VBA Macro Error used with VLOOKUP - vba

I recently used code from a post by #LondonRob, which allows the format of a cell to be carried over with the containing data when using VLOOKUP.
Original question - Vlookup to copy color of a cell - Excel VBA
This is great and works for the majority of values. Unfortunately some values can't have the format carried across and I receive the error:
Run-time error "13": Data mismatch
I have taken out all empty cells and by trial and error taken out any formula errors and corrected misspellings. There are still a few cells bring this message up when trying to run the macro.
I can't see any errors in the data, and the occurrence of this error in cells appears to be almost random. The data set is also huge, so even finding all the problematic cells is proving difficult (I have located a few).
I would have commented on the thread, but I don't have the reputation at this point.
The coding used is (though in my module I took out the first 6 lines) -
Option Explicit
' By StackOverflow user LondonRob
' See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22151426/vlookup-to-copy-color-of-a-cell-excel-vba
Public Sub formatSelectionByLookup()
' Select the range you'd like to format then
' run this macro
copyLookupFormatting Selection
End Sub
Private Sub copyLookupFormatting(destRange As Range)
' Take each cell in destRange and copy the formatting
' from the destination cell (either itself or
' the vlookup target if the cell is a vlookup)
Dim destCell As Range
Dim srcCell As Range
For Each destCell In destRange
Set srcCell = getDestCell(destCell)
copyFormatting destCell, srcCell
Next destCell
End Sub
Private Sub copyFormatting(destCell As Range, srcCell As Range)
' Copy the formatting of srcCell into destCell
' This can be extended to include, e.g. borders
destCell.Font.Color = srcCell.Font.Color
destCell.Font.Bold = srcCell.Font.Bold
destCell.Font.Size = srcCell.Font.Size
destCell.Interior.Color = srcCell.Interior.Color
End Sub
Private Function getDestCell(fromCell As Range) As Range
' If fromCell is a vlookup, return the cell
' pointed at by the vlookup. Otherwise return the
' cell itself.
Dim srcColNum As Integer
Dim srcRowNum As Integer
Dim srcRange As Range
Dim srcCol As Range
srcColNum = extractLookupColNum(fromCell)
Set srcRange = extractDestRange(fromCell)
Set srcCol = getNthColumn(srcRange, srcColNum)
srcRowNum = Application.Match(fromCell.Value, srcCol, 0)
Set getDestCell = srcRange.Cells(srcRowNum, srcColNum)
End Function
Private Function extractDestRange(fromCell As Range) As Range
' Get the destination range of a vlookup in the formulat
' of fromCell. Returns fromCell itself if no vlookup is
' detected.
Dim fromFormula As String
Dim startPos As Integer
Dim endPos As Integer
Dim destAddr As String
fromFormula = fromCell.Formula
If Left(fromFormula, 9) = "=VLOOKUP(" Then
startPos = InStr(fromFormula, ",") + 1
endPos = InStr(startPos, fromFormula, ",")
destAddr = Trim(Mid(fromFormula, startPos, endPos - startPos))
destAddr = fromCell.Address
End If
Set extractDestRange = fromCell.Parent.Range(destAddr)
End Function
Private Function extractLookupColNum(fromCell As Range) As Integer
' If fromCell contains a vlookup, return the number of the
' column requested by the vlookup. Otherwise return 1
Dim fromFormula As String
Dim startPos As Integer
Dim endPos As Integer
Dim colNumber As String
fromFormula = fromCell.Formula
If Left(fromFormula, 9) = "=VLOOKUP(" Then
startPos = InStr(InStr(fromFormula, ",") + 1, fromFormula, ",") + 1
endPos = InStr(startPos, fromFormula, ",")
If endPos < startPos Then
endPos = InStr(startPos, fromFormula, ")")
End If
colNumber = Trim(Mid(fromFormula, startPos, endPos - startPos))
colNumber = 1
End If
extractLookupColNum = colNumber
End Function
Private Function getNthColumn(fromRange As Range, n As Integer) As Range
' Get the Nth column from fromRange
Dim startCell As Range
Dim endCell As Range
Set startCell = fromRange(1).Offset(0, n - 1)
Set endCell = startCell.End(xlDown)
Set getNthColumn = Range(startCell, endCell)
End Function

There's a lot of code there, so it's difficult to say what the exact issue might be.
