Exporting multiple sized images in Illustrator [closed] - adobe-illustrator

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to export my iOS App Icon in different sizes but without having to do it for each size! Is there a way with Adobe Illustrator where you can export various PNG's with different sizes all in one go?

I found an answer myself!
As detailed in the link above; A script is a series of commands that tells Illustrator to perform one or more tasks.
So by using the following script I was able to export multiple images in different sizes as I wanted.
#target Illustrator
* export multiple PNG's in different sizes
* #author Alexandros Harvey
// Adapted to export an Illustrator file in various sizes by Alexandros Harvey
// based on how to export images as CSS Layers by CarlosCanto
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
else alert('Cancelled by user');
function main() {
var document = app.activeDocument;
var afile = document.fullName;
var filename = afile.name.split('.')[0];
var folder = afile.parent.selectDlg("Export as CSS Layers (images only)...");
if(folder != null)
var activeABidx = document.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex();
var activeAB = document.artboards[activeABidx]; // get active AB
var abBounds = activeAB.artboardRect;// left, top, right, bottom
var docBounds = document.visibleBounds;
activeAB.artboardRect = docBounds;
var options = new ExportOptionsPNG24();
options.antiAliasing = true;
options.transparency = true;
options.artBoardClipping = true;
var icons = [
{"name": "Icon-512#2x", "size":1024},
{"name": "Icon-512", "size":512},
{"name": "Icon-60#3x", "size":180},
{"name": "Icon-76#2x", "size":152},
{"name": "Icon-72#2x", "size":144},
{"name": "Icon-60#2x", "size":120},
{"name": "Icon-57#2x", "size":114},
{"name": "Icon-50#2x", "size":100},
{"name": "Icon-40#2x", "size":80},
{"name": "Icon-76", "size":76},
{"name": "Icon-72", "size":72},
{"name": "Icon-60", "size":60},
{"name": "Icon-29#2x", "size":58},
{"name": "Icon-57", "size":57},
{"name": "Icon-50", "size":50},
{"name": "Icon-40", "size":40},
{"name": "Icon-29", "size":29}
var icon, file;
for(var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++)
icon = icons[i];
file = new File(folder.fsName + '/' + icon.name + ".png");
// My App Icon is originally 1024x1024 so that's why I divide height and width by 1024
options.horizontalScale = 100 * (icon.size / document.width);
options.verticalScale = 100 * (icon.size / document.height);
activeAB.artboardRect = abBounds;
I hope this helps anyone else who needs something similar.
With regards to different sizes; Change the icons array to use height and width instead of size e.g.
var icons = [{"name": "Icon-512#2x", "height":250, "width":125}, ...]
Then change horizontalScale to use the width and verticalScale to use height. I have also changed it so it uses the document height and width rather than a hard coded number.
options.horizontalScale = 100 * (icon.width / document.width);
options.verticalScale = 100 * (icon.height / document.height);
By volleybologist
Copy the code above into an editor (like Notepad++)
Save as a javascript file (.js)
Open Illustrator (checked with Illustator CC 19.1.0 and it works)
In Illustrator, go to File > Scripts > Other Script and open the .js file you just saved
A dialog will pop up, find and select the .js file
Another dialog will pop up which asks you to choose a location for the pngs to be exported
Script will run and images should be in the chosen folder


Multi page PDF from AppScript - How to insert page breaks? [duplicate]

I would like to programmatically set page breaks in my Google Spreadsheet before exporting to PDF, using Apps Script
It should be possible as you can manually set the page breaks when you print the Spreadsheet (https://support.google.com/docs/answer/7663148?hl=en)
I found that it's possible in Google Docs (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/document/page-break) but they don't mention it on the sheet.
Is there a way to do it, even if it's a "hack"?
Talking about "hacks", you may try to capture HTTP request sent from the Spreadsheet to Google when you are trying to save a sheet as PDF by going to the developer tools - Network.
From this link you can get formatting parameter pc, which in my case looks like this:
[["1990607563",[[45,92],[139,139]],[[0,15]]]],0] // page breaks parameters
Note though that I used custom page breaks and landscape orientation, which are reflected in the response above.
Putting it all together, the following code does the trick:
function exportPDFtoGDrive (ssID, filename, source){
var source = "1990607563"
var dt = new Date();
var d = encodeDate(dt.getFullYear(),dt.getMonth(),dt.getDate(),dt.getHours(),dt.getMinutes(),dt.getSeconds());
var pc = [null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,0,
var folder = DriveApp.getFoldersByName("FolderNameGoesHere").next();
var options = {
'method': 'post',
'payload': "a=true&pc="+JSON.stringify(pc)+"&gf=[]",
'headers': {Authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()},
'muteHttpExceptions': true
const esid = (Math.round(Math.random()*10000000));
const theBlob =
UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/"+ssID+"/pdf?id="+ssID+"&esid="+esid, options).getBlob();
function myExportPDFtoGDrive(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('yourSpreadSheetID');
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("NameGoesHere");
var filename = ss.getName()+" ["+sheet.getName()+"]";
exportPDFtoGDrive (ss.getId(),filename);
A more detailed explanation of the hack is available here
Export Google Sheets to PDF though in Russian only.
I use a work around. I adjust the page size by altering the row height to fit the paper size I want (A4).
When exporting to pdf google changes sizes to fit the width. I add up the size of the columns and then set the row heights accordingly. Numbers were chosen by trial and error.
var width = 0;
for(var z = 0; z < s4.getLastColumn(); z++){
width += s4.getColumnWidth(z+1);
var a4PageHeightPixels = 1050 * width / 800;
Because I wanted the rows all the same height I set the row height dividing my page height by the number of rows. Having ensured the last row was blank, I adjusted the last row to take up the rounding error.
rowHeight= Math.floor(a4PageHeightPixels/(numDataRows ));
lastRowHeight = a4PageHeightPixels - (numDataRows -1) * rowHeight;
(s4 is the sheet I am using)However, I would expect most people would simply want to insert a blank line at the bottom of each page and adjust its size to fit the pdf paper size.

