VBA Function Optional parameters - vba

I am calling a specific piece of code several times therefore I would like to use optional parameters.
I can write something like:
Public Sub main()
strA = "A"
'Calling the function
CalculateMe (strA)
End Sub
Public Sub CalculateMe(strA As String)
Set rs = DB.OpenRecordset("tbl_A")
Do Until rs.EOF
If rs.Fields(0) = strA Then
dblA = rs.fields(2).Value
End If
End Sub
How can I change the function to hold more than 1 optional parameters?
Something like:
Public Sub main()
strA = "A"
strB = "B"
'Calling the function
CalculateMe (strA, strB)
more code
End Sub
Public Sub CalculateMe(Optional strA As String, Optional strB as String)
Set rs = DB.OpenRecordset("tbl_A")
Do Until rs.EOF
If rs.Fields(0).Value = strA And rs.Fields(1).Value = strB Then
dblA = rs.Fields(2).Value
End If
End Sub
Following Pankaj Jaju's advice, I have managed to have it run by changing it to:
Public Sub main()
strA = "A"
strB = "B"
'Calling the function
dblA = CalculateMe (strA, strB)
End Sub
Public Function CalculateMe(Optional ByVal strA As String, Optional ByVal strB as String)
Set rs = DB.OpenRecordset("tbl_A")
Do Until rs.EOF
If rs.Fields(0).Value = strA And rs.Fields(1).Value = strB Then
dblA = rs.Fields(2).Value
End If
End Sub
Now, how can I clear the value of an optional parameter? I will need this for some of the calculations. Something like:
Set strA = Nothing

Change your sub and add ByVal
Public Sub CalculateMe(Optional ByVal strA As String, Optional ByVal strB As String)

Public Sub CalculateMe(Optional varA As Variant, Optional varB as Variant)
Excerpts from Chip Pearson's excellent explanation:
Rules governing the use of optional parameters:
The Optional keyword must be present to make a parameter optional.
The data type should be (but need not be, see below) a Variant data
The optional parameter(s) must be at the end of the parameter
The IsMissing function will work only with parameters declared
as Variant. It will return False when used with any other data type.
User defined types (UTDs) cannot be optional parameters.
Function Test(L1 As Long, L2 As Long, _
Optional P1 As Variant, Optional P2 As Variant) As String
Dim S As String
If IsMissing(P1) = True Then
S = "P1 Is Missing."
S = "P1 Is Present (P1 = " & CStr(P1) & ")"
End If
If IsMissing(P2) = True Then
S = S & " " & "P2 Is Missing"
S = S & " " & "P2 Is Present (P2 = " & CStr(P2) & ")"
End If
Test = S
End Function
Here, both L1 and L2 are required but P1 and P2 are optional. Since both are Variant types, we can use IsMissing to determine whether the parameter was passed in. IsMissing returns True if the Variant parameter is omitted, or False if the Variant parameter is included. If the data type of the optional parameter is any data type other than Variant, IsMissing will return False.

Instead of CalculateMe(,strB) you can use
dblA = CalculateMe strB:="B"

I'm not sure you really mean "optional". In your example, you're listing the args as optional, but you're still passing both arguments to the function.
In any case, here you pass both arguments:
Public Sub main()
strA = "A"
strB = "B"
'Calling the function
dblA = CalculateMe(strA, strB)
more code
End Sub
If you want to pass only one of the arguments, then do like:
dblA = CalculateMe(, strB)
dblA = CalculateMe(strA)
Otherwise, if you are always passing both arguments, then it doesn't make sense to have them Optional.


