Middleman Blog: How do I get a count of articles? - middleman

I'm trying to return a string of the total count of items in a Middleman blog. (I'm currently using 3 on a site).
The closest I've come to getting the count is including = i in a loop, in which the results went from 0 to 34. So I know one particular blog has 35 items but I can't get that value on its own.
It feels like I should be able to do something like:
def get_articles_count(blogName)
= get_articles_count('posts')
Bonus begging: I'd love to know how I could've tracked down the answer, if possible. I'm missing something and I'd love to know where I should be looking. I've been referencing the local sitemap data http://localhost:4567/__middleman/sitemap, the MM docs, and the MM blog docs, but I can't decipher if an item in a blog is a page or an article. I only use article in my example because that's what the loops require for displaying post information.
It turns out that it's incredibly simple
= blog.articles.count

It turns out that it's so simple...
= blog.articles.count


Using an API to Extract All Comments from a Reddit Post

I am using the Reddit API (Pushshift) : https://github.com/pushshift/api
Using the documentation, I understand how I can use this to extract every comment containing the word "covid" that was left in a certain time period:
The output looks something like this:
{"data":[{"subreddit_id":"t5_2qh6p","author_is_blocked":false,"comment_type":null,"edited":false,"author_flair_type":"richtext","total_awards_received":0,"subreddit":"Conservative","author_flair_template_id":null,"id":"j98zf27","gilded":0,"archived":false,"collapsed_reason_code":null,"no_follow":false,"author":"VamboRoolOkay","send_replies":true,"parent_id":41917615743,"score":1,"author_fullname":"t2_7uxkru5f","all_awardings":[],"body":"I will never believe that election fraud wasn't a significant factor. Go ahead - call it a conspiracy theory. But I also maintained that Covid was lab-created. Truth is the Daughter of Time.","top_awarded_type":null,"author_flair_css_class":null,"author_patreon_flair":false,"collapsed":false,"author_flair_richtext":[{"e":"text","t":"Conservative"}],"is_submitter":false,"gildings":{},"collapsed_reason":null,"associated_award":null,"stickied":false,"author_premium":false,"can_gild":true,"link_id":"t3_116l7ct","unrepliable_reason":null,"author_flair_text_color":"dark","score_hidden":true,"permalink":"/r/Conservative/comments/116l7ct/kamala_harris_plans_on_running_with_biden_in_2024/j98zf27/","subreddit_type":"public","locked":false,"author_flair_text":"Conservative","treatment_tags":[],"created_utc":1676866031,"subreddit_name_prefixed":"r/Conservative","controversiality":0,"author_flair_background_color":"","collapsed_because_crowd_control":null,"distinguished":null,"retrieved_utc":1676866047,"updated_utc":1676866048,"body_sha1":"328df3784d15f77b98a84418c4ce720822227cfe","utc_datetime_str":"2023-02-20 04:07:11"}],"error":null,"metadata":{"es":{"took":98,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":828,"successful":828,"skipped":824,"failed":0},"hits":{"total":{"value":573,"relation":"eq"},"max_score":null}},"es_query":{"size":1,"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"bool":{"must":[{"simple_query_string":{"fields":["body"],"query":"covid","default_operator":"and"}},{"range":{"created_utc":{"gte":1676862433000}}},{"range":{"created_utc":{"lt":1676866033000}}}]}}]}},"aggs":{},"sort":{"created_utc":"desc"}},"es_query2":"{\"size\":1,\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"simple_query_string\":{\"fields\":[\"body\"],\"query\":\"covid\",\"default_operator\":\"and\"}},{\"range\":{\"created_utc\":{\"gte\":1676862433000}}},{\"range\":{\"created_utc\":{\"lt\":1676866033000}}}]}}]}},\"aggs\":{},\"sort\":{\"created_utc\":\"desc\"}}","api_launch_time":1673017478.254743,"api_request_start":1676873233.6143198,"api_request_end":1676873233.7406816,"api_total_time":0.12636184692382812}}
My Question: Suppose I identify a post that contains the word "covid" - now, I want to retrieve every comment on this post : Is this possible to do?
For instance, based on the output of these results, I see that :
link_id: t3_116l7ct
Can I somehow use this information to write an API query to retrieve all comments from this post?
I tried the following query but got an empty result: https://api.pushshift.io/reddit/comment/search/?link_id=t3_116cjib

