WCF: where to initialize SignalR? - wcf

I have a WCF Service which can be installed by 3 ways:
1. in IIS
2. Window Service Host
3. Console Host
I'd like to use SignalR Hub in this service to provide full-duplex connections for the client apps.
Where I need to do SignalR initialization which can be suitable for any of 3 installation ways?
What is the best place in the WCF service for it?


Calling a net.tcp wcf service from Silverlight - in an external facing web site?

I have an external (public) website developed in Silverlight. The Silverlight app currently calls http based wcf services hosted in IIS.
I am now having to call a wcf service with net.tcp binding hosted in a different app server. I have the net.tcp wcf service hosted in a windows service on port range 4502-4530 and with an interface to expose clientaccesspolicy.xml file as part of the service. I am able to invoke this service from my Silverlight app in the web server. I want the SL app to make direct call to net.tcp, rather than routing the call to it from another http based service.
Question is will this work without any issues when exposed over internet.
Client browser --> IIS webserver with Silverlight website --> App Server with wcf service on net.tcp.
I am assuming in this case, from XAP SL would try to make direct call to the app server service using net.tcp ?
The communication between the web server and app server could be opened up for ports 4502-4535. But I am wondering what about the client. Does this setup require the ports to be available even in the clients machine (with browser)?
Any insight is much helpful.
Take a look at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2425652; there is sample code included as well! If you setup clientaccesspolicy.xml correctly; it should work as long as clients can access your TCP server.
If your clients are behind some firewall which is blocking your server's ports; they may face connectivity issues!

Javascript Client for Windows Azure Service Bus Relay service?

Is it possible to consume a WCF service via a Windows Azure Service Bus Relay in a JavaScript client?
You can setup a WebHttpRelay service that can be accessed via GET calls in JavaScript if you are using Node.
EDIT: This gives a good overview on how to setup a WCF service to support CORS. You need to enable it on your service to allow calls from a different host.

WCF service application and wcf service library

i know it's been asked, but i want to clear things out, what is the difference between WCF service application and wcf service library, and how can i connect them to other machine?
is Wcf SA need to host on IIS? or is it the SL?
A service application includes a website host already setup for you. A service library is a library of services that a host can reference and startup.
If you start with a service library (recommended) you can then choose any host you wish (a windows service, IIS/ASP.NET, or even a console application) and you'd just reference your library from your new host. Choosing a Service Application limits your host to just IIS/ASP.NET (though this might be ok for your purposes, but will limit the protocols you can use).

Signalr as WCF Service for various clients

Need an advise on following.
What is the best option to host Signalr, could it be hosted as a WCF service?
This SignalR will be consumed by clients like web application (MVC4) and ios applications.
The answer is No as far as I know. You cannot host SignalR hubs as a WCF service. As alternative to hosting in a ASP.NET website, you can choose self hosting approach as explained here.
On the other hand, SignalR has client APIs for both ASP.NET and iOS/OSX. The easiest solution (and my recommendation) would be direct hub usage via the client API.
If you insist on to open a WCF endpoint to manage SignalR hubs, you can reach SignalR IHubContext from WCF by using GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<YourHub>().
Only requirement here is that your WCF service must be hosted on the same web application with your SignalR hub. External WCF services from different service applications cannot reach your hubcontext.

How to start/stop windows service from a remote machine through WCF service?

I have created a WCF service which is deployed on my local machine. This service exposes one method which start/stop a windows service on my local machine.
On the remote machine I have created a client that consumes the WCF service. When I try to invoke the method which start/stop service exposed from a WCF service , I get InvalidOperationException . I found that this is the Security issue.
Also when I do the same operation (start/stop windows service) on the local machine it works!!
The WCF service is hosted on IIS 7.0 which is using basichttpBinding. Also Anonnymous access is checked. I have also added <identity Impersonate = true > under the web section in the web config file but still no success.
Please help!!
You set impersonation for ASP.NET. Impersonation in WCF uses its own infrastructure. Moreover in WCF client has to allow service to impersonate his identity. Check this simple example.