Invalid Read of Size 4? - valgrind

I'm running valgrind on a program, and while the program executes just fine, valgrind reports this:
==6542== Invalid read of size 4
==6542== at 0x8049C6F: Table::removeWebsite(Table&) (Table.cpp:146)
==6542== by 0x8049768: main (app.cpp:140)
==6542== Address 0x43f87d4 is 4 bytes inside a block of size 8 free'd
==6542== at 0x402B528: operator delete(void*) (in /usr/lib64/valgrind/
==6542== by 0x8049BB0: Table::removeWebsite(Table&) (Table.cpp:124)
==6542== by 0x8049768: main (app.cpp:140)
I'm not entirely sure what is wrong. Here is the code that valgrind is pointing to...
bool Table::removeWebsite(Table& parm)
bool flag = false; //flag to show if an item is removed or not
int OriTableSize = currCapacity;
for (int index = 0; index < OriTableSize; index++) //search through array list, starting at index
Node *current = parm.aTable[index];
Node *prev = nullptr;
while (current != nullptr) //search through linked lists at array[index]
if (current->data->getRating() == 1) //search ratings for 1
if (prev == nullptr) //if current is the start of the list
if (current->next == nullptr) //if current is the only item in this list
delete current;
parm.aTable[index] = nullptr;
flag = true;
parm.aTable[index] = current->next; //point to the next item in list
delete current;
flag = true;
else //reset prev->next pointer to skip current
prev->next = current->next;
delete current;
flag = true;
prev = current;
current = current->next; //go to next position in linked list
if (flag == true)//at least one item was removed
return true;
return false;
That "delete current" points to a Node, which has:
struct Node
Node(const SavedWebsites& parm)
data = new SavedWebsites(parm);
next = nullptr;
delete data;
next = nullptr;
SavedWebsites *data;
Node *next;
and the data in SavedWebsites has the destructor:
//Default Destructor
if (this->topic)
delete [] this->topic;
this->topic = nullptr;
if (this->website)
delete [] this->website;
this->website = nullptr;
if (this->summary)
delete [] this->summary;
this->summary = nullptr;
if (this->review)
delete [] this->review;
this->review = nullptr;
rating = 0;
*note the items "topic" "website" "summary" and "review" are all created with
... = new char[strlen(topic)+1] //(We have to use Cstrings)
I'm fairly new to all of this, so any ideas of what may be causing this valgrind invalid read?

You did not indicate which line corresponds to Table.cpp:146, but based on the Valgrind output, it looks like the allocation in question represents a Node instance because the size of 8 bytes matches (assuming a 32-bit system). The invalid read is triggered by the offset 4 of that instance and a size of 4, so this must correspond to the member next.
current = current->next; //go to next position in linked list
In case of a delete in the iteration, you access the deleted node current afterwards. You also initialize prev based on the invalid pointer, so the next pointer of the last valid node will not be updated correctly in case of deletes.
Your code seems to work fine (but is not) because its behavior depends on the allocator in use and other allocations. If the allocator were to fill the freed memory with a pattern or if that memory was reused immediately and written to, you'd see a segmentation fault.
To address this issue, I'd defer the delete. Before the next iteration, you can then either read the next node and delete the original current or update prev and read the next node.
bool del = false;
if (current->data->getRating() == 1) //search ratings for 1
if (prev == nullptr) //if current is the start of the list
if (current->next == nullptr) //if current is the only item in this list
parm.aTable[index] = nullptr;
parm.aTable[index] = current->next; //point to the next item in list
del = true;
flag = true;
else //reset prev->next pointer to skip current
prev->next = current->next;
del = true
flag = true;
if (del)
Node *deletenode = current;
current = current->next;
delete deletenode;
prev = current;
current = current->next; //go to next position in linked list


