Using pyfftw properly for speed up over numpy - numpy

I am in the midst of trying to make the leap from Matlab to numpy, but I desperately need speed in my fft's. Now I know of pyfftw, but I don't know that I am using it properly. My approach is going something like
import numpy as np
import pyfftw
import timeit
def wrapper(func, *args):
def wrapped():
return func(*args)
return wrapped
def my_fft(v):
global a
global fft_object
a[:] = v
return fft_object()
def init_cond(X):
return my_fft(2.*np.cosh(X)**(-2))
def init_cond_py(X):
return np.fft.fft(2.*np.cosh(X)**(-2))
K = 2**16
Llx = 10.
KT = 2*K
dx = Llx/np.float64(K)
X = np.arange(-Llx,Llx,dx)
global a
global b
global fft_object
a = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(KT, 16, 'complex128')
b = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(KT, 16, 'complex128')
fft_object = pyfftw.FFTW(a,b)
wrapped = wrapper(init_cond, X)
print min(timeit.repeat(wrapped,repeat=100,number=1))
wrapped_two = wrapper(init_cond_py, X)
print min(timeit.repeat(wrapped_two,repeat=100,number=1))
I appreciate that there are builder functions and also standard interfaces to the scipy and numpy fft calls through pyfftw. These have all behaved very slowly though. By first creating an instance of the fft_object and then using it globally, I have been able to get speeds as fast or slightly faster than numpy's fft call.
That being said, I am working under the assumption that wisdom is implicitly being stored. Is that true? Do I need to make that explicit? If so, what is the best way to do that?
Also, I think timeit is completely opaque. Am I using it properly? Is it storing wisdom as I call repeat? Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give.

In an interactive (ipython) session, I think the following is what you want to do (timeit is very nicely handled by ipython):
In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: import pyfftw
In [3]: K = 2**16
In [4]: Llx = 10.
In [5]: KT = 2*K
In [6]: dx = Llx/np.float64(K)
In [7]: X = np.arange(-Llx,Llx,dx)
In [8]: a = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(KT, 16, 'complex128')
In [9]: b = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(KT, 16, 'complex128')
In [10]: fft_object = pyfftw.FFTW(a,b)
In [11]: a[:] = 2.*np.cosh(X)**(-2)
In [12]: timeit np.fft.fft(a)
100 loops, best of 3: 4.96 ms per loop
In [13]: timeit fft_object(a)
100 loops, best of 3: 1.56 ms per loop
In [14]: np.allclose(fft_object(a), np.fft.fft(a))
Out[14]: True
Have you read the tutorial? What don't you understand?
I would recommend using the builders interface to construct the FFTW object. Have a play with the various settings, most importantly the number of threads.
The wisdom is not stored by default. You need to extract it yourself.
All your globals are unnecessary - the objects you want to change are mutable, so you can handle them just fine. fft_object always points to the same thing, so no problem with that not being a global. Ideally, you simply don't want that loop over ii. I suggest working out how to structure your arrays in order that you can do all your operations in a single call
[edit edit: I wrote the following paragraph with only a cursory glance at your code, and clearly with it being a recursive update, vectorising is not an obvious approach without some serious cunning. I have a few comments on your implementation at the bottom though]
I suspect your problem is a more fundamental misunderstanding of how to best use a language like Python (or indeed Matlab) for numerical processing. The core tenet is vectorise as much as possible. By this, I mean roll up your python calls to be as few as possible. I can't see how to do that with your example unfortunately (though I've only thought about it for 2 mins). If that's still failing, think about cython - though make sure you really want to go down that route (i.e. you've exhausted the other options).
Regarding the globals: Don't do it that way. If you want to create an object with state, use a class (that is what they are for) or perhaps a closure in your case. The global is almost never what you want (I think I have one at least vaguely legit use for it in all my writing of python, and that's in the cache code in pyfftw). I suggest reading this nice SO question. Matlab is a crappy language - one of the many reasons for this is its crap scoping facilities which tend to lead to bad habits.
You only need global if you want to modify a reference globally. I suggest reading a bit more about the Python scoping rules and what variables really are in python.