html2pdf fit image to pdf

I finally got my html2pdf to work showing my web page just how I want it in the pdf(Any other size was not showing right so I kept adjusting the format size until it all fit properly), and the end result is exactly what I want it to look like... EXCEPT even though my aspect ratio is correct for a landscape, it is still using a very large image and the pdf is not standard letter size (Or a4 for that matter), it is the size I set. This makes for a larger pdf than necessary and does not print well unless we adjust it for the printer. I basically want this exact image just converted to a a4 or letter size to make a smaller pdf. If I don't use the size I set though things are cut off.
Anyway to take this pdf that is generated and resize to be an a4 size(Still fitting the image on it). Everything I try is not working, and I feel like I am missing something simple.
const el = document.getElementById("test);
var opt = {
margin: [10, 10, 10, 10],
filename: label,
image: { type: "jpeg", quality: 0.98 },
//pagebreak: { mode: ["avoid-all", "css"], after: ".newPage" },
pagebreak: {
mode: ["css"],
avoid: ["tr"],
// mode: ["legacy"],
after: ".newPage",
before: ".newPrior"
/*pagebreak: {
before: ".newPage",
avoid: ["h2", "tr", "h3", "h4", ".field"]
html2canvas: {
scale: 2,
logging: true,
dpi: 192,
letterRendering: true
jsPDF: {
unit: "mm",
format: [463, 600],
orientation: "landscape"
var doc = html2pdf()
I have been struggling with this a lot as well. In the end I was able to resolve the issue for me. What did the trick for me was setting the width-property in html2canvas. My application has a fixed width, and setting the width of html2canvas to the width of my application, scaled the PDF to fit on an A4 paper.
html2canvas: { width: element_width},
Try adding the above option to see if it works. Try to find out the width of your print area in pixels and replace element_width with that width.
For completeness: I am using Plotly Dash to create web user interfaces. On my interface I include a button that when clicked generates a PDF report of my dashboard. Below I added the code that I used for this, in case anybody is looking for a Dash solution. To get this working in Dash, download html2pdf.bundlemin.js and copy it to the assets/ folder. The PDF file will be downloaded to the browsers default downloads folder (it might give a download prompt, however that wasn't how it worked for me).
from dash import html, clientside_callback
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
# Define your Dash app in the regular way
# In the layout define a component that will trigger the download of the
# PDF report. In this example a button will be responsible.
app.layout = html.Div(
children = [
children='Download PDF report',
# Clientside callbacks allow you to directly insert Javascript code in your
# dashboards. There are also other ways, like including your own js files
# in the assets/ directory.
function (button_clicked) {
if (button_clicked > 0) {
// Get the element that you want to print. In this example the
// whole dashboard is printed
var element = document.getElementById("main_container")
// create a date-time string to use for the filename
const d = new Date();
var month = (d.getMonth() + 1).toString()
if (month.length == 1) {
month = "0" + month
let text = d.getFullYear().toString() + month + d.getDay() + '-' + d.getHours() + d.getMinutes();
// Set the options to be used when printing the PDF
var main_container_width = element.style.width;
var opt = {
margin: 10,
filename: text + '_my-dashboard.pdf',
image: { type: 'jpeg', quality: 0.98 },
html2canvas: { scale: 3, width: main_container_width, dpi: 300 },
jsPDF: { unit: 'mm', format: 'A4', orientation: 'p' },
// Set pagebreaks if you like. It didn't work out well for me.
// pagebreak: { mode: ['avoid-all'] }
// Execute the save command.
Output(component_id='button_download_report', component_property='n_clicks'),
Input(component_id='button_download_report', component_property='n_clicks')

