Rounding of the numeric values - sql

I want to round of the values of two columns:
select a.region as "Regions",
a.suminsured,2 as "SumInsured" ,
a.suminsured/b.sum*100 as pct
from (
SELECT region, sum(suminsured) as suminsured
FROM "Exposure_commune" group by region
) a,
(select sum(suminsured) FROM "Exposure_commune") b
I want the suminsured and pct columns to come with 2 decimal places. Can someone tell me what I should do?

You can use directly numeric with two parameters. Second parameter for round decimal.
select sum(column_name::numeric(10,2)) from tablename

Use round() with two parameters, which only works for the data type numeric.
While being at it, your query can be simpler and faster:
SELECT region
, round(sum(suminsured), 2) AS suminsured
, round((sum(suminsured) * 100) / sum(sum(suminsured)) OVER (), 2) AS pct
FROM "Exposure_commune"
You can use sum() as window function to get the total without additional subquery, which is cheaper. Related:
Postgres window function and group by exception
Multiplying first is typically cheaper and more exact (although that barely matters with numeric).
Data type is not numeric
For data types double precision of real
You can ...
just cast to numeric to use the same function.
multiply by 100, cast to integer and divide by 100.0.
multiply by 100 and use the simple round() and devide by 100.
The simple round() with just one parameter works for floating point types as well.
Demonstrating all three variants:
SELECT region
, round(sum(suminsured), 2) AS suminsured
, (sum(suminsured) * 100)::int / 100.0 AS suminsured2
, round(sum(suminsured) * 100) / 100 AS suminsured3
, round((sum(suminsured) * 100) / sum(sum(suminsured)) OVER (), 2) AS pct
, ((sum(suminsured) * 10000) / sum(sum(suminsured)) OVER ())::int / 100.0 AS pct2
, round((sum(suminsured) * 10000) / sum(sum(suminsured)) OVER ()) / 100 AS pct3
FROM "Exposure_commune"
SQL Fiddle.


remove decimal Place in SQL

Code :
days_between("Created Time","Locked Time")*24
Result table :
Avg Response time (Hours)
The table above is the result i get after the code but currenlty I want to remove all decimal place right before i get this result with the days_between("Created Time","Locked Time")*24 i am using, So how can I do this. I tried to use cast and round () but is not working. Can someone help out. Thank you
Try code:
days_between("Created Time","Locked Time")*24 , 0) AS INT ) AS Response_Time
According to your sample data I guess:
with t(d) as (
values (2.91), (6.00), (9.13), (3.65), (1.17), (0.00), (0.77), (32.47)
select d, cast(d/24 as decimal(5,2)) from t;
I have a similar query running on MSSQL, and I can do it as:
SELECT TOP 10 a.SizeBytes AS originalValue
,COALESCE(a.SizeBytes, 0.00) / (1024 * 1024) AS defaultOperation
,CAST(COALESCE(a.SizeBytes, 0.00) / (1024 * 1024) AS INT) AS withCast
,FLOOR(COALESCE(a.SizeBytes, 0.00) / (1024 * 1024)) AS withFloor
,ROUND(COALESCE(a.SizeBytes, 0.00) / (1024 * 1024), 0) AS withRound
FROM filesUploaded a
WHERE a.SizeBytes > 0
Resulting in:
Note that I limited my query to the top 10, for speed generating this example, as my table contains millions of rows.
Also my starting value is integer, so I had to add the decimals in order to be able to see decimals. Probably you don't need to do that as the average should already have decimals, but in my case just dividing returned an integer result for the division without using the COALESCE before dividing.

Sum column only 2 digits after precision (no round)

I have a float type column with numbers that have 6 digits after precision. I want to sum the column only by 2 digits after precision.
For example, I have 1.257868 and 1.258778 as values and I want to get the result of 2.50 as result of sum.
It looks like you want something like:
sum(floor(mycol * 100) / 100)
The expression within the sum() performs the truncation to 2 decimals.
You can use the 3 argument form of round():
select sum(round(mycol, 2, 1))
odbc truncate
select v.val, {fn TRUNCATE(v.val, 2)} as trncted, sum({fn TRUNCATE(v.val, 2)}) over() as sumtrncated
(values (1.257868), (1.258778)) as v(val);

SQL Cast to show decimals

I have the following statement within my select clause;
(([Complt_Emp] + [No_Non_Complt_Emp])/ [No_of_Emp]) as Total_Completed
How do I implement CAST "cast(your_float_column as decimal(10,2))" ? I want my column Total_Completed to show 2 decimal places
I cannot seem to get the correct syntax!
Thank you
the result of the calculation depends of the used columns type.
If you divide int columns, you get int result : 1 / 6 = 0
when you convert each values to decimal the result is: 1 / 6 = 0.1666666666666
Now you want 2 decimal result,so you have to convert/ round the previous result to get the expected value
See fiddle for some example of divide and cast / round :!18/51785/5
An easy trick can be to use :
round ( 1.0 * ( [Complt_Emp] + [No_Non_Complt_Emp] ) / [No_of_Emp] , 2 )
Cast each expression seperately
CAST(([Complt_Emp] + [No_Non_Complt_Emp]) as decimal(10,2)) /
CAST([No_of_Emp] as decimal(10,2)) as Total_Completed
I suspect all your values are INT. An int divided by an int will return an int.
(([Complt_Emp] + [No_Non_Complt_Emp])/ cast([No_of_Emp] as decimal(10,2)) as Total_Completed
Try this
cast((([Complt_Emp] + [No_Non_Complt_Emp])/ [No_of_Emp]) as decimal(10,2)) as Total_Completed

