Looking for a drop down navigation menu - objective-c

I am trying to make a drop down navigation menu for an iPhone client to my website. The menu type that I am searching for is the one used in Facebook's iPhone client. It is found in the upper left-hand corner of Facebook's application after you sign in. Is anyone familiar with this?

Here is a link to an open source controller that implements a slide out like the facebook app.
slide out menu
There are a few other examples around in the community, but I've had luck with this one and hopefully you will too.
be well!


How to replicate page transitions like in iTunes Quick Tour

If you open your iTunes and in the Help menu select iTunes Quick Tour you will be presented with a guide on how to use the app. I want to create something that resembles the transitions this window has. I am trying to start this using Storyboards instead of programmatically. The dots at the bottom allow you to jump to a specific view as well as transition to the next view or previous view.
I am developing this guide in swift for an OS X application.
1) Would this be easier done using a Page Controller or a Tab View Controller or something entirely else?
2) I googled but couldn't find any guides that were close enough to help me get this done. Any guides for this would be appreciated.

Implement a slide-sidebar like Tinder.app

Does anyone can open Tinder.app?
Well, the app implements a simple-but-slick animation effect when the user taps on the top-left menu icon button. The focal points of this animation are:
Status bar fades out/in based on when the left menu sidebar is opening or closing;
When the left menu sidebar is opened there's a little bounce effect of the main view controller just slide to right;
When the left menu is opened, if you try to close it you can see there's a little bounce of the main view controller that shows the right sidebar (the "All Matches" view controller).
I've just cloned ECSlidingViewController repo and played a little with it but unfortunately it seems that (out-of-the-box) it have only classic animations and not those bounce animations I said before I'm trying to achieve.
Does anyone knows how to implement something like that? Thanks.
You can find many ways to do this, you can wirte your own code to do this. But there are many free work available, which may helpful. And you will not try to reinvent the wheel.
JA Slide Panel
There are plenty more available, but above mentioned are easy to use and having demo project also.

Titanium: Android back navigation via app icon in upper left corner

I have just started exploring Titanium.
I am looking for components/help to accomplish the standard Android sub-window back-navigation, where you have the app icon and back functionality in the upper left corner.
I checked the tutorials/SDK and kitchen sink project but don't seem to be able to find anything similar.
On their page with sample customer apps seems to be at least one app that demonstrates this type of navigation, which makes me think it should be available.
Any help or pointers would be much appreciated.
In our Android/iOS application, we use the standard iOS navigation, but on the Android side we built our own custom header view to implement our navigation. This view is added to the top of all other windows and/or main views.
We hooked the android:back button to trigger the navigation view's back feature as well, so we support both "standards".

How to make a tab bar that shows colored icons , on iOS?

I need to make a toolbar on the bottom of the screen with some buttons. I want in every button to have a small image and a small text under it. The closest i can find from "Xcode" is the "Tab Bar" where you can put icons and text but the problem is that when you add an image you can only see the shadow of the image and not its colors.. Can i change that? Or is another way to make a toolbar like the one i am describing?
I need the buttons to change controllers and i just noticed that i cant create actions for the tabs but only outlets. So i guess the tab bar is not what i should use. Any ideas for a toolbar?
Yes Tab Bar is the Best approach for it and it is very easy to customize the tab bar if u are using IO5
This LINK will be helpful.
There is another approach (which was applicable uptil IOS4 for customization of Tab bar) was to Create Custom buttons with tab bar look alike Images. it will give u the same feel, but like i said it is very easy now to customize IOS Tab bars
Here is a couple of Links for u
LINK 1 With Story BOARD
LINK 2 Without Storyboard
One More thing Try searching Google before Posting a question here if have some problem then feel free to post along with the code or tutorial u tried.
Let me know if i Worked

Rubymotion implementation of the previous/next buttons in the webview

I'm new to iOS development and recently started out with rubymotion.
Im currently working on a "start page" kind of application that loads an in app html/css/js file in a webview. The "start page" then links to different sections/pages on (a to be released) responsive design version of http://hiof.no .
My current build of the app is based on the PaintHTML example:
The feature I'm stuck on at the moment is previous/next page navigation to navigate back and forth in the webview history.
The idea of the navigation feature is to have previous/forward buttons positioned fixed on the bottom left side of the app similar to the Path app "new content" button.
Any ideas how I can implement access to the webview history with "native" rubymotion code?
the UIWebView have to methods UIWebView#goBack and UIWebView#goForward,
create two button and set the action to #webView.goBack and #webView.goForward; and you can enable the button with the methods [UIWebView#canGoForward and UIWebView#canGoBack]