FFTW objects carry with them all the arrays you need so you don't need to pass them around separately. Using the call interface carries almost no overhead (particularly if you disable the normalisation) either for setting or returning the values - if you're at that level of optimisation, I strongly suspect you've hit the limit (I'd caveat this that this may not quite be true for many many very small FFTs, but at this point you want to rethink your algorithm to vectorise the calls to FFTW). If you find a substantial overhead in updating the arrays every time (using the call interface), this is a bug and you should submit it as such (and I'd be pretty surprised).
Bottom line, don't worry about updating the arrays on every call. This is almost certainly not your bottleneck, though make sure you're aware of the normalisation and disable it if you wish (it might slow things down slightly compared to raw accessing of the update_arrays() and execute() methods).
Your code makes no use of the cache. The cache is only used when you're using the interfaces code, and reduces the Python overhead in creating new FFTW objects internally. Since you're handling the FFTW object yourself, there is no reason for a cache.
The builders code is a less constrained interface to get an FFTW object. I almost always use the builders now (it's much more convenient that creating a FFTW object from scratch). The cases in which you want to create an FFTW object directly are pretty rare and I'd be interested to know what they are.
Comments on the algorithm implementation:
I'm not familiar with the algorithm you're implementing. However, I have a few comments on how you've written it at the moment.
You're computing nl_eval(wp) on every loop, but as far as I can tell that's just the same as nl_eval(w) from the previous loop, so you don't need to compute it twice (but this comes with the caveat that it's pretty hard to see what's going on when you have globals everywhere, so I might be missing something).
Don't bother with the copies in my_fft or my_ifft. Simply do fft_object(u) (2.29 ms versus 1.67 ms on my machine for the forward case). The internal array update routine makes the copy unnecessary. Also, as you've written it, you're copying twice: c[:] means "copy into the array c", and the array you're copying into c is v.copy(), i.e. a copy of v (so two copies in total).
More sensible (and probably necessary) is copying the output into holding arrays (since that avoids clobbering interim results on calls to the FFTW object), though make sure your holding arrays are properly aligned. I'm sure you've noted this is important but it's rather more understandable to copy the output.
You can move all your scalings together. The 3 in the computation of wn can be be moved inside my_fft in nl_eval. You can also combine this with the normalisation constant from the ifft (and turn it off in pyfftw).
Take a look at numexpr for the basic array operations. It can offer quite a bit of speed-up over vanilla numpy.
Anyway take what you will from all that. No doubt I've missed something or said something incorrect, so please accept it with as much humility as I can offer. It's worth spending a little time working out how Python ticks compared to Matlab (in fact, just forget the latter).


Is there a macro for creating fast Iterators from generator-like functions in julia?

Coming from python3 to Julia one would love to be able to write fast iterators as a function with produce/yield syntax or something like that.
Julia's macros seem to suggest that one could build a macro which transforms such a "generator" function into an julia iterator.
[It even seems like you could easily inline iterators written in function style, which is a feature the Iterators.jl package also tries to provide for its specific iterators ]
Just to give an example of what I have in mind:
#asiterator function myiterator(as::Array)
b = 1
for (a1, a2) in zip(as, as[2:end])
#produce a1[1] + a2[2] + b
catch exc
for i in myiterator([(1,2), (3,1), 3, 4, (1,1)])
#show i
where myiterator should ideally create a fast iterator with as low overhead as possible. And of course this is only one specific example. I ideally would like to have something which works with all or almost all generator functions.
The currently recommended way to transform a generator function into an iterator is via Julia's Tasks, at least to my knowledge. However they also seem to be way slower then pure iterators. For instance if you can express your function with the simple iterators like imap, chain and so on (provided by Iterators.jl package) this seems to be highly preferable.
Is it theoretically possible in julia to build a macro converting generator-style functions into flexible fast iterators?
Extra-Point-Question: If this is possible, could there be a generic macro which inlines such iterators?
Some iterators of this form can be written like this:
myiterator(as) = (a1[1] + a2[2] + 1 for (a1, a2) in zip(as, as[2:end]))
This code can (potentially) be inlined.
