I have a mixed scala/python maven module. I primarily do scala development but in order to do some python work I changed the SDK to python.
Now I can not do scala. So is there no way to have both be available? Do I need to manually switch back and forth??
Here is what happened after selecting the python sdk, and attempting to run a scala test class:
UPDATE It appears the situation is worse than anticipated: I can not even switch back to scala at all. Did the project get corrupted??
Here is the error shown in the screenshot:
Error:scalac: error while loading package, Missing dependency 'object java.lang.Object in compiler mirror', required by /Users/steve/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.10.4/scala-library-2.10.4.jar(scala/package.class)
If you have a Python facet, you shouldn't select a Python SDK as the SDK to use for your module or project. It only needs to be selected in the facet settings, as your screenshot shows. The project/module SDK needs to be a regular Java/Scala SDK.
Essentially as the title says, I am trying to update my JavaFX version.
Every time I run my code in IntelliJ I see the following Warning.
I have this library applied to my project module:
And this is my SDK:
Also this is my runtime configuration:
I have tried everything I possibly could, watched every youtube video, every guide. Nothing is working, please help.
This is my Windows environment variables path:
I have been having trouble utilizing Javafx within Intellij. I run into the error "JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application" that I see a lot of other people have.
My main question is do I need to download Javafx12 sdk. I am able to use Dr.Java to run some of my old javafx projects just fine after adding an extra class path and I haven't needed to downloaded anything. It doesn't seem like I need to download anything as another much more basic IDE is able to run javafx. So why does it seem like intellij requires an extra download?
If you moved to Java 12, then yes, you need to download the JavaFX 12 from their new website https://openjfx.io. Luckily installing it is pretty straightforward and well-explained.
It worked before because JavaFX was shipped inside the JDK distribution, which is no longer the case. Swing however is still there and will work as before. (I am not saying you go back to Swing, just that it is still shipped along the JDK)
Pentaho Data Integration 8.0.x is using Janino 2.5.16, released in 2010 for compiling the User Defined Java Class step. There is a JIRA in pentaho for updating this to use a newer Janino version which would bring new java 8 related features in pentaho v8.2.0 GA. But there is no info on when will this be released.
Is there any other way I can use a newer janino version (janino-3.0.8.jar) with exiting pentaho for UDJC? I tried to copy updated jar in the lib and also added commons-compiler-3.0.8.jar to fulfill dependency. Now when I open Spoon, I get the following error:
Please advise on how this can be achieved. I understand that just replacing the jar may not be enough but just want if something else can be done.
This is not easy. Even now, since you got ClassNotFound, public api of janino is changed. Some classes are removed some are changed. What is actual needs to update it?
If you need really complicated business logic, then create custom plugin. Documentation and tutorials are available and you can look into sources of current builtin plugins (sources are available on github).
What important new version of janino has, that old doesn't (beside java8 support)? Checkout kettle engine, look into sources of UserDefinedClass step, change code to support new janino version, test and make own build of pdi kettle, and try to send push request to maintainers of repository.
Any of this quite complicated, This plugin is builtin into engine, and you have to make own build. Own build means, you have to support it by yourself. This is non trivial, project is huge and now even bigger and continue evolving, I spent several days to make my first custom build (version of 4, was in ivy) just for purpose to know better and debug complicated cases, and it used never in production.
Maintainers of repository must have good reason to include your changes into stream, it must be well tested and it is long procedure and most probably doesn't worth it. A lots of changed since 2010, I probable have seen in release notes, new version of java already have abilities to compile at runtime.
My advice is to make you own plugin.
I'm using Mule Server 3.8 EE which brings commons-lang 2.4 with it. A third-party library in my project needs commons-lang 2.6, because it uses a method that was introduced in this version.
So when I just start my application, I get a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
Is there a way to update the dependency in the runtime? What I tried so far:
including commons-lang 2.6 in my app -> no effect, the one from the runtime is picked up first
replacing the jar directly in the runtime -> errors in studio, that the 2.4 jar is missing
so maybe i am late BUT -- this is your answer. Add the libraries that are newer in the jar distribution to the Build Path. Under Java Build Path screen you should see the libraries listed. I needed to use Apache http-client 4.5.6 and that's very interesting because it brings with it a lot of other dependencies, so your question was VERY relevant. The solution is to rely on JAVA (and not mule -- oops Anypoint or whatever) conventions and make sure the JVM loads my class files first. Then, it won't load the old ones from mule's jar. And so I went to the tab Order and Export, and moved Mule to the bottom. This simple, trivial change makes it work. I think if we would work with command line and vim, we would all know this. But all the IDE gui and everything else makes us forget the simplest things. Please use it in good health. :)
I have a Qt5 Application, in which I have defined a QxtGlobalShortcut object. This program works as expected in KDE4 or Plasma5. However, when I run this application in Cinnamon, the global keybindings do not work.
Another application written in Qt4 which contains QxtGlobalShortcut object works properly in both KDE/Plasma and Cinnamon.
Any ideas as to what the problem could be?
I'm using debian testing.
Qt4 Version: 4.8.7
Qt5 Version: 5.6.1
QxtGlobalShortcut class is compiled from source. The same source is being used in both Qt4 and Qt5.
I had same issues. Sometimes global shortcut events are not caught if the application has no windows. Workaround is to create invisible dummy window.
Since Qxt in no longer maintained, I've created repository with some additional fixes (pull requests are welcome). This can be built as separate library.