OneDrive API view.changes: How to get the most recent change token? - onedrive

The OneDrive API call view.changes will list all changes from the beginning of time and the last entry will have the most recent #changes.token.
However, if a OneDrive account has hundreds of thousands of changes then getting the most recent #changes.token requires caller to call view.changes hundreds of times.
So is there a way to quickly get the most recent #changes.token, for use with subsequent view.changes? For example, a call which does not return any entries just value of the most recent #changes.token.

According to the documentation at
token | string | The last token returned from the previous call to If omitted, returns the current state of the hierarchy.

You can't currently get the most recent change token without completing an initial sync (which returns all of the current item metadata within the sync scope, but not every change that's happened in history).
Can you tell me what you're trying to build that makes you want only the latest change token?

Infact you can get the latest token first before making the an api call to get latest changes:-
The above call will return the latest delta token value. You can include that value in your future calls like the following:-


Data Factory Dynamic Content in REST API Call

I'm making an API call, where once I'm authorised I have to use a security token as part of subsequent calls. I'm using the variable "SecurityToken" to store the token.
Also as part of the call I need to pass a date parameter, which is the date from 14 days ago in YYYY-MM-DD format.
I've built this formula but it will not run, it stops the whole pipeline from running
Dynamic Content:
Can you try this

Twitter API followers/ids - All Followers Returned but next_cursor is still present

I have been working with the Twitter API [followers/ids] for a few of our accounts but recent got stuck with a confusing state.
Usually twitter returns a next_cursor when there are still some records remaining in next page(s). It works fine with iteration but recently when I tried to request followers/ids for one of our accounts which doesn't have a lot of followers (just over 4200) and all can be returned in single request. Even though, the API returns all the followers in a single request but strangely the next_cursor is still present.
So when I try to make another (2nd) request with that cursor, only one record is returned which is not present in the first set of records.
What should I consider that how much followers the user actually have?
Total Followers: 4224
1st Request: 4224 [next_cursor: present]
2nd Request with cursor: 1
This is creating confusion as it is 4224 or 4225?
Attaching a screenshot

Can I set variable monthly payment amounts through PayPal REST API's billing plan/agreement? On existing agreements?

I entered this as an issue on the PayPal-PHP-SDK github but it's rather time sensitive at this point.
Our goal is a subscription service that monthly charges users a value they select for each content update during that month. A $1 subscriber would pay $8 if there were 8 updates, for example.
Our implementation so far (which is already live with a number of subscribers) is using the PayPal-PHP-SDK / REST API to create a Billing Plan for each subscriber with a payment definition set to an amount calculated to be the maximum potential monthly charge. I then expected to be able to use Agreement->setBalance() to lower the value to the actual intended charge and then Agreement->billBalance() to process the payment.
Unfortunately due to time pressures we launched without verifying this was a viable implementation, and I've discovered that those functions are only for unpaid/delinquent balances. The start_date on our plans is April 1, and we'll have had 4 content releases but we're set to charge our subscribers for the maximum possible 9 updates.
I've tried a variety of Agreement->update() and Plan->update() calls to change the monthly value, along the lines of:
$Patch = new PayPal\Api\Patch();
$PatchRequest = new PayPal\Api\PatchRequest();
$Plan = PayPal\Api\Plan::get($plan_id, $apiContext);
$Plan->update($PatchRequest, $apiContext);
which returns an exception with "validation_error: Invalid Path provided". Attempts to json encode the data path, up to and including the entire Plan object with $Patch->setPath("/") instead give an exception with "MALFORMED_REQUEST - Incoming JSON request does not map to API request". I suspect most values cannot be updated on an executed agreement or activated plan.
However, I see through the merchant account's website that the monthly value can be manually updated, so I hold out hope that I'm simply going about my API requests the wrong way.
I've also tried creating a Payment object with Transaction->setPurchaseUnitReferenceId($AgreementId) since I'd read something about reference transactions being a potential solution, but I'm getting the same malformed request error:
$Item = new PayPal\Api\Item();
$ItemList = new PayPal\Api\ItemList();
$Amount = new PayPal\Api\Amount();
$Transaction = new PayPal\Api\Transaction();
$Payer = new PayPal\Api\Payer();
$RedirectUrls = new PayPal\Api\RedirectUrls();
$Payment = new PayPal\Api\Payment();
So is there a way to fix our current implementation and plans/agreements? Failing that, is there a REST API solution that I should have used / can try to migrate to? I'd like to avoid Classic API if possible.

getContentServiceInfo1 returns truncated data regardless of reqSpecifier

Calling the getContentServiceInfo1 REST API seems to return the same data regardless of provided reqSpecifier and notrim values. I am using this call as part of the refresh account flow to determine whether the service requires MFA. Is there another call that I can make to achieve the same thing?
I noticed that the values accepted for reqSpecifier are essentially binary bit masks but providing the flag as 10000000, or even 0b10000000 for that matter, instead of 128 does not change the results. What value and value type should I be providing for reqSpecifier to get more than the basic level information? Relevant request and return information when using this API call for E*Trade is below.
Request (cobrand token is omitted):
Response (this is always the response I get unless I provide arguments that result in an error):
This response comes when you pass "notrim" value as "false", if you are passing it "false" then please pass it as true. It should work.

Astrid request returning empty

I'm trying to use the API, specifically to get data using the method under the "Request Format" section on this page -
The URL I built is:[MY APP ID]&time=1&user_id=[MY USER ID]&sig=[MY REQUEST SIGNATURE]
And it returns this:
Seems like it worked, but does anyone know why the "list" array might be returning empty? I've created a bunch of tasks in my profile so it should be showing those.
You need to sign in first with the method user_signin. If successful you get a token.
Then you need to call the task_list method providing the token.
You do not need to provide a user id with the task_list method. It is only used to select tasks that you share with this user.
Example for signing in:
Example for getting your tasks: