Working around the limitations of extension traits - iterator

The pattern of having an object-safe trait Foo and a (potentially unsafe) extension trait FooExt implemented for all instances of Foo seems to become standard now.
This is a problem for me in the case of Iterator<A>, as I have a library that overrides the default method IteratorExt#last() of the old iterator trait (the underlying library has an efficient implementation of last()). This in now impossible, because for any A, there will always be a conflicting trait implementation of IteratorExt, the one that libcore already provides for all Iterator<A>. 306:2 error: conflicting implementations for trait `core::iter::IteratorExt` [E0119] impl<'a, K: Key> iter::IteratorExt<Vec<u8>> for ValueIterator<'a,K,Vec<u8>> { fn last(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> { self.seek_last(); Some(self.value()) } }
Now, as far as I see, I have two options:
have my own trait and my own last() implementation. That would mean it conflicts if IteratorExt is imported unless carefully used. This also has the danger accidentally using an inefficient version of last() if the version from IteratorExt is used. I'd loose convenient access to IteratorExt.
have my own trait and name the method differently (seek_last()). Disadvantage: I ask the user to learn vocabulary and to always favor my method over that provided by IteratorExt. Same problem: I'd like to avoid accidental usage of last().
Is there any other, better, solution I am missing?

As of rustc 0.13.0-nightly (8bca470c5 2014-12-08 00:12:30 +0000) defining last() as an inherent method on your type should work.
struct Foo<T> {t: T}
impl<T> Iterator<T> for Foo<T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { None }
// this does not work
// error: conflicting implementations for trait `core::iter::IteratorExt` [E0119]
// impl<T> IteratorExt<T> for Foo<T> {
// fn last(mut self) -> Option<T> { None }
// but this currently does
impl<T> Foo<T> {
fn last(mut self) -> Option<T> { Some(self.t) }
fn main() {
let mut t = Foo{ t: 3u };
println!("{}", t.last()) // last has been "shadowed" by our impl
println!("{}", t.nth(3)) // other IteratorExt methods are still available
Since you're not supposed to use Extension traits as generic bounds (but just to provide additional methods), this should theoretically work for your scenario, as you can have your own type and its impl in the same crate.
Users of your type will use the inherent last method instead of the one on IteratorExt but still be able to use the other methods on IteratorExt.

last should be moved to Iterator, rather than IteratorExt.
IteratorExt is needed when using Box<Iterator> objects, to allow calling generic methods on them (e.g. map), because you can't put a generic method in a vtable. However, last isn't generic, so it can be put in Iterator.


Rust define trait interface for any type?

I am building a rendering engine, one thing I want is to handle mangagement of arbitrary mesh data, regardless of representation.
My idea was, define a trait the enforces a function signature and then serialization can be handled by the user while I handle all the gpu stuff. This was the trait I made:
pub enum GpuAttributeData
OwnedData(Vec<Vec<i8>>, Vec<u32>),
pub trait GpuSerializable
fn serialize(&self) -> GpuAttributeData;
So very simple, give me a couple of arrays.
When i tested things inside the crate it worked, but I moved my example outside the crate, i.e. I have this snippet in an example:
impl <const N : usize> GpuSerializable for [Vertex; N]
fn serialize(&self) -> GpuAttributeData
let size = size_of::<Vertex>() * self.len();
let data = unsafe {
let mut data = Vec::<i8>::with_capacity(size);
self.as_ptr() as *const i8, data.as_ptr() as *mut i8, size);
// let indices : Vec<usize> = (0..self.len()).into_iter().collect();
let indices = vec![0, 1, 2];
let mut buffers :Vec<Vec<i8>> = Vec::new();
return GpuAttributeData::OwnedData(buffers, indices);
Which gives me this error:
error[E0117]: only traits defined in the current crate can be implemented for arbitrary types
--> examples/01_spinning_triangle/
41 | impl <const N : usize> GpuSerializable for [Vertex; N]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-----------
| | |
| | this is not defined in the current crate because arrays are always foreign
| impl doesn't use only types from inside the current crate
= note: define and implement a trait or new type instead
This utterly breaks my design. The whole point of what I am trying to achieve is, anyone anywhere should be able to implement that trait, inside or outside any crate, to be able to serialize whatever data they have, in whatever esoteric format it is.
Can I somehow bypass this restriction? If not, is there another way I could enforce at runtime "give me an object that has this function signature among its methods"?
Rust has the orphan rule, which says that any implementation of a trait on a type must exist in the same crate as at least one of the trait or the type. In other words, both types can't be foreign. (It's a bit more complex than this -- for example, you can implement a foreign generic trait on a foreign type if a generic type argument to the generic trait is a type declared in the local crate.)
This is why you frequently see so-called "newtypes" in Rust, which are typically unit structs with a single member, whose sole purpose is to implement a foreign trait on a foreign type. The newtype lives in the same crate as the implementation, so the compiler accepts the implementation.
This could be realized in your example with a newtype around the array type:
struct VertexArray<const N: usize>(pub [Vertex; N]);
impl<const N: usize> Deref for VertexArray<N> {
type Target = [Vertex; N];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<const N: usize> DerefMut for VertexArray<N> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
impl<const N: usize> GpuSerializable for VertexArray<N> {
// ...
Note that because of #[repr(transparent)], the layout of both VertexArray<N> and [Vertex; N] are guaranteed to be identical, meaning you can transmute between them, or references to them. This allows you to, for example, reborrow a &[Vertex; N] as a &VertexArray<N> safely, which means you can store all of your data as [Vertex; N] and borrow it as the newtype at zero cost whenever you need to interact with something expecting an implementation of GpuSerializable.
impl<const N: usize> AsRef<VertexArray<N>> for [Vertex; N] {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &VertexArray<N> {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self) }