To fully generalize this, it is in theory possible to write a macro that converts its argument to continuation-passing style (CPS), making it possible to suspend and restart execution, giving something like an iterator. Delimited continuations are especially appropriate for this ( The result is a big nest of anonymous functions, which might be faster than Task switching, but not necessarily, since at the end of the day it needs to heap-allocate a similar amount of state.
I happen to have an example of such a transformation here (in femtolisp though, not Julia):
This ends with a define-generator macro that does what you describe. But I'm not sure it's worth the effort to do this for Julia.
Python-style generators – which in Julia would be closest to yielding from tasks – involve a fair amount of inherent overhead. You have to switch tasks, which is non-trivial and cannot straightforwardly be eliminated by a compiler. That's why Julia's iterators are based on functions that transform one typically immutable, simple state value, and another. Long story short: no, I do not believe that this transformation can be done automatically.
After thinking a lot how to translate python generators to Julia without loosing much performance, I implemented and tested a library of higher level functions which implement Python-like/Task-like generators in a continuation-style.
Essentially, the idea is to regard Python's yield / Julia's produce as a function which we take from the outside as an extra parameter. I called it cont for continuation. Look for instance on this reimplementation of a range
crange(n::Integer) = cont -> begin
for i in 1:n
You can simply sum up all integers by the following code
function sum_continuable(continuable)
a = Ref(0)
continuable() do i
a.x += i
# which simplifies with the macro Continuables.#Ref to
#Ref function sum_continuable(continuable)
a = Ref(0)
continuable() do i
a += i
sum_continuable(crange(4)) # 10
As you hopefully agree, you can work with continuables almost like you would have worked with generators in python or tasks in julia. Using do notation instead of for loops is kind of the one thing you have to get used to.
This idea takes you really really far. The only standard method which is not purely implementable using this idea is zip. All the other standard higher-level tools work just like you would hope.
The performance is unbelievably faster than Tasks and even faster than Iterators in some cases (notably the naive implementation of Continuables.cmap is orders of magnitude faster than Iterators.imap). Check out the of the github repository for more details.
EDIT: To answer my own question more directly, there is no need for a macro #asiterator, just use continuation style directly.
mycontinuable(as::Array) = cont -> begin
b = 1
for (a1, a2) in zip(as, as[2:end])
cont(a1[1] + a2[2] + b)
catch exc
mycontinuable([(1,2), (3,1), 3, 4, (1,1)]) do i
#show i

Improving Performance of Element Wise Math Operations

I was profiling an application that does a lot of math operations on NMatrix matrices.
The application spends most of it's time in in the code below.
{add: :+, sub: :-, mul: :*, div: :/, pow: :**, mod: :%}.each_pair do |ewop, op|
define_method("__list_elementwise_#{ewop}__") do |rhs|
self.__list_map_merged_stored__(rhs, nil) { |l,r| l.send(op,r) }.cast(stype, NMatrix.upcast(dtype, rhs.dtype))
define_method("__dense_elementwise_#{ewop}__") do |rhs|
self.__dense_map_pair__(rhs) { |l,r| l.send(op,r) }.cast(stype, NMatrix.upcast(dtype, rhs.dtype))
define_method("__yale_elementwise_#{ewop}__") do |rhs|
self.__yale_map_merged_stored__(rhs, nil) { |l,r| l.send(op,r) }.cast(stype, NMatrix.upcast(dtype, rhs.dtype))
In the commets above the code it says:
# Define the element-wise operations for lists. Note that the __list_map_merged_stored__ iterator returns a Ruby Object
# matrix, which we then cast back to the appropriate type. If you don't want that, you can redefine these functions in
# your own code.
I am not that familiar with the internals of NMatrix but it seems as though the math operations are being executed in Ruby. Is there anyway to speed up these methods?
We had written them in C/C++ originally, but it required some really complicated macros which were basically unmaintainable and buggy, and substantially increased compile time.
If you look in History.txt, you'll be able to find at what version we started writing the math operations in Ruby. You could use the prior code to override and put the element-wise operations (where you need speed) exclusively in C/C++.
However, you may run into problems getting those to work properly (without a crash) on matrices of dtype :object.
As a side note, the sciruby-dev Google Group (or the nmatrix issue tracker) might be a more appropriate place for a question like this one.

