I have designed layout on amazon mturk sandbox requester. I used that layoutID to create HIT through my java API.
HIT created for first time but now second time while i am trying to create hit it is giving me following error.
Error executing operation: Error #1 for RequestId: 915ade2b-15dc-4086-b9eb-338a1c7adfed - AWS.MechanicalTurk.PermissionDenied: This user is not authorized to perform the requested operation.
I varified the accesskey and secret_key it is correct now i don't understand whats going wrong ?
I am facing an issue with the Instagram API with the following error: "The media builder with creation id = 1823XXXXXX does not exist or has been expired.". It was working fine with a page access token method till yesterday. Suddenly from today, it's showing this error. When I searched many StackOverflow results mentioned that issue can be settled with a User access token and Page access token combination.
My query is that, whether it is able to access the user access token using existing page access token I have?
Going through the error codes for graph API i could fine this:
Error code: 24
Sub Error Code: 2207008
Err Message: The media builder with creation id = {creation-id} does not exist or has been expired.
Resolution: Temporary error publishing a container. Try again 1–2 times in the next 30 seconds to 2 minutes. If unsuccessful, generate a new container ID and use it to try again.
Let me know if this helps! :D
we are working on setting up tableau extract refresh through API invocation. We are using Personal access tokens from tableau for authentication. While we are able to establish the communication and are able to retrieve details on tableau site, we get a 401002 response when we try for extract refresh. Is there a need for an additional privilege to the access token to set the extract refresh.
Any pointers on this would be of great help!
Make sure that the user whose PAT you're using is the owner of the workbook (and hence the extraction schedule). If not, the extraction request will fail. Alternatively, if the user cannot be the owner, they must be server administrators or site administrators on your Tableau server.
Also make sure you already have a schedule for the extract refresh. If one doesn't exist, you can create it with the Create Schedule method (with the API this can only be done by server administrators, on the browser the owner of the workbook can do this).
From the Tableau API docs, also note that "A REST request to start a refresh task will fail if the task has been put in the task queue in any of these ways, or is already in progress". This might also be one reason why it fails.
So this type of error is being reported on a lot of community boards over the course of the last year with no acceptable answer we could find. We have just started our journey integrating with Google Home and created a Home Automation Action and we are getting a similar error …
insertId: "10wvnj2fyb1thy"
logName: "projects/bitdog-home-f69bd/logs/actions.googleapis.com%2Factions"
Show matching entries
Hide matching entries
Add field to summary line
receiveTimestamp: "2018-12-06T13:28:13.939975519Z"
resource: {
labels: {
action_id: "SMART_HOME_SYNC"
project_id: "bitdog-home-f69bd"
version_id: ""
type: "assistant_action"
severity: "ERROR"
textPayload: "SYNC: Request ID 742344561631232315 failed with code: OPEN_AUTH_FAILURE"
timestamp: "2018-12-06T13:28:13.931998358Z"
This shows on Google Home app as "Couldn't update the setting, check your connection"
The OAuth service logs show a successful account linking and a successful refresh_token request. Google does not attempt a SYNC call to the Action handler from what we can tell.
We have other systems using the OAuth server and they are working well and we are little lost on how to proceed to debug this issue. We created a support ticket today but I don't feel confident that we will get meaningful help.
We have also tried using the Google Home app on Android and iOS. We have tried changing the default browser from Chrome to Firefox. Nothing has changed the outcome. We also made sure that our access_token was in JWT format to see if google was sensitive to token size or format and nothing worked. We even made sure that the Google Home app user matched the user logged into the browser.
I did get it working. It was already working with an Amazon Echo Skill but it seems that Google's implementation (OpenAuth) is a bit more strict. I changed my access_token from a proprietary encrypted token format to a legit signed JWT token. I also removed expires_in from the response and it started working, not sure if it was the access_token JWT token format or removal of expires_in. I'm happy I can move on. If I get a chance, I will test to see which change made it work and comment here again.
Thank you.
To anyone with this problem–
I had to take multiple steps to resolve this issue, which are not clearly outlined in any documentation.
As per Google support:
Please adjust your account linking implementation from implicit to auth code flow then perform test again.
On the documentation for OAuth account linking, it says there are two methods of authentication: implicit and auth code. Apparently, only the auth code flow works for smart home.
I am using the Actions on Google Node.js library. While poking through the documentation, I found that:
[The SYNC request fulfillment] should return a valid response or a Promise that resolves to valid response.
The problem is that I was doing a database operation (which took time), so I couldn't simply return a value when it was ready; I had to return a Promise insead, then fulfill that promise later.
Hopefully this is helpful to anyone stuck on this reoccurring issue! Basically, check your auth flow and make SYNC is returning a valid JS object on time.
I was facing the same issue from last 2 weeks and was wonder when saw it is a 3 steps problem.
Check your SYNC intent is properly parsed
Incorrect Response Structure (Verify here-Smart Home SYNC Data Validator)
Device Response time-out should be less than 5 sec.
