mobileFirst Quality library integration technical architecture overview? - ibm-mobilefirst

How does the MQA library integrate into the Main mobile application and how does it work in general?
Where can I find a detaited technical Architecture overview?
(Specialy for xCode and iOS)

Please have a look at the MQA documentation, "[Installing the iOS preproduction libraries]" at :
We hope this will help.
Kind regards,
Agnès & Yanis

In addition to the Overview page that Agnes and Yanis provided, which outlines the overall process, you can find specific details for installing the MQA library for iOS here: Using the information from this topic, you will see how you can prepare your application in Apple Xcode for reporting on iOS.
Can you please provide more details regarding what you are looking for in a technical architecture overview?


GoogleMLKit/TextRecognition examples

I have been using Firebase/MLVision, Firebase/MLVisionTextModel for ios but due to recent migration, I need to upgrade my application. Do we have some links on the forum for reference?
I am using the below method to recognize the text currently - nsFirebase.mlkit.textrecognition.recognizeTextOnDevice so I think that with the upgrade, I will need to change method call too? If yes, where can I find some documentation.
Please advice.
The migration guide for moving your app from Firebase ML to the new standalone ML Kit SDK can be found here: Overview, Android-specific instructions, iOS-specific instructions.

Can we use any javascript framework to build maximo anywhere app

Mobile First supports any javascript Framework like DOJO/Sencha/jQuery/AngularJS. So is it possible to build new maximo anywhere app also through any above mentioned JS Framework?
The answer is Yes. The mentioned frameworks are frontend/client-side frameworks and as such have no relation to the functionality that MobileFirst and/or Maximo provide you with. They relate to how the app looks, not what the app does.
Yes but, please understand you could have to rewrite some of the ANT scripts used to build the apps. I haven't attempted this yet, and would love to hear your feedback as to what you find. I'm not a fan of dojo and would like an alternative like ionic too!

Integrating Google Login in Unity3d iOS

I want to integrate google login in unity so that it can be ported to almost all Operating Systems. I tried stack and unity3d forum but could not find a suitable post. Downloaded a lot of code examples but of no use.
-> I read that there's a paid plugin 'Prime31' but i don't want to pay money for it.
-> I found some code from google in .NET that can be used to authenticate users but i was unable to add that zip file into unity. It could only be opened by MonoDevelop but then also could be added.
Also Found another plugin from gitHub but was again unable to use that.Unity GPGPlugin
I just want to give options to the users that they can either login with facebook or google account and then play the game.
I am quite new to unity so any code/hint/logic would be appreciated.
As far as I can tell, this is an official Google made plugin. I use it, and it's pretty easy. Its documentation is plenty thorough. It has been updated to the new all in one GMS jar. It works for both iOS and android. If you use it with their supplied admob plugin (which in Unity works a lot like the android sdk), you'll have to delete one file (both plugins define the same class, it doesn't seem to matter which version you keep).
edit: Unity will tell you which class has been duplicated.

Developing a plug-in under OS X Lion: where to begin?

I'm in the mood for developing a custom plug-in for Apple's default OS X mail client under OS X Lion (10.7). I can find a lot of plug-ins for older versions of online, and some background information on the (officially unsupported and undocumented) plug-in architecture used by these old versions of Mail, but not for the newest version.
I know there are plug-ins for Lion's mail app so I know it's possible to do this, but I'm having a hard time finding out how to begin. Xcode offers templates for Address Book, Quartz Composer and Installer plug-ins, but not for Mail plug-ins.
I specifically do not want to work exclusively with AppleScripts because they won't allow me to do what I want to do: customize the application's interface, views and toolbars and such.
I am an experienced Objective-C developer and have built several apps for iOS, so the language and Xcode will pose no problems.
I think I just need to know 1) where/how to begin and 2) how to find reliable information about's plug-in architecture. Can anybody point me in the direction of documentation, example projects or tutorials for developing such plug-ins? Of course, any other remarks, hints and tips are very welcome.
Thanks in advance!
There is at least one plugin for which works on Lion. It's Growl Mail, plugin to connect to Growl. Growl Mail has sources available on, so, in my opinion, it's good point for start.
Oh, I almost forgot about second plugin, which I use, TruePreview. It has also sources available in internet.
I found these resources to be helpful. - repository of Mail plugins, at least some of which are open source so they can serve as examples (most support Mountain Lion). - Tips and add-ons for Apple Mail

Where is the libOAuth.a source?

Nowadays, I'm working on an iPhone project that is using social connections such as Twitter, Facebook..
When I tried to implement Twitter+OAuth solution into my project some another parts of project such as MySpace is giving error on oAuth implementation. It seems MySpace IOS SDK used old version of oAuthConsumer project.
So, I haven't find libOAuth.a source code. If I find it I will be handle my problem.
How do I find the libOAuth.a static library source ?
try downloading it from
Isn't this what you're looking for? And not only do you have to include it into the project but also make sure you copy into it. Then under Build Phases, you will have to add this to Link Binary to Libraries section.
You might find Google's new OAuth 2 library for Mac and iOS to be helpful.