removing last node linked list in objective -c - objective-c

I am trying to implement a removeLast function for a linked list in objective-c. My add function property works well because I can see the node I created, but when I try to remove a node it does not work. I have tried looking up general solutions for this, but have not come up with anything. Is there something special with objective-c that I should take a look at?
-(void) removeLast{
Node *newNode = [[Node alloc]init];
Node *tail = [[Node alloc]init];
if (self.head == NULL){
NSLog(#"No items to remove");
newNode = self.head;
tail= self.head;
while (tail != NULL) {
tail =;
if (tail != NULL){
newNode = tail;
} = NULL;

I believe you've overcomplicated the algorithm. You don't need to keep a reference to the previous link if you always look one step ahead:
- (void) removeLast {
if (self.head == NULL) {
NSLog(#"Empty list");
} else if ( == NULL) {
self.head = NULL;
} else {
Node* current = self.head;
while ( != NULL)
current =; = NULL;
This iterates through until it reaches the next-to-last node when will be null. Then it makes that the last node.


Invalid Read of Size 4?

I'm running valgrind on a program, and while the program executes just fine, valgrind reports this:
==6542== Invalid read of size 4
==6542== at 0x8049C6F: Table::removeWebsite(Table&) (Table.cpp:146)
==6542== by 0x8049768: main (app.cpp:140)
==6542== Address 0x43f87d4 is 4 bytes inside a block of size 8 free'd
==6542== at 0x402B528: operator delete(void*) (in /usr/lib64/valgrind/
==6542== by 0x8049BB0: Table::removeWebsite(Table&) (Table.cpp:124)
==6542== by 0x8049768: main (app.cpp:140)
I'm not entirely sure what is wrong. Here is the code that valgrind is pointing to...
bool Table::removeWebsite(Table& parm)
bool flag = false; //flag to show if an item is removed or not
int OriTableSize = currCapacity;
for (int index = 0; index < OriTableSize; index++) //search through array list, starting at index
Node *current = parm.aTable[index];
Node *prev = nullptr;
while (current != nullptr) //search through linked lists at array[index]
if (current->data->getRating() == 1) //search ratings for 1
if (prev == nullptr) //if current is the start of the list
if (current->next == nullptr) //if current is the only item in this list
delete current;
parm.aTable[index] = nullptr;
flag = true;
parm.aTable[index] = current->next; //point to the next item in list
delete current;
flag = true;
else //reset prev->next pointer to skip current
prev->next = current->next;
delete current;
flag = true;
prev = current;
current = current->next; //go to next position in linked list
if (flag == true)//at least one item was removed
return true;
return false;
That "delete current" points to a Node, which has:
struct Node
Node(const SavedWebsites& parm)
data = new SavedWebsites(parm);
next = nullptr;
delete data;
next = nullptr;
SavedWebsites *data;
Node *next;
and the data in SavedWebsites has the destructor:
//Default Destructor
if (this->topic)
delete [] this->topic;
this->topic = nullptr;
if (this->website)
delete [] this->website;
this->website = nullptr;
if (this->summary)
delete [] this->summary;
this->summary = nullptr;
if (this->review)
delete [] this->review;
this->review = nullptr;
rating = 0;
*note the items "topic" "website" "summary" and "review" are all created with
... = new char[strlen(topic)+1] //(We have to use Cstrings)
I'm fairly new to all of this, so any ideas of what may be causing this valgrind invalid read?
You did not indicate which line corresponds to Table.cpp:146, but based on the Valgrind output, it looks like the allocation in question represents a Node instance because the size of 8 bytes matches (assuming a 32-bit system). The invalid read is triggered by the offset 4 of that instance and a size of 4, so this must correspond to the member next.
current = current->next; //go to next position in linked list
In case of a delete in the iteration, you access the deleted node current afterwards. You also initialize prev based on the invalid pointer, so the next pointer of the last valid node will not be updated correctly in case of deletes.
Your code seems to work fine (but is not) because its behavior depends on the allocator in use and other allocations. If the allocator were to fill the freed memory with a pattern or if that memory was reused immediately and written to, you'd see a segmentation fault.
To address this issue, I'd defer the delete. Before the next iteration, you can then either read the next node and delete the original current or update prev and read the next node.
bool del = false;
if (current->data->getRating() == 1) //search ratings for 1
if (prev == nullptr) //if current is the start of the list
if (current->next == nullptr) //if current is the only item in this list
parm.aTable[index] = nullptr;
parm.aTable[index] = current->next; //point to the next item in list
del = true;
flag = true;
else //reset prev->next pointer to skip current
prev->next = current->next;
del = true
flag = true;
if (del)
Node *deletenode = current;
current = current->next;
delete deletenode;
prev = current;
current = current->next; //go to next position in linked list