CMS and store hi-resolution images in generated pdf

I'm looking for good CMS for publishing software manuals.
publish manual pages as web pages with thumbnails and shows full resolution after click on image,
exporting manual pages to a pdf file with full resolution images instead to thumbnails.
I found IMHO best wiki system named Tiki Wiki (https://info.tiki.org/) but when I export to pdf then I gets low resolution thumbnail.
I solve this problem by very simple Tiki Wiki code modification:
Modify lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php to force using full image resolution instead to thumbnail in print page mode (inserted code 1) and rescale images in generated HTML by 0.5 factor (inserted code 2):
function wikiplugin_img( $data, $params )
$imgdata = array_merge($imgdata, $params);
// inserted code 1 (~410 line)
if ($GLOBALS['section_class']=="tiki_wiki_page print"){
$imgdata['thumb'] = '';
// end of inserted code 1
//function calls
if ( !empty($imgdata['default']) || !empty($imgdata['mandatory'])) {
$fwidth = '';
$fheight = '';
if (isset(TikiLib::lib('parser')->option['indexing']) && TikiLib::lib('parser')->option['indexing']) {
$fwidth = 1;
$fheight = 1;
} else {
// inserted code 2 (~410 line)
if ($GLOBALS['section_class']=="tiki_wiki_page print"){
$fwidth = $imageObj->get_width() / 2;
$fheight = $imageObj->get_height() / 2;
} else {
$fwidth = $imageObj->get_width();
$fheight = $imageObj->get_height();
// end of inserted code 2 (~638 line)
Now, after printing to pdf by wkhtmltopdf we gets pdf with small but full resolution images.
Additional modifies:
Adds following lines to cms/cssmenus.css (or other css included in print mode) for increase bottom margin of image caption:
div.thumbcaption {
margin-bottom: 5mm;
Removes lines from 171 to ~175 in templates/tiki-show_content.tpl for remove the "The original document is available at" foot.

Dynamic ckeditor toolbar [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to set ckeditor tool bar based on the user type and some condition.
Partialy I done as below:
case "1":
config.toolbar_MyTool = [
['Find', 'SelectAll'], ['Anchor'], ['Maximize']
case "2":
config.toolbar_MyTool = [
['Find'], ['Anchor'], ['Maximize']
Code goes long based on the usermode
so I want to create a array and just I want to assign the toolbar
like as below:
config.toolbar_MyTool = myToolArray;
Also I want to check own post or other person post. If it is own post I want to add some tools additionally.
You would start by defining your different toolbars in the config.js
config.toolbar_MyToolUserMode1 = [
['Find', 'SelectAll'], ['Anchor'], ['Maximize']
config.toolbar_MyToolUserMode2 = [
['Find'], ['Anchor'], ['Maximize']
Those toolbar-definitions can then be used later in your page, but be aware that as soon as you create an instance of CKEditor, the toolbar layout CAN NOT be changed:
CKEDITOR.config.toolbar = "MyToolUserMode1";
var instance = CKEDITOR.appendTo(parentElement);
Solution 1:
You would have to create a new instance to change the toolbar dynamically:
case "1":
if (instance) instance.destroy();
CKEDITOR.config.toolbar = "MyToolUserMode1";
instance = CKEDITOR.appendTo(parentElement);
case "2":
if (instance) instance.destroy();
CKEDITOR.config.toolbar = "MyToolUserMode2";
instance = CKEDITOR.appendTo(parentElement);
Solution 2:
However, if you are happy with showing the full toolbar also in usermode 2 and greying the SelectAll-Button, then the following could be your solution:
CKEDITOR.config.toolbar = "MyToolUserMode1";
var instance = CKEDITOR.appendTo(parentElement);
case "1":
case "2":
[EDIT feb 15]
Solution 3:
According to your comment -> how to dynamically construct with array.push
No configuration needed in config.js
// your code
var myToolbarSection1 = new Array();
// attaching this section to toolbar
var myToolbar = new Array();
// setting the toolbar
CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_Dynamic = myToolbar;
CKEDITOR.config.toolbar = 'Dynamic';
var instance = CKEDITOR.appendTo('myDIVID');

Content templates rendering in TYPO3

I've got a strange problem connected with content rendering.
I use following code to grab the content:
lib.otherContent = CONTENT
lib.otherContent {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList = this
orderBy = sorting
where = colPos=0
languageField = sys_language_uid
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
10 = TEXT
10.field = header
10.wrap = <h2>|</h2>
20 = TEXT
20.field = bodytext
20.wrap = <div class="article">|</div>
and everything works fine, except that I'd like to use also predefined column-content templates other than simple text (Text with image, Images only, Bullet list etc.).
The question is: with what I have to replace renderObj = COA and the rest between the brackets to let the TYPO3 display it properly?
The available cObjects are more or less listed in TSRef, chapter 8.
TypoScript for rendering Text w/image can be found in typo3/sysext/css_styled_content/static/v4.3/setup.txt at line 724, and in the neighborhood you'll find e.g. bullets (below) and image (above), which is referenced in textpic line 731. Variants of this is what you'll write in your renderObj.
You will find more details in the file typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/class.tslib_content.php, where e.g. text w/image is found at or around line 897 and is called IMGTEXT (do a case-sensitive search). See also around line 403 in typo3/sysext/css_styled_content/pi1/class.cssstyledcontent_pi1.php, where the newer css-based rendering takes place.