Execl Data Auto express - vba

I have a excel workbook that contains macros, I wanted to auto update the data that it contains. Right now I have to manually copy paste the data into the workbook, because the data is coming from a different excel worksheet. Is there a way I can auto update the data that is from a worksheet located on a sharepoint site online and is updated every night.

You've left a lot to be considered such as; will the location of the data that you want to copy be the same each time? If not will the range be named? Will the size of the range be the same every time?
I think you're probably best off writing your update code in the Workbook_Open() event
To get you started, you can open the workbook by using
Dim wbUpdateFromMe As Workbook
wbUpdateFromMe = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=sFullPathIncludingFileNameAndExtention)
The path should look something like \\sharepoint.mysharepointsitename.com\locationonsp\updatefromme.xlm
then use
wbUpdateFromMe.sheets("FromSheetName").Range("FromRangeName").copy Destination:=Thisworkbook.sheets("ToSheetName").Range("ToRangeName")
to copy and paste, but you may want to do some clearing out of old data first.


Formatting Data in excel sheet with blue prism

I'm trying to run a duplicate check In which varying data is pulled from a website and compared to a master list, the master list being stored in Excel. The information from the website is read from a table in which has line breaks. These breaks are translated over to the data collection they are initially stored in. Some of the data from the website us eventually written to the master list in Excel. So when I read the master list back into Blue Prism to run a duplicate check, the rows that have line breaks are written into a collection as multiple rows (ex. I should have on 7 rows in my collections but am getting 42). Since the rows are not EXACTLY the same between the 2 collections, when it runs the automation does not recognize the duplicates.
The easiest way to solve this would be if I could make the collection rows have no line breaks as soon as the data is read. I've attempted to use the calculation stage to do so with no luck. I'm not sure if it is actually possible to do this, but would appreciate any direction.
Record an Excel macro to do the data sorting/cleaning in Excel (possibly Text To Columns, etc..) and then include the running of the macro as part of your Blue Prism process by using an action stage and the MS Excel VBO - Run Macro. Get the process to create an Excel instance (and create a handle data item from that stage), then use Open Workbook (whatever workbook you store your Macro in) and then use the MS Excel VBO - Run Macro (use the same handle created earlier and type in the name of the "macro").
It sounds like what is happening is that the MS Excel VBO is grabbing the data from the Excel Worksheet wholesale.
This is to say that it's accessing your Worksheet table, copying the cell values BUT not the cell formatting data, and then dumping the values into a BP collection.
Since it did not bring along any of the original cell formatting data to reference when it went to populate the collection it's just breaking up the values based on crturn/line breaks. Thus, your collection is organized based on that, and not on the original Worksheet cell.
So, with that said, on to a solution!
Solution 1
Brute force the organization of the incoming Excel cell data to the collection by looping over the Excel Worksheet cell-by-cell.
Run a loop, and in that loop have BP go into the Excel Worksheet and grab the first populated cell it comes across. Run a formatting/cleanup Calculation stage over the data. Dump the cell value into a single collection field.
This is...inelegant, expensive at best, and not at all recommended for any medium to large dataset. But it's definitely the best way to do string manipulation and value comparisons before it hits your collection. Since it sounds like your using a Master template then you as-well know what the expected format of your data should be.
This method will enable you implement Trim(), Concat(), or Split() in a Calculation stage to better organize your incoming data before you dump it into a collection.
This is also basically what I think you're already trying to do, but cell-by-cell instead of Worksheet row-by-row or table-by-table.
Solution 2
Clean up the table data you grab from the website before you dump it into the Excel Worksheet.
This is basically Solution 1, but in reverse. Simply format/cleanup your data before it hits you Excel Worksheet.
I'm not sure this is any better than Solution 1, but, you know, it's something...
Solution 3
Format the cell data IN the MS Excel Worksheet itself.
Basically rearrange the cells and cell data in the Excel Worksheet into a more predictable format by using the Split, Trim, Merge, or other actions included in the MS Excel VBO. You can also do this using the Data - OLEDB utility object, but that requires some pretty solid understanding of SQL syntax.
This would look like this using the MS Excel VBO:
Grab the Excel Worksheet data wholesale and dump into a collection
Count the rows/fields of the collection
Is that number consistent with the desired/expected format of your data?
If not, have the bot go back into the Excel Worksheet and reformat the cells by removing any carriage returns/line breaks/whatever else
However, I'm always reluctant to reformat any original source, as it's then hard to figure out what wrong and where it went wrong when you've changed the original structure of your data. So it's best to always make a copy of the Worksheet before you make any manipulation.
Unfortunately I don't have access to my BP environment at the moment or I'd provide you with the act object actions you'd need to do any of this, my bad. Once I do I'll update this answer.

