Create a Kivy based GoogleCloudMessaging client - google-play-services

I am trying to create a kivy-based GoogleCloudMessaging client.
Comparing the permissions given to the app in google example client, to those in the AndroidManifest.xml generated by buildozer for me, I have seen that mine does not have the line.
<permission android:name="com.example.gcm.permission.C2D_MESSAGE"
android:protectionLevel="signature" />
It does however include the line:
<uses-permission android:name="com.example.gcm.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" />
where, of course, com.example.gcm is replaced with the contents of from my buildozer spec.
Can anyone tell me...
1) What does the line that is missing from my AndroidManifest.xml do?
2) How do I best add it? The AndroidManifest.xml file is regenerated each time I build, right, so how would I make custom changes to it so that they don't get over written?

It's an attribute of the permission.
A permission that the system grants only if the requesting application
is signed with the same certificate as the application that declared
the permission. If the certificates match, the system automatically
grants the permission without notifying the user or asking for the
user's explicit approval.
It's not required - the default is "normal" and should work for you. It's not included on Google's example setup for GCM either.


Intent filter for: BrowserTabActivity is missing. Please make sure you have the following activity in your AndroidManifest.xml

I have been trying to integrate Microsoft Azure AD B2C Authentication in my react native. For this purpose, I have been using react-native-msal library. I have done all the configurations for it and followed every step from the documentation but I am getting this error:
Intent filter for: BrowserTabActivity is missing. Please make sure you have the following activity in your AndroidManifest.xml
<activity android:name="">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
android:scheme="msauth" />
This issue is already open on github. I have tried running different solutions including restarting the server, removed cache, clean the build folder but nothing worked. I also assured that I copied the same browsertabactivity into my AndroidManifest.xml.
You manifest seems to be ok.
Check if these can narrow down the issue:
Ask the user who is authenticating to enable a browser on their device. Recommend a browser that supports custom tabs.See if ParentActivity is required in msal exception for Android to support browsers similar to this.
Please make sure the package name is correct . The package name is used for unique identification for your application.
Ex: com.companyname.applicationname
Try to moving to latest msal versions to reduce the run time exceptions or atleast gives msal exceptions .
Please make sure the redirect_uri is registered in the app configuration(msal_config.json), and also in AndroidManifest.xml to support redirection during the authorization code grant flow.
Make sure the hash signature generated is url encoded when added in redirect uri.
The format of the redirect URI is: msauth://<yourpackagename>/<base64urlencodedsignature>.
Also check if you have given the authority properly MSAL Android
Check "authorization_user_agent" value ,if it needs to be changed
If everything is configured correctly, it may be a conflict with the device you are using and we may not be sure of which device msal package is compatible .So try with latest version.
Please see msal android tested browsers
You can see some troubleshooting configurations here for Xamarin
Also check this

Podio authentication read permission

I would like to use server-side flow to get read access to user's spaces.
Here is my login URL
But Podio asking me full permission.
I tried different options
The scope argument is currently in Beta only and therefore not available for everybody. We still have some work to do on the granular authentication project before we are able to release it to public.

Manage permissions for quintagroup seoptimizer

I have added the SEOptimizer add-on to my site, and need to restrict who can access the SEO tab. I'm not sure how to manage permissions for this.
Default add-on permission use the "Modify portal content" permission, so users able to edit the content will see the tab:
You can change this behavior by changing the permission related to this action and the permission in the ZCML:
Change the permission used by the action is simple (you can do it also TTW accessing ZMI and portal_action tool).
Changing the ZCML permission needs a registration of a new ZCML that will override the old registration: See
You probably need to register a new permission, to be given to your "SEO" role.
BTW: this can be a really good change for the original product too: think about open an issue.

BE custom authenticator not being invoked on WSO2 GS

Our requirement is to have email id as the username for the login. We used the blogger post found at this link. We built the business logic in the customauthenticator class file, and just deployed the BE authentication piece. We used the dropins folder as suggested and modified the authenitcators.xml file in the conf/advanced directory.
We tried with both disabled=true and disabled=false, and lower and higher priorities. There was simply no change. It didn't appear that the jar file was being picked up. Is there any other configuration that we are missing in order to get the custom authentication activated? Any pointers will be helpful.
You do not have to write a custom authenticator for your requirement.
If you enable JDBCUserStoreManager in user-mgt.xml and make the following property to true, then email id will be used as username.
Property name="IsEmailUserName"

Dropbox API help

I have downloaded the Objective-C api from here (the one on their site is for iOS) however I am getting an "Invalid signature. Expected signature base string:" error when I try to upload a file. I can login just fine, but it's just uploading that doesn't work. From looking around it seems to be an oauth problem. How can I fix it or where is there a wrapper that works with osx out of the box?
The DropboxSDK repository you referred to looks old. You should get the release SDK from
I had the same issue.
Login is fine, but upload generated invalid signature error.
I was calling:
[self.restClient uploadFile:filename toPath:nil fromPath:fromPath];
In my case I have to always specify toPath(#"") attribute even if I specify root directory.