If I come from an imperative programming background, how do I wrap my head around the idea of no dynamic variables to keep track of things in Haskell?

So I'm trying to teach myself Haskell. I am currently on the 11th chapter of Learn You a Haskell for Great Good and am doing the 99 Haskell Problems as well as the Project Euler Problems.
Things are going alright, but I find myself constantly doing something whenever I need to keep track of "variables". I just create another function that accepts those "variables" as parameters and recursively feed it different values depending on the situation. To illustrate with an example, here's my solution to Problem 7 of Project Euler, Find the 10001st prime:
answer :: Integer
answer = nthPrime 10001
nthPrime :: Integer -> Integer
nthPrime n
| n < 1 = -1
| otherwise = nthPrime' n 1 2 []
nthPrime' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
nthPrime' n currentIndex possiblePrime previousPrimes
| isFactorOfAnyInThisList possiblePrime previousPrimes = nthPrime' n currentIndex theNextPossiblePrime previousPrimes
| otherwise =
if currentIndex == n
then possiblePrime
else nthPrime' n currentIndexPlusOne theNextPossiblePrime previousPrimesPlusCurrentPrime
where currentIndexPlusOne = currentIndex + 1
theNextPossiblePrime = nextPossiblePrime possiblePrime
previousPrimesPlusCurrentPrime = possiblePrime : previousPrimes
I think you get the idea. Let's also just ignore the fact that this solution can be made to be more efficient, I'm aware of this.
So my question is kind of a two-part question. First, am I going about Haskell all wrong? Am I stuck in the imperative programming mindset and not embracing Haskell as I should? And if so, as I feel I am, how do avoid this? Is there a book or source you can point me to that might help me think more Haskell-like?
Your help is much appreciated,
Am I stuck in the imperative programming mindset and not embracing
Haskell as I should?
You are not stuck, at least I don't hope so. What you experience is absolutely normal. While you were working with imperative languages you learned (maybe without knowing) to see programming problems from a very specific perspective - namely in terms of the van Neumann machine.
If you have the problem of, say, making a list that contains some sequence of numbers (lets say we want the first 1000 even numbers), you immediately think of: a linked list implementation (perhaps from the standard library of your programming language), a loop and a variable that you'd set to a starting value and then you would loop for a while, updating the variable by adding 2 and putting it to the end of the list.
See how you mostly think to serve the machine? Memory locations, loops, etc.!
In imperative programming, one thinks about how to manipulate certain memory cells in a certain order to arrive at the solution all the time. (This is, btw, one reason why beginners find learning (imperative) programming hard. Non programmers are simply not used to solve problems by reducing it to a sequence of memory operations. Why should they? But once you've learned that, you have the power - in the imperative world. For functional programming you need to unlearn that.)
In functional programming, and especially in Haskell, you merely state the construction law of the list. Because a list is a recursive data structure, this law is of course also recursive. In our case, we could, for example say the following:
constructStartingWith n = n : constructStartingWith (n+2)
And almost done! To arrive at our final list we only have to say where to start and how many we want:
result = take 1000 (constructStartingWith 0)
Note that a more general version of constructStartingWith is available in the library, it is called iterate and it takes not only the starting value but also the function that makes the next list element from the current one:
iterate f n = n : iterate f (f n)
constructStartingWith = iterate (2+) -- defined in terms of iterate
Another approach is to assume that we had another list our list could be made from easily. For example, if we had the list of the first n integers we could make it easily into the list of even integers by multiplying each element with 2. Now, the list of the first 1000 (non-negative) integers in Haskell is simply
And there is a function map that transforms lists by applying a given function to each argument. The function we want is to double the elements:
double n = 2*n
result = map double [0..999]
Later you'll learn more shortcuts. For example, we don't need to define double, but can use a section: (2*) or we could write our list directly as a sequence [0,2..1998]
But not knowing these tricks yet should not make you feel bad! The main challenge you are facing now is to develop a mentality where you see that the problem of constructing the list of the first 1000 even numbers is a two staged one: a) define how the list of all even numbers looks like and b) take a certain portion of that list. Once you start thinking that way you're done even if you still use hand written versions of iterate and take.
