Run script in WebBrowser Windows Phone - windows-phone

I have following issue: I retrieved ad as script
and script needs to use webiste in order to correctly display ad. I tried to download website html, insert my script and run but the whole website kick off loading, my goal was to run only a script.

If you use Windows Phone 8 - you can use InvokeScript method (WebBrowser).
If you use Windows Phone 8.1 - you can use InvokeScriptAsync methos (WebView)


Multiapp Kiosk Mode in Windows

We use Openkiosk ( Firefox browser Based ) - credits MDG for kiosk operation of our web application running through IIS ( MVC web app) and SQL Serever . We have configured it to automatically start on windows log in by using the GPO - custom User Interface and it works perfectly fine.
The purpose of launching the web application in full screen is to prevent Desktop access to the user and also disable all short cut keys .
Of late we have received a new requirement where we have to Launch another desktop app ( exe. ) on demand when the Openkiosk is open and switch in between both the Openkiosk app as well as the exe app whenever the user requires . Since the desktop is not visible how we launch the Desktop is the question and also ,Since the Key board is disabled Alt Tabs wont work. Kindly advise and guide how we can achieve this ?
Still figuring it out how to achieve this

How do I kick off a Console App that runs Selenium web driver using a logic app?

I have a Console App that takes advantage of Selenium WebDriver. I'm intending to use this to automate the receipt of an email with an attachment and upload that attachment to a website. The Console App works perfectly. But I'm using WinAutomation to start that process from an .exe on the desktop of a VM.
What I'd like to do is, instead of using winautomation, publish that Console App to an App Service in Azure. This I can do easily. However what I'm wondering is, how would I go about kicking off that App Service and providing the email attachment using a Logic App.
Hope this makes sense
This isn't possible. Selenium requires the use of GDI+ which isn't allowable in an App Service Sandbox. The more plausible course of action is what you're already doing, running your Selenium test during your CI/CD flow on a build agent.

Can we automate windows based mobile app in selenium

i want to automate mobile based app. using selenium webdriver.
Can it be possible as it is possible for iOS and Android.
Please suggest
yes its possible
1.Obtain and install Windows Phone 8 SDK
2.You will need ISETool.exe which is a part of Windows Phone SDK and installed as its part
3.If you want to automate Windows Phone emulator, not a physical device - then you'll need
Windows Phone 8 emulator image, which can be obtained from Windows Phone SDK, or a Windows
Phone device.
4.Download our driver and unpack it anywhere on your local disk
5.Deploy WindowsPhoneDriver.xap to the phone! If you use emulator, just run StartWindowsPhoneDriver.cmd
and it will do everything for you, and prints the IP address/port to the console
(for example, ""). It will also set system environment variable
6.Use it from your code with RemoteWebDriver!
for more info click here deploy application to website server

I have written a application that I want to put on a webpage (like a Java applet). My application connects to an external website to scrape data (using the WebBrowser control). How do I put my application online?
You can't run a Windows Form application inside a browser like a plugin (unless you do a lot of work to get it to run as an ActiveX control and that would only be IE).
Perhaps you could make an installer using ClickOnce or something else?

Give permissions to a Windows 8 app to block another app

I'm trying to make my windows 8 app block another app from being launched or launch another app depending on user settings. For example block a browser from opening and launch a media player.
Is this possible?
No, Windows Store apps are running in sandboxed environment and you definitely cannot block any app from being used from another app.