Pset5 (Speller) Weird Valgrind memory errors, no leaks

I have read other threads on pset5 Valgrind memory errors, but that didn't help me. I get 0 leaks, but this instead:
==1917== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
Looks like you're trying to use a variable that might not have a value? Take a closer look at line 34 of dictionary.c.
The error refers to line 34 which is this: lower[i] = tolower(word[i]);
To supply context, the code below attempts to check if a word exists in the dictionary that has been uploaded to a hash table. I am attempting to convert the wanted word to lowercase because all the dictionary words are also lowercase and so that their hashes would be identical. The program successfully completes all tasks, but then stumbles upon these memory errors.
Any hints as to why Valgrind is mad at me? Thank you!
// Returns true if word is in dictionary else false
bool check(const char *word)
char lower[LENGTH + 1];
//Converts word to lower so the hashes of the dictionary entry and searched word would match
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH + 1; i++)
lower[i] = tolower(word[i]);
// Creates node from the given bucket
node *tmp = table[hash(lower)];
// Traverses the linked list
while (tmp != NULL)
if (strcasecmp(word, tmp->word) == 0)
return true;
tmp = tmp->next;
return false;
Below is the whole dictionary.c file:
// Implements a dictionary's functionality
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "dictionary.h"
// Represents a node in a hash table
typedef struct node
char word[LENGTH + 1];
struct node *next;
// Number of buckets in hash table 26^3
const unsigned int N = 17576;
// Hash table
node *table[N];
int count = 0;
// Returns true if word is in dictionary else false
bool check(const char *word)
char lower[LENGTH + 1];
//Converts word to lower so the hashes of the dictionary entry and searched word would match
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH + 1; i++)
lower[i] = tolower(word[i]);
// Creates node from the given bucket
node *tmp = table[hash(lower)];
// Traverses the linked list
while (tmp != NULL)
if (strcasecmp(word, tmp->word) == 0)
return true;
tmp = tmp->next;
return false;
// Hashes word to a number
unsigned int hash(const char *word)
// Modified hash function by Dan Berstein taken from
unsigned int hash = 5381;
int c;
while ((c = *word++))
hash = (((hash << 5) + hash) + c) % N; /* hash * 33 + c */
return hash;
// Loads dictionary into memory, returning true if successful else false
bool load(const char *dictionary)
FILE *inptr = fopen(dictionary, "r");
if (dictionary == NULL)
printf("Could not load %s\n.", dictionary);
return false;
// Create a char array to temporarily hold the new word (r stands for read)
char r_word[N+1];
// Until the end of file
while (fscanf(inptr, "%s", r_word) != EOF)
// Increments count
// Create a node
node *new_node = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (new_node == NULL)
return false;
strcpy(new_node->word, r_word);
// Hash the node
int index = hash(new_node->word);
// Places the node at the right index
new_node->next = table[index];
table[index] = new_node;
return true;
// Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded else 0 if not yet loaded
unsigned int size(void)
if (&load == false)
return '0';
return count;
// Unloads dictionary from memory, returning true if successful else false
bool unload(void)
// Interates over the array
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
node *head = table[i];
while (head != NULL)
node *tmp = head;
head = head->next;
return true;
This loop iterates through the maximum length of word-
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH + 1; i++)
lower[i] = tolower(word[i]);
Except if you look at how word is created-
while (fscanf(inptr, "%s", r_word) != EOF)
// Increments count
// Create a node
node *new_node = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (new_node == NULL)
return false;
strcpy(new_node->word, r_word);
Notice, the variable r_word, may not be exactly of length LENGTH + 1. So what you really have in word is N number of characters, where N is not necessarily LENGTH + 1, it could be less.
So looping over the entire 0 -> LENGTH + 1 becomes problematic for words that are shorter than LENGTH + 1. You're going over array slots that do not have a value, they have garbage values.
What's the solution? This is precisely why c strings have \0-
for (int i = 0; word[i] != '\0'; i++)
lower[i] = tolower(word[i]);
This will stop the loop as soon as the NULL character is reached, which, you must have already learnt, marks the end of a string - aka a char array.
There may still be more errors in your code. But for your particular question - reading out of bounds is the answer.