Try this version:
Sub tester()
Dim c As Range
If TypeName(Selection)<>"Range" Then Exit Sub
For Each c In Selection
CopySourceFormats c
Next c
End Sub
'If the passed cell has a VLOOKUP formula,
' extract the arguments and find the source of the return value.
'Copy formatting from that cell to the cell with the formula
Sub CopySourceFormats(c As Range)
Dim arr, v, rng As Range, col As Long, f As String
Dim m, fs As Font, fd As Font, rngSrc As Range
'skip any unwanted cells
f = c.Formula
If Not f Like "=VLOOKUP(*" Then Exit Sub
If IsError(c.Value) Then Exit Sub 'no "source" cell to find
'Extract just the arguments and create an array
' (assumes no arguments contain a comma:
' would need better parsing otherwise)
f = Replace(f, "=VLOOKUP(", "")
f = Left(f, Len(f) - 1)
arr = Split(f, ",")
v = c.Parent.Evaluate(arr(0)) 'get lookup value
Set rng = Evaluate(arr(1)) 'source table (could be on another sheet)
col = CLng(arr(2)) 'column number in lookup table
'Debug.Print v, rng.Address(), col
'Try to match the value in the first column of the lookup table
m = Application.Match(v, rng.Columns(1), 0)
'Got a match? Copy formatting for the "source" cell
If Not IsError(m) Then
Set rngSrc = rng.Cells(m, col)
Set fs = rngSrc.Font
Set fd = c.Font
'copy formatting: add/subtract properties to suit...
fd.Size = fs.Size
fd.Color = fs.Color
fd.Bold = fs.Bold
c.Interior.ColorIndex = rngSrc.Interior.ColorIndex
End If
End Sub


VBA: Check if value from first sheet column a exists in second shift column A. If yes, then copy whole row

I'm new in VBA and actually don't know how to deal with that task. Maybe you can help me.
I have two tables in two sheets.
Table from sheet 1 is updated daily.
What I need to do is check if any value in column A (sheet 1) is in column A (sheet 2).
If yes, then do nothing.
If no, then copy whole row into the table in sheet 2.
Basing on google results I started to write some code but I stuck.
Dim source As Worksheet
Dim finaltbl As Worksheet
Dim rngsource As Range
Dim rngfinaltbl As Range
'Set Workbook
Set source = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet 1")
Set finaltbl = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet 2")
'Set Column
Set rngsource = source.Columns("A")
Set rngfinaltbl = finaltbl.Columns("A")
I assume that next I need to write some loop but I really don't know how it works.
Update Worksheet With Missing (Unique) Rows (Dictionary)
Adjust the values in the constants section.
Sub UpdateData()
' Source
Const sName As String = "Sheet1"
Const sFirstCellAddress As String = "A2"
' Destination
Const dName As String = "Sheet2"
Const dFirstCellAddress As String = "A2"
' Reference the destination worksheet.
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(dName)
Dim drg As Range
Dim dCell As Range
Dim drCount As Long
' Reference the destination data range.
With dws.Range(dFirstCellAddress)
Set dCell = .Resize(dws.Rows.Count - .Row + 1) _
.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , , xlPrevious)
If dCell Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' no data in column range
drCount = dCell.Row - .Row + 1
Set drg = .Resize(drCount)
End With
Dim Data As Variant
' Write the values from the destination range to an array.
If drCount = 1 Then
ReDim Data(1 To 1, 1 To 1): Data(1, 1) = drg.Value
Data = drg.Value
End If
' Write the unique values from the array to a dictionary.
Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Dim Key As Variant
Dim dr As Long
For dr = 1 To drCount
Key = Data(dr, 1)
If Not IsError(Key) Then ' exclude errors
If Len(Key) > 0 Then ' exclude blanks
dict(Key) = Empty
End If
End If
Next dr
' Reference the source worksheet.