Changing a file location for 10,000+ cells in Excel

I'm creating a workbook in Excel, and need it to reference other workbooks. I am pulling information from about 30 cells for each day of the year. Each day of the year is a separate workbook. So, I have over 10,000 cells that I need to change if I just copy and paste the formulas for each day.
The reference I have right now is something like this:
Where that A1 will be replaced by 30 other cells, and the day.xlsx will be replaced with all of the days in a year. For everything I've tried so far Excel has asked me to manually locate each file per cell.
Is there any way to make this process quicker than manually changing the file name for every single one of these cells? Maybe be able to set the date in the file name to a variable that will link to a cell?
Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you.
To summarize: You want to create addresses in the stated format by string manipulation and then query their value.
There is in fact a function for this, it is called INDIRECT. Unfortunately it requires the source file to be open for external references, so I'm not sure if it is any help to you. I have never tried to open 365 excel files at once.
See also this question on that topic.
If you do not wish to open all the files by hand you will probably have to fall back on VBA (or perhaps JavaScript if you use Office 2016). It shouldn't be to difficult to create a macro which generates the references for you.
Here is a starting point for such a macro:
Sub Makro1()
Dim day As Integer
For day = 1 To 365
Cells(day, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "='[BASENAME" & day & ".xlsx]SHEETNAME'!R1C1"
Next i
End Sub
One more thing: After that your workbook will be linked to all those day-files. As such it will reflect changes as they occur in the day-files. If that is not required it would probably be best to sever the connections and replace each reference with its value. You can do that via Data->Queries&Connections->Manage Links->sever connection (I'm translating from my localized excel version so the exact names may vary) OR you can just copy every thing and then paste only values.

Consolidating Data from Other Workbooks into One Workbook

Current Situation: I am consolidating a data package that receives multiple inputs from programs that roll into mine. Essentially, each program provides me their set of data and I am responsible for accurately consolidating data into one Excel workbook in a certain format. I have pushed out a template so that all the data comes back in the same format, but now I am having trouble quickly consolidating besides using "copy and paste".
Solutions I've looked into: I've looked into using connections to see if can pull in the data I need through a connected file however it imports the table in a different format and does not transfer correctly into the consolidation template that I have set up. I tried doing external source referencing to pull in data that way, but again the formatting is off. I know there are ways to just pull in the workbook, but I need data from specific points in these program workbooks that I can slot into my consolidated workbook. In most cases, copy and pasting would work, but I have over hundreds of programs that flow into this data sheet so any help would be appreciated!
How about setting the destination range to the values of the source range?
rngTarget.Resize(rngSource.Rows.Count, rngSource.Columns.Count).Value = rngSource.Value

VBA script to copy specific rows in Excel from a given workbook to a new workbook if specific value is found in a given column

I have been looking for a solution to my problem for the past 48 hours and I couldn't find anything. Keep in mind I have very basic programming knowledge and I might have overlooked something to fit my needs without understanding the code behind it.
I have an excel workbook with a sheet containing all of the data.
It's a list of shipments going in and out of a port.
Now when something is loaded, a "Date Loaded" cell is populated with the date automatically.
What I need for every row that has a blank "Date Loaded" cell to be copied to a new workbook which will be named by the date it was generated (i.e.:031814-PM) depending on the time of the day, PM could be AM.
Now I might not need all the columns to be copied to the new workbook. I need a way to exclude those columns during the copying process.
I want the VBA script to be called with a button that will be at the top of the data worksheet so that when we click on it, the new workbook is generated.

Copy Excel worksheets, macros, and graphs from one workbook to another, moving links to the new workbook

I have an Excel workbook with a number of features:
One main user-facing sheet
One summary sheet based on the user-facing sheet's data
A number of graphs based on the user-facing sheet's data (as in, the type of graphs with a separate tab for them, rather than objects within a worksheet - I'm not sure if they have a special name or special properties)
A series of 'background' worksheets that calculate the values for the user-facing sheet
A macro to allow the user to sort the user-sheet by any column they wish, which is referenced in the user-facing sheet's Worksheet_SelectionChange event
However, for distribution I'd like to cull the sheets for simplicity (and file size - the entire data query is included on one of the sheets). I still need to calculate the values for the user-facing sheet, but it's only done once per dataset, so that can quite happily be copied as formatting then values.
The trouble, however, is transferring the dependent sheet, graphs and macros across to a new workbook so that instead of referencing the old workbook, they reference the new versions of the sheet. Ideally I'd like to do this with VBA or something, but my Google searches thus far don't seem to have turned up much of relevance.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I'm not sure I entirely understand your question, but what I think that you want to do is to create a new version of your workbook, with less worksheets in it??
To do that in VBA, this code snippet is a good place to start:
Sub Macro1()
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
[your path here]\Book2.xls", FileFormat:=xlNormal, _
End Sub
Creating a copy of the entire workbook, and then deleting what you don't need will make sure that the links do not reference the old workbook.
Once you have created the new workbook, with links intact, it is then pretty easy to remove all the things (calculations, etc.) that you don't need.