Function to delete all leaf nodes from Binary Search Tree

I would like to ask for corrections on that function. The problem is that it deletes more nodes than there are leaves. Means it is deleting all the leaves first, and then it is deleting the just created leaves.
Please, advise me how to correct it.
Leaf = node without children nodes.
typedef struct node {
int key;
node* left;
node* right;
void BST::DeleteLeafs()
if (root == nullptr)
throw InvalidOperationException();
deleteLeavesHelper(nullptr, root);
void BST::deleteLeavesHelper(node* parent, node* n)
if (n == nullptr)
if (n->left == nullptr && n->right == nullptr)
n = nullptr;
if (parent != nullptr)
parent->left = nullptr;
parent->right = nullptr;
deleteLeavesHelper(n, n->left);
deleteLeavesHelper(n, n->right);
You write:
if (n->left == nullptr && n->right == nullptr)
n = nullptr;
if (parent != nullptr)
parent->left = nullptr;
parent->right = nullptr;
One problem, you should deallocate the memory for n, otherwise you have a memory leak. n=nullptr; is completely useless.
Another problem, you nullify pointers to both children of parent. Instead, you need to nullify only the pointer to the correct child:
if (n->left == nullptr && n->right == nullptr) {
if (parent != nullptr) {
if (parent->left == n)
parent->left = nullptr;
else if (parent->right == n)
arent->right = nullptr;
// raise some exception
// deallocate n

Return Statement in Objective C for Binary Search Tree Search Function

I want to write a search function for a Binary Search Tree. How can I write it so that I can return from the base case if( =={return node;} without getting compiler warnings about the method returning nothing. In this case, root is an ivar that's part of the BST class that these methods are a part of.
if(root == nil){
return node;
if( =={
return node;
if ( <{
root = root.left;
[self search:root];
if ( > {
root = root.right;
[self search:root];
You get the error because you don't return anything from your search: method under certain conditions. You must return something. You also don't make any use of the return value when you recursively call search:.
You also have a problem with updating root. You don't want to do that.
You probably want something more like this:
- (Node *)search:(Node *)node {
if (root == nil) {
return node;
if ( == {
return node;
} else if ( < {
return [self search:node.left];
} else // >
return [self search:node.right];
if none of your first two if tests are true, your method doesn't return anything.
if ( <{
root = root.left;
return [self search:root];
if ( > {
root = root.right;
return [self search:root];
return ? // you need a return value here

How to delete the largest node in Binary search Tree

I am trying to delete the largest node in binary search tree, I thougth that these code below should be able to do it but for some reason it is not. Could someone help please!
public void remove() {
Node current = root;
Node parent = current;
current = current.getRighChild();
if (current == null){
public void remove()
root = deleteMax(root);
private Node deleteMax(Node x ) {
if (x.getRighChild() == null)
return x.getLeftChild();
return x;
In your code if the right node is empty you are still deleting it. Instead of deleting the current if it is the max. Try something like this:
removeLargest() {
current = getRoot();
rightNode == null;
while (root.Right){
current == root.Right
if (current.left()){

How to code the chess stalemate rule ?