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sName)
Dim srg As Range
Dim sCell As Range
Dim srCount As Long
' Reference the source data range.
With sws.Range(sFirstCellAddress)
Set sCell = .Resize(sws.Rows.Count - .Row + 1) _
.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , , xlPrevious)
If sCell Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' no data in column range
srCount = sCell.Row - .Row + 1
Set srg = .Resize(srCount)
End With
' Write the values from the source range to an array.
If srCount = 1 Then
ReDim Data(1 To 1, 1 To 1): Data(1, 1) = srg.Value
Data = srg.Value
End If
Dim surg As Range
Dim sr As Long
' Loop through the source values...
For sr = 1 To srCount
Key = Data(sr, 1)
If Not IsError(Key) Then ' exclude errors
If Len(Key) > 0 Then ' exclude blanks
If Not dict.Exists(Key) Then ' if source value doesn't exist...
dict(Key) = Empty ' ... add it (to the dictionary)...
If surg Is Nothing Then ' and combine the cell into a range.
Set surg = srg.Cells(sr)
Set surg = Union(surg, srg.Cells(sr))
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next sr
' Copy all source rows in one go below ('.Offset(1)') the last cell.
If Not surg Is Nothing Then
surg.EntireRow.Copy dCell.Offset(1).EntireRow
End If
MsgBox "Data updated.", vbInformation
End Sub
No you don't need a loop. You need the Find function for a Range
See Documentation for Find Method (Excel)
also Excel VBA Find A Complete Guide

How to check for 2 different values and delete the text where either of these values are found?

I want to find "Ext" and "/" in a column of data and delete all the text after and including those characters
If it doesn't find those characters in my data then exit the sub
I can do them separately but I definitely over complicated it, there must be an easier way
The data column will also have blanks in so I have to avoid blank cells and check the whole range of data
Sub DeleteAfterText()
Dim rngFoundCell As Range
Set rngFoundCell = Sheets("User Load").Range("E1:E3000").Find(What:="Ext")
'This is checking to see if the range contains EXT, if not it exits the sub'
If rngFoundCell Is Nothing Then 'If no cell in the range has an ' then exist sub
Exit Sub
Worksheets("User Load").Range("E1000").Select 'Start from bottom'
Selection.End(xlUp).Select 'This selects the bottom to the top'
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = "Phone Number" 'This does the change until it reaches the header name'
If ActiveCell.Value = "" Then 'If the cell is blank it skips it as there is no action after the then'
ActiveCell = Split(ActiveCell.Value, "Ext")(0)
'ActiveCell = Split(ActiveCell.Value, "/")(0)
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select
End If
End Sub
Sub DeleteAfterText2()
Dim rngFoundCell As Range
Set rngFoundCell = Sheets("User Load").Range("E1:E3000").Find(What:="/")
'This is checking to see if the range contains EXT, if not it exits the sub'
If rngFoundCell Is Nothing Then 'If no cell in the range has an ' then exist sub
Exit Sub
Worksheets("User Load").Range("E1000").Select 'Start from bottom'
Selection.End(xlUp).Select 'This selects the bottom to the top'
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = "Phone Number" 'This does the change until it reaches the header name'
If ActiveCell.Value = "" Then 'If the cell is blank it skips it as there is no action after the then'
ActiveCell = Split(ActiveCell.Value, "/")(0)
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select
End If
End Sub
This code should work. It is simple to read and easy to understand.
Option Explicit
'The calling Sub
Sub main()
DeleteTextFromColumn ActiveSheet.Range("E1:E3000")
End Sub
Sub DeleteTextFromColumn(ByRef inRange As Range)
Dim cCell As Range
Dim intPos1 As Integer
Dim intPos2 As Integer
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strOut As String
'You can specify which column if more than one column is provided to the
' subroutine. Ex: Range("E1:F3000")
For Each cCell In inRange.Columns(1).Cells
strTemp = cCell.Value
'gets the position of "ext" (case insensitive)
intPos1 = InStr(LCase(strTemp), "ext")
'gets the position of "/"
intPos2 = InStr(strTemp, "/")
strOut = strTemp
If intPos1 > 1 Then
strOut = Mid(strTemp, 1, intPos1 - 1)
ElseIf intPos2 > 1 Then
strOut = Mid(strTemp, 1, intPos2 - 1)
End If
'Outputs the results
cCell.Value = strOut
End Sub
It's best to break out repeated code into a sub which has parameters for the variable parts of the operation.