SQL: Cannot convert nvarchar to numeric in complex query

I need to get the nearest airport in my database table from the current users position. I found this formula:
So there are a few differences between the formula described in the link above and my current situation: The example was in MySQL, I'm using MS SQL (not a problem, I guess). lat and lon are considered to be database columns with numeric data type, but for some reason the database table was created with two corresponding columns of type varchar.
My problem is: When I want to use an ORDER BY clause, it throws Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric, without it, it works. I did some research on what rubbish was inserted as string and migrated it so that I just have some empty values.
I can't take all because I only need one. But if I do TOP 1 without ORDER BY I don't get any airport rather than the nearest airport. Does anyone know how to fix the query?
Thanks in advance!
3956 * 2 * ASIN(
SIN((53.6349994 - abs(CAST(latitude_deg AS numeric))) * pi() / 180 / 2), 2) + COS(53.6349994 * pi()/180) * COS(abs(CAST(latitude_deg AS numeric)) * pi()/180) * POWER(SIN((10.0117336 - CAST(longitude_deg AS numeric)) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) ))) AS Distance
FROM Airport_Airports
isnumeric(longitude_deg) = 1 AND isnumeric(latitude_deg) = 1 AND
longitude_deg LIKE '%[^0-9.]%' AND latitude_deg LIKE '%[^0-9.]%'
) AS temp
temp.Distance < 50000
Order BY
First, this logic doesn't make sense:
WHERE isnumeric(longitude_deg) = 1 AND
isnumeric(latitude_deg) = 1 AND
longitude_deg LIKE '%[^0-9.]%' AND
latitude_deg LIKE '%[^0-9.]%'
The like is looking for non-numeric characters. I think you intend:
WHERE isnumeric(longitude_deg) = 1 AND
isnumeric(latitude_deg) = 1 AND
longitude_deg NOT LIKE '%[^0-9.]%' AND
latitude_deg NOT LIKE '%[^0-9.]%'
This ensures that the values are numeric.
The solution to your problem -- at least in SQL Server 2012+ -- is to use try_convert() or try_cast():
(3956 * 2 * ASIN(
SIN((53.6349994 - abs(try_convert(numeric, latitude_deg))) * pi() / 180 / 2), 2) + COS(53.6349994 * pi()/180) * COS(abs(try_convert(numeric, latitude_deg)) * pi()/180) * POWER(SIN((10.0117336 - try_convert(numeric, longitude_deg)) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) ))) AS Distance
This will prevent any conversion errors.
You shouldn't use just numeric. Use either a floating point representation or something with decimal places, say numeric(20, 10).
The reason this occurs with the order by is because of the SQL optimizer. You clearly have some lat/long values that do not convert correctly to a numeric. SQL Server allows itself to re-arrange operations, so the conversion might take place before the filtering by the where clause. This is part of the overall query optimization.

Division ( / ) not giving my answer in postgresql

I have a table software and columns in it as dev_cost, sell_cost. If dev_cost is 16000 and sell_cost is 7500, how do I find the quantity of software to be sold in order to recover the dev_cost?
I have queried as below:
select dev_cost / sell_cost from software ;
It is returning 2 as the answer. But we need to get 3, right?
What would be the query for that?
Your columns have integer types, and integer division truncates the result towards zero. To get an accurate result, you'll need to cast at least one of the values to float or decimal:
select cast(dev_cost as decimal) / sell_cost from software ;
or just:
select dev_cost::decimal / sell_cost from software ;
You can then round the result up to the nearest integer using the ceil() function:
select ceil(dev_cost::decimal / sell_cost) from software ;
(See demo on SQLFiddle.)
You can cast integer type to numeric and use ceil() function to get the desired output
The PostgreSQL ceil function returns the smallest integer value that
is greater than or equal to a number.
SELECT 16000::NUMERIC / 7500 col
,ceil(16000::NUMERIC / 7500)
col ceil
------------------ ----
2.1333333333333333 3
So your query should be
select ceil(dev_cost::numeric/sell_cost)
from software
You can also cast your variable to the desired type, then apply division:
SELECT (dev_cost::numeric/sell_cost::numeric);
You can round your value , and specify the number of digits after point:
SELECT TRUNC((dev_cost::numeric/sell_cost::numeric),2);
This query will round result to next integer
select round(dev_cost ::decimal / sell_cost + 0.5)