Disqus API: get total forum number of comments/posts

I'm trying to get the total number of comments that have been written in a given forum.
Looking at http://disqus.com/api/docs/ I can't see anything like this. Honestly, it sounds weird.
Forum details ( http://disqus.com/api/docs/forums/details/ ) shows anything but.
Any hack/piece of code/hidden API call that would to the trick?
Thanks in advance
The best way I have found is to get the list of all the threads and then sum the number of posts for each one:
curl -0 -L "https://disqus.com/api/3.0/forums/listThreads.json?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&forum=YOUR_FORUM_NAME&limit=100"
Dont forget to iterate over different pages of results if you get a 'next' cursor (response['cursor']['next']).
See this gist for a full JavaScript example (intended to run on Google Script):

TextControl Images/Watermarks

In version 18 of TextControl (http://www.textcontrol.com) there is supposed to be the ability to add background images/watermarks to the document, however I find that the behavior of the various overloads, etc is not working correctly and that the documentation is rather scarce on examples. Does any one have a working example of adding watermarks to a Word document through the ServerTextControl object?
This functionality didn't exist in previous versions, so I recognize it's still rather new, I just find it weird that doing something like
tx.Images.Add(draftImage, pageNumber, location, ImageInsertionMode.BelowTheText);
doesn't actually add the images to the document, but if I use another overload beforehand, it adds both?
I just need a loop along the lines of
foreach (TXTextControl.Page page in pages){
var location = tx.InputPosition.Location;
var pageNumber = page.Number;
tx.Images.Add(draftImage, pageNumber, location, ImageInsertionMode.BelowTheText);
where location is supposed to be the beginning of the page.
Any help would be appreciated, this should be simple!
Thank you
Finally got a response to this on their forum, it's not a complete solution, but it works for the most part. Figured I would follow up here, so that anyone who ends up on this page would get the help I wanted.

Rails 3 - which sql query for related tags

I'm planning this feature now for a long time, and I just can't get started with it really, cause I don't know how to express it in code. Sometimes when I think I got it and know what I want, I suddenly get trapped again and everything stops making sense.
I have tags and taggings, so a has_many through relation with articles. You could call article.tags and tag.articles.
Now, each tag has their show page, basically like stackoverflow. And on this show site I want to list related tags, among others. My approach to these related tags is, that it should be those tags, which most often are tagged as well, at an article, which is tagged with the show tag. I hope this makes some sense.
Example: I'm on /tags/obama, so the related tags should be those that most often are used at articles, that include the tag obama. If I had 4 articles, and 3 of them included 'obama' and all of those 3 as well included the tag 'united_states' for example, then the most related tag to tag 'obama' would be 'united_states'. Sorry if I'm wordy..
I'm not even sure, if this is the best approach to find related tags, but this idea works fine for me. However, I can't implement it.
First I would need to fetch all articles, that include the show tag. So tag.articles. But what's the next step?
tag.articles.each do |article|
... im just getting confused at this point.
I think the best way to solve this is to have a many to many relation between tags, so a tag can have many tags. Then in the relation between two tags, you store the count of how many instances they occur together.
You could also simply create a new tag-to-tag connection each time the tags occur in the same article. This will however create some redundancy in the database.
If you do not want to introduce another table, you can get this to work the way you started, except it might be very slow with even a fairly small amount of tags. But here is how I would have done this, if you can not make a Tag-to-tag connection:
hash_storage = Hash.new(0) #0 is the default value
tag.articles.each do |article|
if article.tags.each do |t|
#we now know that this tag "t" is in the same article as our original tag
if t!=tag #we don't care if t actually the same as our original tag
#Now, this is a bit messy, but we need to sort the hash.
ordered_tags = hash_storage.map{|k,v| [v,k]}.sort.reverse.map{|a,b| b} #there might be a smarter way of doing this.
ordered_tags.each do |t|
#do whatever. the tags should now be ordered by their relative frequence of occurrance together with the initial tag.
Hope this helps :)

google analytics API, how to extract pageviews for a specific page?

Google Analytics API: how to extract pageviews for a specific page?
I tried using something like
ga:pagePath=~page.php%3fid%3d44 (page.php?id=44)
but it doesn't seem to work... I get "no results found" where I have 20 pageviews for sure
I think I found the solution
for some reason I had to include the complete path and ==
To use a partial path to match for a page in filters you should use
=# tells ga to match a substring.
What you were originally using was incorrect for this.
I think your problem is that you put the hex version of the ? and = characters into your query, which doesn't match how Analytics stores the page paths. If you change these to the normal characters it should work:
Your other solution should work as well but is a bit more inflexible in case you wanted to tweak the query to return other pages.