VB: how can i copy a word next to the one that i have found? - vb.net

so, i am creating a program in VB that opem the html of a webpage, and searching the page code for a word like "youtube.com/watch?", so i want to know how i can copy in a variable the word next to the one that i looking for.
Here is an example what i am looking for:
so lets say that this is what i found on the page and that is what i want to copy "v=NwYv-f65P6w" the problem is that the "youtube.com/watch?" is always the same but the next is different for any video. So how can i copy it?

use regular expression to extract specific text pattern, in vb.net is so easy
you only need is to learn how to develop you’re own pattern.
something like this. (http://).+(?v=) this patter extract any text that’s start with http:// and contains any char and contains the text ?v=
lookup in google for some RegEx Patterns


Change Heading Number copied from another document

How can I change the Heading Number with VBA code?
For example, "1.1 Computer system"
I'd like to change "1.1" to "1.2".
I can read it with:
I can't find a way to change it.
Basic Function Test
1.1. LED Function Test Purpose: To make sure all the LED Functions are working as the Product Specification Resource Requirements:
The context is shown above. Sometimes, I copy from another document. The pasted heading number is not correct.
I tried to record the macro but the recorded macro is empty.
To force Heading 2 to start the numbering from 1.2, all you need is:
ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleHeading2).ListTemplate.ListLevels(2).StartAt = 2
Your update shows you're trying to do something quite different, however.
The only reliable way to retain the original numbering when copying/pasting between documents is to either:
convert the source numbering to static text before copying; or
paste the copied content as unformatted text.

Trying to scrape item from website

I was attempting to create a simple program that would pull a text item from a website and add it to the textbox. I'm simply just experimenting and thought I could do it but it is not that easy for me. I know how to get the entire source code of a website(below). It has a id I know but it does not have a tag name. So Im not really sure how to make it read through the text and only keep the part next to the id . Or would it be better to use a Webbrowser tool and then try and get the text item like that. I'm just trying to do whatever is faster. I think my 1st option is better because it would be better for the computer's ram. Using the code below I don't know what to add next?
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("Website")
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
Dim source As String = sr.ReadToEnd()
Lets say the id is "name" for example. Viewing the source of the page this is what the part looks like(below). How can I parse through the source which is a string and find this section, get the name Brandon, and add it to the textbox.
<span id="name">Brandon</span>
There are a few ways to go about this. I'm not going to write any source code though since I haven't used Visual Basic in a very long time. But if you Google for how to do any of the following you should find many tutorials and documents on it.
Regular Expressions
Using a Regular Expression on the full source code can help you find the element by searching for the ID attribute which should be unique. Regular Expressions can sometimes be very slow, which is why if you have to perform a lot of searches on large sections of text, it should be avoided.
/<([a-z0-9]+)\sid="name"(.*?)>(.*?)<\// -> Not Tested, but might help you
String Position
Using a function that will find the position of a substring in a string would be useful. In C it's strstr and in PHP it's strpos. These type of functions will give you starting position of a string, in which your case would be searching for id="name". Once you find that, you will find the position of the end of the tag and then find the closing tag for that element. You then will perform a substring function that will get you the text starting at position X for the length of that you specify, which would be the closing tag position - end of opening tag position.
HTML / XML Library
There are probably a ton of HTML / XML libraries that will parse the document into some sort of object or an array. You then can loop through these elements until you find the one you are looking for. Some of these libraries may even have search functions of element ID's similar to how JavaScript will sort for a specific element.
These libraries may be hard to get started with, but they will offer you a lot of options in the future if you need to continue finding more HTML elements.

VBA named range in Word?

Is there a way to put invisible markers or id's in a document such that I can
get quick access to a fragment (paragrahp, table), in a way similar to the DIV/id combination used in HTML documents?
Yes, I can use bookmarks to point to a specific location in the document, but they do not the include the fragment itself, I'd be using two bookmarks, one to mark the start and the other for the end. Essentially what I'm looking for is a Word equivalent for named ranges as they are defined in Excel.
Any ideas?

VBA Macro to extract strings from word doc

i have a word document containing several strings. These strings have the first part always the same, for example ABC_001, ABC_002, ABC_003. I need to search for "ABC_" substring in the doc, extract all the occurences ("ABC_001", "ABC_002", "ABC_003") and copy them in an Excel sheet.
Anyone can help?
Thanks in advance.
You can reference the VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 and regex them.
Have a look at http://www.macrostash.com/2011/10/08/simple-regular-expression-tutorial-for-excel-vba/
and http://txt2re.com/
and some of VBA multiple matches within one string using regular expressions execute method
Actually it is probably easier to go to data and "Get external data" choose de-limiter and import, either manually or record a macro to get a feeling for the vba structure.
This should get you all the entrys in seperate cells, then go over them with a MID to get the part you need

Word VBA - Load part of doc into variable, and run .indexOf to search

Okay, I am a Javascript programmer and VBA is driving me insane - I know nothing about it and it is like pulling teeth to find simple documentation on the simplest thing.
I'm literally trying to run a little script to auto-format a document, partly based in content.
I want to grab the third line of document, or first 100 characters, I really don't care, and run the equivalent of String().indexOf('foobar') on it, to check if that part of the document contains a string.
I cannot for the life of me find how to:
a. Load text selection into a variable.
b. Run a sane semblance to indexOf.
Can someone please help? And maybe point me to a sane VBA documentation that is not Micrsoft?
a. Load text selection into a variable.
Identify a range (Word.Range) you want and get the Text property of that range.
For instance,
dim s as string
s = ThisDocument.Paragraphs(3).Range.Text
b. Run a sane semblance to indexOf.
Is InStr no good?
msgbox InStr(s, "foobar")