Why doesn't Rust support trait object upcasting? - oop

Given this code:
trait Base {
fn a(&self);
fn b(&self);
fn c(&self);
fn d(&self);
trait Derived : Base {
fn e(&self);
fn f(&self);
fn g(&self);
struct S;
impl Derived for S {
fn e(&self) {}
fn f(&self) {}
fn g(&self) {}
impl Base for S {
fn a(&self) {}
fn b(&self) {}
fn c(&self) {}
fn d(&self) {}
Unfortunately, I cannot cast &Derived to &Base:
fn example(v: &Derived) {
v as &Base;
error[E0605]: non-primitive cast: `&Derived` as `&Base`
--> src/main.rs:30:5
30 | v as &Base;
| ^^^^^^^^^^
= note: an `as` expression can only be used to convert between primitive types. Consider using the `From` trait
Why is that? The Derived vtable has to reference the Base methods in one way or another.
Inspecting the LLVM IR reveals the following:
#vtable4 = internal unnamed_addr constant {
void (i8*)*,
void (%struct.S*)*,
void (%struct.S*)*,
void (%struct.S*)*,
void (%struct.S*)*
} {
void (i8*)* #_ZN2i813glue_drop.98717h857b3af62872ffacE,
i64 0,
i64 1,
void (%struct.S*)* #_ZN6S.Base1a20h57ba36716de00921jbaE,
void (%struct.S*)* #_ZN6S.Base1b20h3d50ba92e362d050pbaE,
void (%struct.S*)* #_ZN6S.Base1c20h794e6e72e0a45cc2vbaE,
void (%struct.S*)* #_ZN6S.Base1d20hda31e564669a8cdaBbaE
#vtable26 = internal unnamed_addr constant {
void (i8*)*,
void (%struct.S*)*,
void (%struct.S*)*,
void (%struct.S*)*,
void (%struct.S*)*,
void (%struct.S*)*,
void (%struct.S*)*,
void (%struct.S*)*
} {
void (i8*)* #_ZN2i813glue_drop.98717h857b3af62872ffacE,
i64 0,
i64 1,
void (%struct.S*)* #_ZN9S.Derived1e20h9992ddd0854253d1WaaE,
void (%struct.S*)* #_ZN9S.Derived1f20h849d0c78b0615f092aaE,
void (%struct.S*)* #_ZN9S.Derived1g20hae95d0f1a38ed23b8aaE,
void (%struct.S*)* #_ZN6S.Base1a20h57ba36716de00921jbaE,
void (%struct.S*)* #_ZN6S.Base1b20h3d50ba92e362d050pbaE,
void (%struct.S*)* #_ZN6S.Base1c20h794e6e72e0a45cc2vbaE,
void (%struct.S*)* #_ZN6S.Base1d20hda31e564669a8cdaBbaE
All Rust vtables contain a pointer to the destructor, size and alignment in the first fields, and the subtrait vtables don't duplicate them when referencing supertrait methods, nor use indirect reference to supertrait vtables. They just have copies of the method pointers verbatim and nothing else.
Given that design, it's easy to understand why this does not work. A new vtable would need to be constructed at runtime, which would likely reside on the stack, and that isn't exactly an elegant (or optimal) solution.
There are some workarounds, of course, like adding explicit upcast methods to the interface, but that requires quite a bit of boilerplate (or macro frenzy) to work properly.
Now, the question is - why isn't it implemented in some way that would enable trait object upcasting? Like, adding a pointer to the supertrait's vtable in the subtrait's vtable. For now, Rust's dynamic dispatch doesn't seem to satisfy the Liskov substitution principle, which is a very basic principle for object-oriented design.
Of course you can use static dispatch, which is indeed very elegant to use in Rust, but it easily leads to code bloat which is sometimes more important than computational performance - like on embedded systems, and Rust developers claim to support such use cases of the language. Also, in many cases you can successfully use a model which is not purely Object-Oriented, which seems to be encouraged by Rust's functional design. Still, Rust supports many of the useful OO patterns... so why not the LSP?
Does anyone know the rationale for such design?

Actually, I think I got the reason. I found an elegant way to add upcasting support to any trait that desires it, and that way the programmer is able to choose whether to add that additional vtable entry to the trait, or prefer not to, which is a similar trade-off as in C++'s virtual vs. non-virtual methods: elegance and model correctness vs. performance.
The code can be implemented as follows:
trait Base: AsBase {
// ...
trait AsBase {
fn as_base(&self) -> &Base;
impl<T: Base> AsBase for T {
fn as_base(&self) -> &Base {
One may add additional methods for casting a &mut pointer or a Box (that adds a requirement that T must be a 'static type), but this is a general idea. This allows for safe and simple (although not implicit) upcasting of every derived type without boilerplate for every derived type.

