Repeatedly calling a web service in mule - mule

I am working on a mule studio application in which I am calling a soap web service for getting status of a particular process. If the status is PENDING, I have to call the same web service until the status become COMPLETED. What approach I have to take for implementing this scenario.
Thank You in advance.

Take a look at the until-successful router:
You can configure the failureExpression to check if the status is 'PENDING'.

As Ryan Carter said, you can use the Until Successful router in order to achieve this.
You need to configure the failureExpression attribute to return 'true' if you want to call the web service again.
Note also that you can configure the until successful to be "synchronous" instead of the default "asynchronous". The former configuration does not require an object store.


Request not hitting spring boot embeded server through tomcat and browser

Am trying to hit my rest API in spring boot with the embeded server configured through browser and postman, but the request doesn't hit the server and am getting 404-not found am pretty new to springboot , please help me in this as in what to check further so that i can test my rest API
This could be due to couple of reasons
Try the following
Ensure the port you are specifying is correct
Ensure the end point you are specifying exist
Ensure the request you are sending is of correct REST action type (GET,POST etc)
Ensure your controller class is available in the same package in which Application class (with #SpringBootAnnotation) exists, else you will have to use #ComponentScan to make sure your controller class is scanned and endpoints available to receive traffic
Most likely, above should help :) If not, you'll need to describe what is done in the application so far

Cleint not receive response: “No handlers could be found for message type”

I have a .net core service that needs to send a request via nservicebus.
I resolve IMessageSession with DI and send a request like this:
var response = await messageSession.Request<CreateDeviceResponse>(request);
In the logs I see that another service received this request and send a reply:
The problem that I never receive a response.
Client receive such errors:
I know that such an issue can occur if the client and server endpoint names are same, but I checked and I use different names
asp net mvc 4.7.2
First of all, the message isn't lost, but in the error queue.
I suggest to follow the tutorial to understand how NServiceBus works and what you need to have in place where. The tutorials start here but an entire learning path starts here and it explains broader, including about general concepts and architecture.
Like #tchelidze mentions, you need to have an implementation of the IHandleMessages<CreateDeviceReponse> interface, like is outlined here in the tutorial. Also, it doesn't matter to which endpoint you send it to. EndpointA can send to both EndpointB and EndpointA. What you cannot do is have two endpoints with the same name. It's like having two computers with the same name called MachineA and then from MachineB try to access files on MachineA. Which of the two should MachineB connect to? There is something else called 'competing consumer pattern', but that's of later concerns ;-)
If you need more help, feel free to ask at where more NServiceBus community members are located, as well as engineers of NServiceBus itself.
For some reason, it helped to make a request inside a task:
Task.Run(async () => await messageSession.Request<CreateDeviceResponse>(request))
I still not understand what is the problem, but it works only with such implementation.
In .net core web API, it works even without Task.Run, so I believe it has something to do with the fact that I am making this request in asp net mvc 4.7.2

FLOWABLE: Authenticating flowable-task from another application via rest call

So, I am creating an application which will be using flowable.
We can say that once my application starts, it's gonna start a particular process deployed on flowable, proceed ahead accordingly.
So, in a way there will be lot of talking between flowable and other application, but for now suppose I just want to call flowable applications from POSTMAN (outside FLOWABLE).
I have used 3 modules: flowable-idm, flowable-modeler, flowable-task in my application.
Everything works fine when I am starting my deployed process from UI of flowable task, problems come when I want to start the processInstance using REST endpoint.
In flowable-task application, there is already a REST endpoint to start the process deployed: http://localhost:8080/flowable-task/app/rest/process-instances.
Now, if I call this from Swagger of flowable-task application, it works fine.
But it doesn't work when I try to call it from another application or POSTMAN for now (once POSTMAN call works, I can make the same arrangement in code), where I'm doing a basic auth and providing what's required in body.
Also, there is no error or exception displayed on console, I believe that is because of something catching that error or exception and not displaying anything.
However, to overcome the problem of starting process from POSTMAN, I can use REST endpoint http://localhost:9999/flowable-task/process-api/runtime/process-instances, but this is just a workaround, in future if I create new endpoints I would have to figure out a way to call those endpoints.
I saw this post and I guess this guy was also trying to achieve something similar but for flowable-modeler.
It's been suggested to make changes in of flowable-task-conf module for my case, but I haven't done such changes before so not exactly sure where to start and how to proceed.
So, my question is how to talk to flowable-applications from outside flowable applications.
Forum post about getting exception when imported flowable-rest module in workspace
The flowable-task UI Application is an example application that exposes non public REST API for the UI. However, the application also exposes the full REST API of Flowable.
There is also the flowable-rest application that has the Swagger doc and exposes the full REST API without a UI.
You would want to communicate with those REST endpoints.
The endpoints are under the following contexts:
process-api for the Process Engine
cmmn-api for the CMMN Engine
dmn-api for the DMN Engine
idm-api for the IDM Engine
form-api for the Form Engine
content-api for the Content Engine
For your example you would need to use POST to /process-api/runtime/process-instances for Starting a Process Instance

Struts controller/porccessor monitoring/log utility

I'm looking for some kind of monitoring tool to visualize/log all internal struts forwards together with all http headers, parameters, request and session attributes values.
The intend is to understand the full flow of certain request in struts 1.x application.
Thanks a lot.
Use MaintainJ to monitor all calls and methods in java web application... And in firefox install 'firebug' run it select net tag... Under this tag you can see every server call and response of that call... Chrome too have this feature...

Strategies to block an external webservice to simulate "down" during for a testing scenario?

I am working to integrate data from an external web service in the client side of my appliction. Someone asked me to test the condition when the service is unavailable or down. Anyone have any tips on how to block this site temporarily while we run the test to see how the service degrades?
For those curious we are testing against Virtual Earth, but Google Maps but this would apply to any equally complicated external service.
any thoughts and suggestions are welcome
Create some Mock-Webservice class or interface (and inject it). In there, you could test the response of your system to webservice failures and also what happens, if a web-service request take longer than expected or actually time-out.
DeveloperWorks article on mock testing:
You need to be sure to test the most common failure modes for this:
DNS lookup fails
IP connection fails (once DNS lookup succeeds)
HTTP response other than 200
HTTP response incomplete or timeout
HTTP response 200 but RPC or document returned is invalid
Those are just a few common failure modes I could think of that will all manifest themselves with different behaviors that you may wish to have your application handle explicitly.
If you set up a computer between the caller and service that routes between them, you can simulate each of these failure modes distinctly and modify your application to handle them.
How about blocking the domain name(s) in question by putting a nonsense entry into the hosts file?