Find task in MS Project by custom field value

i'm currently using below function to find a MS project task based on custom field value, it works perfectly when a parent task object is provided, it only loops through children tasks. The problem is that now in plan target task could be placed any where in plan and it takes some time looping through all the ~3k tasks in plan trying to find the correct task based on custom field value. Is there a way i could do this faster?
**'sub to test Function**
Public Sub TestFunction()
Dim TaskObject as Object
Dim MSapp as Object '<- MS project application
Dim ErrMsg as String
set TaskObject = funGetTaskByFieldRef(objMSPapp:=MSapp,
fieldName:= "customForeingKeyField",
ErrMsg:= ErrMsg)
if TaskObject is nothing then
MsgBox ErrMsg
Debug.Print TaskObject.UniqueID & " - " & TaskObject.Name
end if
End Sub
**'Function - - -**
Public Function funGetTaskByFieldRef(ByRef objMSPapp As Object, ByVal fieldValue As String, _
ByVal fieldName As String, _
Optional ByRef objParentTask As Object, _
Optional ByRef ErrMsg As String = vbNullString) As Object
Dim obMSPprj As Object
Dim tsk As Object
Dim tmpValue As String
'<FUN> ---
'set temporal var Microsoft Project
Set obMSPprj = objMSPapp.ActiveProject
'using project
With obMSPprj
'check if parent task has been provided
If Not objParentTask Is Nothing Then
'loop through each child
For Each tsk In objParentTask.OutlineChildren
tmpValue = funSetGetMSPval(objMSPapp, tsk, 0, "Get", fieldName)
If tmpValue = fieldValue Then
'retunr UID
Set funGetTaskByFieldRef = tsk
'exit function
Exit Function
End If
Next tsk
'loop through each task
For Each tsk In .Tasks
tmpValue = funSetGetMSPval(objMSPapp, tsk, 0, "Get", fieldName)
If tmpValue = fieldValue Then
'retunr UID
Set funGetTaskByFieldRef = tsk
'exit function
Exit Function
End If
Next tsk
End If
End With
'if there is no exact match for task name return -1
Set funGetTaskByFieldRef = Nothing
ErrMsg = "Task not found"
'<FUN> ---
End Function
**'Encapsulated sub-function **
Public Function funSetGetMSPval(ByRef objMSPapp As Object, ByRef objEntObj As Object, _
ByVal intPjFieldType As Integer, ByVal strAction As String, _
Optional ByVal strFldName As String, _
Optional ByVal strVal As String) As Variant
'pjProject = 2
'pjResource =1
'pjTask = 0
With objMSPapp
Select Case strAction
Case "Set"
On Error Resume Next
objEntObj.SetField .FieldNameToFieldConstant(strFldName, intPjFieldType), strVal
If Not Err.Number <> 0 Then
'catch error
End If
On Error GoTo 0
funSetGetMSPval = True
Case "Get"
funSetGetMSPval = objEntObj.getfield(.FieldNameToFieldConstant(strFldName, intPjFieldType))
End Select
End With
End Function
Hope there is someone that has a better way to do this.
thank you.
Is there a way i could do this faster?
Yes, use the Find method.
Public Sub FindTask()
Dim TaskObject As Object
Dim MSapp As Object
Set MSapp = Application
Dim found As Boolean
found = MSapp.Find(Field:="customForeingKeyField", Test:="equals", Value:="Key1234")
If found Then
Set TaskObject = MSapp.ActiveCell.Task
Debug.Print TaskObject.UniqueID & " - " & TaskObject.Name
MsgBox "Task not found"
End If
End Sub

Writing a string to a new .csv in VB.net

I am trying to write a string to a .csv file, but unable to get it to display.
I have managed to do it in VBA, but when writing in VB.net it's not working.
I first create the file and set the headers for each column. After this I am getting information on each required attribute and writing it to a string s.
All i want to do now is write the string to the .csv file so that each attribute is in the right column under the right header.
Each time the string s simply needs to be on a new row.
This is what I have so far (I have cut out some bits of code so some syntax may look incorrect). What am i doing wrong or missing?
Sub Main()
Dim sOutput As String
' Create a header for the output file
sOutput = ("Level,Occurrence Name,Reference Name,Object type, Visibility, Path" & vbLf)
If Occs.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Occs.Count
iLevel = 0
curOcc = Occs.Item(i)
GetOccurrenceData(curOcc, sOutput, oSel, False, iLevel)
End If
' Write the output string to a file
Dim sPath As String
Dim bWrite As Boolean
sPath = ("C:\temp\data3.csv")
bWrite = WriteFile(sPath, sOutput)
End Sub
Sub GetOccurrenceData(curOcc As VPMOccurrence, s As String, sel As Selection, ByVal bParentHidden As Boolean, ByVal iParentLevel As Integer)
' Append the output string with the data for the current occurrence.
s = (s & curLevel & "," & sName & "," & sRefName & "," & sType & "," & sVisibility & vbLf)
' Repeat this data gathering procedure on any children the current occurrence may have.
Occs = curOcc.Occurrences
If Occs.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Occs.Count
GetOccurrenceData(Occs.Item(i), s, sel, bChildrenInheritNoShow, curLevel)
End If
In GetOccurrenceData you pass in a string and change it in the method, but you did not pass it in as a ByRef so anything done to the string in the method stays in the method.
Change the header of your method to read
Sub GetOccurrenceData(curOcc As VPMOccurrence,ByRef s As String, sel As Selection, ByVal bParentHidden As Boolean, ByVal iParentLevel As Integer)
I would however recommend using a StringBuilder to accomplish what you are doing.
Like This:
Sub Main()
Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder()
sb.AppendLine("Level,Occurrence Name,Reference Name,Object type, Visibility, Path")
If Occs.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Occs.Count
iLevel = 0
curOcc = Occs.Item(i)
GetOccurrenceData(curOcc, sb, oSel, False, iLevel)
End If
' Write the output string to a file
Dim sPath As String
Dim bWrite As Boolean
sPath = ("C:\temp\data3.csv")
bWrite = WriteFile(sPath, sb.ToString())
End Sub
Sub GetOccurrenceData(curOcc As VPMOccurrence, sb As Text.StringBuilder, sel As Selection, ByVal bParentHidden As Boolean, ByVal iParentLevel As Integer)
' Append the output string with the data for the current occurrence.
' Repeat this data gathering procedure on any children the current occurrence may have.
Occs = curOcc.Occurrences
If Occs.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Occs.Count
GetOccurrenceData(Occs.Item(i), sb, sel, bChildrenInheritNoShow, curLevel)
End If
End Sub