Use Cecil to insert begin/end block around functions

this simple code works fine and allows to add a BeginSample/EndSample call around each Update/LateUpdate/FixedUpdate function. However it doesn't take in consideration early return instructions, for example as result of a condition. Do you know how to write a similar function that take in considerations early returns so that the EndSample call will be executed under every circumstance?
Note that I am not a Cecil expert, I am just learning now. It appears to me that Cecil automatically updates the operations that returns early after calling InsertBefore and similar functions. So if a BR opcode was previously jumping to a specific instruction address, the address will be updated after the insertions in order to jump to the original instruction. This is OK in most of the cases, but in my case it means that an if statement would skip the last inserted operation as the BR operation would still point directly to the final Ret instruction. Note that Update, LateUpdate and FixedUpdate are all void functions.
foreach (var method in type.Methods)
if ((method.Name == "Update" || method.Name == "LateUpdate" || method.Name == "FixedUpdate") &&
method.HasParameters == false)
var beginMethod =
module.ImportReference(typeof (Profiler).GetMethod("BeginSample",
new[] {typeof (string)}));
var endMethod =
module.ImportReference(typeof (Profiler).GetMethod("EndSample",
BindingFlags.Static |
Debug.Log(method.Name + " method found in class: " + type.Name);
var ilProcessor = method.Body.GetILProcessor();
var first = method.Body.Instructions[0];
type.FullName + "." + method.Name));
ilProcessor.InsertBefore(first, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, beginMethod));
var lastRet = method.Body.Instructions[method.Body.Instructions.Count - 1];
ilProcessor.InsertBefore(lastRet, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, endMethod));
changed = true;
as a Bonus, if you can explain to me the difference between Emit and Append a newly created instruction with the same operand. does Append execute an Emit under the hood or does something more?
I may have found the solution, at least apparently it works. I followed the code used to solve a similar problem from here:!msg/mono-cecil/nE6JBjvEFCQ/MqV6tgDCB4AJ
I adapted it for my purposes and it seemed to work, although I may find out other issues. This is the complete code:
static bool ProcessAssembly(AssemblyDefinition assembly)
var changed = false;
var moduleG = assembly.MainModule;
var attributeConstructor =
var attribute = new CustomAttribute(attributeConstructor);
var ramjet = moduleG.ImportReference(typeof(RamjetProfilerPostProcessedAssemblyAttribute));
if (assembly.HasCustomAttributes)
var attributes = assembly.CustomAttributes;
foreach (var attr in attributes)
if (attr.AttributeType.FullName == ramjet.FullName)
Debug.LogWarning("<color=yellow>Skipping already-patched assembly:</color> " + assembly.Name);
return false;
foreach (var module in assembly.Modules)
foreach (var type in module.Types)
// Skip any classes related to the RamjetProfiler
if (type.Name.Contains("AssemblyPostProcessor") || type.Name.Contains("RamjetProfiler"))
// Todo: use actual type equals, not string matching
Debug.Log("Skipping self class : " + type.Name);
if (type.BaseType != null && type.BaseType.FullName.Contains("UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour"))
foreach (var method in type.Methods)
if ((method.Name == "Update" || method.Name == "LateUpdate" || method.Name == "FixedUpdate") &&
method.HasParameters == false)
var beginMethod =
new[] { typeof(string) }));
var endMethod =
BindingFlags.Static |
Debug.Log(method.Name + " method found in class: " + type.Name);
var ilProcessor = method.Body.GetILProcessor();
var first = method.Body.Instructions[0];
type.FullName + "." + method.Name));
ilProcessor.InsertBefore(first, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, beginMethod));
var lastcall = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, endMethod);
FixReturns(method, lastcall);
changed = true;
return changed;
static void FixReturns(MethodDefinition med, Instruction lastcall)
MethodBody body = med.Body;
var instructions = body.Instructions;
Instruction formallyLastInstruction = instructions[instructions.Count - 1];
Instruction lastLeaveInstruction = null;
var lastRet = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ret);
for (var index = 0; index < instructions.Count - 1; index++)
var instruction = instructions[index];
if (instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ret)
Instruction leaveInstruction = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Leave, lastcall);
if (instruction == formallyLastInstruction)
lastLeaveInstruction = leaveInstruction;
instructions[index] = leaveInstruction;
FixBranchTargets(lastLeaveInstruction, formallyLastInstruction, body);
private static void FixBranchTargets(
Instruction lastLeaveInstruction,
Instruction formallyLastRetInstruction,
MethodBody body)
for (var index = 0; index < body.Instructions.Count - 2; index++)
var instruction = body.Instructions[index];
if (instruction.Operand != null && instruction.Operand == formallyLastRetInstruction)
instruction.Operand = lastLeaveInstruction;
basically what it does is to add a Ret instuction, but then replace all the previous Ret (usually one, why should it be more than one?) with a Leave function (don't even know what it means :) ), so that all the previous jumps remain valid. Differently than the original code, I make the Leave instruction point to the EndSample call before the last Ret