Back to the Euler problem: Here we can use the top down method (and a few basic list manipulation functions one should indeed know about: head, drop, filter, any). First, if we had the list of primes already, we can just drop the first 1000 and take the head of the rest to get the 1001th one:
result = head (drop 1000 primes)
We know that after dropping any number of elements form an infinite list, there will still remain a nonempty list to pick the head from, hence, the use of head is justified here. When you're unsure if there are more than 1000 primes, you should write something like:
result = case drop 1000 primes of
[] -> error "The ancient greeks were wrong! There are less than 1001 primes!"
(r:_) -> r
Now for the hard part. Not knowing how to proceed, we could write some pseudo code:
primes = 2 : {-an infinite list of numbers that are prime-}
We know for sure that 2 is the first prime, the base case, so to speak, thus we can write it down. The unfilled part gives us something to think about. For example, the list should start at some value that is greater 2 for obvious reason. Hence, refined:
primes = 2 : {- something like [3..] but only the ones that are prime -}
Now, this is the point where there emerges a pattern that one needs to learn to recognize. This is surely a list filtered by a predicate, namely prime-ness (it does not matter that we don't know yet how to check prime-ness, the logical structure is the important point. (And, we can be sure that a test for prime-ness is possible!)). This allows us to write more code:
primes = 2 : filter isPrime [3..]
See? We are almost done. In 3 steps, we have reduced a fairly complex problem in such a way that all that is left to write is a quite simple predicate.
Again, we can write in pseudocode:
isPrime n = {- false if any number in 2..n-1 divides n, otherwise true -}
and can refine that. Since this is almost haskell already, it is too easy:
isPrime n = not (any (divides n) [2..n-1])
divides n p = n `rem` p == 0
Note that we did not do optimization yet. For example we can construct the list to be filtered right away to contain only odd numbers, since we know that even ones are not prime. More important, we want to reduce the number of candidates we have to try in isPrime. And here, some mathematical knowledge is needed (the same would be true if you programmed this in C++ or Java, of course), that tells us that it suffices to check if the n we are testing is divisible by any prime number, and that we do not need to check divisibility by prime numbers whose square is greater than n. Fortunately, we have already defined the list of prime numbers and can pick the set of candidates from there! I leave this as exercise.
You'll learn later how to use the standard library and the syntactic sugar like sections, list comprehensions, etc. and you will gradually give up to write your own basic functions.
Even later, when you have to do something in an imperative programming language again, you'll find it very hard to live without infinte lists, higher order functions, immutable data etc.
This will be as hard as going back from C to Assembler.
Have fun!
It's ok to have an imperative mindset at first. With time you will get more used to things and start seeing the places where you can have more functional programs. Practice makes perfect.
As for working with mutable variables you can kind of keep them for now if you follow the rule of thumb of converting variables into function parameters and iteration into tail recursion.
Off the top of my head:
Typeclassopedia. The official v1 of the document is a pdf, but the author has moved his v2 efforts to the Haskell wiki.
What is a monad? This SO Q&A is the best reference I can find.
What is a Monad Transformer? Monad Transformers Step by Step.
Learn from masters: Good Haskell source to read and learn from.
More advanced topics such as GADTs. There's a video, which does a great job explaining it.
And last but not least, #haskell IRC channel. Nothing can even come close to talk to real people.
I think the big change from your code to more haskell like code is using higher order functions, pattern matching and laziness better. For example, you could write the nthPrime function like this (using a similar algorithm to what you did, again ignoring efficiency):
nthPrime n = primes !! (n - 1) where
primes = filter isPrime [2..]
isPrime p = isPrime' p [2..p - 1]
isPrime' p [] = True
isPrime' p (x:xs)
| (p `mod` x == 0) = False
| otherwise = isPrime' p xs
Eg nthPrime 4 returns 7. A few things to note:
The isPrime' function uses pattern matching to implement the function, rather than relying on if statements.
the primes value is an infinite list of all primes. Since haskell is lazy, this is perfectly acceptable.
filter is used rather than reimplemented that behaviour using recursion.
With more experience you will find you will write more idiomatic haskell code - it sortof happens automatically with experience. So don't worry about it, just keep practicing, and reading other people's code.