How to call a function passing only one optional argument?

If my function looks like
function(optional byval string1 as String,optional byval string2 as String,optional byval string3 as String )
And I only want to call the function by supplying string3 by entering "=function(string3)" in cell, how can I do that ?
It's possible in one of two ways...
Call the routine and identify which optional parameter is being used by "skipping" unusued parms:
Function MyFunc(optional a as integer, _
optional b as integer, _
optional c as integer) as double
MyFunc = c * 3.14159
End Function
=MyFunc(,,12) <== called as UDF on worksheet or in VBA module
Code your function with an argument list:
Function MyFunc(args() As Variant) As Double
Dim numberOfArgs As Integer
Dim arg As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim answer As Double
numberOfArgs = UBound(args)
i = 1
For Each arg In args
Debug.Print "arg(" & i & ") = " & arg
answer = Int(arg) * 3.14159
i = i + 1
Next arg
MyFunc = answer
End Function
Sub test1()
Dim parms() As Variant
ReDim parms(1 To 3)
'parms(1) = ??
'parms(2) = ??
parms(3) = 21
Debug.Print MyFunc(parms)
End Sub

Handling series of comma separated values in VBA

I have this function which returns as string the value in comma separated string which is in order of given integer value.
Private Sub TestGetNthNumber()
Debug.Print GetNthNumber("NUMBERS 5088, 5089, 5090, 5091", 2)
End Sub
Public Function GetNthNumber(sMark As String, iOrder As Integer) As String
Dim sTemp As String
Dim sNumber As String
Dim iLoop As Integer
If sMark = "" Then
Exit Function
End If
sTemp = sMark & ","
For iLoop = 1 To iOrder
sTemp = Mid(sTemp, InStr(sTemp, " "))
sNumber = Trim(Left(sTemp, InStr(sTemp, ",") - 1))
sTemp = Mid(sTemp, InStr(sTemp, ",") + 1)
GetNthNumber = sNumber
End Function
The test Sub will return "5089" as its given number 2 in the list of values.
My question;
Is there better method to do this instead of the messy string manipulation with Mid, Left and InStr? Like a way to turn the comma separated string values into an array?
Another problem;
It is possible the string is in format "NUMBERS 5088, 5089, 5090 and 5091". But for this I assume simply replacing " and" with "," before handling it does the trick.
The other alternative is to use RegEx/RegExp. Your function will looks like that:
Public Function GetNthNumberAlternative(sMark As String, iOrder As Integer) As String
'regexp declaration
Dim objRegExp As Object
Set objRegExp = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With objRegExp
.Global = True
.Pattern = "\d+"
GetNthNumberAlternative = .Execute(sMark)(iOrder - 1).Value
End With
End Function
And you could call it in this way:
Private Sub TestGetNthNumber()
Debug.Print GetNthNumberAlternative("NUMBERS 5088 AND 5089 OR 5090, 5091", 1)
End Sub
You want to use the Split function. If you have the same values each time then you can remove the NUMBERS and the final AND. Something like this:
Private Sub TestGetNthNumber()
Debug.Print GetNthNumber("NUMBERS 5088, 5089, 5090, 5091", 2)
End Sub
Public Function GetNthNumber(sMark As String, iOrder As Integer) As String
Dim vArray As Variant
sMark = Replace(sMark, "NUMBERS", "")
sMark = Replace(sMark, "AND", "")
vArray = Split(sMark, ",")
GetNthNumber = vArray(iOrder)
End Function

