Mobile First Platform 6.3: Direct Update service JSON Error on Android - ibm-mobilefirst

I am getting the following error on android when using the direct update service.
WL_DIRECT_UPDATE_MANAGER startUpdate error JSON error
I am using the default listener of worklight.js. The same code works fine on iOS and updates are successfully deployed. Would really appreciate any pointers.
I have not defined wl_directUpdateRealm in an customSecurity or mobileSecurity test. Do I need this?
Reason for this last question is it works fine on iOS without the realm added.

Something is very wrong in this sample application that you have provided.
This is not a sample app - it's the full app.
If I create a new application and test Direct Update, it is working out-of-the-box
common\js\main.js - this file is not the original main.js. That is, it appears to me you have copied the main.js from the native folder into the common folder. The evidence to that is the following comment lines in the file:
/* JavaScript content from js/main.js in folder common */
/* JavaScript content from js/main.js in folder android */
// This method is invoked after loading the main HTML and successful initialization of the Worklight runtime.
/* JavaScript content from js/main.js in folder iphone */
// This method is invoked after loading the main HTML and successful initialization of the Worklight runtime.
Something in your development flow is Wrong.
Correct it and try again.


How to whitelist a vendor-specific API in AOSP for Android 10

I'm trying to add a vendor-specific API to my AOSP code base. I was able to get this working on Android 5 through 9, but cannot figure this out on Android 10.
I read the documentation on the AOSP docs for Implementing Java SDK Library
I have the following blueprint file:
java_sdk_library {
name: "com.mycompany.sdk.myclass",
srcs: ["java/**/*.java"],
api_packages: ["com.mycompany.sdk.myclass"],
I generated the api subdirectory using:
build/soong/scripts/ "vendor/mycompany/sdk/myclass" && m update-api
This put all my public method signatures into the current.txt file.
I added this as a boot jar to my top level file with:
PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS += com.mycompany.sdk.myclass
Building this creates the corresponding com.mycompany.sdk.myclass.xml permissions file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<library name="com.mycompany.sdk.myclass"
Everything builds and installs fine. I verified the permissions file is in /system/etc/permissions/ and points to the correct jar filename. But I get "Accessing hidden method (blacklist, linking, denied)" exceptions when I run a test app built against my private SDK:
W/test_app: Accessing hidden method Lcom/mycompany/sdk/myclass;->myMethod(Landroid/content/Context;Z)V (blacklist, linking, denied)
I can eliminate this blacklist error by issuing the command:
adb shell settings put global hidden_api_policy 1
So I know my jar is being built and installed correctly. But is just blacklisted for 3rd parties.
I eventually added my package name to frameworks/base/config/hiddenapi-greylist-packages.txt, and suddenly my test app runs, and properly finds the private API. Unfortunately, the blacklist errors are replaced by greylist warnings on every method call. I don't want the log cluttered with these warnings, so it must be whitelisted, not greylisted.
I tried adding it to /build/make/core/tasks/check_boot_jars/package_whitelist.txt, but this made no difference.
How do I whitelist my private API instead of greylist?
There is no white list.
The white list (allow list) is the methods listed in Android SDK.
Private API are not in Android SDK.

Adobe analytics with vue js adding external script

Im struggling to add adobe analytics external scripts to my Vue js project. The client uses Adobe analytics and im battling to add it to the project without the project complaining.
The external adobe script looks like the following:
// with async
Then it is required that you end it by adding the following just before the closing body tag:
<script type="text/javascript">_satellite.pageBottom();</script>
When the project starts it complains in console that $ is not defined because it is defined in webpack when i start the project and im guessing its not finding the alias.
This is the error:
VM29714:3 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
Then further down it complains that it doesnt know what _satellite is:
login:54 Uncaught ReferenceError: _satellite is not defined
I just need the scripts and satellite close to be added to the project, the rest will work once these are added.
Ive tried added the scripts by injecting them into the head tag on runtime but that also doesnt work.
If you are implementing Adobe DTM, you cannot inject the header script dynamically. It must be placed directly on the page without async or deferred attributes.
If you are implementing Adobe Launch, you can inject the header script dynamically and asynchronously. And if you do this, you do not include the footer (_satellite.pageBottom()) code.
Your script example isn't explicit, but the .min portion implies you are using Adobe Launch.
VM29714:3 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
This is not directly related to either Adobe DTM or Launch. You may possibly have some other script or code block deployed inside the DTM or Launch interface that references $, but that's a separate issue to work out. Yes, it may be coming from a DTM or Launch script according to the js console, but keep in mind that DTM/Launch is a tag manager. It hosts and deploys other tags/scripts. So you need to do some digging to see which tag/script from which Rule references it. Start by looking at the stack trace to find out where it's coming from.

