VBA - merge set number of rows in first column - vba

I have seen some VBA examples on here allowing one to merge set numbers of cells, but none exactly as I need it.
What I would like to do is go down the entire column A:A and merge every four rows, starting with cell A4. I know this involves changing the reference cell but I'm not skilled enough with the language to know how to do this without screwing up the cycle.
Here is an example of the data I would like to format. Thanks in advance for any and all help with this.

Simply set Count to the number of merged cells that you want and run the MergeColA.
Sub MergeColA()
Dim Count As Integer
Count = 10
MergeCells (Count)
End Sub
Sub MergeCells(Count As Integer)
For i = 4 To 4 * count Step (4)
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("A" & i, "A" & i + 3)
Next i
End Sub


Count Number of Rows based on Parameter. (Excel VBA)

I need to count the number of rows depending on the week and type of the data. I have the excel formula but I want to make it as a VB code yet I don't have that much idea and it is not working.
=IF(AND($N$4="All",$N$5="All"),SUM(('SD'!$I$2:$I$99538='Source'!$B6)*('SD'!$A$2:$A$99538='Source'!C$5)),IF(AND($N$4="All",$N$5<>"All"),SUM(('SD'!$I$2:$I$99538='Source'!$B6)*('SD'!$A$2:$A$99538='Source'!C$5)*('SD'!$B$2:$B$99538='Source'!$N$5)),IF(AND($N$4<>"All",$N$5="All"),SUM(('SD'!$I$2:$I$99538='Source'!$B6)*('SD'!$A$2:$A$99538='Source'!C$5)*('SD'!$K$2:$K$99538='Source'!$N$4)),IF(AND($N$4<>"All",$N$5<>"All"),SUM(('SD'!$I$2:$I$99538='Source'!$B6)*('SD'!$A$2:$A$99538='Source'!C$5)*('SD Raised'!$B$2:$B$99538='Source'!$N$5)*('SD'!$K$2:$K$1048576='Source'!$N$4))))))
I have a sheet where in all datas are captured (SD) and the second one will be the sheet(Source) where i need to count the number of rows available based on the parameter as follow; The week where data belongs and the category of the data.
This formula* does not count the data i needed to count. And if possible I want to make it as a VBA code.
This is where the counted data should go. "Weeks are changing depending on the dropdown iput (Max of 4 weeks below from the selected week)"
This image shows the data where i need to capture and count the number of category based on the weeks and category. (Sample only)
I guess, if it's the right point you're hitting DoktorOSwaldo, better use the Range().Rows.Count property rather than scrolling through allRows.
Hope this helps.
so i have to guess a bit what you want, but if you want to Count specific rows in Excel vba you can use something like this:
Dim allRows As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim count as Long
count = 0
allRows = Tabelle5.Range("A" & start_row, end_column & last_row)
For i = 1 To UBound(allRows)
If allRows(i, 1) = *category* and allRows(i,2) = *week* Then
count = count + 1
End If
To find right range, there are multiple possible solution. I use this, maybe it is not the best, but works fine for me:
Private Function last_row() As Integer
Dim rangeObj As Range
Set rangeObj = Tabelle5.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)
If rangeObj Is Nothing Then
last_row = start_row
last_row = rangeObj.row
End If
End Function
Public Function start_row() As Integer
start_row = 2
End Function

Code to compare each cell in a column to every cell in another column

I have two columns with random times and the times come from two different sources so the columns do not have the same amount of data points. I want to start with the first time in the first column and compare it to each time in the second column. If there is a match in times, I would like to pull relevant data. After a match is found (if there is one) I would like for the code to go to the second cell in the first column and compare it to every value in the second column and so on.
Here is the code I have so far:
Sub TransferInfo()
'Activate the Sub to Convert and Format Dates
Call ConvertDates
'Define Variables
Dim st As Worksheet
Dim ts As Worksheet
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim i As Integer
j = 2
'Find and set the last used row
Set st = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data Table")
lastrow = st.Cells(st.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Set ts = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ShopFloor")
'Cycle through/compare Row J, Column 18 based on each cell in Row I, Column 14
For i = 2 To lastrow
Do Until IsEmpty(ts.Cells(j, 8)) Or IsEmpty(st.Cells(j, 2))
If st.Cells(i, 14).Value = ts.Cells(j, 18).Value Then
st.Cells(i, 15).Value = ts.Cells(j, 2).Value
Exit Do
st.Cells(i, 15).Value = ""
End If
j = j + 1
j = 2
Next i
End Sub
The other sub that I call at the beginning of this sub simply rounds the times in each column to the nearest 15 minute interval to increase the likelihood of matches between the columns.
My question is: The code does not copy and paste any more information although there are times that match between the two columns. Why would the code that I have not work? Also, with larger data sets I am afraid that this the code may crash Excel and because I have a loop within a loop trying to process a lot of data a lot of times, but I don't know of a more efficient way to accomplish what I am trying to without this code.
If anyone has any insights as to why this code doesn't work I would greatly appreciate any help.
Based on your code, it looks like you just need an INDEX/MATCH formula. Use this in O2 and copy down:
No need for VBA

Fill Series, a lot of Series's?