How does the ? operator interact with the From trait?

Say I have the following:
use std::fs::File;
impl From<i32> for Blah {
fn from(b:i32) -> Blah {
Blah {}
fn main() {}
enum MyError {
impl From<std::io::Error> for MyError {
fn from(_:std::io::Error) -> Self {
fn get_result() -> Result<Blah, MyError> {
let mut file = File::create("foo.txt")?;
This compiles fine. I don't understand how.
File::create throws an std::io::error, which we're trying to wrap in a MyError. But we never explicitly call from anywhere!? How does it compile?
As the comments from this answer Rust understanding From trait indicate, you do have to explicitly call from.
So, how is the above snippet compiling?
The difference is stated in The Rust Programming Language, chapter 9, section 2, when talking about the ? operator:
Error values that have the ? operator called on them go through the from function, defined in the From trait in the standard library, which is used to convert errors from one type into another. When the ? operator calls the from function, the error type received is converted into the error type defined in the return type of the current function. This is useful when a function returns one error type to represent all the ways a function might fail, even if parts might fail for many different reasons. As long as each error type implements the from function to define how to convert itself to the returned error type, the ? operator takes care of the conversion automatically.
You have provided this implementation of From<std::io::Error> for that error type, therefore the code will work and convert values of this type automatically.
The magic is in the ? operator.
let mut file = File::create("foo.txt")?;
expands to something like (source)
let mut file = match File::create("foo.txt") {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),
This uses the Into trait, which is the counterpart to the From trait: e.into() is equivalent to T::from(e). Here you have the explicit conversion.
(There is an automatic impl<T, U> Into<U> for T for every impl<T, U> From<T> for U, which is why implementing From is enough.)

How can I return an iterator over a slice?

fn main() {
let vec: Vec<_> = (0..5).map(|n| n.to_string()).collect();
for item in get_iterator(&vec) {
println!("{}", item);
fn get_iterator(s: &[String]) -> Box<Iterator<Item=String>> {
fn get_iterator<'a>(s: &'a [String]) -> Box<Iterator<Item=&'a String> + 'a> {
The trick here is that we start with a slice of items and that slice has the lifetime 'a. slice::iter returns a slice::Iter with the same lifetime as the slice. The implementation of Iterator likewise returns references with that lifetime. We need to connect all of the lifetimes together.
That explains the 'a in the arguments and in the Item=&'a part. So what's the + 'a mean? There's a complete answer about that, and another with more detail. The short version is that an object with references inside of it may implement a trait, so we need to account for those lifetimes when talking about a trait. By default, that lifetime is 'static as it was determined that was the usual case.
The Box is not strictly required, but is a normal thing you'll see when you don't want to deal with the complicated types that might underlie the implementation (or just don't want to expose the implementation). In this case, the function could be
fn get_iterator<'a>(s: &'a [String]) -> std::slice::Iter<'a, String> {
But if you add .skip(1), the type would be:
std::iter::Skip<std::slice::Iter<'a, String>>
And if you involve a closure, then it's currently impossible to specify the type, as closures are unique, anonymous, auto-generated types! A Box is required for those cases.

Rust struct can borrow "&'a mut self" twice, so why can't a trait?