How to obtain the macros defined in an Excel workbook

Is there any way, in either VBA or C# code, to get a list of the existing macros defined in a workbook?
Ideally, this list would have a method definition signatures, but just getting a list of the available macros would be great.
Is this possible?
I haven't done vba for Excel in a long time, but if I remember well, the object model for the code was inaccessible through scripting.
When you try to access it, you receive the following error.
Run-time error '1004':
Programmatic access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted
Tools | Macro | Security |Trusted Publisher Tab
[x] Trust access to Visual Basic Project
Now that you have access to the VB IDE, you could probably export the modules and make a text search in them, using vba / c#, using regular expressions to find sub and function declarations, then delete the exported modules.
I'm not sure if there is an other way to do this, but this should work.
You can take a look the following link, to get started with exporting the modules.
This is where I got the information about giving thrusted access to the VB IDE.
Building on Martin's answer, after you trust access to the VBP, you can use this set of code to get an array of all the public subroutines in an Excel workbook's VB Project. You can modify it to only include subs, or just funcs, or just private or just public...
Private Sub TryGetArrayOfDecs()
Dim Decs() As String
DumpProcedureDecsToArray Decs
End Sub
Public Function DumpProcedureDecsToArray(ByRef Result() As String, Optional InDoc As Excel.Workbook) As Boolean
Dim VBProj As Object
Dim VBComp As Object
Dim VBMod As Object
If InDoc Is Nothing Then Set InDoc = ThisWorkbook
ReDim Result(1 To 1500, 1 To 4)
DumpProcedureDecsToArray = True
On Error GoTo PROC_ERR
Set VBProj = InDoc.VBProject
Dim FuncNum As Long
Dim FuncDec As String
For Each VBComp In VBProj.vbcomponents
Set VBMod = VBComp.CodeModule
For i = 1 To VBMod.countoflines
If IsSubroutineDeclaration(VBMod.Lines(i, 1)) Then
FuncDec = RemoveBlanksAndDecsFromSubDec(RemoveAsVariant(VBMod.Lines(i, 1)))
If LCase(Left(VBMod.Lines(i, 1), Len("private"))) <> "private" Then
FuncNum = FuncNum + 1
Result(FuncNum, 1) = FindToLeftOfString(InDoc.Name, ".") '
Result(FuncNum, 2) = VBMod.Name
Result(FuncNum, 3) = GetSubName(FuncDec)
Result(FuncNum, 4) = VBProj.Name
End If
End If
Next i
Next VBComp
Exit Function
End Function
Private Function RemoveCharFromLeftOfString(TheString As String, RemoveChar As String) As String
Dim Result As String
Result = TheString
While LCase(Left(Result, Len(RemoveChar))) = LCase(RemoveChar)
Result = Right(Result, Len(Result) - Len(RemoveChar))
RemoveCharFromLeftOfString = Result
End Function
Private Function RemoveBlanksAndDecsFromSubDec(TheLine As String) As String
Dim Result As String
Result = TheLine
Result = RemoveCharFromLeftOfString(Result, " ")
Result = RemoveCharFromLeftOfString(Result, " ")
Result = RemoveCharFromLeftOfString(Result, "Public ")
Result = RemoveCharFromLeftOfString(Result, "Private ")
Result = RemoveCharFromLeftOfString(Result, " ")
RemoveBlanksAndDecsFromSubDec = Result
End Function
Private Function RemoveAsVariant(TheLine As String) As String
Dim Result As String
Result = TheLine
Result = Replace(Result, "As Variant", "")
Result = Replace(Result, "As String", "")
Result = Replace(Result, "Function", "")
If InStr(1, Result, "( ") = 0 Then
Result = Replace(Result, "(", "( ")
End If
RemoveAsVariant = Result
End Function
Private Function IsSubroutineDeclaration(TheLine As String) As Boolean
If LCase(Left(RemoveBlanksAndDecsFromSubDec(TheLine), Len("Function "))) = "function " Or LCase(Left(RemoveBlanksAndDecsFromSubDec(TheLine), Len("sub "))) = "sub " Then
IsSubroutineDeclaration = True
End If
End Function
Private Function GetSubName(DecLine As String) As String
GetSubName = FindToRightOfString(FindToLeftOfString(DecLine, "("), " ")
End Function
Function FindToLeftOfString(FullString As String, ToFind As String) As String
If FullString = "" Then Exit Function
Dim Result As String, ToFindPos As Integer
ToFindPos = InStr(1, FullString, ToFind, vbTextCompare)
If ToFindPos > 0 Then
Result = Left(FullString, ToFindPos - 1)
Result = FullString
End If
FindToLeftOfString = Result
End Function
Function FindToRightOfString(FullString As String, ToFind As String) As String
If FullString = "" Then Exit Function
Dim Result As String, ToFindPos As Integer
ToFindPos = InStr(1, FullString, ToFind, vbTextCompare)
Result = Right(FullString, Len(FullString) - ToFindPos + 1 - Len(ToFind))
If ToFindPos > 0 Then
FindToRightOfString = Result
FindToRightOfString = FullString
End If
End Function