In Excel I've got sequential box numbers in column B, and each box has a couple dozen files that need sequential-by-box place numbers in column C. The way I usually do this is to Fill Series down a selection (selected by hand) of all the cells for that box in Column C, which is fine if you've got a few boxes to do, but now I have several hundred.
[I've got a 394x290 example screenshot I was going to include to show what I mean, but since this is my first post I don't have enough rep, sorry -- link to it on g+ here.]
I thought I could put some VBA code into a macro to select the contiguous cells with the same box number, offset one column right [Offset (0, 1), yeah?], fill series those cells from 1, and go on to the next box. But I haven't had any luck finding anything similar that's been done, nor have I been able to get anything I've looked up to work for this. (Not surprising since I rarely try VBA, hopefully my question's not too noobish for this site.)
From what I can tell, you want the Plc column to fill up series starting from 1 for the same Box Num.
There may exist a fast and quick way but simple method is to go through the rows. Try below:
Sub FillUpPlc()
Dim oRng As Range, n As Long ' n used for series filling
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
n = 1
Set oRng = Range("B2")
Do Until IsEmpty(oRng)
' Increment n if it's same as cell above, otherwise reset to 1
If oRng.Value = oRng.Offset(-1, 0).Value Then
n = n + 1
n = 1
End If
oRng.Offset(0, 1).Value = n ' Store n to next column
Set oRng = oRng.Offset(1, 0) ' Move to next row
Set oRng = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
No need to break out the VBA. This can be done with a formula. Starting in C2 and copied down
Much, much faster than VBA looping through thousands of rows.

Getting a total copied set of rows in VBA and storing it in a variable

I have a fairly simple syntax question:
I'm trying to copy and paste n rows from one excel file to another. In addition, I'd like to store the total copied rows into a variable.
Can someone help me accomplish this?
For example:
Activate CSV file
Apply Filter to Column B (Page Title) & uncheck "blanks" ("<>") filter**
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$J$206").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="<>"
Copy Filtered Lines with data (Excluding Row 1)
copiedRowTotal = total *FILTERED* rows copied over from original sheet, then Test Number iterates that many times
copiedRowTotal = Selection.Rows.Count
MsgBox copiedRowTotal
An indirect way to do this is
Range("M2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
copiedRowTotal = Selection.Rows.Count
The code copies the range & does a paste special operation on a separate location.
By doing this, only filtered rows are copied to M2 & the area (where the filtered rows are pasted) is highlighted when PasteSpecial operation is done.
Doing a Selection.Rows.Count gives one, the number of filtered rows that were pasted.
After figuring out the number of filtered rows, the selection is cleared up.
I don't believe there is a way to get the visible cell count directly. I tried using the 'SpecialCells(xlSpecialCellsVisible)' function, but could not get the correct count with a filter applied. Here is a quick function I wrote that works with a filter applied.
Also be aware that sometimes a filter can mess with the selected range at times, so it's something to note.
Public Sub TestIt()
Dim visibleCount As Long
visibleCount = GetVisibleCount(Sheets(1).Range("A2:H3000"))
MsgBox visibleCount
End Sub
Public Function GetVisibleCount(rng As Range) As Long
Dim loopRow As Range
GetVisibleCount = 0
For Each loopRow In rng.Rows
If loopRow.Hidden = False Then
GetVisibleCount = GetVisibleCount + 1
End If
Next loopRow
End Function
copiedrowtotal = selection.rows.count ' its not selection.totalcells
I think this would do the trick
After seeing your update let me tell you probably these would work
dim i as long
i = Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(2,worksheets("Sheet").Range("B2:F189"))
Now i has the number of filtered rows in it! If you have included header in your range then do -1 at the end else just leave it up
argument 2 in subtotal is => counting the rows and then sheet name
and then specify range to count filtered rows
instead I would select only one column if you applied filter for many columns!
Hope it helps dont forget to accept an answer ! :

Collect numbers from a column containing empty cells using Excel VBA

I have a little problem, I occasionally bump into this kind of problem, but I haven’t found a fast solution so far.
So, imagine we have an Excel worksheet and let's suppose that we have a couple of numbers in column ’A’ with some empty cells in it. Altogether (just to make it simple) we have the first 10 cells in column 'A' to observe. For example:
(empty cell)
(empty cell)
(empty cell)
(empty cell)
(empty cell)
Now in the next step I would like to collect these numbers into another column (for example, column ’B’) using VBA. Obviously I just want to collect those cells which contain a number and I want to ignore the empty cells. So I would like to get a column something like this:
I have already written the following code, but I’m stuck at this point.
Sub collect()
For i = 1 To 10
if cells(i,1)<>"" then...
Next i
End Sub
Is there an easy way to solve this problem?
Probably the quickest and easiest way is to use Excel's Advanced Filter - the only amendment you'll need to make is it add a field name and criteria. You can even list unique items only:
The VBA equivalent is
Sub test()
With Sheet1
.Range("B1:B8").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=.Range( _
"D1:D2"), CopyToRange:=.Range("F1"), Unique:=False
End With
End Sub
You should be able to use the method in the post int the comments, but you could also use SpecialCells like Range("A:A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants,xlNumbers).Copy to get all of the filled cells.
Edit: needed constants not formulas.
This will work for any number of rows that you select. It will always output in the next column at the start of your selection e.g. if data starts in B10 it will ooutput in C10
Sub RemoveBlanks()
Dim cl As Range, cnt As Long
cnt = 0
For Each cl In Selection
If Not cl = vbNullString Then
Cells(Selection.Cells(1, 1).Row, Selection.Cells(1, 1).Column).Offset(cnt, 1) = cl
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
Next cl
End Sub
If you wish to loop manually and don't mind specifying the maximum row limit;
Dim i As long, values As long
For i = 1 To 10
If cells(i, 1).Value <> "" Then
values = (values + 1)
' // Adjacent column target
cells(values, 2).value = cells(i, 1).value
End If
Next i