You can check Link
My problem started when I connected by Sonoff Bridge.
So I got it working by removing my 'Sonoff Bridge' and connecting it to Google Home. (All mu light are now working). Added the Bridge again to Sonoff and using IFTTT to connect to my Bridge
So I've just been fighting shadows in the Amazon labyrinth. Went to use the Amazon Product Advertising API Scratchpad to test out my Access Key Id and Secret Access Key, as well as entering the Associate Tag which isn't used in critically in the API query, just important if you want credit for the query later.
I kept getting the following error, no matter how many times I went and created a new set of keys or verified them in the download section of the AWS Management Console for the root user - IAM users don't work in the API seemingly.
Error! SignatureDoesNotMatch
HTTP Status 403: Forbidden
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
Rinse and repeat. Many, many times. Complete and utter frustration....
Lo and behold, I come across this oasis of sanity - Signed Request Helper - which provides a successful result to my query with the same keys as used above.
So, can anyone else confirm problems with the Scratchpad that didn't bear out in other applications, like the Signed Request Helper or their own code? At this point I'm betting that there is a bug in the Amazon Scratchpad. I guess I will go roll something to test in Python but the apparent craziness of the URL construction makes me wary. Seemingly it's soo hard even the Amazon guys got it wrong...
Yes, this reminds me of the dark days I had trying to get the signature just right.
I too had similar troubles when I started playing with the API. Ultimately, I ended up using the master credentials. This link will take you to the right spot after you login. Open the "Access Keys" tab. This is the area I made a new master access key for signing requests. When you get into the users/groups/roles/policies, I had trouble.
But I have a key there and I can use the scratchpad no problem. I have an application running that uses the key, but I just went and tried a query to confirm it's all still good.
Note that in the scratchpad the Associate Tag is irrelevant like you said. To get the error you have, it's for sure the SECRET ACCESS KEY that is incorrect. If you entered the ACCESS KEY ID field incorrectly, you would get this error:
Error! InvalidClientTokenId HTTP Status 403: Forbidden The AWS Access
Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.
For others who may come across this, let me impart my findings. Importantly, I was able to verify the keys with the Signed Request Helper but wasn't able to get the query to work in the Scratchpad. The error received clearly informs me that it is the signature that is wrong:
Error! SignatureDoesNotMatch HTTP Status 403: Forbidden The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
So one ponders, as instructed, on the Secret Key and the signing method. Since one is using the scratchpad, it must be the key. But the same key works in the signed request helper! What to do.
It turns out that the error was in one of the supplied parameters. If the scratchpad produces a signed url with a faulty parameter, it will result in that error. There is some validation going on, but you can still wind up with a bad parameter. So, if you get the above error, try a simple query with your key to prove that your secret access key is valid, then start investigating your supplied parameter values.
I am quite new in Facebook application development. I was playing the all day with "how to post a message on the wall of a page?". I finally succeeded but each message got "via Graph API Explorer". I tried to find how to change it to my application name without success. I tried to see if I could force the value of application in the api command but it did not take it into account. Maybe I miss something :( If someone can help, that would be great!
I am still quite confused. Let me try to explain what I want to do: I would like to automatically publish on a page (as the page) some event that are defined on a website (in a kind of agenda). What I miss, I think, is how everything is working together on Facebook side:
1. the login process: as the application will run in a cron, this should not display a login dialog box.
2. the access token: application or page one?
3. the permissions: from my understanding, I need manage_pages (and publish_stream) but not clear how this should be set.
Thx for any clarification and maybe a clear example :o)
You need the user to authorise your own App using one of the Login flows and grant you one of the publishing Permissions -
If it says 'via Graph API Explorer' on the posts your app makes you're using the access token you retrieved when you were testing the API using the Graph API Explorer tool, not one produced by your own app
OK I think I have finally found the way to do it. I needed a page access code and not an application access code. The token must be generated outside the application as a long live one.
Get a code using:
app_id is your application ID
my_url is your application URL
scope is the permission you want to be granted
In the redirected URL, you will have a code parameter. Copy it.
Generate the user access code using:
app_secret is your application secret key
code is the code from step 1
You will get as output the user access token. This one is a short live one.
convert the short live to a long live user access token using:
https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?grant_type=fb_exchange_token&client_id={app_id}&client_secret={app_secret}&fb_exchange_token={short live access token}
Replace the "short live access token" by the one you got on step 2
You will get as output the infinite user access token.
Get the page access token (this one will be infinite access token as
the user access token is now an infinite access token too):
https://graph.facebook.com/me/accounts?access_token={infinite user access token}
Replace the "infinite user access token" with the value you got on step 3.
This command will list all the pages you administer. The output contains the page access token you need in field "access_token". You can so use this token in any API command in your application.
The best of the best is to do all those steps via a server side program (PHP for me) as the application secret key should remain "secret".