As of Jun 2017, the status of this "sub-trait coercion" (or "super-trait coercion") is as follows:
An accepted RFC #0401 mentions this as a part of coercion. So this conversion should be done implicitly.
coerce_inner(T) = U where T is a sub-trait of U;
However, this is not yet implemented. There is a corresponding issue #18600.
There is also a duplicate issue #5665. Comments there explain what prevent this from being implemented.
Basically, the problem is how to derive vtables for super-traits. Current layout of vtables is as follows (in x86-64 case):
| 0- 7|pointer to "drop glue" function|
| 8-15|size of the data |
|16-23|alignment of the data |
|24- |methods of Self and supertraits|
It doesn't contain a vtable for a super-trait as a subsequence. We have at least to have some tweaks with vtables.
Of course there are ways to mitigate this problem, but many with differing advantages/disadvantages! One has a benefit for the vtable size when there is a diamond inheritance. Another is supposed to be faster.
There #typelist says they prepared a draft RFC which looks well-organized, but they look like disappeared after that (Nov 2016).

I ran into the same wall when I started with Rust.
Now, when I think about traits, I have a different image in mind than when I think about classes.
trait X: Y {} means when you implement trait X for struct S you also need to implement trait Y for S.
Of course this means that a &X knows it also is a &Y, and therefore offers the appropriate functions.
It would require some runtime-effort (more pointer dereferences) if you needed to traverse pointers to Y's vtable first.
Then again, the current design + additional pointers to other vtables probably wouldn't hurt much, and would allow easy casting to be implemented. So maybe we need both? This is something to be discussed on internals.rust-lang.org

This feature is so desired that there is both a tracking issue for adding it to the language, and an dedicated initiative repository for the people contributing to implementing it.
Tracking Issue: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/65991
Initiative Repository: https://github.com/rust-lang/dyn-upcasting-coercion-initiative

This is now working on stable rust, you can upcast to the base trait also you can call base trait functions directly from the derived trait object
trait Base {
fn a(&self) {
println!("a from base");
trait Derived: Base {
fn e(&self) {
println!("e from derived");
fn call_derived(d: &impl Derived) {
fn call_base(b: &impl Base) {
struct S;
impl Base for S {}
impl Derived for S {}
fn main() {
let s = S;
playground link


is `as_ref` rust's ways to implement idiomatic generic?