You can do something like this:
Sub Tester()
Dim theRange As Range
Set theRange = Sheets("User Load").Range("E1:E3000")
RemoveTextAfter theRange, "Ext"
RemoveTextAfter theRange, "/"
End Sub
Sub RemoveTextAfter(rng As Range, findWhat As String)
Dim f As Range
If Len(findWhat) = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set f = rng.Find(What:="Ext", lookat:=xlPart)
Do While Not f Is Nothing
f.Value = Split(f.Value, findWhat)(0)
Set f = rng.Find(What:="Ext", lookat:=xlPart)
End Sub
I'm going to give you two answers for the price of one. :)
At its root, the basic logic you need to figure out if a substring exists in a given string is a standard part of VBA in the InStr function. Using this, you can break out your logic to check a cell's value and (conditionally) delete the remainder of the string into a function like this:
Private Function DeleteTextAfter(ByVal contents As String, _
ByVal token As String) As String
'--- searches the given string contents and if it finds the given token
' it deletes the token and all following characters
DeleteTextAfter = contents
Dim pos1 As Long
pos1 = InStr(1, contents, token, vbTextCompare)
If pos1 > 0 Then
DeleteTextAfter = Left(contents, pos1 - 1)
End If
End Function
Notice here that using the function created above, we don't need to use Range.Find at all.
Once you have that, your top-level logic consists of setting up the range to search. In all of my code, I explicitly create objects to reference the workbook and worksheet so that I can keep things straight. In a simple example like this, it may seem like overkill, but the habit comes in handy when your code gets more involved. So I set up the range like this
Dim thisWB As Workbook
Dim userLoadWS As Worksheet
Set thisWB = ThisWorkbook
Set userLoadWS = thisWB.Sheets("User Load")
Dim searchRange As Range
Set searchRange = userLoadWS.Range("E1:E3000")
Now the loop just goes through each cell and gets a (potentially) updated value.
Dim cell As Variant
For Each cell In searchRange
If Not cell.value = vbNullString Then
Debug.Print cell.Address & " = " & cell.value
cell.value = DeleteTextAfter(cell.value, "Ext")
cell.value = DeleteTextAfter(cell.value, "/")
End If
Next cell
So your whole solution looks like this:
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestDirectlyFromRange()
Dim thisWB As Workbook
Dim userLoadWS As Worksheet
Set thisWB = ThisWorkbook
Set userLoadWS = thisWB.Sheets("User Load")
Dim searchRange As Range
Set searchRange = userLoadWS.Range("E1:E3000")
Dim cell As Variant
For Each cell In searchRange
If Not cell.value = vbNullString Then
Debug.Print cell.Address & " = " & cell.value
cell.value = DeleteTextAfter(cell.value, "Ext")
cell.value = DeleteTextAfter(cell.value, "/")
End If
Next cell
End Sub
Private Function DeleteTextAfter(ByVal contents As String, _
ByVal token As String) As String
'--- searches the given string contents and if it finds the given token
' it deletes the token and all following characters
DeleteTextAfter = contents
Dim pos1 As Long
pos1 = InStr(1, contents, token, vbTextCompare)
If pos1 > 0 Then
DeleteTextAfter = Left(contents, pos1 - 1)
End If
End Function
But wait, there's more!!
You're iterating over 3,000 rows of data. That can get to be slow if all those rows are filled or if you increase the number of rows to search. To speed up the search, the answer is to copy the data in the range to a memory-based array first, modify any of the data, then copy the results back. This example uses the same Function DeleteTextAfter as above and is much quicker. Use whichever one fits your situation best.