removing last node linked list in objective -c

I am trying to implement a removeLast function for a linked list in objective-c. My add function property works well because I can see the node I created, but when I try to remove a node it does not work. I have tried looking up general solutions for this, but have not come up with anything. Is there something special with objective-c that I should take a look at?
-(void) removeLast{
Node *newNode = [[Node alloc]init];
Node *tail = [[Node alloc]init];
if (self.head == NULL){
NSLog(#"No items to remove");
newNode = self.head;
tail= self.head;
while (tail != NULL) {
tail =;
if (tail != NULL){
newNode = tail;
} = NULL;
I believe you've overcomplicated the algorithm. You don't need to keep a reference to the previous link if you always look one step ahead:
- (void) removeLast {
if (self.head == NULL) {
NSLog(#"Empty list");
} else if ( == NULL) {
self.head = NULL;
} else {
Node* current = self.head;
while ( != NULL)
current =; = NULL;
This iterates through until it reaches the next-to-last node when will be null. Then it makes that the last node.

How to access Topic name from pdfs using poppler?

I am using poppler, and I want to access topic or headings of a particular page number using poppler, so please tell me how to do this using poppler.
Using the glib API. Don't know which API you want.
I'm pretty sure there is no topic/heading stored with a particular page.
You have to walk the index, if there is one.
Walk the index with backtracking. If you are lucky, each index node contains a PopplerActionGotoDest (check type!).
You can grab the title from the PopplerAction object (gchar *title) and get the page number from the included PopplerDest (int page_num).
page_num should be the first page of the section.
Assuming your PDF has an index containing PopplerActionGotoDest objects.
Then you simply walk it, checking for the page_num.
If page_num > searched_num, go back one step.
When you are at the correct parent, walk the childs. This should give you the best match.
I just made some code for it:
gchar* getTitle(PopplerIndexIter *iter, int num, PopplerIndexIter *last,PopplerDocument *doc)
int cur_num = 0;
int next;
PopplerAction * action;
PopplerDest * dest;
gchar * title = NULL;
PopplerIndexIter * last_tmp;
action = poppler_index_iter_get_action(iter);
if (action->type != POPPLER_ACTION_GOTO_DEST) {
printf("No GOTO_DEST!\n");
return NULL;
//get page number of current node
if (action->goto_dest.dest->type == POPPLER_DEST_NAMED) {
dest = poppler_document_find_dest (doc, action->goto_dest.dest->named_dest);
cur_num = dest->page_num;
} else {
cur_num = action->goto_dest.dest->page_num;
//printf("cur_num: %d, %d\n",cur_num,num);
//free action, as we don't need it anymore
//are there nodes following this one?
last_tmp = poppler_index_iter_copy(iter);
next = poppler_index_iter_next (iter);
if (!next || cur_num > num) {
if ((!next && cur_num < num) || cur_num == num) {
//descend current node
if (last) {
last = last_tmp;
//descend last node (backtracking)
if (last) {
/* Get the the action and do something with it */
PopplerIndexIter *child = poppler_index_iter_get_child (last);
gchar * tmp = NULL;
if (child) {
tmp = getTitle(child,num,last,doc);
poppler_index_iter_free (child);
} else {
action = poppler_index_iter_get_action(last);
if (action->type != POPPLER_ACTION_GOTO_DEST) {
tmp = NULL;
} else {
tmp = g_strdup (action->any.title);
poppler_index_iter_free (last);
return tmp;
} else {
return NULL;
if (cur_num > num || (next && cur_num != 0)) {
// free last index_iter
if (last) {
last = last_tmp;
while (next);
return NULL;
getTitle gets called by:
for (i = 0; i < num_pages; i++) {
iter = poppler_index_iter_new (document);
title = getTitle(iter,i,NULL,document);
poppler_index_iter_free (iter);
if (title) {
printf("title of %d: %s\n",i, title);
} else {
printf("%d: no title\n",i);