Another approach, just for variety! Strong use of laziness...
module Main where
nonmults :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
nonmults n next [] = []
nonmults n next l#(x:xs)
| x < next = x : nonmults n next xs
| x == next = nonmults n (next + n) xs
| otherwise = nonmults n (next + n) l
select_primes :: [Int] -> [Int]
select_primes [] = []
select_primes (x:xs) =
x : (select_primes $ nonmults x (x + x) xs)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let primes = select_primes [2 ..]
putStrLn $ show $ primes !! 10000 -- the first prime is index 0 ...
I want to try to answer your question without using ANY functional programming or math, not because I don't think you will understand it, but because your question is very common and maybe others will benefit from the mindset I will try to describe. I'll preface this by saying I an not a Haskell expert by any means, but I have gotten past the mental block you have described by realizing the following:
1. Haskell is simple
Haskell, and other functional languages that I'm not so familiar with, are certainly very different from your 'normal' languages, like C, Java, Python, etc. Unfortunately, the way our psyche works, humans prematurely conclude that if something is different, then A) they don't understand it, and B) it's more complicated than what they already know. If we look at Haskell very objectively, we will see that these two conjectures are totally false:
"But I don't understand it :("
Actually you do. Everything in Haskell and other functional languages is defined in terms of logic and patterns. If you can answer a question as simple as "If all Meeps are Moops, and all Moops are Moors, are all Meeps Moors?", then you could probably write the Haskell Prelude yourself. To further support this point, consider that Haskell lists are defined in Haskell terms, and are not special voodoo magic.
"But it's complicated"
It's actually the opposite. It's simplicity is so naked and bare that our brains have trouble figuring out what to do with it at first. Compared to other languages, Haskell actually has considerably fewer "features" and much less syntax. When you read through Haskell code, you'll notice that almost all the function definitions look the same stylistically. This is very different than say Java for example, which has constructs like Classes, Interfaces, for loops, try/catch blocks, anonymous functions, etc... each with their own syntax and idioms.
You mentioned $ and ., again, just remember they are defined just like any other Haskell function and don't necessarily ever need to be used. However, if you didn't have these available to you, over time, you would likely implement these functions yourself when you notice how convenient they can be.
2. There is no Haskell version of anything
This is actually a great thing, because in Haskell, we have the freedom to define things exactly how we want them. Most other languages provide building blocks that people string together into a program. Haskell leaves it up to you to first define what a building block is, before building with it.
Many beginners ask questions like "How do I do a For loop in Haskell?" and innocent people who are just trying to help will give an unfortunate answer, probably involving a helper function, and extra Int parameter, and tail recursing until you get to 0. Sure, this construct can compute something like a for loop, but in no way is it a for loop, it's not a replacement for a for loop, and in no way is it really even similar to a for loop if you consider the flow of execution. Similar is the State monad for simulating state. It can be used to accomplish similar things as static variables do in other languages, but in no way is it the same thing. Most people leave off the last tidbit about it not being the same when they answer these kinds of questions and I think that only confuses people more until they realize it on their own.
3. Haskell is a logic engine, not a programming language
This is probably least true point I'm trying to make, but hear me out. In imperative programming languages, we are concerned with making our machines do stuff, perform actions, change state, and so on. In Haskell, we try to define what things are, and how are they supposed to behave. We are usually not concerned with what something is doing at any particular time. This certainly has benefits and drawbacks, but that's just how it is. This is very different than what most people think of when you say "programming language".
So that's my take how how to leave an imperative mindset and move to a more functional mindset. Realizing how sensible Haskell is will help you not look at your own code funny anymore. Hopefully thinking about Haskell in these ways will help you become a more productive Haskeller.

Why is there no 'forall' in std.parallel?

I've been going over the new std.parallel library. I'm not a language or library designer, so forgive my ignorance, but would it not be beneficial if there was a forall statement in the language, or at least in std.parallel?