Public Sub TestRangeInArray()
Dim thisWB As Workbook
Dim userLoadWS As Worksheet
Set thisWB = ThisWorkbook
Set userLoadWS = thisWB.Sheets("User Load")
'--- create the range and copy into a memory array
Dim searchRange As Range
Dim searchData As Variant
Set searchRange = userLoadWS.Range("E1:E3000")
searchData = searchRange.value
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(searchData, 1) To UBound(searchData, 1)
If Not searchData(i, 1) = vbNullString Then
searchData(i, 1) = DeleteTextAfter(searchData(i, 1), "Ext")
searchData(i, 1) = DeleteTextAfter(searchData(i, 1), "/")
End If
Next i
'--- now copy the modified array back to the worksheet range
searchRange.value = searchData
End Sub

Excel Vba Macro to Delete Entire Row Based on Column Header

Would the below code be able to be modified to
remove multiple rows based on column headers and cell values, and
do this for multiple column row combinations?
example: Column "Status" Value "Complete"
Cycle through all sheets and look for any header that says status and delete all rows where status has a complete in it?
Sub Delete_Rows_Based_On_Header_and_Value ()
' Delete_Rows_Based_On_Header_and_Value Macro
' Declaration
Dim a as long
Dim w as long
Dim vDELCOLs as variant
Dim vCOLNDX as variant
Dim vDELROWs as variant
Dim vROWNDX as variant
vDELCOLs = array("status","Status Name","Status Processes")
vDELROWs = array("Complete","Completed","Done")
with Activeworkbook
for w=1 to .worksheets.count
with worksheets(w)
' I know this part is to delete columns based on the column name and I am not sure how to modify it to just check column name then delete row based on the value on that column only.
for a=lbound(vdelcols) to ubound(vdelcols)
vcolndx=application.match(vdelcols(a), .rows(1), 0)
if not iserror(vcolndx) then
end if
next a
end with
next w
end with
The following code will take an array of arrays as vDELROWS and will delete a row if any of the values match what is in the corresponding column.
Sub Delete_Rows_Based_On_Header_and_Value()
' Delete_Rows_Based_On_Header_and_Value Macro
' Declaration
Dim a As Long
Dim w As Long
Dim vDELCOLs As Variant
Dim vCOLNDX As Variant
Dim vDELROWs As Variant
Dim vROWNDX As Variant
Dim r As Long
Dim v As Long
vDELCOLs = Array("status", "Status Name", "Status Processes")
vDELROWs = Array(Array("Complete", "Pending"), Array("Completed", "Pending"), Array("Done"))
With ActiveWorkbook
For w = 1 To .Worksheets.Count
With Worksheets(w)
For a = LBound(vDELCOLs) To UBound(vDELCOLs)
vCOLNDX = Application.Match(vDELCOLs(a), .Rows(1), 0)
If Not IsError(vCOLNDX) Then
For r = .Cells(.Rows.Count, vCOLNDX).End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
For v = LBound(vDELROWs(a)) To UBound(vDELROWs(a))
If .Cells(r, vCOLNDX).Value = vDELROWs(a)(v) Then
Exit For
End If
End If
Next a
End With
Next w
End With
End Sub
Autofilter is more efficient than looping
Sub DeleteRows()
Sheet1.Range("a1:c35").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="Completed"
Sheet1.UsedRange.Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
'repeat for each value
End Sub

Find Last cell from Range VBA

How to find location of last cell from defined Range? Cell does not have to contain any data but must be most right and most down located cell from certain Range.
Set rngOrigin = wksOrigin.Cells(IntFirstRow, IntFirstColumn).CurrentRegion
I wish to receive
Perhaps this is what you want:
Dim rngLastCell As Range
Set rngLastCell = rngOrigin(rngOrigin.Count)
maybe you're after this:
'absolute indexes from cell A1
With rngOrigin
i = .Rows(.Rows.count).row
j = .Columns(.Columns.count).Column
End With
'relative indexes from rngOrigin upleftmost cell
With rngOrigin
i = .Rows(.Rows.count).row - .Rows(1).row + 1
j = .Columns(.Columns.count).Column - .Columns(1).Column + 1
End With
I handled it in below code but your remarks were helpful. Thank you.
intLastRow = rngOrigin.Cells(1, 1).Row + rngOrigin.Rows.Count - 1
intLastCol = rngOrigin.Cells(1, 1).Column + rngOrigin.Columns.Count - 1
The answers given by others mostly work, but not if the region is a union of non-contiguous cells. Here is a version that works consistently for single and multi-area regions, contiguous and non-contiguous.
