to do that?
Any comments would be greatly thankful(It would be nice if you can share your code)
Add ListBox.Requery to the button's click event right after new data has been added to the ListBox.
Private Sub YourButtonName_Click()
'Add data
End Sub
requerying the form is the simplest way probably, but with no idea of what the button does, how your data is structured, how the form is structured, i.e. is the listbox bound or unbound, so cant really say, if F5, is doing it, then just look for the VBA method for refreshing the form.

Clicking away from userform open text box VBA Excel

I am not very good with userforms so hopefully this is an easy question.
I have a userform in a spreadsheet that opens with
UserForm1.Show False
To ensure excel can still be used while it is open. What I would like to happen is that whenever you click away from (but not close) the userform a text box is opened asking if you want to maintain the edited values or not. I can't figure out how to initiate more code when the userform is no long the point of interest. Usually items on userforms have enter and exit which I believe would do what I need but I can't find the equivalent for the actual userform.
Any advice would be appreciated.
To allow a user to enter values into excel while a form is visible, you will need to update the ShowModal property on the userform to false.
Or as you are showing the userform, you can show it vbModeless.
UserForm.Show vbModeless

Run macro by clicking away from any ActiveX textbox in a document

I'm looking for a VBA script that will run whenever I click away from any of ActiveX textboxes in the document. Another alternative would be to have it run whenever I click on any textbox (without clicking away).
How can it be done without assigning subs to each textbox individually?
Double click on your textbox and it will bring up the default method for that textbox, which in my testing is Textbox1_Change(). This method will run every time you type anything into the textbox.
You see two dropdown boxes at the top of the vba editor. Drop down on the one on the right and you'll see all the other available methods for the textbox, one of which is LostFocus which I reckon will suit your purposes. Clicking on that creates a sub that will execute every time the textbox loses focus. See how you go with that. Cheers

How can I select (or copy) text from a Word 2010 ActiveX label?

A Word 2010 document has an ActiveX label that displays some text. Is there any way to make the text selectable, or otherwise copy-able, from a user's point of view, so he can paste it somewhere else?
Use case: I give the form to someone, they fill it out and return it to me. The element in question is a Label which, when double clicked, produces UserForm1 which has a ListBox on it. Once one or more selections are made and the user presses OK on UserForm1, the Label in the Word doc gets updated. I then receive the form back, and want to right click the label, copy the text, and paste it into an email.
You can't, at least from an end-user's point of view. Let me explain.
I started out wanting to achieve this with a Label, but soon found I couldn't copy the text that was displayed there using conventional ctrl-c or right-click > copy.
So, I switched it up to a TextBox. This worked somewhat, and the data was displayed, though with one flaw: Word 2010 seems to put a bunch of unselectable space between the last line in the TextBox and the bottom of the TextBox, making most the contents hidden until you scrolled back up to the top of it.
Here's what it looked like:
Notice all the empty, unselectable space below the last item in the list?
The solution to my problem of 100% of the text not being displayed in the box was to use this line of code, which places the cursor at the top of the text after the values are placed in the TextBox:
ThisDocument.functionalComponentsTextBox.SelStart = 0
This basically simulates the user manually clicking in the TextBox and pressing the Up key until he reaches the top of the TextBox. With that, the selections from the ListBox are now stored in the TextBox, the contents of which can be copied and pasted wherever as part of our business processes.
Here's what it looks like after: a perfect match when compared to the properly-displayed Label approach! Added bonus: the text is selectable, and the TextBox is customizable so I removed the border from it... can't tell the difference!

Hide command button on word doc

I have a .doc with a command button (cmdStart) which opens a form.
After populating the form I click a button to close the form and populate the .doc.
I want to hide the initial cmdStart on the .doc as well when the form closes,
Ive tries document.shapes(1).visible=false and cmdStart.visible=false but none seems to work.
Any ideas?
(ps I cant just opne the form from the autonew, I need the cmdStart visible to begin with)
You have several options to deal with that. However, you won't be able to hide your command button but you will be able to remove it.
Removing a command button can be done by the following code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
(Note that usually you would be able to hide text in Word by setting the font hidden, e.g. by calling Selection.Font.Hidden. However, this does not affect controls.)
If you deleted the button and you need it later on again you will have to re-create it. In that case it might be a good idea to mark the position of the button with a bookmark.
Another option would be to use a MACRO button field. Such a field can be inserted from the Insert Field dialog and can be used to launch a macro.
If you really wanted to "hide" the button, you could set the Height and Width to 0.75 and it's virtually gone. Then resize back to "show". I've also seen people put them inside tags and hide the tag. Hope this helps