Cross referencing results from query's - sql

I need to get an active count of patients who have been discharged in a given time frame, but here is the trick. In this table patients can show up more than once, our system uses an episode based system .
Like in (picture 1).
from patient p
I need no patients to show up in both of these query's.
select * from patient p
where p.case_status = 'a'
select * from patient p
where (p.episode_close_date between '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000' and '2013-06-01 00:00:00.000') and p.case_status = 'i'
I guess, what's the best way to do it, would be that that the highest p.episode_id = 'I'. Any ideas on how to do this?
Thanks in advance.

You can do this with aggregation and a having clause. The having clause counts the number of rows that match each condition -- and you want to set the values to 0 because you want both to return no rows:
select patient_id
from patient p
group by patient_id
having sum(case when p.case_status = 'a' then 1 else 0 end) = 0 and
sum(case when (p.episode_close_date between '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000' and '2013-06-01 00:00:00.000') and
p.case_status = 'i'
then 1 else 0
end) = 0;
Basically, the logic in your first two queries in moved into the separate clauses of the having, to count the rows that match each condition.
Here is how you can see the last episode for each patient:
select p.*
from (select p.*,
max(episode_id) over (partition by patient_id) as maxei
from patients p
) p
where episode_id = maxei;
You may also be able to use this with your logic, but I'm not sure about the interplay between the statuses and the dates in the query.


SQL Rowwise comparison between groups

The following is a snippet of my data:
Create Table Emps(person VARCHAR(50), started DATE, stopped DATE);
Insert Into Emps Values
I want to use T-SQL to get a count of how many persons fulfil the following criteria at least once - multiples should also count as one:
For a person:
One of the dates in 'started' (say s1) is larger than at least one of the dates in 'ended' (say e1)
s1 and e1 are in the same year, to be set manually - e.g. '2021-01-01' until '2022-01-01'
Example expected response
If I put the date range '2016-01-01' until '2017-01-01' somewhere in a WHERE / HAVING clause, the output should be 1 as only p1 has both a start date and an end date that fall in 2016 where the start date is larger than the end date:
s1 = '2016-10-11', and e1 = '2016-10-10'.
Why can't I do this myself
The reason I'm stuck is that I don't know how to do this rowwise comparison between groups. The question requires comparing values across columns (start with end) across rows, within a person ID.
Use conditional aggregation to get the maximum start date and the minimum stop date in the given range.
select person
from emps
group by person
having max(case when started >= '2016-01-01' and started < '2017-01-01'
then started end) >
min(case when stopped >= '2016-01-01' and stopped < '2017-01-01'
then stopped end);
I would choose to use a self-outer-join with an exists correlation, it should be pretty much the most performant, all things being equal.
select Count(*)
from emps e
where exists (
select * from emps e2
where e2.person = e.person
and e2.stopped > e.started
and e.started between '20160101' and '20170101'
and e2.started between '20160101' and '20170101'
You said you plan to set the dates manually, so this works where we set the start date in one CTE, and the end date in another CTE. Then we calculate the min/max for each, and use that criteria in the query where statement.
with min_max_start as (
select person,
min(started) as min_start, --obsolete
max(started) as max_start
from emps
where started >= '2016-01-01'
group by person
min_max_end as (
select person,
min(stopped) as min_stop,
max(stopped) as max_stop --obsolete
from emps
where stopped < '2017-01-01'
group by person
select count(distinct e.person)
from emps e
join min_max_start mms
on e.person = mms.person
join min_max_end mme
on e.person = mme.person
where mms.max_start> mme.min_stop
Output: 1
Try the following:
With CTE as
Select D.person, D.started, T.stopped,
when Year(D.started) = Year(T.stopped) and D.started > T.stopped
then 1
else 0
end as chk
(Select person, started From Emps Where started >= '2016-01-01') D
(Select person, stopped From Emps Where stopped <= '2017-01-01') T
On D.person = T.person
Select Count(Distinct person) as CNT
From CTE
Where chk = 1;
To get the employee list who met the criteria use the following on the CTE instead of the above Select Count... query:
Select person, started, stopped
From CTE
Where chk = 1;
See a demo from db<>fiddle.