IBM Mobilefirst V8 - Custom Direct update on hybrid application using Ionic v3.20.0 is not happening

I am trying to implement customized direct update in ionic v3.20.0 but while accessing to the below code, am unable to proceed. I can't find any way to do it as the below function is not there in worklight.d.ts file,but can be found at worklight.js file.
The plugin used is cordova-plugin-mfp. The solution provided in the official doc is relevant to only cordova application,that can be done through index.js file which has the function WlCommonInit(). As per the doc the below code is to be called from this function, but unable to do this in ionic-cordova based application.
wl_DirectUpdateChallengeHandler.handleDirectUpdate = function(directUpdateData, directUpdateContext) {
// Implement custom Direct Update logic
Pleas refer to the below link for further information.
Please help me to implement this in ionic v3.20.0 which need to be implemented in typescript. Thanks!.
Presently there is no typescript API for wl_DirectUpdateChallengeHandler in cordova-plugin-mfp to customize direct update in Ionic Applications.
However you can do implementation in the JavaScript and include it in the Ionic Project. Following are the steps :
Create a folder called js inside the path src/assets of the project
Create a new JS file with following code and save it as wldirectudpate.js
function wlCommonInit() {
console.log(">> wlCommonInit() ..." );
wl_DirectUpdateChallengeHandler.handleDirectUpdate = function(directUpdateData, directUpdateContext) {
// Implement custom Direct Update logic
Add the JS location in index.html file which is located at /src/index.html
<script src="assets/js/wldirectudpate.js"></script>

Angular 5 / Sentry error reporting shows error source reference in bundled js

I have applied error reporting in an Angular 5 project using Raven-js. Everything works fine and I get the error reports.
The problem is that the reported error location is provided using the bundle.js file references which is very hard to find in the actual project.
For e.g.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
at e.logOffline (/mem/main.f858f9330b4c0ee7c38e.bundle.js:1:26440)
at e.phoneOffline (/mem/main.f858f9330b4c0ee7c38e.bundle.js:1:25883)
at t.handleEvent_12 (/mem/main.f858f9330b4c0ee7c38e.bundle.js:1:488537)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (/mem/vendor.f8004cbd231f87b295e2.bundle.js:1:311586)
at HTMLAnchorElement.r (/mem/vendor.f8004cbd231f87b295e2.bundle.js:1:666890)
Now this reference is not useful to locate the error.
Is there something that I missed in the sentry setup or this is how it actually shows the error?
Seems like Sentry can't find your source maps. If your site is public, Sentry will try to get the spurce maps automatically. Otherwise you can upload the source maps yourself.
The usage of source maps works out of the box for a deployed app. Sentry tries to fetch the source maps through the public internet and thus cannot fetch them on localhost.
If your source maps aren't public (e.g. out of security concerns), then you need to upload them manually like described here: .

Agile Central example cumulative flow diagram not rendering

After checking out the source from:
I attempted to build the Portfolio Item cumulative flow diagram src/apps/charts/rpm/cfd locally using
rally-app-builder build which shows no errors
Launching App-debug.html allows me to input the relevant settings, but once I click 'save', nothing renders and there are no errors logged to the JS console either, making debugging challenging.
I attempted to copy the build output into a custom html app inside rally, which displayed the same behaviour.
Is this a bug with the example app? Or have I missed some crucial configuration step?
Extra info - I tried running via the rally-app-builder to no avail (think it's related to this issue: I attempted to flatten the structure and the result of that was a cross-origin request error.
Running from file resulted in a 403 for the SDK
Sorry about that- that Rally App Builder issue is definitely the problem you're running into. Just as a test I downloaded the built html output for that app from the app catalog release:
It worked when installed on a custom html app on my dashboard once I edited the app settings and configured a portfolio item.
If you're looking to tweak this app from source you'll probably have to copy all those files referenced in config.json that live in parent directories into the main app directory and fix the paths in config.json. Then you should be able to build and run the app normally using Rally App Builder.
It seems this app was really not designed to be run externally, so I added a little code to ease the issues I ran into:
In PortfolioChartAppBase.js, _loadSavedPortfolioItem function:
scope: this,
fetch: ['Name', 'ObjectID'] //this is new
And I added some default settings as a top level config object in CumulativeFlowChartApp.js (since the code to force into settings mode doesn't seem to work correctly when running externally):
config: {
defaultSettings: {
portfolioItemPicker: '/portfolioitem/feature/52725935318', //insert a valid oid here
startDate: 'actualstartdate',
endDate: 'actualenddate',
chartAggregationType: 'storycount'