API for storing binary blobs - serialization

I'm doing some moderately low-level programming of an embedded device that has some NVRAM we plan to use for retaining values between runs of a program. We'd like to abstract the operations into an API over a driver or talking to a daemon. This is lower-level than the serialization semantics I've seen here and there. Basically we want a process or function to be able to reserve some space (with some name or other identifier), store a value (arbitrary byte sequence) in that reserved space, retrieve the value later, and surrender the reservation if it no longer needs to use it. This feels a lot like malloc, write, read, and free. I'm tempted to implement nvAlloc() (or something) and so on. Or am I missing something obvious? Maybe security: another process getting a handle and accessing or corrupting the value.

It seems http://pramfs.sourceforge.net/ and normal file system access are the right answer.


Isn't storing all of its data as strings an overhead in terms of memory usage?

Isn't storing only strings as data type a big overhead in terms of memory consumption?
e.g.: To store "304.2" in any application is more expensive than to store 304.2 as float/double.
Even if internally the value is indeed stored as a numeric value, delegating to every client the responsibility of "parsing" the string isn't another source of inefficiency?
I was getting super excited to start using redis but my case of usage is to cache a key x value structure like "string" x "doubles[]". Even if it would probably pay off in comparison with disk those two points really turns me off in adopting the technology.
I would love to be proven wrong, this is why I'm asking the question.
Thank you,
For point 1: You can't store 304.2 as a float/double; you can only store a close approximation to it. To store it, you need e.g. a dedicated decimal type, or more general rational type. Or a string.
For point 2:
RESP is a compromise between the following things:
Simple to implement.
Fast to parse.
Human readable.
Human readable means that no matter how numbers are stored internally, they still would be sent as strings and clients would have to parse them.
After all I've chosen Infinispan which gave me the APIs was looking for. Pros of the choosen solution is the actual ability to refer to the cache as a generic key x value concurrent map. Cons: probably less flexible in terms of out of the box client supported programming languages, even though you can always use google protobuff.

Reassign an interface or allow GC to do its work on temporary variables

I'm very new to Go and am currently porting a PHP program.
I understand that Go is not a dynamically-typed language and I like that about it. It seems very structured and easy to keep track of everything.
But I've been coming across situations that seem to be a little ... ugly. Is there a better way of performing this sort of process:
plyr := builder.matchDetails.plyr[i]
plyrDetails := strings.Split(plyr, ",")
details := map[string]interface{}{
"position": plyrDetails[0], "id": plyrDetails[1],
"xStart": plyrDetails[2], "zStart": plyrDetails[3],
Is there a better way to achieve a map containing the strings from plyr than to create two additional variables, to be destroyed straight afterwards? Or is this the correct way?
If possible, choose a different format and let a library do the string parsing/generation for you
Use structs rather than maps for anything you use a few times, for more compiler checks
The common way of using encoding/json accomplishes both of those.
Meanwhile, don't sweat perf too much because you'll probably vastly improve the old app's speed regardless; there's no indication speed of parsing or GC is a problem yet; and the syntactical differences you mentioned in the first rev. of the post don't necessarily actually relate to GC.
So, I understand you may be porting piece-for-piece, and that may limit what you can change now.
But if/when you can change things, a really clean solution would be to use the encoding/json package and a struct: the json package will parse input/generate output from structs without any manual string manipulation on your part, and using a struct gives you compile-time checking rather than only the runtime checking you get with a map. Lots of Go apps (and others) use JSON to expose their services.
An intermediate step could be to introduce struct types for any internal structure you use at least a few times, rather than maps, so even without updating the parsing, at least the internals of the app get the benefits of compile-time checking. structs are also what things like the gorm object/relational mapper expect to deal with. They happen to use less memory than maps, and be quicker (and more concise syntactically) to access, but those aren't even necessarily the most important considerations here.
On the performance of what you have now, and particularly whether different syntax would make it faster: don't sweat that, for a bunch of reasons: the port's likely to be faster than the PHP was whatever you do; we don't yet have any indication that parsing or GC is actually slow or your bottleneck; and the syntactical differences you talked about in the first revision of your question may not relate to GC much or at all. More/fewer var names in your code may not correspond to more/fewer heap allocations, 'cause often Go can allocate on the stack, briefly discussed under 'escape analysis' in Dave Cheney's Gocon Tokyo slides. And as peterSO said, we seem to be looking at allocations of smallish references, not, say, copying all of the string bytes from the request each time.
Go is NOT PHP. Write Go programs in Go. Write PHP programs in PHP.
Interface values are represented as a two-word pair giving a pointer
to information about the type stored in the interface and a pointer to
the associated data. Go Data Structures:
Reusing Go interface variables to "increase performance" makes no sense.

