Unison issue on Banana Pi running Lubuntu - unison

I am trying to two-way sync my NAS (running Lubuntu) from my local network to a remote server (running Debian) with Unison CLI. I was using Unison before syncing my laptops files directly with the remote server. I always get an issue when trying to sync files from my NAS to my server:
Invalid argument: index out of bounds
Does anybody know why this happens? Is there a problem because Debian and Ubuntu are using not the exactly same version of Unison?

Edit: So in addition to making sure the Unison version numbers match and that the same version of OCaml was used to compile (as I said in my original answer below), there is one more thing necessary to get Unison working on your Banana Pi: compile it into bytecode, not native code. It turns out that (for whatever reason) Unison doesn't compile properly into native code for ARM processors like what the Banana (and my Raspberry) Pi have.
If you download a pre-compiled version of Unison it should work fine, but if you compile yourself, be sure to add the line Native=false to the Unison Makefile.
According to the unison manual:
It is important that the version of Unison installed on the server machine is the same as the version of Unison on the client machine.
This is because they change the format of the archive file in practically every update. You can check your version with unison -version. Update unison (or build/install it from source) to ensure your versions match, and then edit your post if you still have the same problem.
In some cases it also turns out to be important that unison is built using the same version of OCaml. I'm using Unison version 2.40.63 and I've had to build using OCaml 3.12.1 to avoid issues.


Profiler in CLion 2022.2.4 over WSL 2

I am wanting to run a CPU profiler on my C++ code via CLion. The profiler in CLion only used to be available for Linux (using perf) and macOS (using DTrace), but as of CLion 2021.2, the profiler is supposed to be available for WSL (also using perf) and I am using CLion 2022.2.4. CLion's docs have also been updated to reflect this change, listing WSL under the supported OSs, but there is no additional information for it, so I would assume the steps would be identical to those of Linux.
perf is only available for WSL on WSL 2, but I am using WSL 2 and have successfully installed perf. I have configured a CLion toolchain for this same WSL instance, and have successfully managed to use another WSL-only feature (Valgrind MemCheck) through it.
However, with Valgrind, all Valgrind-related IDE features (settings, run configurations, notifications...) were available to me before I even installed WSL, whereas the equivelant features for profiling don't seem to be available even after completely configuring WSL 2. How can I access the profiler for WSL?
By default, CLion has a plugin called Copyright enabled, but it appears I must have disabled it. There is a bug which causes profiler-related features to only show with this plugin enabled, and enabling it fixed the issue.

What is the best way to remotely edit a file using VS code?

Currently, I have two machines, one with Ubuntu in the company and one with Mac OS at home. Sometimes I would like to work at home while accessing the Ubuntu machine in the company. I can ssh into the Ubuntu machine and navigate and compile there. However, when I actually want to edit some cpp source codes, I realize that the editor (VS code) is actually opened in the Ubuntu machine, so I cannot view it from Mac. What should I do if want to edit files remotely on my Mac through VS code?
Though many of the answers mention using version control tools like git, it can be hard to use in my specific case. The problem is that the building environment of my company is Linux, so most of the building tools I have can only run on Linux. This means that I can only compile my source codes in Linux. If I use git, then every time I want to compile and debug my codes, I have to commit and push with my Mac, and then pull and test on Linux. This can be time consuming if want to incrementally modify, test and debug my codes.
Use some version control system like git. Then you might edit and compile at home (provided your code is portable between Linux & MacOSX, e.g. because it is POSIX compliant).
You could install some X11 server on your Mac and use ssh -X to access the remote Ubuntu machine (then run a GUI or editor remotely, e.g. ssh -X remotelinuxhost.company.com emacs). However, that requires good bandwidth and latency between your home computer and the remote one.
BTW, you might use some other source code editor, like emacs (it is capable of remote editing) or vim.
Since Linux and MacOSX are both POSIX systems, it is usually (but not always) easy to port source code from Linux to MacOSX and write source code compilable on both systems. BTW, many Linux frameworks (e.g. Qt, GTK, POCO, Boost, etc...) and build systems are usable and ported to MacOSX. Some Linux system calls (listed in syscalls(2)) are not available on MacOSX (e.g. signalfd(2)...)
Of course you could install Linux (perhaps inside some VM) on your Apple laptop.

