How to replicate page transitions like in iTunes Quick Tour - objective-c

If you open your iTunes and in the Help menu select iTunes Quick Tour you will be presented with a guide on how to use the app. I want to create something that resembles the transitions this window has. I am trying to start this using Storyboards instead of programmatically. The dots at the bottom allow you to jump to a specific view as well as transition to the next view or previous view.
I am developing this guide in swift for an OS X application.
1) Would this be easier done using a Page Controller or a Tab View Controller or something entirely else?
2) I googled but couldn't find any guides that were close enough to help me get this done. Any guides for this would be appreciated.


Prev and next buttons for pickers in Sencha Touch 2

I'm building an App for Android, iOS and Blackberry with Sencha Touch 2.0.1.
I have a Form-Panel with about 10 selectfields and some sextfields. If i ran the app on Android 2.3 or higher, the selectfields are shown as pickers. So far so good.
When the user starts filling out the form starting with textfields, he can go through the form using the next-button on the virtual keyboard. The problem is, that the selectfields are ignored by the next-button. The user has to tap on the selectfields.
I can't figure out how to get prev- and next-Buttons for the picker-elements. So that I can go through the form only with the next-Button instead of pressing "done" and tapping on the next Selectfield. It would be far more comfortable for the user.
So support of the sencha-forum isn't really helpful, see below:
According to this, there are prev- and next buttons available for a picker:
But I can't find them:-(
I think, there are two solutions to the problem:
Accessing the native Picker as proposed in the first link above. The question is how?
Implementing an own Picker-Element with an Prev- and Next-Button. This seems to be a huge efford for such a basic task.
I can't really believe, that this is such a big deal in a big framework like Sencha Touch.
Anyone facing the same problem and has a working solution?
My only idea for you would to put your picker on the page as normal, then add two buttons on the page - a Prev and Next buttons using Sencha. Then add onTop handlers for those buttons, that use the picker's .setActiveItem() method to set the picker to the next or previous item. Hopefully that will get you on your way.!/api/Ext.picker.Picker-method-setActiveItem

Looking for a drop down navigation menu

I am trying to make a drop down navigation menu for an iPhone client to my website. The menu type that I am searching for is the one used in Facebook's iPhone client. It is found in the upper left-hand corner of Facebook's application after you sign in. Is anyone familiar with this?
Here is a link to an open source controller that implements a slide out like the facebook app.
slide out menu
There are a few other examples around in the community, but I've had luck with this one and hopefully you will too.
be well!

How to create a Tab Bar Based program with 5 Views

I am relatively new to ObjectiveC, but not with programming in which I have experience with both C and Python. I was wondering how to make an application that has a tab bar on the bottom, and five views all with labels and a certain amount of text on them. Then, also, I want to migrate an image on too one of the files and have audio on in the background. Does anyone know how to do this, and I am also open to suggestions that incorporate using C as part of the program.
Check out this video tutorial and then just modify it to add in an extra couple of view controllers to connect to your UITabBarController. I try to avoid using the Tab Bar template in XCode as you don't get an option to include the Core Data stack. Even though you might not think you will use CD, it is nice to have it available, and starting with an empty application is much easier to work with IMO.
Launch Xcode and select file->new->new project->Tabbed Application
Since you are new to XCode/Objective C, I recommend that you create a new Project in XCode choosing "Tabbed application", play around and understand the project that loads.
When the project loads by default you will get 2 tabbar items only, but you can add more View Controllers and associate them with the Tab Bar Controller to have your total 5 views
You can also change image and text for each of the tabbar items based on your needs.
I think looking at this a Video tutoral : will be helpful to understand it quickly. You can search on Youtube for more similar videos

Create a "Tip View" in iPhone

Suppose I have a UIView that has some buttons and stuff, and I want to help the user understand some features of it by showing some small pop ups. ( For example, I would write in a pop up: "Tip: This is how you can access the database").
It's like doing a small tutorial for a new user the first time he downloads the app.
I know there is the UIPopUpViewController for iPad.
I was wondering if there was a similar thing for iPhone, something that will help me achieve this goal.
Thanks in advance
Check this git.

How to create a Controller to simulate the Springboard feature of the iPhone within your own application

I am trying to design a feature in my application for the iPhone that simulates the Springboard feature (Main menu of the iPhone that allows you to view more apps), or the way Weather application works that allows you to flip between views.
Does anyone have any samples of this how I would go about doing this. It's seems very trivial but I am wondering if I am missing something that is already available either as an Apple example or someone who did a tutorial on this.
The image below show how the user would use it.
alt text
As they slide their finger to the right (or left) the other image would begin to show up. And it would animate smoothly. The faster you swiped your finger the faster it would move to the next view.
Update: The other feature is that it should mimic the same feel when you slide your hand across the display that is snaps to the current view into place. It should not keep sliding across if there is more than 1 view to the direction you swiping your finger.
I've seen other applications use this so that is why I am asking.
This is accomplished using the UIScrollView with the pagingEnabled property set to true. Just add each of your views, adjust the contentSize, and it will automatically "page" to the width of the screen across the content.
There is a sample app (with code) with exactly this functionality on the iPhone developer site on (I believe it's called "PageControl".) - I'd suggest checking it out.
I'm writing an app that uses a similar UI. As NilObject recommended, we're using a UIScrollView with pagingEnabled=YES.
You may also be interested in this example code involving just two child views. I'm trying it out now; it's an interesting technique but I've had to write some additional special-casing code for some odd situations that resulted.
There's also another question on this site that asks about creating a grid of icons like the home screen.
I would check out Joe Hewitt's code from the Three20 project for this. It provides a nice interface and further refinement of the UIScrollView implemented as TTScrollView and TTScrollViewDelegate, TTScrollViewDataSource.