Yodlee stop refresh - yodlee

I'm trying to stop the refresh via stopRefresh. For example if the user decide to not answer the MFA.
I tried to set the siteAccountId and itemAccountId for the parameter itemId but I always get this error.
{"errorOccurred":"true","exceptionType":"com.yodlee.core.InvalidItemException","referenceCode":"_bc8515a0-ffad-49ae-935d-96971c833c09","message":"Argument value not found: XXXXXXXXXX"}
Where XXXXXXXXXX is the siteAccountId or itemAccountId.
Is this method supported by the API ? Why set siteAccountId or itemAccountId as the itemId parameter is not working ?

If you are using Container Based Approach then you have to use stopRefresh to stop an ongoing refresh, and as an input in that API you have to provide the itemId/memItemId which you would have received in the response of addItemForContentService1 API. Passing SiteAccountId or ItemAccountId won't work.
In case if you using Site Based approach then you have to use stopSiteRefresh, while passing memSiteAccId/SiteAccountId which you would have received in the response of addSiteAccount1.
The error you are getting comes when you pass an incorrect value(which doesn't exist for this user).


Invalid Scope for BigCommerce Oauth for my app - store_v2_transactions_read_only

My app is an approved hidden app in BigCommerce that has all of the scopes selected in the MyApp Technical page. Unfortunately, when I try to oAuth into a user, the following scope 'store_v2_transactions_read_only' returns an 'invalid scope' message. If I take that scope out, the other scopes (for read_only orders, customers, etc.) work fine and I can successfully connect an account using Oauth with my app.
The scope 'store_v2_transactions_read_only' is found in the documentation in the list of scopes here: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api/#oauth-scopes96. But making the request to connect an account using that scope returns 'invalid_scope' and I can't access user transaction data. Again, all other scopes work, and I have them all selected in the app technical page in the developer portal.
Working in node and using axios to get the token with the oauth code. This list of scopes works:
scope: 'store_v2_customers_read_only store_v2_information_read_only store_v2_orders_read_only store_v2_products_read_only'
The moment I add store_v2_transactions_read_only it returns 'invalid scope', even thought that is the string stated in the docs. It is the same error that shows if I misspell any of the scopes.
Make sure that you're passing in the context in your query string. At the time of writing the API will send back an Invalid scope(s). error seemingly only when you request store_v2_transactions_read_only without this query param. Other scopes seem to work fine, as you've noticed, if this param is not sent.
Can't comment, because I don't have 50 karma, but adding the context to the POST call in postman from the correct answer fixed this issue for me. I had been dealing with it for some time and there isn't a lot of documentation on the BigCommerce side in other forum posts.
I am using the x-www-form-urlencoded params with:
KEY: context
VALUE: stores/abcdefg
The abcdefg is the actual store number/id in the exact format it came in from the callback.

Update issue fields in JIRA

Hi I am using postman client for Chrome to run my rest api calls. I am trying to update issue in JIRA via rest API. I have referred to JIRA API also for updating an issue.
I am using PUT method to update an issue fields. Here is the syntax.
PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}
I am trying to update summary field like this.
{"update":{"summary":[{"set":"Bug in business logic"}]}}
But it is giving me the 400 bad request error.
and in the body its showing message "No content to map to Object due to end of input".
Please find the attached screenshot for more reference. Thanks in Advance.Jira Update issue
In postman rest API client, add the json object to Body as in the below picture.
I added authorization as Basic Authorization and provided JIRA credentials.
Note that the body should be raw and type should be JSON(application/json) instead of Text(default).
Response for this PUT request is 204 when update is successful.
Here is REST API Documentation for additional options.

Use property transfer in the API request of another test step

I am using soapUI open source version to test an API. am using a token to access the test step.
I need to send the token with the API request.I have transferred the token value to the test step using property transfer but the transferred value is embedded in the body of the next request.
I want to send the value as a query parameter along with API request/
API Structure : Post method
the transferred value should be sent in place of token.
Kindly assist me.
You need to set up your second request as a correct resource, and parametrize the token variable. Official documentation is available.
After that, you do not need to use a transfer step for something this simple. You can just use property expansion, as per official documentation. Something like: ${previous_step_name#ResponseAsXml#//*:token}

"missing required parameters, includes an invalid parameter value..." when POSTing accessToken request on linkedin API

I am following authentication doc for fetching the user profile details after authentication on linkedin.
I have successfully completed the first step to GET the authorization_code. But when i do a POST in the second step using same authorization_code and redirect_uri as the previous request, i get following response:
{"error_description":"missing required parameters, includes an invalid parameter value, parameter more than once. : client_id","error":"invalid_request"}
I have checked the parameters to POST request multiple number of times and don't find anything wrong there e.g. using the correct authorization_code and redirect_uri.
Also read some of the answers to similar issue, most of them say that authorization_code expires in less than 10 or 20 seconds. But in my case, POST request uses the authorization_code within 1 second of receiving it in Step 1. So, expiration should not be a problem here.
I am using Rails 3.0.7 and Net::HTTP to send the POST request. I have tried adding parameters to the URL as well as to request's body. Neither of them worked.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

addSiteAccount Returns siteAccountId even if credentials are incorrect

I would like to differentiate between two scenarios: addSiteAccount API with incorrect credentials and addSiteAccount API with right set of credentials. What I am noticing is that both cases return a siteAccountId with RefreshStatus=Triggered. But when I invoke the same API again or any other API then I get a Login error message.
How can I distinguish between the two cases in a single execution of addSiteAccount ?
So that I could pass the error to end users about incorrect credentials. Thanks.
addSiteAccount1 is the API which will create a siteaccountID i.e. an identifier for that particular account linked.
It will not return any error until you are trying to add same credentials i.e. in that case it will check if you already have added those credentials and will return the response for those credentials.
For understanding how it works:
After calling addSiteAccount1 a siteAccountId willbe created and a refresh would be initiated for that. This will go ahead and validate the credentials passed with the Bank web site and will return the response(success or failure depending upon the credentials passed).
For checking status you need to call getSiteRefreshInfo in loop, I am mentioning the flow for your reference.
(Applicable only for NON- MFA sites)
AddSiteAccount1 – (this will trigger a refresh request,no need to call startSiteRefresh)
Check for siteRefreshStatus field’s value returned from #4 and if it says “REFRESH_TRIGGERED” , then you can go to #6
Call getSiteRefreshInfo in loop till you get SiteRefreshStatus as either of the following status is received
PARTIAL_COMPLETE– This means that the account level data has been aggregated
REFRESH_COMPLETED– The refresh has been completed.
LOGIN_FAILURE– Login credentials provided was wrong.
REFRESH_CANCELLED– Refresh cancelled by User.
REFRESH_TIMED_OUT– Refresh is taking more time.
7 From #6 you also get a “code” and if the code is 402 then that means credentials were wrong and if it's 0(zero) that means the credentials were correct and the gathering of data was successful. Then you can go to #8 and grab transactions.
Also to know more about error_code see ErrorCode document.
8 ExecuteUserSearchRequest or call any other API depending upon your implementation.