The following Rust code compiles successfully:
struct StructNothing;
impl<'a> StructNothing {
fn nothing(&'a mut self) -> () {}
fn twice_nothing(&'a mut self) -> () {
However, if we try to package it in a trait, it fails:
pub trait TraitNothing<'a> {
fn nothing(&'a mut self) -> () {}
fn twice_nothing(&'a mut self) -> () {
This gives us:
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*self` as mutable more than once at a time
--> src/
1 | pub trait TraitNothing<'a> {
| -- lifetime `'a` defined here
5 | self.nothing();
| --------------
| |
| first mutable borrow occurs here
| argument requires that `*self` is borrowed for `'a`
6 | self.nothing();
| ^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
Why is the first version allowed, but the second version forbidden?
Is there any way to convince the compiler that the second version is OK?
Background and motivation
Libraries like rust-csv would like to support streaming, zero-copy parsing because it's 25 to 50 times faster than allocating memory (according to benchmarks). But Rust's built-in Iterator trait can't be used for this, because there's no way to implement collect(). The goal is to define a StreamingIterator trait which can be shared by rust-csv and several similar libraries, but every attempt to implement it so far has run into the problem above.
The following is an extension of Francis's answer using implicit lifetimes but it allows for the return value to be lifetime bound:
pub trait TraitNothing<'a> {
fn change_it(&mut self);
fn nothing(&mut self) -> &Self {
fn bounded_nothing(&'a mut self) -> &'a Self {
fn twice_nothing(&'a mut self) -> &'a Self {
// uncomment to show old fail
// self.bounded_nothing();
// self.bounded_nothing()
It's less than perfect, but you can call the methods with implicit lifetimes change_it and nothing multiple times within other methods. I don't know if this will solve your real problem because ultimately self has the generic type &mut Self in the trait methods whereas in the struct it has type &mut StructNothing and the compiler can't guarantee that Self doesn't contain a reference. This workaround does solve the code example.
If you put the lifetime parameters on each method rather than on the trait itself, it compiles:
pub trait TraitNothing {
fn nothing<'a>(&'a mut self) -> () {}
fn twice_nothing<'a>(&'a mut self) -> () {
Nobody seemed to answer the "why?" so here I am.
Here's the point: In the trait, we're calling methods from the same trait. However, in the free impl, we're not calling methods from the same impl.
What? Surely we call methods from the same impl?
Let's be more precise: we're calling methods from the same impl, but not with the same generic parameters.
Your free impl is essentially equivalent to the following:
impl StructNothing {
fn nothing<'a>(&'a mut self) {}
fn twice_nothing<'a>(&'a mut self) {
Because the impl's generic lifetime is floating, it can be chosen separately for each method. The compiler does not call <Self<'a>>::nothing(self), but rather it calls <Self<'some_shorter_lifetime>>::nothing(&mut *self).
With the trait, on the other hand, the situation is completely different. The only thing we can know for sure is that Self: Trait<'b>. We cannot call nothing() with a shorter lifetime, because maybe Self doesn't implement Trait with the shorter lifetime. Therefore, we are forced to call <Self as Trait<'a>>::nothing(self), and the result is that we're borrowing for overlapping regions.
From this we can infer that if we tell the compiler that Self implements Trait for any lifetime it will work:
fn twice_nothing(&'a mut self)
Self: for<'b> TraitNothing<'b>,
(&mut *self).nothing();
(&mut *self).nothing();
...except it fails to compile because of issue #84435, so I don't know whether this would have succeeded :(
Is this really surprising?
The assertion you're making is that &mut self lasts for at least the lifetime 'a.
In the former case, &mut self is a pointer to a struct. No pointer aliasing occurs because the borrow is entirely contained in nothing().
In the latter case, the &mut self is a pointer to a pointer to a struct + a vtable for the trait. You're locking the pointed to struct that implements TraitNothing for the duration of 'a; i.e. the whole function each time.
By removing 'a, you're implicitly using 'static, which says the impl lasts forever, so its fine.
If you want to work around it, transmute the &'a TraitNothing to &'static TraitNothing... but I'm pretty sure that's not what you want to do.
This is why we need block scopes ('b: { .... }) in Rust...
Try using dummy lifetimes perhaps?

Providing an implementation when both trait and type are not in this crate [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I implement a trait I don't own for a type I don't own?
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I want to provide an implementation of a trait ToHex (not defined by me, from serialize) for a primitive type u8:
impl ToHex for u8 {
fn to_hex(&self) -> String {
The problem is I get this compiler error:
error: cannot provide an extension implementation where both trait and type are not defined in this crate
I understand the reason of this error and its logic, this is because both the trait and the primitive type are external to my code. But how can I handle this situation and provide an ToHex implementation for u8? And more generally how do you handle this kind of issue, it seems to me that this problem must be common and it should be possible and easy to extend types like this?
You should use a newtype struct to do this:
pub struct U8(pub u8)
impl ToHex for U8 {
fn to_hex(&self) -> String {
let U8(x) = *self;
This does mean, however, that you should wrap u8 into U8 where you need to perform this conversion:
let x: u8 = 127u8
// println!("{}", x.to_hex()); // does not compile
println!("{}", U8(x).to_hex());
This is absolutely free in terms of performance.
I realize this is almost a year old, but the answer was never accepted and I think I've found an alternate solution, that I thought would be good to document here.
In order to extend the functionality of the u8 through traits, instead of trying to extend ToHex, why not create a new trait?
trait MyToHex {
fn to_hex(&self) -> String;
impl MyToHex for u8 {
fn to_hex(&self) -> String {
format!("{:x}", *self)
then used like so
fn main() {
println!("{}", (16).to_hex());
This has the advantage that you don't have to wrap every u8 variable with a new and superfluous data type.
The disadvantage is that you still can't use a u8 in a external function (i.e std library, or one you have no control over) that requires the ToHex trait (Vladimir Matveev's solution works in this case), but from OP it sounds like all you want to do is extend u8 only inside your code.