Function LastCellOfRange(rng As Excel.Range) As Excel.Range
Dim area As Excel.Range
Dim rowNum As Long
Dim maxRow As Long
Dim colNum As Long
Dim maxCol As Long
Dim areaIdx As Integer
Set LastCellOfRange = Nothing
maxRow = 0
maxCol = 0
For areaIdx = 1 To rng.Areas.Count
Set area = rng.Areas(areaIdx)
rowNum = area.Cells(area.Cells.Count).row
If (rowNum > maxRow) Then
maxRow = rowNum
End If
colNum = area.Cells(area.Cells.Count).Column
If (colNum > maxCol) Then
maxCol = colNum
End If
Next areaIdx
Set LastCellOfRange = rng.Worksheet.Cells(maxRow, maxCol)
Set area = Nothing
End Function
Use this to code find the last cell in a given range
Sub GetLastCellFromRange()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range("$C$10:$E$20")
'Set rng = Range(Selection.Address) ' Use this line to select the range in worksheet
MsgBox "Last Cell of given range is : " & rng.Cells(rng.Rows.Count, rng.Columns.Count).Address
End Sub
I hope it will help you
you could try the following but it relies upon cells always being populated
or you could use the CurrentRegion and count the rows and columns and use Offset
Alternatively, you could use this construct which works even with ranges based on entire rows or entire columns.
Sub Test()
Dim rngOrigin As Excel.Range
Set rngOrigin = Range("$A$1:$D$6")
Dim rngLast As Excel.Range
Set rngLast = rngOrigin.Cells(rngOrigin.Cells.Count)
Debug.Print rngLast.Address
End Sub
Finally, for ranges with multiple areas you'll have to script against a range's Areas collection ...
Sub Test()
Dim rngOrigin As Excel.Range
Set rngOrigin = Range("$A$1:$D$6,$F$1:$G$6")
Debug.Print rngOrigin.Areas(1).Cells(rngOrigin.Areas(1).Cells.Count).Address
Debug.Print rngOrigin.Areas(2).Cells(rngOrigin.Areas(2).Cells.Count).Address
End Sub
Many answers here will work as long as the given range is continuous. This is what I would use for a range that you are absolutely sure is going to be continuous:
Sub test()
Dim myRng As Range, lastCell As Range
Set myRng = Range("A1:D4")
Set lastCell = myRng.Cells(myRng.Rows.Count, myRng.Columns.Count)
Debug.Print lastCell.Address 'returns $D$4
End Sub
For non-continuous, DB user10082797 gave a great solution, however their function fails when the ranges are positioned diagonal-up (for example, if you pass rng=A3:B4,C1:D2 in you will get D4 as the output which was not part of the original range.)
So the question becomes, what is the last cell in the range A3:B4,C1:D2? Is it B4 or D2? That's a decision for the programmer. Here is a function I wrote with the help of DB user10082797's function:
Function LastCellOfRange(rng As Range, Optional returnLastRow As Boolean = True) As Range
'returns the last cell in #rng.
'if #returnLastRow is TRUE, then the output will always be in the right most cell of the last row of #rng
'if #returnLastRow is FALSE, then the output will always be in the bottom most cell of the last column of #rng
'(#returnLastRow only matters for non-contiguous ranges under certain circumstances.)