What kind of objects get serialized and why? When would I use this?

I understand what serialized is. I simply do not know when I would use it. I have seen the discouraged practice of session data in a database and things like that but other than that I do not know.
What kind of objects state would I save in a database, file system, anything that needs persistence? Why would I use it for a non-"permanent" reason?
I do not have a context per se. All I really do are client server web apps. I may get to use a Java stack for it, but I'd really like to understand this part of things, should I need it.
I have asked similar questions. I'm just not understanding.
In a sentence, using a generic serialiser is a reasonable way to save stuff to disk, move stuff over a network in a manner which doesn't require you to design a data format, write code that emits data in that format, and write a parser for that format (all error-prone) by hand.
Any time you want to persist an object (or object hierarchy) beyond its existence inside a single execution on a single machine, you are going to want to serialise and deserialise.
Some scenarios that come to my mind are
Caching: when you want to offload in-memory objects to disk (the caching framework can serialise the object to disk)
For thick clients (either a desktop application or an app using RMI) you'll need to transfer objects from one JVM to another, and this is done by serialising them
I can't think of any other scenarios from the top of my head.

how to create a system-wide independent universal counter object primarily for Database keys?

I would like to create/use a system-wide independent universal 'counter object' that can be called via COM in a thread-safe manner.
The counter object will be passed an ID to identify which counter to return, handle the counting, 'persist' the count (occasionally), have reasonable performance (as fast as possible) perhaps capable of 1000 counts per second or better (1mS) and be accessible cross-process/out-of-process. The current count status must be persisted between object restarts/shutdowns.
The counter object is liklely to be a 'singleton' type object implemented in some form of free-threaded dictionary, containing maybe 10 counters (perhaps 50 max). The count needs to be monotonic and consistent, (ie: guaranteed unique sequential values).
Each counter should have a few methods, like reset, inc, dec, set, clear, remove. As a luxury, I would like to have a variable-increment (ie: 'step by' value). To support thread-safefty, perhaps some sorm of critical-section or mutex call. It just needs to return a long/4byte signed integer.
I really want something that can be called from anywhere, including VBScript, so I figure COM is my preferred solution.
The primary use of this is for database keys. I am unable to use autoinc or guid type keys and have ruled out database-generated counting systems at this point.
I've spent days researching this and I have really struggled to find a solution. The best I can find is a free-threaded dictionary object that can be instantiated using COM+ from Motobit - it seems to offer all the 'basics' and I guess I could create some form of wrapper for this.
So, here are my questions:
Does such a 'general purpose
counter-object already exist? Can you direct me to it? (MS did
do an IIS/ASP object called
'MSWC.Counter' but this isn't
'cross-process'/ out-of-process
component and isn't thread-safe. (but if it was, it would do!)
What is the best way of creating such
a Component? (I'd prefer VB6
right-now, [don't ask!] but can do in VB.NET2005
if I had to). I don't have the
skills/knowledge/tools to use
anything else.
I am desparate for a workable solution. I need specific guidance! If anybody can code something up for me I am prepared to pay for it.
Whats wrong with GUIDs? a) 16bytes if I'm lucky (Binary storage), 32+bytes if I'm not (ANSI without formatting) or even worse(64bytes Unicode). b) I have an high-volume replicated app where the GUID is just too big (compared to the actual row data) and c) the overhead of indexing and inserts d) I want a readable number! - I only need 4 byte integer, so why not try and get that? I know you will say that disc-space is cheap, but for my application the cost is in slow inserts, and guids don't help (and I have tried/tested) but would prefer not to use if I have a choice.
Autonumber/autoincs are evil: a) don't get the value until after the insert, b) session specific, c) easy to lose/screw up on a table alter, d) no good for mutli-table inserts, (its not MS-SQL Svr) plus I have a need for counters outside my DB...
By the sound of it, what you're looking to create is an ActiveX EXE. They run in their own process but can be accessed from any other process by instantiating an object from it as though it is just another COM object. It handles all the marshaling necessary to sync its internal thread with the threads of any process calling it. Since all you planning on using is integers, there's no need to worry about the thread safety of objects passed between the threads.
More than likely you can use the MSWC.Counter object within that ActiveX EXE and let it do the counter work.
A database engine is already very good at generating unique primary key values for a dbase table. Either by marking the column auto-increment or by using a Guid. Trying to create your own is a grave mistake. System wide is just not wide enough, it fails miserably when your app grows and more than one machine starts using the database.
Nevertheless, you can get what you want in VB6 by creating a COM server. It's been to long, I forgot the exact names of the project options, something resembling "single use".
I have implemented a similar solution implemented as a REST web service - accessible from any technology that supports http.
Simple c sharp backend implementation using a singleton pattern and will scale nicely under IIS.
The whole thing sounds like a twisted idea, so why should I not add another twisted one. :P
Host an old-skool ASP page.
You can use Application.Lock with a counter then, just like in the sample.
Added benefit: use it from any platform/language. (e.g. other HTML pages with XMLHttpRequest. :)
If you save the value at say every 100th request to a file, you do not even have to worry about IIS resets.
Just set the starting value to last saved value + 100 in Application_OnStart. :P

