Xcode 6.1.1 Instruments Can Not Use Counters Template on Devices - xcode6

XCode 6.1.1 Instruments 6.1
Can use the Counters template fine on Simulator, but not on devices. Get the warning / error message:
"The current OS does not have support for your CPU"
The Red Button is greyed out and can not start the session.
Can only run Counters on the Simulator?
This is from an XCode PRODUCT / PROFILE with target as a device and not a simulator.
iPhone 4 and iPad Mini both exhibit this problem.

The current version of Xcode, currently 7.2.1 as of this writing, apparently only supports 64-bit processors when using Counters. For 64-bit, you'll need an Apple A7 or newer so the following are currently the minimum supported devices:
iPhone 5s
iPad Air
iPad Mini 2


Can't select older iOS SDK Simulator Version in Titanium Studio

I have installed the SDK's for 6.x and 7.0 in xcode and I'd like to test my app on ios6 in the simulator using titanium studio.
After poking around for some time I still can't find a way to select a different iOS version in my run configurations. As you can see, SDK's are installed and I can select them in the simulator itself, but the only way to test the app is by launching 7.0 (Titanium won't launch anything else).
Manually switching between versions and relaunching the app from titanium doesn't help either.
Looks like Titanium Studio has problem with simulator settings. Compiling project from console with titanium build -p ios will run your app on simulator with current settings. Also you can use additional flags to force different type of simulator:
--retina use the retina version of the iOS Simulator
--sim-64bit in combination with --retina flag & --tall flag, start the 64-bit tall version of the retina simulator
--tall in combination with --retina flag, start the tall version of the retina device

although ios 6.1 as base sdk xcode 5 build ipa for ios 7

i changed the base sdk for iOS 6.1 in xcode 5 .
When i simulate my project on a iOS 6.1 simulator or on a iOS 6.1 device
all works fine. But when i build a ipa and install it on a iOS 7 device
the device use the iOS 7 sdk and my hole app looks weird. I changed my base
sdk for iOS 6.1, so why use my device the iOS 7 sdk?
I read that iOS 7 use the iOS 6.1 sdk for old published apps.
What do i have to do that iOS 7 also do that for my app?
My only idea is to install xcode 4 again...
I have experienced the same problem - unfortunately only discovered AFTER submitting to the app store and the app being approved and released, causing all sorts of mayhem due to interface glitches.
The issue occurs due to a bug in XCode 5 (including in XCode 5.0.2 it seems) that is triggered when you install older SDKs.
When you have multiple SDKs installed, you will see that when you connect your device to XCode, there are multiple entries for your device, with no way to tell them apart. But it appears that the TOP entry is for the OLDEST SDK you have installed, the BOTTOM one for the NEWEST SDK.
I have found that if I first use "Test" project option to run the app on the device with the SDK I want to use (in my case the top entry, which is for iOS6.1 SDK), then that is the SDK that will subsequently be used when I archive the app.
You can have both xcode 5 and 4.6.3 installed.
Also a lot of post say that in the simulator it look iOS7 but on device it will look iOS6.1 if you set the base sdk to 6.1
Is it possible to install iOS 6 SDK on Xcode 5?
Do apple allow custom iOS 5/6 style UI for iOS7?

iOS 4.2 with XCode 4.2 - Catch 22?

I want to keep Deployment Target to 4.2, to support iPhone 3G/S, as that device cannot upgrade it's iOS to any higher. I kept my XCode in version 4.2 and the Base SDK as iOS 5.0, as the newer versions do not support older iOS's.
My app gets rejected with the message:
iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Your binary is not optimized for
iPhone 5. New iPhone apps and app updates submitted targeting iOS 6
and above must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include
a launch image with the -568h size modifier [...]
So I add the launch image Default-568h#2x.png. But then I get rejected with the following message instead:
Invalid Launch Image - Your app contains a launch image with a size
modifier that is only supported for apps built with the iOS 6.0 SDK or
It seems like a catch 22. Do I have to change my SDK, and to what? Am I doing something wrong, or can I simply not deliver to iOS 4.2 any longer?

iPhone 5.1 App using OpenCV crashes due to "nonatomic" not found

I'm developing an iOS App which targets iOS 5.1+. I'm using XCode 4.5 on Mac OS X 10.8 and I do own an iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1.1. The app needs OpenCV, which I have successfully built from sources according to a tutorial in the OpenCV-Documentation.
Here is what happens:
When I start up the application I get an exception:
dyld: Symbol not found: _objc_setProperty_nonatomic
The error does not occur with iOS 6, but with iOS 5.1 in both the simulator and on a real device.
What is that? Is it related to OpenCV? Does it have to do something with incompatibilities between iOS / the iPhone / XCode??
EDIT: My development target is set to 5.1. The Base SDK is 6.0. I copied an SDK für 4.3 (which is the lowest version that XCode 4.5 will support) from another Mac and set development target as well as the base SDK to 4.3. Did not work either (it did not even build then).
I did not an update, the project has been started from scratch using XCode 4.5 initially.
Meanwhile I also found a tip to use gnulibc++ instead of libc++, but that also resulted in that the project did not build at all.
I built a test project and found the same issue. OpenCV is being built with a deployment target of ios6, this is a known issue, and a fix is pending review, see https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/pull/70

Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5.1 organizer reads my iPhone with a yellow dot?

SO I have Xcode 4.2 and my iPhone 4S is running iOS 5.1 . I have an app that I want to test out in my iPhone but when I connect my iPhone to my Mac it reads the device with the Provisioning Profile and everything, but it displays a yellow dot next to the device (iPhone) list. All this is in the Organizer Window.
I also have an App ID. I just need help on how to fix the yellow dot so It can change to a green dot?
This thing worked for me
First I ran the project in xcode 3.2.5 and the project ran on iOS 5.1!!!! Later i disconnected the device and again ran the project on xcode 4.2 on snow leopard and it started working with out nay problem.Dont know how this worked
I was having snow leopard and old xcode 3.2.5