mouseClicked() won't execute while mouse is in motion - mouseevent

So basically the title says it all. I tried searching around; you would think something as trivial as this would have instant results, but nope.
This is really annoying me. Can anyone suggest a fix or workaround?

That's because, by definition, a mouse click while in motion is no longer a mouse click, it's a drag event.
You still have access to the mousePressed() and mouseReleased() events, so if you want to detect a mouse click during a drag event, use those instead.
Here's a small example to get you started:
void mouseClicked(){
void mousePressed(){
void mouseReleased(){
void mouseDragged(){
void draw(){


How can I format multiple button in minimal OnEvent() function?

I have a screen with over fifty buttons on it. I want to be able to detect which button was clicked and then proceed to a different screen with data based on what button was clicked. However, I can't seem to detect a click from the mouse without the use of a specific button name. I would like to avoid using 50+ OnEvent() functions if possible. If not, I will just write them all.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated on how I can go about doing this, thanks!
You are using C#? C++? VB.NET? Java?
C# Code:
Here is an Event as Example:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender is Button)
MessageBox.Show((sender as Button).Name);
You can replace the MessageBox, it is just meant to make it a proof by example.

Windows Phone Back Button VB

I have been trying to get the back button to work for windows phone using vb, however I cant find anything on the internet, anything I do find is for c#
Can someone please tell me how I can make the back button go to the previous page as every time the back button is pressed it quits out of the app.
I'm not good at VB so, I'll make it in C# and consider to do it in your way in VB
In the Constructor of a page, write this code :
Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons.BackPressed += HardwareButtons_BackPressed;
In the Page's class, write this :
void HardwareButtons_BackPressed(object sender, Windows.Phone.UI.Input.BackPressedEventArgs e)
if (this.Frame.CanGoBack)
Consider to write it in all pages.

OpenTK GameWindow in fullscreen - handle OS shortcuts

I noticed that if you change your GameWindow state to Fullscreen you can no longer use system keyboard shortcuts like Alt+F4 or Alt+Tab (they simply do nothing, BTW I use Windows 7).
Is there a way to fix it? Do I have to catch this shortcuts manually in my application (and trigger appropriate action)?
I realize this is an old question, but I'm posting the answer for anyone Googling this like I did.
You will have to manually register the OnKeyDown event.
protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyboardKeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Alt && e.Key == Key.F4)
This worked for me. If you want it to bring up an "Are you sure?" message or something like that, you can put it in the if statement.

FlipView SelectionChanged event occurs only when touch manipulations are complete

From the docs:
Note When a user flips through FlipView content using touch
interaction, a SelectionChanged event occurs only when touch
manipulations are complete. This means that when a user flips through
content quickly, individual SelectionChanged events are not always
generated for every item because the manipulation is still occurring.
Is there a way to configure the FlipView control to fire SelectionChanged for each flip? This behavior makes implementing paging interesting as the user, if flipping fast enough, can flip to the end of the list before more items can be added.
One solution to the problem is to extend the FlipView and monitor its ScrollViewer. Here is a quick sample of what I'm suggesting. Seems to work on horizontal flip view (haven't handled any other cases, and haven't tested too much).
public class FixedFlipView : FlipView {
public ScrollViewer ScrollViewer {
private set;
protected override void OnApplyTemplate() {
this.ScrollViewer = (ScrollViewer)this.GetTemplateChild("ScrollingHost");
this.ScrollViewer.ViewChanged += ScrollViewer_ViewChanged;
void ScrollViewer_ViewChanged(object sender, ScrollViewerViewChangedEventArgs e) {
var index = (int)this.ScrollViewer.HorizontalOffset - 2;
if (this.SelectedIndex != index) {
this.SelectedIndex = index;
Some things to note:
You may want to get the ScrollViewer in a different way that does not depend on its name. Like using the method in my answer here. Although, I'd guess this is fine, too.
It may be a better idea to use a separate event for this. In the code above I set the SelectedIndex property, which raises the SelectionChanged event, but it is also very likely to be doing other stuff as well, so it may be a problem in some cases.

How do I UnSnap a Snapped app?

