Fill Series, a lot of Series's? - vba

In Excel I've got sequential box numbers in column B, and each box has a couple dozen files that need sequential-by-box place numbers in column C. The way I usually do this is to Fill Series down a selection (selected by hand) of all the cells for that box in Column C, which is fine if you've got a few boxes to do, but now I have several hundred.
[I've got a 394x290 example screenshot I was going to include to show what I mean, but since this is my first post I don't have enough rep, sorry -- link to it on g+ here.]
I thought I could put some VBA code into a macro to select the contiguous cells with the same box number, offset one column right [Offset (0, 1), yeah?], fill series those cells from 1, and go on to the next box. But I haven't had any luck finding anything similar that's been done, nor have I been able to get anything I've looked up to work for this. (Not surprising since I rarely try VBA, hopefully my question's not too noobish for this site.)

From what I can tell, you want the Plc column to fill up series starting from 1 for the same Box Num.
There may exist a fast and quick way but simple method is to go through the rows. Try below:
Sub FillUpPlc()
Dim oRng As Range, n As Long ' n used for series filling
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
n = 1
Set oRng = Range("B2")
Do Until IsEmpty(oRng)
' Increment n if it's same as cell above, otherwise reset to 1
If oRng.Value = oRng.Offset(-1, 0).Value Then
n = n + 1
n = 1
End If
oRng.Offset(0, 1).Value = n ' Store n to next column
Set oRng = oRng.Offset(1, 0) ' Move to next row
Set oRng = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

No need to break out the VBA. This can be done with a formula. Starting in C2 and copied down
Much, much faster than VBA looping through thousands of rows.


Trying to loop non-contiguous rows in a range

I am trying to write something that will loop through a range of non-contiguous rows in a table, and change column data in each row ... for example, ClearContents. The range will be dynamic, and the rows I want to loop through will all be "Selected."
I tried the following, but it stopped after the first row. I am pretty sure the problem is that the next row is non-contiguous to the first row:
For Each b In a.Rows
Next b
Then I had the bright idea to write something that works only the "selected" column cells. I tried using If ... .Value = Selected and that didn't work.
Am I trying to do something that Excel 2016 VBA can't do? That is, loop through non-contiguous rows in a range? I've been researching and tried several other things that don't work. Can you tell me if I am going down the wrong rabbit hole?
You don't have any variables in your loop.
It will just the clear the one column repeatedly in the loop. You need to somehow reference b in the loop to have a different outcome in each loop.
I tried to simplfy your code in the comments for testing purpose, but the following code should help,
Dim x As Integer
Dim myrange As Range
For x = 1 To 30
If (mainTasks.Cells(x, 2) = "completed" Or mainTasks.Cells(x, 2) = "Dismissed") And mainTasks.Cells(x, 3) <> "" Then
If myrange Is Nothing Then
Set myrange = mainTasks.Cells(x, 2)
Set myrange = Union(myrange, mainTasks.Cells(x, 2))
End If
End If
Next x
I tried it out and it works Ok given the way I set it up. Hope it helps!
You will also have to add the code to copy the data, I am clearing the contents in this one, given that was your original question
This works too (i think)
Dim selectedRange As Range
Set selectedRange = Application.Selection
For Each Row In selectedRange.Rows
Debug.Print Row.Address
Next Row

How to use variables in regular MS excel expressions

My research shows that I need to use Visual Basic. I am a programmer/developer, but have never used VB so if anyone could dumb it down it would be appreciated.
Here's my working excel function:
I want to loop a few of those numbers such that:
THEN take my answers (which will be strings, because column D are all strings, the rest of the excel file are numbers)
end goal: have 141 String arrays populated based on the data in my table.
I went ahead and made my first attempt at VBA like this:
Sub myFunc()
'Initialize Variables
Dim strings As Range, nums As Integer, answer() As Variant, listAnswers() As Variant
'set variables
strings = ("C1:C378")
nums = 141
i = 0
j = 0
ReDim Preserve answer(i)
ReDim Preserve listAnswers(j)
'answer() = {""}
'for each in nums
For counter = 0 To nums
ReDim Preserve listAnswers(0 To j)
'set each list of answers
listAnswers(i) = Join(answer(), "insertJSONcode")
j = j + 1
'for each in Stings
For Each cell In strings
If cell <> "" Then
ReDim Preserve answer(0 To i)
answer(i) = 'essentially this: (MATCH(2,E1:DP1,0),D1,FALSE)
i = i + 1
end If
next cell 'end embedded forEach
Next LCounter 'end for loop
'is this possible? or wrong syntax?
Range("A:A").Value = listAnswers() ' should print 141 arrays from A1 to A141
End Sub
Important note I do NOT need to call the sheet by Name. I've successfully written integer values to by excel sheet in column A without doing so.
Also, the VBA I wrote I was never intended to work, I know it's broken at least where answer(i) is supposed to write to something. I'm only putting that code there to show I was able to at least able to get into spitting distance of the proper logic and prove I've put some serious effort into solving the problem and give a rough starting point.
Here's an image of the excel format. Column C goes down to 378 and the numbers listed from E through DP are populated by a database. It consists of blank cells and numbers between 1 and 141.
Looking back at my if statement:
If I were to type that exactly into cell B2 it would output the correct answer "text2". which is neat and all, but I need every instance of text 2 written out, then CONCAT those results. Easy so far, I could drag that down all the way through column B and have all of my "text" strings in one column, CONCAT that column and there's the answer. However I don't just need #2, I need each number between 1 and 141. Plus I want to avoid writing 141 columns with a CONCAT on top of each one.

