I am writing an app using Xcode in that i need to find the Phone number and auto populate in text box, so far I am able to find the device name ,please suggest me away to achieve that.
As of 9th feb 2015, it is not possible using only public cocoa frameworks.
For my work i get an automated email every week with my schedule attached in the email i was wondering if it is possible using the new ios 14 shortcuts automation to automatically save the image from the email to an album named schedule in camera roll can someone tell me how i can do this.
From what I know, there is no way to do it automatically, even with the shortcuts (I could be wrong). I do know certain apps (WhatsApp), for example can do auto saving of images. If you have that application, perhaps the e-mail sender can use that medium instead of an e-mail? That will at least solve half of your issue.
As per auto grouping; if you have a Mac Laptop running Catalina, you can create a Smart Albums of the pictures you want grouped together.
I'm sure other persons will comment on this; I'm interested if others can come up with a more concise solution.
I'm new to the vb.net programming and I'm facing an annoying problem. I'm pretty sure that over the net you can find the solution, but I'm not able to probably because I don't even know the right words to be written.
My goal is to have a listview that have for each row 3 columns, the first and the last are just icons, the one in the middle contains two lines, the upper one is a label, the lower one is a progress bar.
I just did it for the mobile version of my app, and in android it is very easy, just a few XML to be done and some coding...is there something similar that can be done in vb.net?
thank you all for help
Im using a trackbar to change the current time position of the video displayed on a windows media player.
The trackbar maximum value is whatever the length (in seconds) of the video is.
So i need help with how to change the current time on a windows media player.
I am not having difficulty i just need to know how to do it.
Im not sure if there are several ways to embed windows media player into vb, so im just gonna clarify that i didnt install/download anything i just used the one that came with windows media player.
Use The currentPosition property of CtlControls.
player.Ctlcontrols.currentPosition = CDbl(10.4)
I'm making a Windows Phone application that needs a listbox that can "snap" to positions as it scrolls (just like the one in the Media Hub that shows current/future songs).
I've spent awhile looking all over google and can't find anything. Is there a native control that does it, or a third party library that contains it.
There are no built in controls that do this.
The SlideView from the Telerik RadControls can do this.
It's $99 or free if you sign up for the Nokia Premium Developer Program rather than sign up with the App Hub directly.
i have recently built my first app using phone gap and have managed to get childbrowser working to open PDF's. I was wondering if anyone knew how, or if it was even possible to add email functionality to Childbrowser. Currently, in the top right of the ChildBrowser bar, there is a button that produces a drop down with the option to open it in iBooks, SIGNificant and Dropbox, is it possible to edit this to add an email button or just add an email button straight into the UI bar?
I'm guessing that this cannot be done without using Obj-C. perhaps it will be included in later versions.