Select Records against all months of a given year form one table with records from second table

I have two tables in my database:
MembershipInstallments (ProjectId, AllotmentId, InstallmentId, EntryDate, AmountPaid)
Memberships (ProjectId, AllotmentId, ClientId, ClientName, RegistrationNo)
I want to select month wise payments made by a clients in a year. And also amount paid before the start of that year. My desired result set is
Let's say for the year 2019:
ClientName, RegistrationNumbers, PreviouslyPaidAmount (i.e. all amounts paid in 2018), AmountPaidInJuly 2019, AmountPaidInAugust2019. ..... AmountPaidIn Jun2020
where month is EntryDate from MembershipInstallments table.
I tried it like this, but it takes too long for large data set:
ClientName, RegistrationNo,
FROM MembershipInstallments
WHERE ProjectId = Membership.ProjectId
AND AllotmentId = Membership.AllotmentId
AND EntryDate < #fromDate) ASPreviouslyPaid,
(SELECT ISNULL(SUM(AmountPaid), 0)
FROM MembershipInstallments
WHERE ProjectId = Membership.ProjectId
AND AllotmentId = Memberhsip.AllotmentId
AND (MONTH(EntryDate) = 7) AND (YEAR(EntryDate) = YEAR(#fromDate)) AS JulyPayment
ProjectId = #projectId
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Scalar Subqueries tend to be badly optimized. In your case (same join-conditions) you can simply utilize conditional aggregation:
SELECT ms.ClientName,ms.RegistrationNo,
Sum(CASE WHEN mi.EntryDate<#fromDate THEN mi.AmountPaid ELSE 0 end) AS PreviouslyPaid,
Sum(CASE WHEN (Month(mi.EntryDate) = 7) AND (Year(mi.EntryDate) = Year(#fromDate)) THEN mi.AmountPaid ELSE 0)
FROM Memberships AS ms
LEFT JOIN MembershipInstallments AS mi -- don't know if Outer join is really needed
ON mi.ProjectId=ms.ProjectId
AND mi.AllotmentId=ms.AllotmentId
WHERE ms.ProjectId=#projectId
You might be able to do the aggregation before the join, i.e. in a CTE to further improve performance:
ProjectId, AllotmentId,
Sum(CASE WHEN EntryDate<#fromDate THEN AmountPaid ELSE 0 END) AS PreviouslyPaid,
Sum(CASE WHEN (Month(EntryDate) = 7) AND (Year(EntryDate) = Year(#fromDate)) THEN AmountPaid ELSE 0 END) AS JulyPayment
FROM MembershipInstallments
WHERE ProjectId=#projectId
GROUP BY ProjectId, AllotmentId
SELECT ms.ClientName, ms.RegistrationNo, cte.PreviouslyPaid, cte.JulyPayment
FROM Memberships AS ms
JOIN cte
ON cte.ProjectId=ms.ProjectId
AND cte.AllotmentId=ms.AllotmentId
WHERE ms.ProjectId=#projectId
In both cases double-check if the result is correct (depends on the actual relation between those tables)

More than 1 appointment on the same day for a patient and display both appointments

I am trying to find patients that have more than 1 appointment on the same day. I want to then display all the appointments the patient may have. Do I need to use a subquery to do this? Here is what I have so far:
Appt.ID-PatNm as Patient,
Sched_ApptType.Prov.Mnemonic as Type,
Appt.Provider-Name as Provider,
Appt.Department-Mnemonic As Dept,
Case $EXTRACT(Appt.InternalStatus,1)
when 'P' then 'Pending'
when 'A' then 'Arrived'
when 'R' then 'Rescheduled'
End as Status
From Sched.Appointment Appt
JOIN Sched_ApptType.Prov ON
Appt.Department = Sched_ApptType.Prov.Department
Appt.Provider = Sched_ApptType.Prov.Provider
Appt.Type = Sched_ApptType.Prov.ApptType
Where (Appt.Dt) > DATEADD('DD',-120,CURRENT_DATE)
AND Appt.InternalStatus IN ('P','R','A')
AND Appt.Department-Mnemonic= 'EYE'
Group By
You get the patients having more than one appointment in a day by grouping by patient and day:
select distinct a.id_patnm
from sched.appointment a
group by a.id_patnm, a.dt
having count(*) > 1
So yes, you need a subquery:
Where (Appt.Dt) > DATEADD('DD',-120,CURRENT_DATE)
AND Appt.InternalStatus IN ('P','R','A')
AND Appt.Department_Mnemonic= 'EYE'
AND Appt.ID_PatNm IN
select a.id_patnm
from sched.appointment a
group by a.id_patnm, a.dt
having count(*) > 1
(BTW: I used id_patnm instead of id-patnm here, for I don't know any DBMS that would allow the hyphen. When using a hyphen in a column name you have to use quotes on the name, e.g. "id-patnm".)
I suppose you could add a column for Appointment_id which would then allow you to get the desired result.

