How to use Command Grep inside a script - variables

I'm using this inside a script:
VAR=$(grep -c mac myfile.tmp)
echo $VAR
the result is 0 when I run the script. But if I run the command in command line it returns the real value that is 1.
Anyone know what the problem is?


Executing BTEQ file via shell script (BTEQ: Command not found error)

I'm trying to set up an environment to execute BTEQ script via shell script in the local machine. On running the shell script I'm getting an error of BTEQ: Command not found. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I've created a separate .tdlogon file which contains .LOGON credentials. BTEQ script is a simple create table statement that I'm trying to execute.
My .tdlogon file is something like
.logon servername/uname,pwd
I'm calling the file like this
echo -e 'Starting the script'>> ${log_path}/test_log.log
cat ${server_path}/.tdlogon ${server_path}/code/temp_query.btq | bteq >> ${log_path}/test_log.log 2>&1
if [ ${rtn_code} -ne 0 ] ; then
echo -e 'Script completed successfully'>> ${log_path}/test_log.log
exit 0
echo -e 'Error in the script'>> ${log_path}/test_log.log
exit 1
On executing the above code I'm getting below error in the log file
line 10: bteq: command not found
Appreciate any guidance related to this.
Seems like your Linux is not pointing to the bteq path. Update the bteq path:
export PATH=/usr/bin/bteq:$PATH
And, in some cases, there will be bteq32 instead of bteq in that case set path as:
export PATH=/usr/bin/bteq32:$PATH

Exit code from docker-compose breaking while loop

I've got case: there's WordPress project where I'm supposed to create a script for updating plugins and commit source changes to the separated branch. While doing this I had run into a strange issue.
Input variable:
What I wanted to do was iterating over each line of this variable
while read -r line; do
echo $line
done <<< "$variable"
and this piece of code worked perfectly fine, but when I have added docker-compose logic everything started to act weirdly
while read -r line; do
docker-compose run backend echo $line
done <<< "$variable"
now only one line was executed and after this script exited with 0 and stopped iterating. I have found workaround with:
echo $variable > file.tmp
for line in $(cat file.tmp); do
docker-compose run backend echo $line
and that works perfectly fine and it iterates each line. Now my question is: why? ZSH and shell scripting could be a bit misterious and running in edge-cases like this one isn't anything new for me, but I'm wondering why succesfully executed script broke input stream.
The problem with this
while read -r line; do
docker-compose run backend echo $line
done <<< "$variable"
is that docker allocate pseudo-TTY. After the first execution of docker-compose run (first loop) it access to the terminal using up the next lines as input.
You have to pass -T parameter to 'docker-compose run' command in order to avoid docker allocating pseudo-TTY. Then, a working code is:
while read -r line; do
docker-compose run -T backend echo $line
done < $(variable)
The above solution is for docker version 18 and docker-compose version 1.17. For newer version the parameter -T is not working but you can try:
-d instead of -T to run container in background mode BUT no you will not see stdout in terminal.
If you have docker-compose v1.25.0, in your docker-compose.yml add the parameter stdin_open: false to the service.
I was able to solve the same problem by using a different loop :
for line in $(cat $variable)
docker-compose run backend echo $line
I ran into a nearly identical problem about a year ago, though the shell was bash (the command/problem was also slightly different, but it applied to your issue). I ended up writing the script in zsh.
I'm not certain what's going on, but it's not actually the exit code (you can confirm by running the following):
while read line; do docker-compose run backend print "$line"; print "$?"; done <<<($variable)
... which yielded ...
(I'm not at all sure where the ( came from and perhaps solving that would answer why this problem happens)
Working Script
for line in "${(f)variable}"; do
docker-compose run backend echo "$line"
The (f) flag tells zsh to split on newlines; the "${(f)variable" is in quotes so that any blank lines aren't lost. If you're going to include escap sequences that you want to not be converted to the corresponding values (something that I often need when reading file contents from a variable), make the flags (fV)

Unable to run a postgresql script from bash

I am learning the shell language. I have creating a shell script whose function is to login into the DB and run a .sql file. Following are the contents of the script -
set -x
echo "Login to postgres user for autoqa_rpt_production"
echo "Running SQL Dump - auto_qa_db_sync"
\\i auto_qa_db_sync.sql
After running the above script, I get the following error
./ 39: ./ /i: not found
Following one article, I tried reversing the slash but it didn't worked.
I don't understand why this is happening. Because when I try manually running the sql file, it works properly. Can anyone help?
set -x
echo "Login to postgres user for autoqa_rpt_production and run script"
$DB_PATH -U $POSTGRESS_USER $Auto_rpt_production$TARGET_DB -p $TARGET_PORT -f auto_qa_db_sync.sql
The lines you put in a shell script are (moreless, let's say so for now) equivalent to what you would put right to the Bash prompt (the one ending with '$' or '#' if you're a root). When you execute a script (a list of commands), one command will be run after the previous terminates.
What you wanted to do is to run the client and issue a "\i ./" comand in it.
What you did was to run the client, and after the client terminated, issue that command in Bash.
You should read about Bash pipelines - these are the way to run programs and input text inside them. Following your original idea to solving the problem, you'd write something like:
echo '\i auto_qa_db_sync.sql' | $DB_PATH -U $POSTGRESS_USER $Auto_rpt_production$TARGET_DB -p $TARGET_PORT
Hope that helps to understand.

How can I cat back exact formatting regardless of shell?

While trying to write a script, I found an interesting issue with cat today. If I do the following at the command line, everything works properly:
var=$(ssh user#server "cat /directory/")
echo $var > ~/
This works and I have a script file with all the proper formatting and can run it. However, if I do the EXACT same thing in a script:
var=$(ssh user#server "cat /directory/")
echo $var > ~/
The file is mangled with carriage returns and weird formatting.
Does anyone know why this is happening? My goal is to ultimately cat a script from a server and run it locally on my machine.
I now know that this is happening because of my invoking #!/bin/sh in my shell script. The command line works because I'm using zsh and it is preserving the formatting.
Is there a way to cat back the results regardless of the shell?
As you seem to have figured out, word splitting is off by default on zsh, but on in sh, bash, etc. You can prevent word splitting in all shells by quoting the variable:
echo "$var" > ~/
Note that echo appends a newline to its output by default, which you can suppress (on most echo implementations and builtins) with -n.

Opening multiple shells with tcsh script

Currently working with kde3.5
Here is what I would eventually like to do to help my workflow:
Have a script that:
Opens multiple konsole shells
Renames each shell
This is what I have so far:
#!/bin/tcsh -fv
set KPID =ps -ef | grep konsole | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'| tr "\n" " "
dcop konsole-$KPID konsole newSession
The dcop command works just fine in command line (substituting variable for actual pid) but when I run it through the script, it gives 'object not accessible' error. No other errors present.
I've made sure permissions are ok (777) and even added sudo with it, but no luck.
As per second part again I have it working on command line:
dcop $KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION renameSession "name"
This however only works for the active (working) shell and am not sure how to get it to do it for the others. I have not put this part in script yet as I am still working on the first part. Any suggestions would be great.
If it's a script, it doesn't need to be tcsh. see
But if you want to pass $KPID into your script, use $1 in your script argument #1), and call it with
script $KPID