As I understand it, rust is a "has a" and not a "is a" language (composition over inheritance).
this makes Liskov substitutions slightly more complicated but not impossible using Traits. While I can use LSP, it appears to not be the idiomatic way of implementing type coercion in rust. I'm left confused of how to operate.
minimal example
Let's assume I have two structs
struct Real(i32);
struct Complex(Real, Real);
And a function project which takes a Complex and return a projection of the input.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Real(i32);
struct Complex(Real, Real);
// we pass by reference because we need to be blazingly fast
fn project(c : &Complex) -> Complex {
Complex(c.0, Real(0))
fn main() {
let a = Complex(Real(1), Real(2));
let x = project(&a);
println!("{} + {}i", x.0.0, x.1.0)
To keep things simple, please assume we are the situation in which we benefit from passing Real by reference and project should not be duplicated as multiple implementation from a trait for Real and Complex.
Assume we expect to also use project on Reals from time to time.
Making project somewhat generic
My OOP instincts pushes me to make some supertype for Real and Complex, let's say the trait AsReal
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Real(i32);
struct Complex(Real, Real);
trait AsReal {
fn as_real(&self) -> Real;
impl AsReal for Real { fn as_real(&self) -> Real { *self } }
impl AsReal for Complex { fn as_real(&self) -> Real { self.0 } }
fn project (r : &impl AsReal) -> Complex {
Complex( r.as_real(), Real(0) )
fn main() {
let a = Real(1);
let b = Complex(Real(2), Real(3));
let x = project(&a);
let y = project(&b);
println!("{} + {}i", x.0.0, x.1.0);
println!("{} + {}i", y.0.0, y.1.0);
But apparently, the rusty way would be to use AsRef<Real> instead
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Real(i32);
struct Complex(Real, Real);
fn project<U: AsRef <Real>>(r : U) -> Complex {
Complex ( *r.as_ref(), Real(0) )
impl AsRef<Real> for Complex {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Real { &self.0 }
impl AsRef<Real> for Real {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Real { self }
fn main() {
let a = Real(1);
let b = Complex(Real(2), Real(3));
let x = project(&a);
let y = project(&b);
println!("{} + {}i", x.0.0, x.1.0);
println!("{} + {}i", y.0.0, y.1.0);
Which leaves me unsatisfied : the prototype for project became very wordy and hard to read. So much so it feels like the convenience of use for project is simply not worth it.
Furthermore, it means the function must opt-in for Complex into Real coercion and I dislike that notion as it feel like it pushes me to develop defensively and use AsRef<...> all the time.
I don't feel like I have the full picture, what would be the idiomatic way to interact with rust for situation like this ?
Based on your description, it seems like you could go with this:
project takes a Real
Complex provides an into_real() method that returns a Real
Small sidenote: if your types are small and Copy, a pointer isn't always faster. Compiler explorer can be a great tool for showing you what the assembly for a snippet is/
That being said, I'd write it like this.
fn project(real: Real) -> Real {
// very complex logic
// deriving Copy makes these types behave more like numbers
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Real(i32);
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Complex(Real, Real);
impl Complex {
fn into_real(self) -> Real {
fn main() {
let real = Real(0);
let complex = Complex(Real(0), Real(0));
If you really hate having to write into_real(), you could make the call-site simpler and make the declaration-site more complex by:
implementing From<Complex> for Real (though arguably this needs its own trait since there's more than one way to get a Real from a Complex)
making project accept an impl Into<Real>
impl From<Complex> for Real {
fn from(c: Complex) {
fn project(real: impl Into<Real>) {
let real = real.into();
// real is a `Real` here
Though honestly, I'd just go for the first option. Your function doesn't really need to be generic, and that increases monomorphization cost. It's not very OOP, but Rust is not an OOP language.

Rust define trait interface for any type?

I am building a rendering engine, one thing I want is to handle mangagement of arbitrary mesh data, regardless of representation.
My idea was, define a trait the enforces a function signature and then serialization can be handled by the user while I handle all the gpu stuff. This was the trait I made:
pub enum GpuAttributeData
OwnedData(Vec<Vec<i8>>, Vec<u32>),
pub trait GpuSerializable
fn serialize(&self) -> GpuAttributeData;
So very simple, give me a couple of arrays.
When i tested things inside the crate it worked, but I moved my example outside the crate, i.e. I have this snippet in an example:
impl <const N : usize> GpuSerializable for [Vertex; N]
fn serialize(&self) -> GpuAttributeData
let size = size_of::<Vertex>() * self.len();
let data = unsafe {
let mut data = Vec::<i8>::with_capacity(size);
self.as_ptr() as *const i8, data.as_ptr() as *mut i8, size);
// let indices : Vec<usize> = (0..self.len()).into_iter().collect();
let indices = vec![0, 1, 2];
let mut buffers :Vec<Vec<i8>> = Vec::new();
return GpuAttributeData::OwnedData(buffers, indices);
Which gives me this error:
error[E0117]: only traits defined in the current crate can be implemented for arbitrary types
--> examples/01_spinning_triangle/main.rs:41:1
41 | impl <const N : usize> GpuSerializable for [Vertex; N]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-----------
| | |
| | this is not defined in the current crate because arrays are always foreign
| impl doesn't use only types from inside the current crate
= note: define and implement a trait or new type instead
This utterly breaks my design. The whole point of what I am trying to achieve is, anyone anywhere should be able to implement that trait, inside or outside any crate, to be able to serialize whatever data they have, in whatever esoteric format it is.
Can I somehow bypass this restriction? If not, is there another way I could enforce at runtime "give me an object that has this function signature among its methods"?
Rust has the orphan rule, which says that any implementation of a trait on a type must exist in the same crate as at least one of the trait or the type. In other words, both types can't be foreign. (It's a bit more complex than this -- for example, you can implement a foreign generic trait on a foreign type if a generic type argument to the generic trait is a type declared in the local crate.)
This is why you frequently see so-called "newtypes" in Rust, which are typically unit structs with a single member, whose sole purpose is to implement a foreign trait on a foreign type. The newtype lives in the same crate as the implementation, so the compiler accepts the implementation.
This could be realized in your example with a newtype around the array type:
struct VertexArray<const N: usize>(pub [Vertex; N]);
impl<const N: usize> Deref for VertexArray<N> {
type Target = [Vertex; N];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<const N: usize> DerefMut for VertexArray<N> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
impl<const N: usize> GpuSerializable for VertexArray<N> {
// ...
Note that because of #[repr(transparent)], the layout of both VertexArray<N> and [Vertex; N] are guaranteed to be identical, meaning you can transmute between them, or references to them. This allows you to, for example, reborrow a &[Vertex; N] as a &VertexArray<N> safely, which means you can store all of your data as [Vertex; N] and borrow it as the newtype at zero cost whenever you need to interact with something expecting an implementation of GpuSerializable.
impl<const N: usize> AsRef<VertexArray<N>> for [Vertex; N] {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &VertexArray<N> {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self) }