SQL Query to show order of work orders

First off sorry for the poor subject line.
EDIT: The Query here duplicates OrderNumbers I am needing the query to NOT duplicate OrderNumbers
EDIT: Shortened the question and provided a much cleaner question
I have a table that has a record of all of the work orders that have been performed. there are two types of orders. Installs and Trouble Calls. My query is to find all of the trouble calls that have taken place within 30 days of an install and match that trouble call (TC) to the proper Install (IN). So the Trouble Call date has to happen after the install but no more than 30 days after. Additionally if there are two installs and two trouble calls for the same account all within 30 days and they happen in order the results have to reflect that. The problem I am having is I am getting an Install order matching to two different Trouble Calls (TC) and a Trouble Call(TC) that is matching to two different Installs(IN)
In the example on SQL Fiddle pay close attention to the install order number 1234567810 and the Trouble Call order number 1234567890 and you will see the issue I am having.!3/811df/8
select b.accountnumber,
MAX(b.scheduleddate) as OriginalDate,
b.workordernumber as OriginalOrder,
b.jobtype as OriginalType,
MIN(a.scheduleddate) as NewDate,
a.workordernumber as NewOrder,
a.jobtype as NewType
from (
select workordernumber,accountnumber,jobtype,scheduleddate
from workorders
where jobtype = 'TC'
) a join
select workordernumber,accountnumber,jobtype,scheduleddate
from workorders
where jobtype = 'IN'
) b
on a.accountnumber = b.accountnumber
group by b.accountnumber,
having MIN(a.scheduleddate) > MAX(b.scheduleddate) and
DATEDIFF(day,MAX(b.scheduleddate),MIN(a.scheduleddate)) < 31
Example of what I am looking for the results to look like.
Thank you for any assistance you can provide in setting me on the correct path.
You were actually very close. I realized that what you really want is the MIN() TC date that is greater than each install date for that account number so long as they are 30 days or less apart.
So really you need to group by the install dates from your result set excluding WorkOrderNumbers still. Something like:
SELECT a.AccountNumber, MIN(a.scheduleddate) TCDate, b.scheduleddate INDate
SELECT WorkOrderNumber, ScheduledDate, JobType, AccountNumber
FROM workorders
WHERE JobType = 'TC'
) a
SELECT WorkOrderNumber, ScheduledDate, JobType, AccountNumber
FROM workorders
WHERE JobType = 'IN'
) b
ON a.AccountNumber = b.AccountNumber
WHERE b.ScheduledDate < a.ScheduledDate
AND DATEDIFF(DAY, b.ScheduledDate, a.ScheduledDate) <= 30
GROUP BY a.AccountNumber, b.AccountNumber, b.ScheduledDate
This takes care of the dates and AccountNumbers, but you still need the WorkOrderNumbers, so I joined the workorders table back twice, once for each type.
NOTE: I assume that each workorder has a unique date for each account number. So, if you have workorder 1 ('TC') for account 1 done on '1/1/2015' and you also have workorder 2 ('TC') for account 1 done on '1/1/2015' then I can't guarantee that you will have the correct WorkOrderNumber in your result set.
My final query looked like this:
aggdata.AccountNumber, inst.workordernumber OriginalWorkOrderNumber, inst.JobType OriginalJobType, inst.ScheduledDate OriginalScheduledDate,
tc.WorkOrderNumber NewWorkOrderNumber, tc.JobType NewJobType, tc.ScheduledDate NewScheduledDate
SELECT a.AccountNumber, MIN(a.scheduleddate) TCDate, b.scheduleddate INDate
SELECT WorkOrderNumber, ScheduledDate, JobType, AccountNumber
FROM workorders
WHERE JobType = 'TC'
) a
SELECT WorkOrderNumber, ScheduledDate, JobType, AccountNumber
FROM workorders
WHERE JobType = 'IN'
) b
ON a.AccountNumber = b.AccountNumber
WHERE b.ScheduledDate < a.ScheduledDate
AND DATEDIFF(DAY, b.ScheduledDate, a.ScheduledDate) <= 30
GROUP BY a.AccountNumber, b.AccountNumber, b.ScheduledDate
) aggdata
LEFT OUTER JOIN workorders tc
ON aggdata.TCDate = tc.ScheduledDate
AND aggdata.AccountNumber = tc.AccountNumber
AND tc.JobType = 'TC'
LEFT OUTER JOIN workorders inst
ON aggdata.INDate = inst.ScheduledDate
AND aggdata.AccountNumber = inst.AccountNumber
AND inst.JobType = 'IN'
select in1.accountnumber,
in1.scheduleddate as OriginalDate,
in1.workordernumber as OriginalOrder,
'IN' as OriginalType,
tc.scheduleddate as NewDate,
tc.workordernumber as NewOrder,
'TC' as NewType
workorders in1
out apply (Select min(in2.scheduleddate) as scheduleddate from workorders in2 Where in2.jobtype = 'IN' and in1.accountnumber=in2.accountnumber and in2.scheduleddate>in1.scheduleddate) ins
join workorders tc on tc.jobtype = 'TC' and tc.accountnumber=in1.accountnumber and tc.scheduleddate>in1.scheduleddate and (ins.scheduleddate is null or tc.scheduleddate<ins.scheduleddate) and DATEDIFF(day,in1.scheduleddate,tc.scheduleddate) < 31
Where in1.jobtype = 'IN'