'initialize variables
Dim area As Range, areaIdx As Long
Dim lastCellInArea As Range
'loop thru each area in the selection
For areaIdx = 1 To rng.Areas.Count
Set area = rng.Areas(areaIdx) 'get next area
Set lastCellInArea = area.Cells(area.Rows.Count, area.Columns.Count) 'get the last cell in the area
' the return is empty
' OR if the last row needs to be returned and this row is larger than the last area's
' OR if the last row needs to be returned and this row is the same as the last area's but has a larger column
' OR if the last column needs to be returned and this column is larger than the last area's
' OR if the last column needs to be returned and this column is the same as the last area's but has a larger row
' make this cell the return range
If LastCellOfRange Is Nothing Then
Set LastCellOfRange = lastCellInArea '(must be seperate from the other statment when its not set to anything)
ElseIf _
returnLastRow = True And lastCellInArea.Row > LastCellOfRange.Row _
Or returnLastRow = True And lastCellInArea.Row = LastCellOfRange.Row And lastCellInArea.Column > LastCellOfRange.Column _
Or returnLastRow = False And lastCellInArea.Column > LastCellOfRange.Column _
Or returnLastRow = False And lastCellInArea.Column = LastCellOfRange.Column And lastCellInArea.Row > LastCellOfRange.Row _
Set LastCellOfRange = lastCellInArea
End If
Next areaIdx
End Function
You can use the function like this:
Sub test()
Dim myRng As Range
Set myRng = Range("A3:B4,C1:D2")
Debug.Print LastCellOfRange(myRng).Address 'returns $B$4
Debug.Print LastCellOfRange(myRng, False).Address 'returns $D$2
End Sub
In your case, since you want to find the cell to the most right and down in your wksOrigin (defined as Worksheet), you could use the SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) to get the last cell Row and Column.
i = wksOrigin.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row ' <-- get last row number
j = wksOrigin.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column ' <-- get last column number
If you want to debug your result, you can add:
MsgBox "Last row at " & i & ", last column at " & j
If you want the absolute last cell of a defined range, regardless of whether it has any content, here is a simple solution
Dim InputRng As Range 'define a range for the test'
Set InputRng = Range("$F$3:$F$15")
MsgBox InputRng(1).Address & ":" & InputRng(InputRng.Cells.Count).Address 'This would output the absolute address of defined range'

Creating a separate excel using Macro

I am having a excel with one column that has got information regarding tender. Each cell will have a value like
Column: Nokia([Mode1.Number],OLD)
Column: Motorola([Mode1.Number],OLD)
Column: Motorola([Mode2.Number],NEW)
Column: Motorola([Mode3.Number],OLD)
Column: Samsung([Mode2.Number],NEW)
I need to create 2 excel out of this. One should 've all the information of the OLD and the second excel should've all the information of NEW.
So my output excel should contain
First Excel
Second Excel
Kindly help me.. Thanks in advance..
Highlight the cells containing the data you want to copy and then run this code
sub copystuff
dim r as range
dim tn as range
im to as range
dim wsNewTarget as worksheet
dim wsOldTarget as worksheet
dim wsSource as worksheet
set wsSource = activesheet
set wsNewtarget = activeworkbook.worksheets.add
set wsoldtarget = activeworkbook.worksheets.add
set tn = wsnewtarget.range("a1")
set to =wsoldtarget.range("a1")
for each r in wssource.selection
if imstr(r,"NEW")>0 then
set tn = tn.offset(1,0)
set to = to.offset(1,0)
end if
next r
end sub
Sub SplitOldNew()
Dim InRange As Range, OldRange As Range, NewRange As Range
Dim Idx As Integer
Set InRange = Selection ' select all cells to be split
Set OldRange = Worksheets("OLD").[A1] ' choose appropriate target entry points
Set NewRange = Worksheets("NEW").[A1] ' ...
Idx = 1 ' loop counter
Do While InRange(Idx, 1) <> ""
If InStr(1, InRange(Idx, 1), "OLD") <> 0 Then
DBInsert OldRange, InRange(Idx, 1)
DBInsert NewRange, InRange(Idx, 1)
End If
Idx = Idx + 1
End Sub
Sub DBInsert(intoRange As Range, Arg As String)
Dim Idx As Integer
Idx = 1 ' loop counter
Do While intoRange(Idx, 1) <> "" ' find first blank row
Idx = Idx + 1
intoRange(Idx, 1) = Arg ' write out
End Sub