What is the best way to refer to a static method from another static method of the same class in Rust?

In a new Rust module, I can write:
struct myStruct {
x : u32
impl myStruct {
fn new() -> myStruct{
myStruct{ x : other()}
fn other() -> u32 {
Coming from other OO languages, I would expect other() to be in scope for new(). That is, I would expect to be able to call one static method of a class from another static method of the same class. However, rustc produces the message:
error[E0425]: cannot find function `other` in this scope
--> dummy_module.rs:9:23
9 | myStruct{ x : other()}
| ^^^^^ not found in this scope
In contrast, the following Java code compiles fine:
public class myStruct{
int x;
public myStruct(){
x = other();
private int other(){
return 5;
I don't recall seeing any mention of this in the Rust book I'm using, and I can't seem to find a clear answer online. I can fix it by explicitly scoping the call to other with myStruct::other(), but this seems cumbersome. If I try use myStruct, then I get the cryptic message
7 | use myStruct;
| ^^^ unexpected token
Is this explicit scoping always required? If so, why?
Am I doing something incorrect? Is there an idiomatic workaround to this?
The Rust designers have made the following choice: everything related to the scope is explicit. So, just as you must type self to call a member function from another member function: self.foo(), you must call a static member with Self: Self::bar().
I think that it is the case because self could not be implicit: indeed it had to be added as a parameter either by value or borrowed, unlike in Java where this is always taken by value. Thus, because self was already an explicit parameter, it was needed as an explicit caller for consistency.
Because of its memory model, Rust expliciteness permit to give better error messages. For example, consider this code:
struct Struct;
impl Struct {
fn foo(&mut self) {
fn consume(self) {}
The error message is:
error[E0507]: cannot move out of borrowed content
--> src/main.rs:5:9
5 | self.consume();
| ^^^^ cannot move out of borrowed content
Then the team made the choice of full expliciteness to maintain the grammar coherent.
Yes it is intended, because rust is not Java ;)
You just can write:
myStruct { x: myStruct::other() }
myStruct { x: Self::other() }
I can't tell you the exact design decision, why Self functions are not imported automatically, but you can "work-around" this, by using the correct path.

How can I mock multiple types when the signature of a concrete method refers to another concrete type, not its interface?

