Performing animation in UI5 - css-animations

I am trying to animate an image(id is register1) in ui5. I have tried using using the animate feature of jQuery. But it does not seem to work.
var a = this.getView().byId("register1");
a.animate.css({opacity: 0.0, visibility: "visible"}).animate({opacity: 1.0});
a.animate.css({opacity: 1.0, visibility: "visible"}).animate({opacity: 0.0});

the function 'byId' does not give you a jQuery-object, which is required to use 'animate'
try to use
var $a = $(this.getView().byId("register1").getDomRef());
$a.animate.css({opacity: 0.0, visibility: "visible"}).animate({opacity: 1.0});
$a.animate.css({opacity: 1.0, visibility: "visible"}).animate({opacity: 0.0});

As herrlock wrote, but instead of getDomRef() and then getting the jQuery object of it, you can also use the $() function, which is available on all UI5 controls.
And assuming the code is inside a Controller (the this.getView() hints at this), you can also use this.byId().
So instead of
it is:
Not much different, but a bit less cryptic. :-)
If this does not work, make sure that the HTML element does exist at the time when this code is executed!


Vue Antd Can't change ant-input-suffix style

I would like to change the style of the clear input icon, but can not change it.
<a-input placeholder="Basic usage" allowClear />
In my css, I use the classname ant-input-suffix and write
background-color: #ffa;
Classname ant-input-clear-icon doesn't work either.
What can I do to change it?
What you are running to is probably a specificity (what is specificity in css) problem.
To fix your problem (if it is specificity) you can do:
span.ant-input-suffix {
background-color: #ffa;
To better target your elements we would need to see more HTML before giving a concrete answer

GSAP and ScrollMagic: Padding top and pin spacer

I am using GSAP v3 with ScrollMagic v2.0.7.
The problem I face is that after the animations are finished and I scroll up (reverse: false), it correctly registers that I don't want to execute the animations again on reverse, but it creates a padding-top equal to the duration of the scene:
const controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
const scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
triggerElement: "#responsive-divider",
duration: "100%",
triggerHook: 0,
reverse: false
In this case, the height of the element with the id of "responsive-divider" is 311px, so the class "scrollmagic-pin-spacer" gets a padding-top: 311px;
If I inspect element and remove padding-top then everything is OK.
Why is this happening? Is there a way to prevent this?
PS1: if I do not disable "reverse" then it works just fine. But in this case I don't want to get the reverse animation.
PS2: I found a way around this but I don't know if its a hack or the solution. On my timeline I used the "onComplete: removePadding", and I did the following:
function removePadding() {
document.querySelector(".scrollmagic-pin-spacer").style.paddingTop = null;
Feels a little bit hacky to me.
Thanks in advance!
Adding triggerHook: 0 resolved the problem for me!

LESSCSS: Assign a value to a property taken from another one's

In some cases is common to use same values in different properties, for example (is just an example to show purpose) the following nested rule:
The idea is that to vertically center button text line-height and height should be equal.
Is there a way in LESS to "assign a value taken from a diffent property"?
I know that I should use a LESS #variable but in this case is not the same thing and need extra code. Instead should very interesting and useful if I should edit only button's height and then LESS will replaced the same value to line-height
Another example could be the following:
In which "hover" status should invert color and background-color comparing to default state.
This is possible starting with v3 of LESS! Here is the documentation on it.
The example use case they provide ends up with the background-color getting the same value as the color property when compiled:
.widget {
color: #efefef;
background-color: $color;
You can´t :(. What i usually do is:
#buttom-height = 100px;
#a-link-height: #buttom-height;
and use that variables in your less declarations. Its a dummy example, i know, but imagine calculated data values from other variables or complex dependencies, proportional paddings/margins... that´s the way i learnt from Bootstrap LESS code.

Supersized Slideshow below Header

I'm using the supersized jquery plugin in order to display a fullscreen background slideshow.
Look at this website (it's not my own but I'm using the same structure):
As you can see (for example if you give the header some opacity) the images begin at the top of the body.
But I want them to begin below the header (so that the header doesn't cover the top of the image).
If you give the supersized LIs for example top: 100px; the whole image moves down so that the bottom of the image disappears below my footer.
So that's not the solution I want.
So all in all which I need is the image to stretch to the biggest size it can, while still being inside the window not stretching over the top 100px nor bottom.
How can I do this?
Sorry, my English is not the best...
I found this solution but I don't know how to implement it:
You can use the solution offered in the question you refered to as a starting point. Just place it right below the $.supersized() inside your document ready function.
Since you want a top offset, we have to modify the top value aswell. I modified the snipped to suit your needs:
var portfolioSize = function() {
var headerOffset = 100;
height: $(window).height() - headerOffset,
top: headerOffset + 'px'
$(window).resize(function() { portfolioSize(); });
I changed the $(window).load Event to a direct call, since we place the code inside the document ready function.
Don't forget to modify the CSS for positioning as mentioned in the other answer (

Dojo (Dijit) bordercontainer does not show correctly (programatically)

I tried to do a layout using dijit in dojo (1.7.2), but the result did not looks like the way I intended.
My first attempted is trying a declarative style from some example (here, which worked fine. Then I tried to convert it to programatic style (here ), but it only showed the layout that created last.
Did I do misunderstanding how the dijit's layout works or just some minimal overlook here ?
You must add CSS styles:
html, body {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
and for BorderContainer:
style="height:100%; width:100%"
EDIT: ok I got it. I guess I cannot use new ContentPane but instead, new dijit.layout.ContentPane (So here the finalize version The weird, "show only last layout" cause by my weird CSS stuff.
One thing that puzzled me is that why new ContentPane did not work ? As far as I recall, some example did like this
require(["dijit/layout/BorderContainer", "dijit/layout/TabContainer",
"dijit/layout/ContentPane"], function(BorderContainer) {new BorderContainer //STUFF//}
I see the problem here..
In your pastebin code you are missing do declare the function paramter like the below example...
Your modified code:
require(["dijit/layout/BorderContainer", "dijit/layout/TabContainer",
"dijit/layout/ContentPane"], function(BorderContainer, TabContainer, ContentPane ) {
var appLayout = new BorderContainer({"design": "headline"}, 'appLayout');
Also the order of the require paramters should match inside the function parameters also ..
Waseem Ahmed V