ExtJS TreeStore update event fire instead of create

I am using tree.Panel with TreeStore when I call
ExtJS fire event called sample store proxy: update url instead of create url what could I have done wrong?
What exact version of ExtJS4 do you use?
In my situation, with ext-4.0.7-gpl, I debugged a bit a found out that appendChild method creates a node from and object and then performs some update operations concerning the node's position in the tree, like setting next sibling, parent etc., see [1].
When syncing, the store uses getUpdatedRecords and getNewRecords [2] methods to determine which operation to run. update or create. Somehow, our appended children turn out to be updated, not created.
Note that the method doesn't check whether the children of a parent node was loaded, just pushes the new node into an empty childNodes array; after all these operations end, other children of a parent node are never shown in the tree; and if the update operation caused the serverside generation of new id, the code breaks on the line original = me.tree.getNodeById(record.getId()); - there is no such node with the old id generated on client side..
Simply put, I think it's a bug.
Add: ExtJS 4.1 beta 2 doesn't work better for me
Update with temp solution: I hacked a bit and think I solved the issue by overriding the appendChild method of NodeInterface like below (just to set phantom property so that the record becomes created, not updated).
Please note:
1) You should include your appendChild call in the NodeInterface expand method callback, or the bug with pushing to the empty childNodes will remain: the new node will appear somewhere in the wrong place;
2) I had to override updateIndexes of the AbstractView as well, try not to do this and maybe you'll find out why;
3) there are some issues when the store tries to delete our newly created node the next time it syncs - couldn't trace it yet;
0) I am no way ExtJS or even JS guru, so feel free to correct this hack) =; = function(){
var ret =, arguments);
ret.appendChild = function(node, suppressEvents, suppressNodeUpdate) {
var me = this,
i, ln,
if (Ext.isArray(node)) {
for (i = 0, ln = node.length; i < ln; i++) {
} else {
node = me.createNode(node);
if (suppressEvents !== true && me.fireEvent("beforeappend", me, node) === false) {
return false;
index = me.childNodes.length;
oldParent = node.parentNode;
if (oldParent) {
if (suppressEvents !== true && node.fireEvent("beforemove", node, oldParent, me, index) === false) {
return false;
oldParent.removeChild(node, null, false, true);
node.phantom = true;
index = me.childNodes.length;
if (index === 0) {
node.parentNode = me;
node.nextSibling = null;
ps = me.childNodes[index - 1];
if (ps) {
node.previousSibling = ps;
ps.nextSibling = node;
} else {
node.previousSibling = null;
//console.log('appendChild was called');
// I don't know what this code mean even given the comment
// in ExtJS native source, commented out
// As soon as we append a child to this node, we are loaded
//if (!me.isLoaded()) {
// me.set('loaded', true);
// If this node didnt have any childnodes before, update myself
//if (me.childNodes.length === 1) {
// me.set('loaded', me.isLoaded());
if (suppressEvents !== true) {
me.fireEvent("append", me, node, index);
if (oldParent) {
node.fireEvent("move", node, oldParent, me, index);
return node;
return ret;
this is my code to add a node by values taken from a form domainForm. The form opens by clicking an icon in an actioncolumn of our tree grid:
var node =;
node.expand(false, function(){
var newDomain = domainForm.getValues();
newDomain.parent = {id:}; // i don't know whether you'll need this
var newNode = node.appendChild(newDomain);;
and updateIndexes overrider:
Ext.override(Ext.view.AbstractView, {
updateIndexes : function(startIndex, endIndex) {
var ns = this.all.elements,
records =,
startIndex = startIndex || 0;
endIndex = endIndex || ((endIndex === 0) ? 0 : (ns.length < records.length?(ns.length - 1):records.length-1) );
for(i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++){
ns[i].viewIndex = i;
ns[i].viewRecordId = records[i].internalId;
if (!ns[i].boundView) {
ns[i].boundView =;
Had the same issue, an update to ext-4.1.0-beta-2 fixed it.
The reason might be wrong format of data that comes from the server in response to your request.
Syncronization doesn't happen. Pass 'success' key with the value of TRUE in the server response.
Hmm ... try this ...
beforeitemexpand(node, eOpts){
if ( return false