For example, instead of this:
auto logs = new double[1_000_000];
foreach(i, ref elem; taskPool.parallel(logs)){
elem = log(i + 1.0);
we could write this:
auto logs = new double[1_000_000];
forall!((x){ return log(x + 1.0); })(logs);
foreach is sequential by nature and we can break out of it anytime, whereas forall is a guarantee that all elements will be processed. Is that a correct statement? Is it only a matter of time before forall is implemented, or is there a good reason for not having it?
I think that you're misunderstanding what std.parallelism is doing with foreach. If you look at the documentation, it specifically states that
Break­ing from a par­al­lel fore­ach
loop via a break, la­beled break,
la­beled con­tinue, re­turn or goto
state­ment throws a
So, you can't break out of it at any time unless you throw an exception - which is exactly what the case would be with forall. When you use foreach with parallel, you're telling it to dole out the iterations of that loop to separate threads. They're almost certainly doled out in sequential order, but they're executed in parallel, and you don't really care about the order. If you did, you couldn't do them in parallel. So, adding a forall wouldn't buy you anything here.
D is by its very nature a sequential language just like most programming languages. It provides some powerful features which relate to threading (such as defaulting to thread-local storage), but I expect that it would require a fair bit of redesign to put something like forall directly in the language. And as it turns out, it's not necessary. The language is powerful enough to allow for the parallelism to be built on top of it. std.parallelism is effectively giving you forall. It's just that it's doing it by using the existing language feature foreach rather than having to have the language altered to understand and contain forall as a built-in feature.
And, as CyberShadow notes, a new module, std.parallel_algorithm, is in the works which will have parallel versions of many of the functions in std.algorithm so that you get that parallelism for free. Overall, std.parallelism seems to be doing a good job of giving easy to use but powerful parallelism features for D.
How about this?
auto logs = array(taskPool.amap!`log(a + 1.0)`(iota(0, 1_000_000)));
I should note that std.parallel_algorithm is in the works.

Circumventing R's `Error in if (nbins > .Machine$integer.max)`

This is a saga which began with the problem of how to do survey weighting. Now that I appear to be doing that correctly, I have hit a bit of a wall (see previous post for details on the import process and where the strata variable came from):
> require(foreign)
> ipums <- read.dta('/path/to/data.dta')
> require(survey)
> <- svydesign(id=~serial, strata=~strata, data=ipums, weights=perwt)
Error in if (nbins > .Machine$integer.max) stop("attempt to make a table with >= 2^31 elements") :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In pd * (as.integer(cat) - 1L) : NAs produced by integer overflow
2: In pd * nl : NAs produced by integer overflow
> traceback()
9: tabulate(bin, pd)
8: as.vector(data)
7: array(tabulate(bin, pd), dims, dimnames = dn)
6: table(ids[, 1], strata[, 1])
5: inherits(x, "data.frame")
3: rowSums(table(ids[, 1], strata[, 1]) > 0)
2: svydesign.default(id = ~serial, weights = ~perwt, strata = ~strata,
data = ipums)
1: svydesign(id = ~serial, weights = ~perwt, strata = ~strata, data = ipums)
This error seems to come from the tabulate function, which I hoped would be straightforward enough to circumvent, first by changing .Machine$integer.max
> .Machine$integer.max <- 2^40
and when that didn't work the whole source code of tabulate:
> tabulate <- function(bin, nbins = max(1L, bin, na.rm=TRUE))
if(!is.numeric(bin) && !is.factor(bin))
stop("'bin' must be numeric or a factor")
#if (nbins > .Machine$integer.max)
if (nbins > 2^40) #replacement line
stop("attempt to make a table with >= 2^31 elements")
ans = integer(nbins),
Neither circumvented the problem. Apparently this is one reason why the ff package was created, but what worries me is the extent to which this is a problem I cannot avoid in R. This post seems to indicate that even if I were to use a package that would avoid this problem, I would only be able to access 2^31 elements at a time. My hope was to use sql (either sqlite or postgresql) to get around the memory problems, but I'm afraid I'll spend a while getting that to work, only to run into the same fundamental limit.
Attempting to switch back to Stata doesn't solve the problem either. Again see the previous post for how I use svyset, but the calculation I would like to run causes Stata to hang:
svy: mean age, over(strata)
Whether throwing more memory at it will solve the problem I don't know. I run R on my desktop which has 16 gigs, and I use Stata through a Windows server, currently setting memory allocation to 2000MB, but I could theoretically experiment with increasing that.
