Publish Polymer component without Bower - package-managers

I would like to build and publish a component for use with Polymer.
While I have read the official article on how to publish components with Bower, I would rather like to distribute my component via GitHub/NPM. I expect the component to get installed via JSPM.
Since I have no experience in doing so, I wonder about a few issues:
How can I make sure that the Polymer core is a dependency of my component and will get installed to the users project root if not already there? (As far as I can see Polymer is only available through bower or GitHub)
Will JSPM detect whether there are any files (e.g System.js already installed and avoid duplication?
Should I include tests & project code in the package?


Managing feature branch versions with npm for component packages

We have a React App which uses some components written by us and published to our internal npm repository. Our code is maintained in Bitbucket Data Center, the build is done with Bamboo and the npm repository is hosted in JFrog Artifactory. We work with feature branches and pull requests for developing new features.
It happens often that a new feature in the app, requires a change in the component. In this case, each repository (the App and the component) will have its own feature branch and pull request. Many times the component interface changes, so that the App needs the pull request version of the component and not the mainline one to build and to be tested.
The build is done exclusively by the build server, so that the bundled javascript files are not committed to git.
Let's say the component has version 1.0.0. A new feature in the App needs a change in the component. In this case, the component version will incremented to 1.0.1. We don't want to publish it to Artifactory, until version 1.0.1 is tested, but at the same time, the build of the new App version needs the changes from version 1.0.1.
Our current solution is to change the package version of the component during the build of feature branches to something like 0.<Ticket #>.<Build #>. This 0.x.x version will be published to Artifactory so that the App feature branch can use it to compile.
We use 0.x.x so that the version is never bigger than the current released version. Once the component is merged to the main branch, it will compile with the right version (1.0.1) and will be published to Artifactory again.
I find this solution cumbersome, it requires some funny build scripts, making sure that the branch name always follows some convention and teaching developers about it.
I wonder if there is a better way for managing pull requests and feature branches using npm, without having to manipulate the package.json during build time, depending if it is a feature branch or the main branch.
Sounds like you are using artifactory like a secondary version / staging for the npm package, just use npm?
I am not in devops, but have worked on a few packages, testing a package that has not been released does not sound like testing the package - what about using a beta tag npm publish --tag beta, pulling that into your app npm i package#beta then testing your application in a staging environment?
As i expect you know if you apply a tag then the tag would need to be specified to be pulled into a repo so you can use it to deter users from using that version of the package - an i believe you can delete versions later if you are dead set on not having it public.
Here is a medium article which may be helpful?

Best way to import Javascript packages in .NET core app

I'm new to the .NET Core framework and currently setting up a dashboard that uses Razor pages and some JavaScript interactions. For the few example projects I've created none of them came with a package manager from the get go, which imho is needed to keep the application maintainable. Coming from Node.js an Ruby on Rails background my default solution is NPM (or Yarn if you want).
I noticed however that Microsoft excluded Node from their base Docker images for .Net about 2 years ago (see here:
This led me to questioning my solution to use NPM and I went looking for alternatives. I found that you can install Javascript libraries by wrapping them in Nuget packages and installing them via Nuget. But I'm hesitant to go this way as I've seen this pattern causing issues in Ruby on Rails. It adds an extra layer of maintenance and often the Ruby Gems where no longer maintained, meaning you're unable to move to the newest versions.
Then we have Libman, which is integrated into Visual Studio ( and draws packages from, which I believe contains less packages (but according to Microsoft has everything you need). But their own blog ( says:
LibMan is not a package management system. If you’re happily using npm/yarn/(or something else), we encourage you to continue doing so. LibMan was not developed as a replacement for these tools. For example, the SPA templates (i.e. Angular and React) we ship for ASP.NET Core depend on npm and WebPack, and we have no plans to change that.
Then we're left with Bower, which is no longer an option, from
...psst! While Bower is maintained, we recommend using Yarn and Webpack or Parcel for front-end projects read how to migrate!
So I wonder, for a monolith app, is NPM or Yarn still the right choice and if so, why did Microsoft decide to exclude Node from their base images?
You mentioned LibMan which works just fine, but you need to configure it to download packages from unpkg which is a CDN for NPM and should contain everything that you can find on npm.

