Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5.1 organizer reads my iPhone with a yellow dot? - testing

SO I have Xcode 4.2 and my iPhone 4S is running iOS 5.1 . I have an app that I want to test out in my iPhone but when I connect my iPhone to my Mac it reads the device with the Provisioning Profile and everything, but it displays a yellow dot next to the device (iPhone) list. All this is in the Organizer Window.
I also have an App ID. I just need help on how to fix the yellow dot so It can change to a green dot?

This thing worked for me
First I ran the project in xcode 3.2.5 and the project ran on iOS 5.1!!!! Later i disconnected the device and again ran the project on xcode 4.2 on snow leopard and it started working with out nay problem.Dont know how this worked
I was having snow leopard and old xcode 3.2.5


Xcode 5 not detecting iPhone running iOS 8

I have an iPhone with iOS 8 installed on it, but when I connect it to Xcode 5.1, it doesn't recognize it.
As with the other answers, it seemed fairly random whether or not my iOS 8 device was being picked up by Xcode 5.1. It appears that it works if you have the iOS 8 device plugged in before you start Xcode 5.1. When you do that, you will get a screen indicating the symbols are being processed:
After this completes, the device is selectable. I am pretty sure this needs to be performed with each new beta. That might explain why it appears to suddenly stop working.
If this isn't working for you, make sure you have the latest Xcode 6 Beta to match the iOS 8 Beta version, and connect the device while Xcode 6 is running. The same "Processing Symbol" files process will occur and then Xcode 5.1 seems to work.
the only decent way to make it work is to create a symbolic link to a folder that contains binary for iOS8. You can make fool Xcode 5.1 saying "yes, iOS 8 is ok." via a symlink:
In my case I have Xcode 5.1 on Mavericks HD, and Xcode 6.0 beta 4 on Yosemite HD.
I did:
sudo ln -s /Applications/Xcode6-Beta4.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/8.0\ (12A4331d) /Volumes/MAVERICKS/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/8.0\ (12A4331d)
and Xcode 5.1 did work with my iOS8 iphone.
(note the space before /Volumes/MAVER... )
PS: for every beta, I have to patch again... :(
You need to download the Xcode 6 Beta. It's available in the iOS Developer Center, where you downloaded the iOS 8 Beta.
I have connected my iPhone with iOS 8 installed to Xcode 5.1.First time it doesn't recognize.but when i unplugged device and connect again , Device Recognized.
I dont know the reason Anyway i am sure that you can also connect your IOS8 installed device to Xcode5.1 ....
I've been using Xcode 5 to build on an iOS 8 device just fine. Now all of a sudden, it won't let me anymore.
first use xcode6 build on your iPhone5s.
second open xcode 5 ,unpluge device and connect again.
then device recognized.
Open xcode 6 and wait until device is recognised. When done, close xcode 6 and open xcode 5.1 and your device is going to be automatically recognised.
That way you can run your application on a device with iOS 8 with the old xcode.

although ios 6.1 as base sdk xcode 5 build ipa for ios 7

i changed the base sdk for iOS 6.1 in xcode 5 .
When i simulate my project on a iOS 6.1 simulator or on a iOS 6.1 device
all works fine. But when i build a ipa and install it on a iOS 7 device
the device use the iOS 7 sdk and my hole app looks weird. I changed my base
sdk for iOS 6.1, so why use my device the iOS 7 sdk?
I read that iOS 7 use the iOS 6.1 sdk for old published apps.
What do i have to do that iOS 7 also do that for my app?
My only idea is to install xcode 4 again...
I have experienced the same problem - unfortunately only discovered AFTER submitting to the app store and the app being approved and released, causing all sorts of mayhem due to interface glitches.
The issue occurs due to a bug in XCode 5 (including in XCode 5.0.2 it seems) that is triggered when you install older SDKs.
When you have multiple SDKs installed, you will see that when you connect your device to XCode, there are multiple entries for your device, with no way to tell them apart. But it appears that the TOP entry is for the OLDEST SDK you have installed, the BOTTOM one for the NEWEST SDK.
I have found that if I first use "Test" project option to run the app on the device with the SDK I want to use (in my case the top entry, which is for iOS6.1 SDK), then that is the SDK that will subsequently be used when I archive the app.
You can have both xcode 5 and 4.6.3 installed.
Also a lot of post say that in the simulator it look iOS7 but on device it will look iOS6.1 if you set the base sdk to 6.1
Is it possible to install iOS 6 SDK on Xcode 5?
Do apple allow custom iOS 5/6 style UI for iOS7?

IPhone 5 Compatible application using xcode 4.3.3

I have completed my universal application using xcode 4.3.3 but when I run application in iPhone 5 , my application launches in small screen. I also changed the launched image to Default-568h#2x.png but all in vein. Please help me out , How can i make application for iPhone 5 using xcode 4.3.3?
There is no way to target iOS 6 with Xcode 4.3.3 you need to update to Xcode 4.5 or higher.
To run Xcode 4.5 or higher your mac will need to running OSX lion or higher.

Trying to Test an iPad with iOS 4.3 in Xcode 4.5

So, I'm trying to test a game of ours on the Xcode simulator. I'm using OSX-Mountain Lion and have Xcode 4.5, but I need to test iOS 4.3 with the iPad simulator. Is this possible?
Set the deployment target as 4.3 in build settings
Make sure your deployement target is set to iOS 4.3, and download the iOS 4.3 Simulator (in Xcode : Settings -> Downloads -> Components -> iOS 4.3 Simulator). When it's done, select "iPad 4.3 Simulator" in your scheme (top left selector on Xcode's main window), and run !

how to get ios 5.1 into xcode simulator?

iOS 5.1 was just recently released and I want to test it on my simulator but the highest available is iOS 5.0. I went to the developer centre to download it but all I could find was a list for sdk iOS 5.1 for devices (ipad, iphone, ipad 2 etc etc).
How do I get 5.1 into my simulator?
You have to install Lion and the new Xcode 4.3.1.