I'm making use of a third party library that doesn't have any interfaces for its classes. I can use them in my structs no problem, but they have side effects that I want to avoid when unit testing.
// Somewhere there are a couple structs, with no interfaces. I don't own the code.
// Each has only one method.
type ThirdPartyEntry struct {}
func (e ThirdPartyEntry) Resolve() string {
// Do some complex stuff with side effects
return "I'm me!"
// This struct returns an instance of the other one.
type ThirdPartyFetcher struct {}
func (f ThirdPartyFetcher) FetchEntry() ThirdPartyEntry {
// Do some complex stuff with side effects and return an entry
return ThirdPartyEntry{}
// Now my code.
type AwesomeThing interface {
BeAwesome() string
// I have a class that makes use of the third party.
type Awesome struct {
F ThirdPartyFetcher
func (a Awesome) BeAwesome() string {
return strings.Repeat(a.F.FetchEntry().Resolve(), 3)
func NewAwesome(fetcher ThirdPartyFetcher) Awesome {
return Awesome{
F: fetcher,
func main() {
myAwesome := NewAwesome(ThirdPartyFetcher{})
This works! But I want to write some unit tests, and so I'd like to Mock both the third party structs. To do so I believe I need interfaces for them, but since ThirdPartyFetcher returns ThirdPartyEntrys, I cannot figure out how.
I created a pair of interfaces which match up with the two third party classes. I'd like to then rewrite the Awesome struct and method to use the generic Fetcher interface. In my test, I would call NewAwesome() passing in a testFetcher, a struct which also implements the interface.
type Awesome struct {
F Fetcher
func NewAwesome(fetcher Fetcher) Awesome {
return Awesome{
Fetcher: fetcher,
type Entry interface {
Resolve() string
// Double check ThirdPartyEntry implements Entry
var _ Entry = (*ThirdPartyEntry)(nil)
type Fetcher interface {
FetchEntry() Entry
// Double check ThirdPartyFetcher implements Fetcher
var _ Fetcher = (*ThirdPartyFetcher)(nil)
I omit the test code because it's not relevant. This fails on the last line shown.
./main.go:49: cannot use (*ThirdPartyFetcher)(nil) (type *ThirdPartyFetcher) as type Fetcher in assignment:
*ThirdPartyFetcher does not implement Fetcher (wrong type for FetchEntry method)
have FetchEntry() ThirdPartyEntry
want FetchEntry() Entry
The signatures are different, even though I already showed that ThirdPartyEntry implements Entry. I believe this is disallowed because to would lead to something like slicing (in the polymorphic sense, not the golang sense). Is there any way for me to write a pair of interfaces? It should be the case that the Awesome class doesn't even know ThirdParty exists - it's abstracted behind the interface and injected when main calls NewAwesome.
It's not very pretty, but one way would be to:
type fetcherWrapper struct {
func (fw fetcherWrapper) FetchEntry() Entry {
return fw.ThirdPartyFetcher.FetchEntry()
I'd say mocking things that return structs vs interfaces is a relatively common problem without any great solutions apart from a lot of intermediate wrapping.

Working around the limitations of extension traits

The pattern of having an object-safe trait Foo and a (potentially unsafe) extension trait FooExt implemented for all instances of Foo seems to become standard now.
This is a problem for me in the case of Iterator<A>, as I have a library that overrides the default method IteratorExt#last() of the old iterator trait (the underlying library has an efficient implementation of last()). This in now impossible, because for any A, there will always be a conflicting trait implementation of IteratorExt, the one that libcore already provides for all Iterator<A>.
iterator.rs:301:1: 306:2 error: conflicting implementations for trait `core::iter::IteratorExt` [E0119]
iterator.rs:301 impl<'a, K: Key> iter::IteratorExt<Vec<u8>> for ValueIterator<'a,K,Vec<u8>> {
iterator.rs:302 fn last(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
iterator.rs:303 self.seek_last();
iterator.rs:304 Some(self.value())
iterator.rs:305 }
iterator.rs:306 }
Now, as far as I see, I have two options:
have my own trait and my own last() implementation. That would mean it conflicts if IteratorExt is imported unless carefully used. This also has the danger accidentally using an inefficient version of last() if the version from IteratorExt is used. I'd loose convenient access to IteratorExt.
have my own trait and name the method differently (seek_last()). Disadvantage: I ask the user to learn vocabulary and to always favor my method over that provided by IteratorExt. Same problem: I'd like to avoid accidental usage of last().
Is there any other, better, solution I am missing?
As of rustc 0.13.0-nightly (8bca470c5 2014-12-08 00:12:30 +0000) defining last() as an inherent method on your type should work.
struct Foo<T> {t: T}
impl<T> Iterator<T> for Foo<T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { None }
// this does not work
// error: conflicting implementations for trait `core::iter::IteratorExt` [E0119]
// impl<T> IteratorExt<T> for Foo<T> {
// fn last(mut self) -> Option<T> { None }
// but this currently does
impl<T> Foo<T> {
fn last(mut self) -> Option<T> { Some(self.t) }
fn main() {
let mut t = Foo{ t: 3u };
println!("{}", t.next())
println!("{}", t.last()) // last has been "shadowed" by our impl
println!("{}", t.nth(3)) // other IteratorExt methods are still available
Since you're not supposed to use Extension traits as generic bounds (but just to provide additional methods), this should theoretically work for your scenario, as you can have your own type and its impl in the same crate.
Users of your type will use the inherent last method instead of the one on IteratorExt but still be able to use the other methods on IteratorExt.
last should be moved to Iterator, rather than IteratorExt.
IteratorExt is needed when using Box<Iterator> objects, to allow calling generic methods on them (e.g. map), because you can't put a generic method in a vtable. However, last isn't generic, so it can be put in Iterator.