Creating an aurelia custom element as an npm package (using the Aurelia CLI)

I am using the Aurelia CLI for creating a SPA and it makes everything a lot easier compared to using Jspm.
However now we have some custom elements like: <my-custom-element></my-custom-element> that we want to package into an npm package so we can use it in multiple/other Aurelia CLI projects.
How would I go about creating it? I can't find any examples or documentation about this.
My guess is that I need to transpile my custom element files so that I end up with an npm package containing .js files (we use typescript) and the correct module loader synax (CommonJS?)?
My understanding is that I can't simply create an npm package that contains my my-custom.element.ts + my-custom-element.html file since it all needs to be transpiled, bundled and so on.
I am also guessing that I can't simply do an au build and use my bundles since that would bundle the entire SPA and not just my custom element files?
So what steps do I need to perform to create an npm package that contains a custom element that can be added to my Aurelia CLI project?
Any help or samples would be very welcome! Thank you!
There are a heap of ways you can do this. However, to keep things simple I am going to recommend the official Aurelia plugin skeleton for developing plugins, which you can get on Github here. If you venture into the src folder, you'll see a very basic example of a custom element and how you can make it global. The plugin skeleton uses Gulp for build tasks, which can be found in the build/tasks directory.
At present, you cannot use the Aurelia CLI to create a plugin. But in the future, you will most likely see this feature added into the CLI as it becomes more than just a CLI for creating applications.

About publishing Angular 2 application

I have developed an Angular 2 application using npm, As a fresher,I don't know some ways like below.
When I publish I used npm publish so that it publish the application in npm account in the web.
So here, is there any way to publish our app in the localhost,because I don't want to use npm account and I just need to avoid node_modules folder on publishing ?
If any other way,that can be used to publish the Angular2 Application in local other than npm, let me know.I try that.
If it is not possible to publish the application without npm web account, Kindly let me know please .
Excuse mistakes,If any.Thanks in adv :)
npm publish is to make a library package available to other for free use.
That's not what you use for making a web application available. This is called deployment.
For deployment you usually execute a build step that transpiles TS to JS, and combines them into a single file to reduce the number of requests the browser needs to make in order to get all source files of your application. It may also inline component HTML and CSS. This build step can also minify and mangle to JS code to reduce the resulting file size even more.
The resulting output can just be copied to any directory that any web server is able to serve to a browser either on your local machine or at some machine of a web hosting provider.
There are different ways to build your application depending on your setup.
See for example How to deploy Angular 2 application developed in Typescript to production?
You need browserify, that's all
browsers need references to all js files to be put in the html, they don't understand node's require() method that forms modules dependencies
what browserify does is traversing the entire dependency graph of your project, recursively bundling up all the required modules starting at the given root into a single js file
install it by node package manager
npm install -g browserify
use it to bundle all needed modules staring at main.js
browserify main.js -o bundle.js
now put a single script tag into your html
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
as far as i know, node_modules contains dependencies for typescript transpilers and few others. so it will not be possible to publish an app without using node_modules.
perhaps you can try using Plnkr or jsFiddle
where you can make imports online using cdn links for node_modules and publish your app.
it will be easy compared to other alternatives.
hope this helps.

NPM to existing project?

I have an online site and Im going to overhaul it. While I cannot find any information about if I can use npm and some kind of package manager (e.g Webpack) on live site which is on shared host (which has latest Node.js, npm support etc), Im going to develope it locally and worry about "publishing" it later on.
Is there a way to somehow covert my current downloaded project to npm project or Im better off just starting a new project? This is rather confusing, I've never used npm before.
Im using WordPress, everything is run with PHP atm but Im going to overhaul it and use Node.js.
NPM can be used to collect and manage Javascript dependencies for the browser so as to create a stand alone front-end JS app. BUT, bower is probably a better choice.
NPM is designed to manage Javascript dependencies for projects that use NodeJS or use the CommonJS module format for requiring modules.
Bower is specifically a package manager (like npm or composer) but it is meant to manage browser based javascript dependencies.
Currently, javascript doesn't have a formally defined module/import system, so a number of competing require() functions are been produced. NodeJS comes with a require() function that searches the npm/ folder for modules. Browserify is a pre-processor that can scan the npm folder for a dependency and all of its dependencies and bundle them into 1 file for a browser to download (because browser's don't have a require() function because the JS standard doesn't have define one)
I might be rambling here, but you should probably look at bower, and then - at some point in the future - look at either browserify or requirejs to combine and optimize all the JS plugins for your front-end app.
Edit for clarity:
Basically there are 2 engines to run your JS application: the browser or NodeJS. NodeJS needs npm, the browser has no idea what npm is. If you want to write a clean, single page app, all JS front-end for a PHP backend, you don't need NodeJS, and therefore don't need npm. Using npm will prematurely complicate the development of a front-end browser app because it will force you to decide on a require() implementation (Browserify or Requirejs) right from the start.