Counting concurrent records based on startdate and enddate columns

The table structure:
PersonnelId int
GroupId int
StaffingStartDateTime datetime
StaffingEndDateTime datetime
How can I get a list of staffing records, given a date and a group id that employees belong to, where the count of present employees fell below a threshold, say, 3, at any minute of the day?
The way my brain works, I would call a stored proc repeatedly with each minute of the day, but of course this would be horribly inefficient:
FROM DailyRosters
WHERE GroupId=#GroupId
AND StaffingStartTime <= #TimeParam
AND StaffingEndTime > #TimeParam
AND COUNT(GroupId) < 3
HAVING COUNT(PersonnelId) < 3
Edit: If it helps to refine the question, employees may come and go throughout the day. Personnel may have a staffing record from 0800 - 0815, and another from 1000 - 1045, for example.
Here is a solution where I find all of the distinct start and end times, and then query to see how many other people are clocked in at the time. Everytime the answer is less than 4, you know you are understaffed at that time, and presumably until the NEXT start time.
with meaningfulDtms(meaningfulTime, timeType, group_id)
select distinct StaffingStartTime , 'start' as timeType, group_id
from DailyRosters
select distinct StaffingEndTime , 'end' as timeType, group_id
from DailyRosters
select COUNT(*), meaningfulDtms.group_id, meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
from DailyRosters dr
inner join meaningfulDtms on dr.group_id = meaningfulDtms.group_id
and (
(dr.StaffingStartTime < meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
and dr.StaffingEndTime >= meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
and meaningfulDtms.timeType = 'start')
(dr.StaffingStartTime <= meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
and dr.StaffingEndTime > meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
and meaningfulDtms.timeType = 'end')
group by meaningfulDtms.group_id, meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
having COUNT(*) < 4
Create a table with all minutes in the day with dt at PK
It will have 1440 rows
this will not give you count of zero - no staff
select allMiuntes.dt, worktime.grpID, count(distinct(worktime.personID))
from allMinutes
join worktime
on allMiuntes.dt > worktime.start
and allMiuntes.dt < worktime.end
group by allMiuntes.dt, worktime.grpID
having count(distinct(worktime.personID)) < 3
for times with zero I think the best way is a master of grpID
but I am not sure about this one
select allMiuntes.dt, grpMaster.grpID, count(distinct(worktime.personID))
from grpMaster
cross join allMinutes
left join worktime
on allMiuntes.dt > worktime.start
and allMiuntes.dt < worktime.end
and worktime.grpID = grpMaster.grpID
group by allMiuntes.dt, grpMaster.grpID
having count(distinct(worktime.personID)) < 3