I registered to the OnSizeChanged event of my Page, like that:
private void OnSizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
ApplicationViewState myViewState = ApplicationView.Value;
if (myViewState == ApplicationViewState.Snapped)
I'm tyring to set the application-view to Filled/Portrait state when the user trying (manually....) to resize it to snapped view.
but the TryUnsnap method fails and it stays in snapped state...
To understand TryUnsnap() we need to understand the 2 types of Windows 8 events:
Programmatic events
Programmatic events do not require the user to do anything. For example the Loaded event of a Page or the Tick event of a Timer.
User-initiated events
User-initiated events require the user to do something. For example the Click event of a Button or the Tapped event of a Control.
The important part
Depending on the type of event, only certain Windows 8 APIs can be called. Adding a Secondary Tile, for example. And (as you might have guessed) un-Snapping an app.
That means you can call those APIs all you want from programmatic events but they will never deliver the results you desire. Unsnap in the StateChanged event, and it will fail for this reason. Unsnap in the Button.Click event, and it will succeed for this reason.
The rationale behind this behavior is the user experience. If the app can change it's 'orientation' on the user without the user's interaction then the behavior of the app becomes both confusing and unpredictable. Windows 8 is a pro-user operating system. When you discover developer 'constraints', 99% of the time it is this philosophy behind it.
Let me demonstrate:
If you attached to the StateChanged event, your code would look like this:
this.ApplicationViewStates.CurrentStateChanged += (s, args) =>
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("After StateChanged: {0}", this.ApplicationViewStates.CurrentState.Name);
if (this.ApplicationViewStates.CurrentState == this.Snapped)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Before Unsnap: {0}", this.ApplicationViewStates.CurrentState.Name);
However, the resulting output (in the debugger) would look like this:
After StateChanged: FullScreenLandscape
After StateChanged: Snapped
Before Unsnap: Snapped
After TryUnsnap: Snapped
This is frustrating for a developer who does not understand the difference between programmatic and user-initiated events in Windows 8. The API appears to "not work" when, in fact, it works perfectly. Just not like they want it to.
If you attached to the Click event, your code would look like this:
MyButton.Click += (s, args) =>
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("After Button.Click: {0}", this.ApplicationViewStates.CurrentState.Name);
if (this.ApplicationViewStates.CurrentState == this.Snapped)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Before Unsnap: {0}", this.ApplicationViewStates.CurrentState.Name);
Then, the resulting output would look like this:
After Button.Click: Snapped
Before Unsnap: Snapped
After TryUnsnap: Snapped
After StateChanged: FullScreenLandscape
This gets you what you want, but it brings up an important point. See how After TryUnsnap the state REMAINS "Snapped"? The transition of a Visual State from one to another is not a synchronous event. Calling for a change takes an unpredictable amount of time. It's probably done with a dispatch post, but I would have to check to be sure.
Having said all that, the state does change. And, after the change the CurrentStateChanged event is raised and you can handle the new Snapped state. By the way, it does not matter if there is another snapped app, this works either way.
The MSDN docs say it only works when it is in the foreground. This is pretty stupid since user interaction can't occur on a background app, and background apps have their threads suspended anyway. But, to be fair to MSDN, this API does not work when your app is in the background - whatever that's worth.
I hope this helps clear it up.
And now to your question:
You want to go from Snapped to Portrait? Of course in Portrait, Snapped is not possible so this is not a possibility for you to code. You want to go from Snapped to Filled as soon as the app is snapped. The event raised from the Snapped action is a programmatic event. As a result, you have to lure the user into doing something in your UI first. So, no you can't do what you are asking. You can't Unsnap() until the user interacts with your app somehow (like a button click event).
Oh, and here's the Unsnap() method if you wanted to reference all my code. I am not doing anything special, but you might be interested:
void Unsnap()
if (Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.TryUnsnap())
// successfully unsnapped
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("After TryUnsnap: {0}", this.ApplicationViewStates.CurrentState.Name);
// un-successfully unsnapped
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("After TryUnsnap: {0}", this.ApplicationViewStates.CurrentState.Name);
Have a great day and best of luck!
var CurrentSnappedState = ApplicationView.Value;
if (CurrentSnappedState == ApplicationViewState.Snapped && !ApplicationView.TryUnsnap())
Should do the trick. Remember that you can still snap the page, but when you try to do anything in the snapped page you will be redirected to the fullview.