VB.NET - Killing processes - vb.net

I've recently started learning VB.NET and I'm wondering is there an easy way of killing off all processes a VB.NET application uses, for example I've created a form which pings a given IP address, this application creates a process cmd.exe and sends the ping argument, this in turn creates following processes:
If I Kill () the main process it kills off cmd.exe but not conhost.exe nor ping.exe, do I need to manually kill these also? By killing off the main process will it not automatically kill off associated processes? If that makes sense. Another thing I don't understand, I tried using Close () but nothing appears to happen, all processes keep on running. I want to be able for a user to close the form and for all associate processes to be closed/killed.

It is much better to use the System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping class to perform a ping (as Hans Passant mentioned).
In general, if you use proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(...), you should be able to kill the process and its child processes with proc.kill. However, it is possible for a process to launch other processes that will not be immediately terminated with kill. It would be a bad idea to terminate leftover processes manually, for a number of reasons.


ProcessPoolExecutor stuck indefinitely when child process dies

I have a script running on one of my linux servers which handles batch file processing with a ProcessPoolExecutor and generally runs fine days or even weeks on end without any issue. Sometimes though it looks like a few of my child processes just die (I have no error message or exception at all and can't reproduce it even with killing cp's from the shell) and lead to the parent process just waiting for the return indefinitely...
Thats the call (the initializer doesn't have any effect in this case, it's just to handle the reverse scenario described in another very helpful thread on s.o.)
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=int(config['PERFORMANCE']['NumberOfProcesses']),
) as executor:
executor.map(process_main, file_list)
From what I've gathere the Pool should be able to recover in exactly the described scenario:
Anyone got any idea? (thought about switching to the pebble library with it's timeout functionality or creating a separate watchdog script)

What is a crashloop?

I'm reading Google's Site Reliability Engineering book and ran across the word crashloop which I've never heard before and have not been able to locate a definition
"If a task tries to use more resources than it requested, Borg kills the task and restarts it (as a slowly crashlooping task is usually preferable to a task that hasn’t been restar‐ ted at all)."
What is a crashloop and how does it compare to an infinite loop if at all?
A crashloop is when a process crashes and is restarted by a watchdog daemon, indefinitely.
That is, the history is:
Process starts at time T.
Process crashes at time T+1.
Watchdog daemon restarts process.
Process started at time T+2.
Process crashes at time T+3.
Watchdog daemon restarts process.
Process starts...etc.
Here, the watchdog deamon is Borg, and the process is encapsulated into a task.
In general, in distributed computing if you want something to eventually succeed, you have to write down your intent for it to be completed and you need a worker to loop continually to act on this intent. This is "at least once delivery" of a work item.
Here, the intent is that the task runs (written down into Borg), and Borg itself is running the loop that is constantly trying to make sure the task runs. This is why when a task crashes, it is restarted. When a task crashes repeatedly, together you end up with a crashloop.

How to stop a running query in PostqreSQL?

First I run this query to see the running queries:
select * from pg_stat_activity;
then I run this query to stop them:
SELECT pg_cancel_backend(pid);
but, when I run the pg_stat_activity again, it still shows all the queries!
why it didn't kill the queries?
A number of possible explanations:
You're not looking at an active query, the query text is just the last query that ran on a currently-idle backed. In that case pg_cancel_backend will do nothing since there's nothing to cancel. Check the state field in pg_stat_activity.
The active query is running in extension code that does not CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() during whatever it is doing. This is most typically the case when you're running some extension that does lots of CPU, I/O or network activity using its own libraries, sockets, etc. Particularly things like PL/Perl, PL/Python, etc.
The active query is running in PostgreSQL back-end code that doesn't check for interrupts in a long running loop or similar. This is a bug; if you find such a case, report it.
The backend is stuck waiting on a blocking operating system call, commonly disk I/O or a network socket write. It may be unable to respond to a cancel message until that blocking operation ends, but if it receives a SIGTERM its signal handler can usually cause it to bail out, but not always.
In general it's safe to use pg_terminate_backend as a "bigger hammer". SIGTERM as sent by pg_terminate_backend() will often, but not always, cause a backend that can't respond to a cancel to exit.
Do not kill -9 (SIGKILL) a PostgreSQL backend (postgres process). It will cause the whole PostgreSQL server to emergency-restart to protect shared memory safety.
I should use pg_terminate_backend(pid) instead of pg_cancel_backend(pid).

Application calls another Application. Does it create another process?

I was reading about Processes. I wan't to know what really happens. My situation :
"I opened an Application. That creates a process say process1. I have other applications interfaced with this one and all these open up when i click a button inside my running application. I want to know Does my process1 create new processes and IPC happens OR processes for all the linked applications are created at once and then IPC happens?"
Obviously,a running application is a bunch of processes,or maybe a single process which has internally multiple threads acting within these processes.
So,your activity decides the creation and deletion of processes.say,if you are running an application such as media player and you suddenly start searching related info about the album---so here,totally a new process is created which helps interaction through web and after returning the output,it may die,may not,but the process was created on your request.Also,mostly ipc happens within processes,exactly as per your thinking,but shared memory communication is also one of the option,which is complicated and is less common.
One more thing to point out is that there are several 'daemon processes' which are running in the background and don't die before shutdown instruction!So,these processes are also sometimes related to the running application and serves its request.But,mostly,newer processes are created when we switch our task or perform certain action in the application.

How to get notified when a process terminates in Windows and Linux?

I want to write a program, that should be notified by O.S. whenever any running process on that OS dies.
I don't want to myself poll and compare everytime if a previously existing process has died. I want my program to be alerted by OS whenever a process termination happens.
How do I go about it? Some sample code would be very helpful.
PS: Looking for approaches in Java/C++.
Sounds like you want PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine(). See this article to get started:
Under Unix, you could use the sigchld signal to get notified of the death of the process. This requires, however, that the process being monitored is a child process of the monitoring process.
Under Windows, you might need to have a valid handle to the process. If you spawn the process yourself using CreateProcess, you get the handle for free, otherwise you must acquire by other means. It might then be possible to wait for the process to terminate by calling WaitForSingleObject on the handle.
Sorry, I don't have any example code for this. I am not even sure, that waiting on the process handle under Windows really awaits termination of the process (as opposed to some other "significant" condition, which causes the process handle to enter "signalled" state or something).
I don't have a code sample ready but one idea – on Linux – might be to find out the ID of the process you'd like to watch when first starting your watcher program (e.g. using $ pgrep) and then using inotify to watch /proc/<PID>/ – which gets deleted when the process dies. In contrast to polling, this doesn't cost any significant CPU resources.
Now, procfs is not completely supported by inotify, so I can't guarantee this approach would actually work but it is certainly worth looking into.