Integrating Google Login in Unity3d iOS - ios7

I want to integrate google login in unity so that it can be ported to almost all Operating Systems. I tried stack and unity3d forum but could not find a suitable post. Downloaded a lot of code examples but of no use.
-> I read that there's a paid plugin 'Prime31' but i don't want to pay money for it.
-> I found some code from google in .NET that can be used to authenticate users but i was unable to add that zip file into unity. It could only be opened by MonoDevelop but then also could be added.
Also Found another plugin from gitHub but was again unable to use that.Unity GPGPlugin
I just want to give options to the users that they can either login with facebook or google account and then play the game.
I am quite new to unity so any code/hint/logic would be appreciated.
As far as I can tell, this is an official Google made plugin. I use it, and it's pretty easy. Its documentation is plenty thorough. It has been updated to the new all in one GMS jar. It works for both iOS and android. If you use it with their supplied admob plugin (which in Unity works a lot like the android sdk), you'll have to delete one file (both plugins define the same class, it doesn't seem to matter which version you keep).
edit: Unity will tell you which class has been duplicated.


How to create an Eclipse plug-in for an SDK

I am trying to create an eclipse plug-in for an existing SDK. My main goal is to allow user to create a project that will automatically have the SDK jar file and will also load couple of examples. The main purpose is to free the user from the hassle of adding jar file and looking up the examples.
I am fairly new to this area of development. I have never created a plugin and was wondering if there are any specific tutorials or development guide for creating such a plugin.
Any help is appreciated!
It's a bit unclear what your requirements are, what the SDK are, what type of users you developing for. But the simplest solution would be to create a set of Eclipseprojects with a proper setup. Then your user would just import them and continue to build from them.
A more elaborate solution would be a new project wizard. So when the user goes to file -> new project, they will find a specific wizard this type of development. If this is what you are looking for, then this tutorial will offer a good starting point.

what changed in play framework 2.x

doesn't play framework 2.0.4 support some consoles?
when i was using 1.x, i could use the console "play eclipsify"
and "play dependencies" to fbconnect and fbgraph modules
but from when i chaged the version, it's not working.
then how can i connect those modules? i've no idea to do that
i think the new version doesn't support those consoles for modules
is it correct?
is the way totally different? if then please let me know.
also juz awhile ago i checked the 1.2.5 version
and there is no dependencies.yml and module folder
would you let me know what changed and how can i apply and adjust?
Thank you for your time
check this out
and i wanna tell you some people who evaluate my question
what if there is no begginer who really want to learn and ask, how developing survives?
i hate reputations!
Yes, it's TOTALY different, although some ideas are the same, Play 2.x is quite new product (as stated in many topics and questions since many months), there's (fortunately) no backward compatibility between Play 1.x and 2.x!
When you'll visit Play 1.x (only) modules page the first thing you'll see will be that disclaimer:
These modules are for the Play 1.x series only. Play 2.0 modules can be hosted anywhere on any Ivy, Maven or Git repository. We will add a directory for them here shortly.
Thanx to Pere Villega you can also search for Play 2.0 for Java or Scala modules on site, however you need carefully choose between Play 1.x and Play 2.x series.
For working with eclipse, check the Play's 2.0 IDE documentation.

how to install and getting start with webrtc on windows server

Hi could anyone to tell me how to install depot tools.I went through documentation and trying to install the webrtc in windows,I installed visual studio 2010 and some related stuff given in documentation still i am in confusion and many questions like why visual studio is required? are we have write code in visual studio?It acts like IDE for webrtc?
If not please tell me where we have to place our project in local file system and how to implement my first demo application..I found a video published by google demonstrating about webrtc in that they wrote code in a html file so is html file itself enough to develop.?
Though i have done a sample application in a html file still i am getting blank page and in console i am getting as UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION near navigator.webkitGetUserMedia() please help me out to know more about webrtc.
I suggest you start by watching the excellent videos about WebRTC from Justin Uberti and Cullen Jennings, and then (shameless self promotion) get to grips with the code and examples in Getting Started With WebRTC on HTML5 Rocks. is the home of the WebRTC project -- lots of resources and demos there.
Just last month we released an open source project aimed to get developers into WebRTC fast and easy.
It includes a cross-platform server kit which will run in Windows. Working demos are included.
I just built the webrtc solution using VS2010 by following this web pages instructions and NOT using cygwin. I had but one issue which to resolve required the manual copying of two files into the correct folder, you will know which two files should you see the names of these files and read the error, you will then know the expected location when the build fails.
Ultimately you will get a peerconnection_server.exe and a peerconnection_client.exe by way of sample. I was able to modify them easily.
Hope this helps. Be sure to install the prerequisites and follow the instructions to the letter.
As a clarification, the webrtc C++ library is one implementation you can use for the protocol. Another is using the webrtc implementation in a (very) modern web browser, such as Firefox or Chrome. Then, you'll just need HTML + JS, as per the articles in HTML5 Rocks.

Where is the libOAuth.a source?

Nowadays, I'm working on an iPhone project that is using social connections such as Twitter, Facebook..
When I tried to implement Twitter+OAuth solution into my project some another parts of project such as MySpace is giving error on oAuth implementation. It seems MySpace IOS SDK used old version of oAuthConsumer project.
So, I haven't find libOAuth.a source code. If I find it I will be handle my problem.
How do I find the libOAuth.a static library source ?
try downloading it from
Isn't this what you're looking for? And not only do you have to include it into the project but also make sure you copy into it. Then under Build Phases, you will have to add this to Link Binary to Libraries section.
You might find Google's new OAuth 2 library for Mac and iOS to be helpful.

a couple questions about the titanium platform

I have recently been browsing frameworks such as JavaScriptMVC, qooxdoo, Sproutcore and others alike which are using javascript to create desktop-like apps in the browser with minimal, or none css/html (depending on the framework).
What I know of titanium is that it uses html/css for the views, and language of choice (javascript, ruby,python,php) for everything else. Then it gets compiled(?) into a native app.
What are the quirks? if any?
Is it necessary for the user to install some sort of a runtime to execute the compiled app?
I suppose javascript is the prefered language, but how are the other ones handled?
For example, which Ruby interpreter would be included, would I be albe to use the ruby stdlib or external libraries? Would it affect the speed of the app? I.e JS > Ruby in terms of speed.
Since the views are CSS/HTML, would it still be necessary to style the elements, add them effects via JS librarier to achieve a widget-like feeling? Or does it come with some pre-made settings/classes for that?
I am not sure if it applies to the desktop package, but is there some syncing with the appcelerator's server required? What would it be necessary for?
I am sorry if the questions sound stupid, but I didn't even realise there are than many tools until recent. I am ultimately looking for something which is easy to use, has an option to work with a back-end server for data exchange, looks preferably good 'out of the box' or doesnt require that much work to get it themed nicely and works on mobile as well as desktop devices.
With Titanium you build your app out using javascript. Titanium ultimately generates its own XCode project for you that is compiled and deployed to a device.
The user does not require any runtime be installed prior to installing your app.
Unless your building custom modules to hook up your own controls you stick with javascript.
Your javascript calls end up as native controls, early versions required css like styling due to reliance on webkit but this is no longer the case.
There is no IDE but it does come with an app to create Titanium projects, test in emulator, deploy etc. It also talks back to HQ for updates.
In answer to (2), Titanium Mobile is Javascript only, but Desktop also supports Python, Perl and PHP.