So in sum:
Is this a hard limit in R?
Would sql solve my R problems?
If I split it up into many separate files would that fix it (a lot of work...)?
Would throwing a lot of memory at Stata do it?
Am I seriously barking up the wrong tree somehow?
Yes, R uses 32-bit indexes for vectors so they can contain no more than 2^31-1 entries and you are trying to create something with 2^40. There is talk of introducing 64-bit indexes but that will be some way off before appearing in R. Vectors have the stated hard limit and that is it as far as base R is concerned.
I am unfamiliar with the details of what you are doing to offer any further advice on the other parts of your Q.
Why do you want to work with the full data set? Wouldn't a smaller sample that can fit in to the restrictions R places on you be just as useful? You could use SQL to store all the data and query it from R to return a random subset of more appropriate size.
Since this question was asked some time ago, I'd like to point that my answer here uses the version 3.3 of the survey package.
If you check the code of svydesign, you can see that the function that causes all the problem is within a check step that looks whether you should set the nest parameter to TRUE or not. This step can be disabled setting the option check.strata=FALSE.
Of course, you shouldn't disable a check step unless you know what you are doing. In this case, you should be able to decide yourself whether you need to set the nest option to TRUE or FALSE. nest should be set to TRUE when the same PSU (cluster) id is recycled in different strata.
Concretely for the IPUMS dataset, since you are using the serial variable for cluster identification and serial is unique for each household in a given sample, you may want to set nest to FALSE.
So, your survey design line would be: <- svydesign(id=~serial, strata=~strata, data=ipums, weights=perwt, check.strata=FALSE, nest=FALSE)
Extra advice: even after circumventing this problem you will find that the code is pretty slow unless you remap strata to a range from 1 to length(unique(ipums$strata)):
ipums$strata <- match(ipums$strata,unique(ipums$strata))
Both #Gavin and #Martin deserve credit for this answer, or at least leading me in the right direction. I'm mostly answering it separately to make it easier to read.
In the order I asked:
Yes 2^31 is a hard limit in R, though it seems to matter what type it is (which is a bit strange given it is the length of the vector, rather than the amount of memory (which I have plenty of) which is the stated problem. Do not convert strata or id variables to factors, that will just fix their length and nullify the effects of subsetting (which is the way to get around this problem).
sql could probably help, provided I learn how to use it correctly. I did the following test:
library(multicore) # make svy fast!
ri.ny <- subset(ipums, statefips_num %in% c(36, 44)) <- svydesign(id=~serial, weights=~perwt, strata=~strata, data=ri.ny)
svyby(~incwage, ~strata,, svymean, data=ri.ny, na.rm=TRUE, multicore=TRUE)
ri <- subset(ri.ny, statefips_num==44) <- svydesign(id=~serial, weights=~perwt, strata=~strata, data=ri)
ri.mean <- svymean(~incwage,, data=ri, na.rm=TRUE)
ny <- subset(ri.ny, statefips_num==36) <- svydesign(id=~serial, weights=~perwt, strata=~strata, data=ny)
ny.mean <- svymean(~incwage,, data=ny, na.rm=TRUE, multicore=TRUE)
And found the means to be the same, which seems like a reasonable test.
So: in theory, provided I can split up the calculation by either using plyr or sql, the results should still be fine.
See 2.
Throwing a lot of memory at Stata definitely helps, but now I'm running into annoying formatting issues. I seem to be able to perform most of the calculation I want (much quicker and with more stability as well) but I can't figure out how to get it into the form I want. Will probably ask a separate question on this. I think the short version here is that for big survey data, Stata is much better out of the box.
In many ways yes. Trying to do analysis with data this big is not something I should have taken on lightly, and I'm far from figuring it out even now. I was using the svydesign function correctly, but I didn't really know what's going on. I have a (very slightly) better grasp now, and it's heartening to know I was generally correct about how to solve the problem. #Gavin's general suggestion of trying out small data with external results to compare to is invaluable, something I should have started ages ago. Many thanks to both #Gavin and #Martin.