Here is my problem: I have a fortran code with a certain amount of nested loops and first I wanted to know if it's possible to optimize (rearranging) them in order to get a time gain? Second I wonder if I could use OpenMP to optimize them?
I have seen a lot of posts about nested do loops in fortran and how to optimize them but I didn't find one example that is suited to mine. I have also searched about OpenMP for nested do loops in fortran but I'm level 0 in OpenMP and it's difficult for me to know how to use it in my case.
Here are two very similar examples of loops that I have, first:
do p=1,N
do q=1,N
do ab=1,nVV
cd = 0
do c=nO+1,N
do d=c+1,N
cd = cd + 1
A(p,q,ab) = A(p,q,ab) + (B(p,q,c,d) - B(p,q,d,c))*C(cd,ab)
end do
end do
kl = 0
do k=1,nO
do l=k+1,nO
kl = kl + 1
A(p,q,ab) = A(p,q,ab) + (B(p,q,k,l) - B(p,q,l,k))*D(kl,ab)
end do
end do
end do
do ij=1,nOO
cd = 0
do c=nO+1,N
do d=c+1,N
cd = cd + 1
E(p,q,ij) = E(p,q,ij) + (B(p,q,c,d) - B(p,q,d,c))*F(cd,ij)
end do
end do
kl = 0
do k=1,nO
do l=k+1,nO
kl = kl + 1
E(p,q,ij) = E(p,q,ij) + (B(p,q,k,l) - B(p,q,l,k))*G(kl,ij)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
and the other one is:
do p=1,N
do q=1,N
do ab=1,nVV
cd = 0
do c=nO+1,N
do d=nO+1,N
cd = cd + 1
A(p,q,ab) = A(p,q,ab) + B(p,q,c,d)*C(cd,ab)
end do
end do
kl = 0
do k=1,nO
do l=1,nO
kl = kl + 1
A(p,q,ab) = A(p,q,ab) + B(p,q,k,l)*D(kl,ab)
end do
end do
end do
do ij=1,nOO
cd = 0
do c=nO+1,N
do d=nO+1,N
cd = cd + 1
E(p,q,ij) = E(p,q,ij) + B(p,q,c,d)*F(cd,ij)
end do
end do
kl = 0
do k=1,nO
do l=1,nO
kl = kl + 1
E(p,q,ij) = E(p,q,ij) + B(p,q,k,l)*G(kl,ij)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
The very small difference between the two examples is mainly in the indices of the loops. I don't know if you need more info about the different integers in the loops but you have in general: nO < nOO < N < nVV. So I don't know if it's possible to optimize these loops and/or possibly put them in a way that will facilitate the use of OpenMP (I don't know yet if I will use OpenMP, it will depend on how much I can gain by optimizing the loops without it).
I already tried to rearrange the loops in different ways without any success (no time gain) and I also tried a little bit of OpenMP but I don't know much about it, so again no success.
From the initial comments it may appear that at least in some cases you may be using more memory than the available RAM, which means you may be using the swap file, with all the bad consequences on the performances. To fix this, you have to either install more RAM if possible, or deeply reorganize your code to not store the full B array (by far the largest one) at once (again, if possible).
Now, let's assume that you have enough RAM. As I wrote in the comments, the access pattern on the B array is far from optimal, as the inner loops correspond to the last indeces of B, which can result in many cache misses (all the more given the the size of B). Changing the loop order if possible is a way to go.
Just looking at your first example, I am focusing on the computation of the array A (the computation of the array E looks completely independent of A, so it can be processed separately):
!! test it at first without OpenMP
!!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(cd,c,d,kl,k,l)
do ab=1,nVV
cd = 0
do c=nO+1,N
do d=c+1,N
cd = cd + 1
A(:,:,ab) = A(:,:,ab) + (B(:,:,c,d) - B(:,:,d,c))*C(cd,ab)
end do
end do
kl = 0
do k=1,nO
do l=k+1,nO
kl = kl + 1
A(:,:,ab) = A(:,:,ab) + (B(:,:,k,l) - B(:,:,l,k))*D(kl,ab)
end do
end do
end do
What I did:
moved the loops on p and q from outer to inner positions (it's not always as easy than it is here)
replaced them with array syntax (no performance gain to expect, just a code easier to read)
Now the inner loops (abstracted by the array syntax) tackle contiguous elements in memory, which is much better for the performances. The code is even ready for OpenMP multithreading on the (now) outer loop.
Fortran stores the arrays in "column-major order", that is when incrementing the first index one accesses contiguous elements in memory. In C the arrays are stored in "row-major order", that is when incrementing the last index one accesses contiguous elements in memory. So a general rule is to have the inner loops on the first indeces (and the opposite in C).
It would be helpful if you could describe the operations you'd like to perform using tensor notation and the Einstein summation rule. I have the feeling the code could be written much more succinctly using something like np.einsum in NumPy.