How to skip through selected cells in EXCEL, using VBA,

I have a VBA macro which selects several cells based on if it contains conditional formatting. These cells won't all be in the same place on each sheet.
What I am looking for is a command to skip the activecell to the next cell in the range.
The same as pressing TAB on a highlighted range
At the moment I am using sendkeys, as below, however this is messy, and keeps adding Tab spaces in the next line of the vba code (hence the "____Loop")
Do Until Recount = Count
Recount = Recount + 1
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}", True
Any advice would be appreciated
Here's how you can loop over the range:
Dim rng As Range, c As Range
Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions)
For Each c In rng
Next c
It's not clear what the aim of your code is though. What are Count and Recount?
Get a list of selected cells and loop through them
Sub loopThroughCells()
Dim r as Range
Set r = Application.Selection
For i = 0 to r.length
Next i
End Sub
Suppose three cells with values 1, 2 and 3 are selected. On running the above macro, you will get message boxes with the values 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
If you only need the command for the tab button, just use the .offset(#of rows you want to offset, #of columns you want to offset). So once you know how to locate the cells you need, which you seem to already have, then you can just put.offset(0,1) to move one cell to the right.

Manipulating Excel spreadsheet, removing rows based on values in a column and then removing more rows based on values in another column

I have a rather complicated problem.
I have a log file that when put into excel the column "I" contains event IDs, and the column J contains a custom key that keeps a particular even grouped.
All i want to do is remove any rows that do not contain the value of say 102 in the event id column.
And THEN i need to check the custom key (column J) and remove rows that are duplicates since any duplicates will falsely show other statistics i want.
I have gotten as far as being able to retrieve the values from the columns using com objects and .entirecolumn cell value etc, but I am completely stumped as to how i can piece together a solid way to remove rows. I could not figure out how to get the row for each value.
To give a bit more clarity this is my thought process on what i need to do:
If cell value in Column I does not = 102 Then delete the row that cell contains.
Repeat for all rows in spreadsheet.
Read every cell in column J and remove all rows containing duplicates based on the values in column J.
Save spreadsheet.
Can any kind persons help me?
Additional Info:
Column I holds a string that is an event id number e.g = 1029
Column J holds a string that is a mix of numbers and letters = 1ASER0X3NEX0S
Ellz, I do agree with Macro Man in that your tags are misleading and, more importantly, I did indeed need to know the details of Column J.
However, I got so sick of rude posts today and yours was polite and respectful so I've pasted some code below that will do the trick ... provided Column J can be a string (the details of which you haven't given us ... see what Macro Man's getting at?).
There are many ways to test for duplicates. One is to try and add a unique key to a collection and see if it throws an error. Many wouldn't like that philosophy but it seemed to be okay for you because it also gives you a collection of all the unique (ie remaining) keys in Column J.
Sub Delete102sAndDuplicates()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim uniques As Collection
Dim rng As Range
Dim rowPair As Range
Dim iCell As Range
Dim jCell As Range
Dim delRows As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set rng = Intersect(ws.UsedRange, ws.Range("I:J"))
Set uniques = New Collection
For Each rowPair In rng.Rows
Set iCell = rowPair.Cells(, 1)
Set jCell = rowPair.Cells(, 2)
On Error Resume Next
uniques.Add jCell.Value2, jCell.Text
If Err = 457 Or iCell.Value2 = 102 Then
On Error GoTo 0
If delRows Is Nothing Then
Set delRows = rowPair.EntireRow
Set delRows = Union(delRows, rowPair.EntireRow)
End If
End If
If Not delRows is Nothing then
MsgBox delRows.Address(False, False) & " deleted."
End If
End Sub
There are a number of ways in which this can be done, and which is best will depend on how frequently you perform this task and whether you want to have it fully automated. Since you've tagged your question with VBA I assume you'll be happy with a VBA-based answer:
Sub removeValues()
Range("I1").Select 'Start at the top of the I column
'We are going to go down the column until we hit an empty row
Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value) = True
If ActiveCell.Value <> 102 Then
ActiveCell.EntireRow.Delete 'Then delete the row
ActiveCell.Offset(1).Select 'Select the cell below
End If
'Now we have removed all non-102 values from the column, let`s remove the duplicates from the J column
Range("A:J").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=10, Header:=xlNo
End Sub
The key line there is Range("A:J").RemoveDuplicates. It will remove rows from the range you specify according to duplicates it finds in the column you specify. In that case, it will remove items from the A-J columns based on duplicates in column 10 (which is J). If your data extends beyond the J column, then you'll need to replace "A:J" with the appropriate range. Note that the Columns value is relative to the index of the first column, so while the J column is 10 when that range starts at A (1), it would be 2 for example if the range were only I:J. Does that make sense?
(Note: Using ActiveCell is not really best practice, but it's the method that most obviously translates to what you were trying to do and as it seems you're new to VBA I thought it would be the easiest to understand).

VBA - merge set number of rows in first column

I have seen some VBA examples on here allowing one to merge set numbers of cells, but none exactly as I need it.
What I would like to do is go down the entire column A:A and merge every four rows, starting with cell A4. I know this involves changing the reference cell but I'm not skilled enough with the language to know how to do this without screwing up the cycle.
Here is an example of the data I would like to format. Thanks in advance for any and all help with this.
Simply set Count to the number of merged cells that you want and run the MergeColA.
Sub MergeColA()
Dim Count As Integer
Count = 10
MergeCells (Count)
End Sub
Sub MergeCells(Count As Integer)
For i = 4 To 4 * count Step (4)
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("A" & i, "A" & i + 3)
Next i
End Sub