I'm trying to write a chess game and find that I cannot find solutions to find a stalemate situation. I'm trying to google, but can't find anything. Is there a well-known algorithm or something?
Your move generator will be one of two different designs;
either it checks for legality while generating the moves
or you generate all possible moves and remove those that are illegal afterwards.
The former is better as it doesn't need post-processing.
A stalemate condition is simply one where there are no legal moves and the moving-side's king is not in check. A checkmate condition is one where there are no legal moves but the moving-side's king is in check.
In other words if you've figured out how to detect check and checkmate, you've already got everything necessary to detect stalemate.
Here is an Open-source code with all the rules for the classic Chess game:
You can run the project right after cloning the project (Android, iOS, Desktop and Web), or you can use the main logic, which is here:
I based my solution on a 3-moments algorithm, first moment is when the player selects a piece from the board, then when the destination of this piece has been chosen and finally when the piece reaches that position (considering that it is an animated game, if not, you can merge step 2 and 3).
The following code has been implemented in Java. From the properties of the model class:
boolean turn;
GenericPiece selected, conquest;
ClassicBoard board;
List<int[]> possibleMovements;
int checkType;
The first method will handle moments 1, 2 and the special 'conquest' moment (applied to pawn piece only):
public boolean onCellClick(int row, int column) {
if (row == -1 && conquest != null) {
checkType = 0;
return true;
} else if (selected != null) {
if (possibleMovements != null) {
for (int[] move : possibleMovements) {
if (move[0] == row && move[1] == column) {
// Move the PieceActor to the desired position
if (selected.moveTo(row, column)) {
turn = !turn;
selected = null;
possibleMovements = null;
return true;
} else {
selected = board.getSelected(turn ? Piece.WHITE_TEAM : Piece.BLACK_TEAM, row, column);
if (selected != null) {
possibleMovements = new ArrayList<>();
possibleMovements.addAll(((GenericPiece) selected).getMoves(board, false));
// Checking the movements
board.checkPossibleMovements(selected, possibleMovements);
if (possibleMovements.size() == 0) {
possibleMovements = null;
selected = null;
return false;
} else {
return true;
return false;
And the following method will handle the 3rd moment (when animation finishes):
public void movedPiece(Piece piece) {, "movedPiece(" + piece.getType() + ")");
// Killing the enemy
Piece killed = board.getSelectedNotInTeam(piece.getTeam(),
piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn());
if (killed != null) {
// Checking hacks
GenericPiece[] threat = board.kingIsInDanger();
if (threat != null) {
checkType = board.hasAvailableMoves(threat[0].getTeam()) ? CHECK : CHECK_MATE;
} else {
checkType = NO_CHECK;
// Checking castling
if (piece.getFigure() == Piece.ROOK && ((GenericPiece) piece).getMovesCount() == 1) {
Piece king = board.getSelected(piece.getTeam(),
piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn() + 1);
if (king != null && king.getFigure() == Piece.KING && ((GenericPiece) king).getMovesCount() == 0) {
// Left Rook
if (board.getSelected(piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn() - 1) == null) {
king.moveTo(piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn() - 1);
} else {
king = board.getSelected(piece.getTeam(),
piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn() - 1);
if (king != null && king.getFigure() == Piece.KING && ((GenericPiece) king).getMovesCount() == 0) {
// Right Rook
if (board.getSelected(piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn() + 1) == null) {
king.moveTo(piece.getRow(), piece.getColumn() + 1);
// Conquest
else if (piece.getFigure() == Piece.PAWN && (piece.getRow() == 0 || piece.getRow() == board.getRows() - 1)) {
conquest = (GenericPiece) piece;
checkType = CONQUEST;
That code covers all the rules from the classic chess, including: regular piece movements, castling, check, check-mate and conquests of pawns.