For the second block of loop nests (the ones where you iterate across a square sub-section of B as opposed to a triangle) you could try to introduce some sub-programs or primitives from which the full solution is built.
Working from the bottom up, you start with a simple sum of two matrices.
! a_ij := a_ij + beta * b_ij
pure subroutine apb(A,B,beta)
real(dp), intent(inout) :: A(:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: B(:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: beta
A = A + beta*B
end subroutine
(for first code block in the original post, you would substitute this primitive with one that only updates the upper/lower triangle of the matrix)
One step higher is a tensor contraction
! a_ij := a_ij + b_ijkl c_kl
pure subroutine reduce_b(A,B,C)
real(dp), intent(inout) :: A(:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: B(:,:,:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: C(:,:)
integer :: k, l
do l = 1, size(B,4)
do k = 1, size(B,3)
call apb( A, B(:,:,k,l), C(k,l) )
end do
end do
end subroutine
Note the dimensions of C must match the last two dimensions of B. (In the original loop nest above, the storage order of C is swapped (i.e. c_lk instead of c_kl.)
Working our way upward, we have the contractions with two different sub-blocks of B, moreover A, C, and D have an additional outer dimension:
! A_n := A_n + B1_cd C_cdn + B2_kl D_kln
! The elements of A_n are a_ijn
! The elements of B1_cd are B1_ijcd
! The elements of B2_kl are B2_ijkl
subroutine abcd(A,B1,C,B2,D)
real(dp), intent(inout), contiguous :: A(:,:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: B1(:,:,:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: B2(:,:,:,:)
real(dp), intent(in), contiguous, target :: C(:,:), D(:,:)
real(dp), pointer :: p_C(:,:,:) => null()
real(dp), pointer :: p_D(:,:,:) => null()
integer :: k
integer :: nc, nd
nc = size(B1,3)*size(B1,4)
nd = size(B2,3)*size(B2,4)
if (nc /= size(C,1)) then
error stop "FATAL ERROR: Dimension mismatch between B1 and C"
end if
if (nd /= size(D,1)) then
error stop "FATAL ERROR: Dimension mismatch between B2 and D"
end if
! Pointer remapping of arrays C and D to rank-3
p_C(1:size(B1,3),1:size(B1,4),1:size(C,2)) => C
p_D(1:size(B2,3),1:size(B2,4),1:size(D,2)) => D
!$omp parallel do default(private) shared(A,B1,p_C,B2,p_D)
do k = 1, size(A,3)
call reduce_b( A(:,:,k), B1, p_C(:,:,k))
call reduce_b( A(:,:,k), B2, p_D(:,:,k))
end do
!$omp end parallel do
end subroutine
Finally, we reach the main level where we select the subblocks of B
program doit
use transform, only: abcd, dp
implicit none
! n0 [2,10]
integer, parameter :: n0 = 6
integer, parameter :: n00 = n0*n0
integer, parameter :: N, nVV
real(dp), allocatable :: A(:,:,:), B(:,:,:,:), C(:,:), D(:,:)
! N [100,200]
read(*,*) N
nVV = (N - n0)**2
print *, "Memory occupied (MB): ", &
real(sizeof(A) + sizeof(B) + sizeof(C) + sizeof(D),dp) / 1024._dp**2
A = 0
call random_number(B)
call random_number(C)
call random_number(D)
call abcd(A=A, &
B1=B(:,:,n0+1:N,n0+1:N), &
B2=B(:,:,1:n0,1:n0), &
C=C, &
end program
Similar to the answer by PierU, parallelization is on the outermost loop. On my PC, for N = 50, this re-engineered routine is about 8 times faster when executed serially. With OpenMP on 4 threads the factor is 20. For N = 100 and I got tired of waiting for the original code; the re-engineered version on 4 threads took about 3 minutes.
The full code I used for testing, configurable via environment variables (ORIG=<0|1> N=100 ./abcd), is available here:
With more fine-tuning it should be possible to bring the numbers down even further. Even better performance could be sought with a specialized library like cuTENSOR (also used under the hood of Fortran intrinsics as explained in Bringing Tensor Cores to Standard Fortran or a tool like the Tensor Contraction Engine.
One last thing I found odd was that large parts of B are un-unused. The sub sections B(:,:,1:n0,n0+1:N) and B(:,:,n0+1:N,1:n0) appear to be wasted space.
As a warm-up to writing my own elastic net solver, I'm trying to get a fast enough version of ordinary least squares implemented using coordinate descent.
I believe I've implemented the coordinate descent algorithm correctly, but when I use the "fast" version (see below), the algorithm is insanely unstable, outputting regression coefficients that routinely overflow a 64-bit float when the number of features is of moderate size compared to the number of samples.
Linear Regression and OLS
If b = A*x, where A is a matrix, x a vector of the unknown regression coefficients, and y is the output, I want to find x that minimizes
||b - Ax||^2
If A[j] is the jth column of A and A[-j] is A without column j, and the columns of A are normalized so that ||A[j]||^2 = 1 for all j, the coordinate-wise update is then
Coordinate Descent:
x[j] <-- A[j]^T * (b - A[-j] * x[-j])
I'm following along with these notes (page 9-10) but the derivation is simple calculus.
