Bamboo Jobs kick off from Rundeck and Execute Bamboo jobs from command Prompt - bamboo

Have the following requirments.
Execute a Bamboo Job from RunDeck. ( I found plugins to execute Rundeck job from Bamboo, need to vice versa)
Call the jobs created in Bamboo by Command Prompt ( Thinking to execute the jobs using command prompt in Rundeck)
Please suggest any alternatives for the above task. Utilmate goal is to get the bamboo jobs kick off from Rundeck.

I would suggest using the REST API provided by Atlassian. Documentation can be found here and, more specific to your use case, here.
After you've got the correct API call(s) to trigger your Bamboo job, just add that as a curl step to the bottom of your rundeck job and it should do what you need.
FWIW - I've done this for Jenkins & Rundeck, but never in bamboo, but the solution should be the same since they're very similar products.


Is there a better way to disable/skip a job in a GitLab CI pipeline than commenting everything out?

I have a job in a GitLab CI pipeline that I want to temporarily disable because it is not working. My test suites are running locally but not inside docker, so until I figure that out I want to skip the test job or the test stage.
I tried commenting out the stage, but then I get an error message from the CI validation: test job: chosen stage does not exist; available stages are .pre, build, deploy, .post
So I can simply comment out the entire job, but I was wondering if there was a better way?
Turns out, there is! It's quite at the end of the very thorough documentation of GitLab CI:
Instead of using comments on the job or stage, simply prefix the job name with a dot ..
Example from the official documentation:
- run test

Call script after gitlab ci

I have started to work with gitlab ci and I am still new to CI in general. I currently want to call a script after a successful test build of my master branch. This script will notify my server to do a pull, build and restart.
I can not use kubernetes or docker, as the project lead doesn't want to use them.
I can do the scipt and such, but the gitlab ci config documentation is confusing and I cant seem to find an option on how to call the script after it finished.
Stupid of me asking. Its as simple as defining a new stage after the last stage and call the script there.
If you want to do a simple task at the end of a pipeline, try the after_script directive. There is also a before_script counterpart.
Docs at:

can't trigger a test of some appllication via Jenkins job

I am a beginner at the field of Devops.
I have created a simple web application (jsp), using 3 Jenkins jobs to store the code in GIT, to deploy the this app into Tomcat, and also to site-monitor this app (respectively).
Now, I have been trying - with no success -to automate a simple test with 2 verifications of my app functionality, using Selenium IDE and triggering it via Jenkins job (the fourth one in my project).
In order to perform it , I created the following job on Jenkins, with the needed plugin added (which is SeleniumHQ htmlsuite Run).
Here is the job:
The job running has failed,giving the following error which I cant handle.
When I run it, I get the following error :
Any help would be very appreciated
Just tick Delete workspace before build starts box under Build Environment stanza
If you don't have the option in your Jenkins job configuration - make sure that Workspace Cleanup Plugin is installed
If you're running your Selenium tests via Jenkins Pipeline - all you need to do is to put cleanWS() directive somewhere in your pipeline code or Jenkinsfile

How to download the latest log of a Bamboo job?

I want to download the latest log of a Bamboo job programmatically to parse its content and display in a dashboard.
However, Bamboo does not provide a direct link (e.g. with "latest" in URL similar to artifacts download) or to make the Bamboo build log as an artifact.
Someone who has worked around this issue, please share the knowledge.
Check out the REST API offered for bamboo builds:
Here's one example from Atlassian's community:
See "expand":
... expands build result details on request. Possible values are: changes, metadata, artifacts, comments, labels, jiraIssues, stages, logEntries. stages expand is available only for top level plans. It allows to drill down to job results using stages.stage.results.result. logEntries and testResults are available only for job results
At least as of Bamboo 6.7.1 (and possibly earlier versions), you can issue a request directly for the log using a Script Task, curl, and Bamboo variables:
curl -X GET --user username:password \
That will give you the textual output of the log.

Shouldn't apache specific cron-jobs run in docker image?

In the Best practices for running Docker guide it's stated, that there should only run one process per docker container. In Ubuntu there are some cron-jobs related to the apache-httpd which run daily (located in the/etc/cron.daily/apache2).
When using the apache-docker-image from the official repository (look here) those cronjobs are not run, only the httpd process is started, cron is not running.
Shouldn't the cron-jobs stated above be executed?
I have a hard time to figure out, how one can execute this cron-jobs from another docker-image, as suggested in the "Best-practices-guide" since the "cron-docker-image" should have access to the apache-process in order to run the cron-jobs correctly.
For basic apache there are no cron jobs to run.
If you have cron jobs to run there is no "right answer".
If they run daily and only run for a certain amount of time, you could certainly just schedule those to run instead of using cron.
If they run more periodically or you dont have a scheduler that can handle that (like AWS lambda) then it's not against best practices to have your webserver run them as a cron, you would just have to build your own container off of apache's to handle it.
If your real question is "How do I run cron jobs" a quick google brought:
You would just modify those to run in the background with & or nohup
What have you tried?