Notify changes on an XML file

I created this simple textpad program in WPF/VB.NET 2008 that automatically saves the content of the forms to an XML file on every keystroke.
Now, I'm trying to make the program see the changes on the XML file in realtime.. example, If I open two of my textpads, when I write on the first one, it will automatically reflect on the other textpad.
How can I do this?
One of my colleagues told me to read about iNotifyPropertyChanged (which I did) but how can I apply it to my application..?
:( help~
btw, I got the idea from a Google Wave demo, and I'm actually trying to do something bigger..
Note - this approach will be really, really expensive in terms of disk I/O, memory usage and CPU time. Why are you using XML is that the native format of the data you are editing? You may want to look at a more compact format - one that will use less memory, generate fewer I/Os and use less CPU.
Also note that you writer may need to flush the file for the watcher to notice any changes. This is expensive as well - especially if you re doing it on every key stroke.
Be sure to use the correct file open attributes (sharing, reading and writing).
You may want to consider using shared memory to communicate between your processes. This will be less expensive. You can avoid large ammounts of disk I/O by only writing changes to disk when the use asks to commit them, or there is a hint to do so. I suggest avoiding doing this on every key stroke.
Remember, your app needs to be a good system citizen and consume a reasonable amount of system resources. This is especially true running on netbooks and other 'low spec' systems.
You will probably need to use the FileSystemWatcher to watch the file on the disk rather than a property in the running instance of the application.
Or you could use some custom message passing between different instances of your application.
INotifyPropertyChanged isn't going to work for your application. That interfaced is used when data binding some element to a UI object.
Your best bet is going to be to attach a FileSystemWatcher to the file when you open it for editing. You can then use the change events to reload the file as needed in each instance of your application.
This will also load changes made from external editors.
It sounds like you are using file IO as a form of interprocess communication, if so, IMO you need to rethink your design, especially if you are doing something "bigger" than google wave (whatever bigger means in this context) as what you are proposing is terribly ineficient.
Do some searching on Interprocess communication and you will get a whole bunch of idea's #foredecker's idea (+1) of shared memory is a good possibility for example.