It's pointed out that instead of recomputing A[j]^T(b - A[-j] * x[-j]) all the time, a faster way to do it is with
Fast Coordinate Descent:
x[j] <-- A[j]^T*r + x[j]
where the total residual r = b - Ax is computed outside the loop over coordinates. The equivalence of these update rules follows from noting that Ax = A[j]*x[j] + A[-j]*x[-j] and rearranging terms.
My problem is that while the second method is indeed faster, it's wildly numerically unstable for me whenever the number of features isn't small compared to the number of samples. I was wondering if anyone might have some insight as to why that's the case. I should note that the first method, which is more stable, still starts disagreeing with more standard methods as the number of features approaches the number of samples.
Julia code
Below is some Julia code for the two update rules:
function OLS_builtin(A,b)
x = A\b
function OLS_coord_descent(A,b)
N,P = size(A)
x = zeros(P)
for cycle in 1:1000
for j = 1:P
x[j] = dot(A[:,j], b - A[:,1:P .!= j]*x[1:P .!= j])
function OLS_coord_descent_fast(A,b)
N,P = size(A)
x = zeros(P)
for cycle in 1:1000
r = b - A*x
for j = 1:P
x[j] += dot(A[:,j],r)
Example of the problem
I generate data with the following:
n = 100
p = 50
σ = 0.1
β_nz = float([i*(-1)^i for i in 1:10])
β = append!(β_nz,zeros(Float64,p-length(β_nz)))
X = randn(n,p); X .-= mean(X,1); X ./= sqrt(sum(abs2(X),1))
y = X*β + σ*randn(n); y .-= mean(y);
Here I use p=50, and I get good agreement between OLS_coord_descent(X,y) and OLS_builtin(X,y), whereas OLS_coord_descent_fast(X,y)returns exponentially large values for the regression coefficients.
When p is less than about 20, OLS_coord_descent_fast(X,y) agrees with the other two.
Since things agrees for the regime of p << n, I think the algorithm is formally correct, but numerically unstable. Does anyone have any thoughts on whether this guess is correct, and if so how to correct for the instability while retaining (most) of the performance gains of the fast version of the algorithm?
The quick answer: You forgot to update r after each x[j] update. Following is the fixed function which behaves like OLS_coord_descent:
function OLS_coord_descent_fast(A,b)
N,P = size(A)
x = zeros(P)
for cycle in 1:1000
r = b - A*x
for j = 1:P
x[j] += dot(A[:,j],r)
r -= A[:,j]*dot(A[:,j],r) # Add this line
I have a piece of code which is a significant bottleneck:
do s = 1,ns
msum = 0.d0
do k = 1,ns
msum = msum + tm(k,s)*f(:,:,k)
end do
m(:,:,s) = msum
end do
This is a simple matrix-vector product m=tm*f (where f is length k) for every x,y.
I thought about using a BLAS routine but i am not sure if any allows multiplying along a specific dimension (k). Do any of you have any good advice?
Unfortunately you do not mention the actual shape of f, i.e. the number of x and y. Since you mention this piece of code to be a bottleneck, you can and should replace msum and use the memory m(:,:,s) and spare the first step in you loop, e.g.
do s = 1,ns
m = tm(k,1)*f(:,:,k)
do k = 2, ns
m(:,:,s) = m(:,:,s) + tm(k,s)*f(:,:,k)
end do
end do
Secondly, a more general appraoch
There are ns summations of nK 2D matrices f(:,:,1:nK) by means of scalar factors that are stored in tm(:,1:ns). The goal is to store these sums in m(:,:,1:ns). Why not sum up element-wise wrt x and y to exploit contiguuos memory sections by means of the result? You already mentioned that you can redesign such that k is the first dimension in f, i.e. f(k,:,:).
Considering only the desired outcome, you ought to have ns 2D matrices m(:,:,1:ns) that are independent of each other (outer loop remains at it is). Lets drop this dimension for a moment. The problem then becomes:
m(:,:) = \sum_{k=1}^{ns} tm_k * f_k(:,:)
We should thus sum over k, e.g. have f(k,:,:) to determine m(:,:) as follows (note that I am adding the outer loop for s again):
nK = size(f, 1) ! the "k"s
nX = size(f, 2) ! the "x"s
nY = size(f, 3) ! the "y"s
m = 0.d0
do s = 1, ns
do ii = 1, nY
call DGEMV('N', nK, nY, &
1.d0, f(:,:,nY), 1, tm(:,s), 1, &
1.d0, m(:,nY,s), 1)
end do !ii
end do !s
See the documentation of DGEMV for more details on its usage.
Of course, the above advice of excluding the first step of the loop to spare the initialization by means of zeros may be applied at well.