Select Date range between two months - sql

My table has one [date] column and would like to filter dates between March to auguest for any year.
Here is my functions, but none of them work and returns all data.
iif(CDate([Date]) between DateAdd ("m",3, CDate([Date])) And DateAdd ("m",7,CDate([Date])),"1","0")
iif([Date of Activity] between (DatePart("m", [Date of Activity]) = 4) And (DatePart("m", [Date of Activity]) = 8),"1","0")

Date is a reserved word and should not be used for a field name. That said, the following should work if your field is a date/time field and not text. Month() Between 3 and 8


Combine and convert nvarchar month field + float year field to a single date field

I have a table in SQL Server 2012 with a month column stored as nvarchar(255):
"January", "February", "March"
And another column in this table with year stored separately as float
I do not have a day column so I want to create a combined month date column with the day starting as 1.
So for month and year fields January 2012. I want to show '2012-01-01'
How can I do such and add that into my current table?
I want to find the maximum row for a record in my table for each employee.
so for an [employee #], [month],[year]. what is latest record so for example below:
1. 102, Jan, 2019
2. 102, feb, 2019
I want to only see the second record which is the latest.
SQL Server has pretty flexible conversion to date. So, just convert the columns to a date:
select convert(date, month + ' ' + year)
You can get the maximum as:
select empid, max(convert(date, month + ' ' + year))
from t
group by empid;
If you really like, you can change the format for output purposes. I would advise you to stick with a date, though.
Note: This assumes that your internationalization settings are set to English -- which seems reasonable if you are storing month names in English.
Fix your design! The way you store data makes it really inefficient to interpret it. Here, I think the simplest option is datefromparts() and a 12-branches case expression.
Assuming that the (float) year is stored in column col_year and the (string) month is in col_month:
select t.*,
cast(col_year as int),
case col_month
when 'January' then 1
when 'February' then 2
when 'December' then 12
) as date_col
from mytable t

How to group dates as custom week numbers in SQL?

I have a series of email engagement dates, to create dashboard on QLIK. It has SQL Editor
I want to group a series of dates as Week 1, Week 2, and so on. My table has date column.
I am thinking along the lines for insert a column named "Week Number", based on the oldest date in the table, add 7 days range as week 1 and next 7 days range as Week 2 and so on.
In Qlik you can use the weekstart(Date) function or the week(Date) for just a week number. Either inthe script or as a calculated dimension in the chart.
Extra credit for year(Date)&'-'&week(Date) for 2019-23 etc
You can use datepart(wk, date_column) for grouping by week. You may want to add datepart(yy, date_column) to group by year and week.
You need to know the first day in your table was which day of the week, and then use the following script in SQL Server
declare #FirstDayOfTableWeekDay int = 2
SELECT CEILING( (CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [Date] ASC) AS float)+ CAST(#FirstDayOfTableWeekDay AS float)-1) / 7) AS WeekNumber
FROM YourTable

Combining year column and month column to date

In my database, I have a report_year column (char(4)) and a report_month column (varchar(2)). I am making an ssrs report that would use a stored procedure and would pull data from this table and my parameters are the date and year. I am succesful at doing this by casting both of the columns and concatenating them, also adding a "/" in between. So in SSRS report, the parameter that users need to put is the month and date (ex. 09/2016).
Users want a drop down to get the dates. Since my parameter is a varchar, it would ask literally for the month and the year formatted above. Is there anyway to cast this to date without the day itself, only just the month and the year? I tried datediff and dateadd functions but I am not having any luck.
Select BegMonth = cast(Replace('09/2016','/','/01/') as date)
,EndMonth = EOMonth(cast(Replace('09/2016','/','/01/') as date))
BegMonth EndMonth
2016-09-01 2016-09-30

SSRS SQL I need to display data for dates used in the parameter and the previous month

I have an SSRS report with parameters for Created On Start and Created On End. Users run this manually and choose the date range to display records for. I need to display in two different columnns the records for the month the user entered in the parameters and the previous month for the dates used in the parameters.
For example the user uses the the following dates in the parameters:
Start Date: 03/01/2016 EndDate: 03/31/2016
The Report should display in one column the records for march 2016 and next to it the records for february 2016
You could write one query which queries both months.
Add a field that will act as the column label eg format the date as the first of the month.
Then create a pivot table to show the two months as the columns with the usual rows .
EDIT - new details
dateStart = '2016-03-01'
dateEnd = '2016-03-31'
These could be less than the whole month, but should be in the same month. prevStart = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, '2000-01-01', dateStart)-1, '2000-01-01')
the first day of the previous month.
Use similar for the prevEnd to calculate the last day of previous month.
OK. Now build your select:
SELECT xxxx, yyyy, zzzz
, DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, '2000-01-01', createdOnDate), '2000-01-01') as MonthCol
FROM tables
WHERE (createdOnDate>= prevStart and createdOnDate<=prevEnd)
OR (createdOnDate>= dateStart and createdOnDate<=dateEnd)
Build a pivot table style grid with monthCol as the heading of the columns and your usual data as the rows. That way you can get your "previous Month" columns as well as the date range that you selected

SQLITE strftime() function issue

SELECT strftime('%W', 'Week'), sum(income) FROM tableOne GROUP BY Week;
Format for date is a simple date: YYYY-MM-DD
PROBLEM: When run no value for the Week column is provided. Any suggestions?
There is data in the table and when the query is run the income is summarized by the date in the week column. Thing is, this column contains a date that may be any day of the week and often multiple different days of the same week. I need to summarize the income by week.
In SQL, 'Week' is a string containing four characters.
To reference the value in a column named "Week", remove the quotes: Week.