Aurelia repeat.for access index of item - aurelia

I have a simple repeat.for:
<li repeat.for="item of items">${item}</li>
Currently I'm using: ${$parent.items.indexOf(item)}.
Is there a shorthand, something like {{$index}} in angular?

There is. Write this:
<li repeat.for="item of items">${$index} - ${item}</li>


How to render the value of v-for based on the condition(v-if) provided in vue.js

I'm trying to implement the condition provided in the code. My last attempt was like in the one in the code.
<ul class = "details" v-for = "(value, propertyName) in items[this.index]" :key = "">
<li v-if="{{propertyName}} == 'IndustryIdentifiers'">Data not available</li>
<li v-else>{{value}}</li>
How can the following be implemented:
v-if="{{propertyName}} == 'IndustryIdentifiers'"
The {{ }} syntax is used to wrap a JavaScript expression that should be output as text. It isn't necessary to use the braces to access data in other contexts. In the case of a v-if the attribute value is already an expression and there's no need to include any special characters to pull in data values.
So it'd be just v-if="propertyName === 'IndustryIdentifiers'":
<ul class="details" v-for="(value, propertyName) in items[this.index]" :key = "">
<li v-if="propertyName === 'IndustryIdentifiers'">Data not available</li>
<li v-else>{{ value }}</li>
Here I'm assuming that item[this.index] is an object rather than an array, which is implied by the way you've written your loop.
You could also write it like this:
<ul class="details" v-for="(value, propertyName) in items[this.index]" :key = "">
<li>{{ propertyName === 'IndustryIdentifiers' ? 'Data not available' : value }}</li>
You should also be able to remove the this. from the index unless it's also declared locally.
I also wonder whether you're intentionally creating a separate list for each value, with each list only containing a single item. Difficult to know exactly what you're trying to achieve but I would guess that you want the loop inside the <ul> rather than on the <ul>. If you only have a single <li> (as in my second example) then you could move the v-for onto the <li>. If you want to stick to having two <li> elements with v-if/v-else then you'll need to wrap them in a <template> tag to hold the v-for.

Change a page using app-route and paper-icon-button

Based on the starter kit I have created a new app. I would like to link the different pages to a set of icons in the app-toolbar.
I got it working with:
<a href="/main-stream">
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:view-stream"></paper-icon-button>
But I think I am missing something here. Is there a better way?
in your app-Component you have a variable called page. This variable indicates the current view that is shown. To modify its value you can use the iron-selector like in the demo app.
<iron-selector selected="[[page]]" attr-for-selected="name" class="drawer-list" role="navigation">
<a name="view1" href="[[rootPath]]view1">View One</a>
<a name="view2" href="[[rootPath]]view2">View Two</a>
<a name="view3" href="[[rootPath]]view3">View Three</a>
Copied from:

ngSwitchWhen doesn't work when duplicate whens are written

I am learning angular2 using ng-book2 book and I was just playing around Built in directives.
I was reading about ngSwitch and I stumbled upon this feature where we can write multiple ngSwitchWhen with same conditions like following code:
<ul [ngSwitch]="choice">
<li *ngSwitchWhen="1">First choice</li>
<li *ngSwitchWhen="2">Second choice</li>
<li *ngSwitchWhen="3">Third choice</li>
<li *ngSwitchWhen="4">Fourth choice</li>
<li *ngSwitchWhen="2">Second choice, again</li>
<li *ngSwitchDefault>Default choice</li>
which will output following result:
Second Choice
Second choice, again
I wrote code as below:
<div [ngSwitch]="myVar">
<div *ngSwitchWhen="myVar==1">My Var is 1</div>
<div *ngSwitchWhen="myVar==2">My Var is 2</div>
<div *ngSwitchWhen="myVar==3">My Var is 3</div>
<div *ngSwitchWhen="myVar==3">Special feature of ng Swtich</div>
<div *ngSwitchDefault>My Var is {{myVar}}</div>
which does not print output with same conditions.
I thought my code was proper but when I saw *ngSwitchWhen="myVar==3"
I found out my mistake.
But strangely it works properly except for repeated conditions
Is there any difference between these two conditions?
Which one to use?
This expression checks the value of switchcase against the variable myVar(myVar=="6")
Whereas this expression evaluates to myVar==(myVar==2) the value inside the parantheses return 1 if myVar is 2 and 0 if not

Dojo 1.8: join list domConstruct.toDom

Hi I have problem joining two lists together before applying domConstruct.toDom.
I understand that it can be done that way ie:,
require(["dojo/text!, myListHtml.html", "dojo/domReady!"],
var list = domConstruct.toDom(myListHtml);
However, i would like to know how two lists should be coded ie:-
require(["dojo/domReady!"], function(){
var list = domConstruct.toDom
<li class="odd">\
<div class="bold">\
<a class="odd">Odd</a>\
<li class="even">\
<div class="italic">\
<a class="even">Even</a>\
<ol id="list2">\
<li class="odd">Odd</li>\
Please advise. Thanks in advance
Why are you trying to join the two lists? domConstruct.toDom() returns a single domNode, but what you are trying above would be two domNodes.
If you really want to "combine" them, you can nest them inside another domNode, like this:
var lists = domConstruct.toDom(
<li class="odd">\
<ol id="list2">\
<li class="odd">Odd</li>\
If you want to "combine" them on the page, consider creating them separately and adding them to the page using, like this:'<ol>\
<li class="odd">\
</ol>', "idOfWhateverYouWantToContainIt");'<ol id="list2">\
</ol>', "idOfWhateverYouWantToContainIt");

How to use partial templates with map in StringTemplate?

I've got a map of city names => distance-from-origin.
I'd like to use a partial with this map, and create something like so:
<li>city1: distance1</li>
<li>city2: distance2</li>
<li>city3: distance3</li>
What is the canonical way to do this with StringTemplate?
$amap.keys:{k | <li>$k$: $amap.(k)$</li>}$