Apache version 2.2 and security vulnerabilities

A penetration test has recently identified that one of our RHEL(6.7) servers running Apache 2.2.15 is vulnerable on a number of points and needs to be updated to the latest version 2.4. I have run yum update and it says that there are no packages marked for update. I understand that I will need to download the updates manually. There are a few questions I have around the requirement to upgrade Apache.
I am up to date on the 2.2 version tree. Does this mean that any security patches made to version 2.4 will be back patched to version 2.2.X as well?
I am running PHP (version 5.3.3) and MySQL (version 5.1.73) - will these be affected by upgrading the Apache version (Google tells me that there is no problem on both fronts - but I thought I'd ask before I started down this route).
If you experts tell me that I have no other choice but to upgrade, then I'm planning on using the instruction set here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/138899/centos-install-using-yum-apache-2-4
Thank you in advance for your advice.
You could download the 2.4 source code from the Apache site and compile it. There's a setting which will configure for RedHat:
This setting will configure the paths for executables, configuration files, libraries etc in one go.
The following should be a reasonable starting point for a configuration line:
sh ./configure --enable-layout=RedHat --enable-mods-shared=all
then perform a make and make install
Do the same with a newer version of PHP (5.3.29 is available in the "old downloads" section, but try a newer version. Check the changes first though) and your problems should be lessened. Finally, MySQL or MariaDB is available for download and compilation too
Obviously, try all of this on a test machine first and back everything up. Your test machine should be as close as possible to your production machine. If you use something like VirtualBox to try it, you can take a snapshot at each point of the process and rollback if something goes wrong

Error while running Jprofile8

I am getting following error while running /tmp/jprofiler8/bin/jpenable
No suitable Java Virtual Machine could be found on your system.
The version of the JVM must be at least 1.6 and at most 1.7.
Please define INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to a suitable JVM.
You can also try to delete the JVM cache file
I have also set INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to suitable JVM.
Java version on my machine is 1.4.2.
Can anyone please suggest what might be wrong or missing?
Unfortunately you did not mention details about your environment, so I don't know which Linux distribution you use.
There are some options though:
install a current JRE alongside the installer for JProfiler
As you can't install or update Java, you could provide a JRE in a kind of "portable application" setup. Simply unzip the server jre Oracle provides or (if you are not on an x64 architecture) unzip the jdk you also can download from Oracle.
But if the code you want to profile is limited to your pre-installed Java 1.4 you will run into another problem, because as far as I know Java 1.5 is the minimum JProfiler expects
use a different machine for profiling
Unless your code depends heavily on the environment you run it in you can even take a Windows 8.1 machine and profile the code there. Code that is slow is slow on any operating system. Or make use of a different Linux computer.

Cannot run standalone psychopy if PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME set for different python version

I thought that the standalone PsychoPy install could coexist happily if Python was installed separately on the PC to but I can't get it to, nor can I find any docs. (I'm using Windows 7)
I have the lastest standalone version installed and the shortcut to run it is
"D:\Program Files (x86)\PsychoPy2\pythonw.exe" "D:\Program Files (x86)\PsychoPy2\Lib\site-packages\PsychoPy-1.81.02-py2.7.egg\psychopy\app\psychopyApp.py"
This works fine if my system env variables for PYTHONHOME & PYTHONPATH aren't set but I also use Python for other apps and need them setting to point to the other version of Python I have installed natively. When these env vars are set, Psychopy fails to load and gives no error messages at all.
Can anyone advise how I get them to play together nicely? (I thought it used to work last year, has something changed?)
[ I've tried a full uninstall of psychopy and freshly installed the latest standalone version v1.81.02
Yes, this is an unfortunate consequence of the way that PsychoPy is currently bundled with it's own closed environment in it's own python and dependencies installed seperately.
However, a new option to install psychopy using the conda package manager was introduced recently for Mac OS but some have also got it to work on Windows with a bit of tweaking.. Work is currently ongoing for this feature. I doubt that it was working previously unless you manually installed all dependencies in your default python, or ran linux:
On linux you can simply install psychopy from the neuro.debian repository, making it available for python system-wide. See PsychoPy documentation.
Thinking about it, I don't think it would ever worked if you had set PYTHONPATH (I don't know about PYTHONHOME).
BUT I did have a 'regular' python installation running alongside my Standalone PsychoPy install by not using the PYTHONPATH variable. You can add further paths to your python importing path (I assume that's the aim here) without setting any environment variable by adding text files ending in .pth to your site-packages directory. Essentially any lines in a .pth file that is found while navigating the existing path will also be added to the path!
Actually, according to the python docs you can also set a flag -E to ignore the environment variables:
To use that solution for the Standalone PsychoPy installation you'd have to alter the application shortcut to add this (that should get the app to load), but also make a couple of changes to the code for running scripts so that they also run with the flag set.
I still think not setting those variables is the easier solution though.